Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I finally got thru Clockwork Orange........I'll need a day before I can put my thoughts on it. Interesting to say the least.
I finally got thru Clockwork Orange........I'll need a day before I can put my thoughts on it. Interesting to say the least.
Went to see Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark with the girlfriend yestreday...

Went to see Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark with the girlfriend yestreday...

can't wait to hear what you thought cp.

do a nice long wrote up so I can read it while i'm bored at work tomorrow hahaha
can't wait to hear what you thought cp.

do a nice long wrote up so I can read it while i'm bored at work tomorrow hahaha
I just watched Thor for the first time. An entertaining movie overall.

Natalie Portman.
I just watched Thor for the first time. An entertaining movie overall.

Natalie Portman.
Just got done watching Tales from the Script off of Netflix. Even if you're not into screenwriting, it's a solid documentary and highly recommended for any film buff.
Just got done watching Tales from the Script off of Netflix. Even if you're not into screenwriting, it's a solid documentary and highly recommended for any film buff.
A day? Let Clockwork Orange marinate for at least a couple before you speak on it... Lord Almighty.

Dub... Run down Tree of Life for me too when you get done. I had to go by myself when it was in theaters and I honestly left with my head spinning a bit.
A day? Let Clockwork Orange marinate for at least a couple before you speak on it... Lord Almighty.

Dub... Run down Tree of Life for me too when you get done. I had to go by myself when it was in theaters and I honestly left with my head spinning a bit.

Im on my phone so there may be some spelling mistakes.

This is terrance mallicks directoral debut. Very possible that its the most mature and polished debut ever. That would actually also b a good thing for us to discuss. Mallicks trademark nature shots are all here. Its probably his least pretentious film which helps.

Marteen sheen is scary good in this role but I think sissy spacek is even better. She plays his young girlfriend. Her voice overs are hauntingly beautiful. Basically poetry. I think she's a sociopath but he is just a rebel without a cause

Natural bore kilers is basically a cartoon ripoff of this movie

Im on my phone so there may be some spelling mistakes.

This is terrance mallicks directoral debut. Very possible that its the most mature and polished debut ever. That would actually also b a good thing for us to discuss. Mallicks trademark nature shots are all here. Its probably his least pretentious film which helps.

Marteen sheen is scary good in this role but I think sissy spacek is even better. She plays his young girlfriend. Her voice overs are hauntingly beautiful. Basically poetry. I think she's a sociopath but he is just a rebel without a cause

Natural bore kilers is basically a cartoon ripoff of this movie
Originally Posted by Noskey

Superbad > Wedding Crashers.

   Catfish ("the weird Facebook movie" should make it ring a bell) is on the HBO family now. Recommended.
There's another Facebook movie?  Or is this an angle that facebook is in, not really the origin or anything like that I hope. 

Reading some more on Gril/Dragon Tattoo, man, they tore that girl up for the role.  I've been skeptical, but I'm starting to get excited, maybe they can actually pull this off. 
On a related note, nice to see the OG girl from Dragon in the new Sherlock Holmes.   Naomii Rapace I think her name is, I would like to see where she goes from here......

Dub, I'll do Clockwork in a couple hours.....watched it a couple days ago, I've let it cook, I'll put my thoughts down when I get time at lunch. 

Ill, I added your 2011 movie list to the OP, and I've updated mine and JPZ's as well. 
Originally Posted by Noskey

Superbad > Wedding Crashers.

   Catfish ("the weird Facebook movie" should make it ring a bell) is on the HBO family now. Recommended.
There's another Facebook movie?  Or is this an angle that facebook is in, not really the origin or anything like that I hope. 

Reading some more on Gril/Dragon Tattoo, man, they tore that girl up for the role.  I've been skeptical, but I'm starting to get excited, maybe they can actually pull this off. 
On a related note, nice to see the OG girl from Dragon in the new Sherlock Holmes.   Naomii Rapace I think her name is, I would like to see where she goes from here......

Dub, I'll do Clockwork in a couple hours.....watched it a couple days ago, I've let it cook, I'll put my thoughts down when I get time at lunch. 

Ill, I added your 2011 movie list to the OP, and I've updated mine and JPZ's as well. 
There's another Facebook movie?  Or is this an angle that facebook is in, not really the origin or anything like that I hope. 
No, nothing about the company or anything. It's a documentary (disputed) about a dude who met a girl on Facebook, and he and his brother recorded the whole process.

Even when you know what is going to end up happening (and you probably will), it's still really suspenseful, somehow. And even when you know what is going to end up happening, and think it will be ridiculous, it ends up being really genuine and kind of heartbreaking.

And now I want to watch A Clockwork Orange again. Saw it for the first time earlier this year, and I've watched two more times since. I felt like I had a good handle on it the first time, really got it the second time, and the third time was mostly all about trying to truly understand the language.
There's another Facebook movie?  Or is this an angle that facebook is in, not really the origin or anything like that I hope. 
No, nothing about the company or anything. It's a documentary (disputed) about a dude who met a girl on Facebook, and he and his brother recorded the whole process.

Even when you know what is going to end up happening (and you probably will), it's still really suspenseful, somehow. And even when you know what is going to end up happening, and think it will be ridiculous, it ends up being really genuine and kind of heartbreaking.

And now I want to watch A Clockwork Orange again. Saw it for the first time earlier this year, and I've watched two more times since. I felt like I had a good handle on it the first time, really got it the second time, and the third time was mostly all about trying to truly understand the language.
I can rewatch kubrick movies over and over again with such happiness.

I liked the beggining credits in total blue and red. The colors of blood
I can rewatch kubrick movies over and over again with such happiness.

I liked the beggining credits in total blue and red. The colors of blood
A Clockwork Orange

By far, this movie was the most uneasy I have ever felt before watching a film.  Over the years I have always heard all this weird stuff, I had NO idea what to expect.  I put this off day after day after day.  But I knew I needed to get thru it if I really want to make a good run at the Top 250 of all time.  (I'm about 65% of the way thru)  Anyways, I found time this week, I sat down and went for it. 

Opening scene/image.  Maybe the most incredible first 2 seconds of any movie, ever.  His sneering look just staring at the camera was awesome.  I of course have seen the pic many times, but never knew that's the opening image of the film.  I loved it. 
Once it got started, I quickly saw that while out there, controversial etc, it wasn't crazy at all.  No LSD trips or total nutjob stuff like I expected, just some really real imagery.  Then it hit me, @#$% I'm in 2011, of course this isn't a big deal, FORTY years ago I bet people were trying to hang Kubrick for that stuff. 
  My God, 40 years ago that film came out, I can't even fathom how it was received back then.  They probably had people throwing up in their seats. 
Even being from 1971, it didn't seem all that dated to me.  Hairstyles maybe, a scene here or there seemed old school, but everything else looked just fine.  I was really impressed with his vision back then to make it look that way.  I acredited to the language stuff that I couldn't pick up on as British accent and figured it was just fine and kept it moving.  I think I caught enough of what was being said, but I'm sure I did miss some meanings here and there. 
McDowell was fantastic, and a couple years back Prime made me watch this stupid @#$ movie Caligula that he was in, and I thought he was nuts for doing that movie, now after seeing this, I get why he was given those roles, he handles them perfectly.  Dude is probably crazy himself, that or just that brilliant of an actor.  (probably both)
Again, I'm not much of a music guy in movies, but the music was very very good in this film.  I may not know the history or meaning of why certain songs were played, but I know they fit in perfect with what I was witnessing.  Even the song he sped up when dude was having the threesome was kinda funny to me. 
One question I have, was he "cured" there at the end when he was looking at the images with the nurse, and saying whatever he wanted again?  Is that what happened, they put him back to himself again?  I wasn't quite sure.  I honestly expected the whole time for him to be faking being a changed man, and as soon as he got out he would go back to terroizing everybody again.  But at the end when he saw the images and needed to complete the sentences, he sounded himself again. 
LOVED the full circle of him going to the home and having the dude in the wheel chair remember him.  LOVED that angle. 
I didn't cringe at all, it was not nearly as bad as I thought it could have been, but I would not watch it again.  To me, it has no re-watchability.  I saw it once, that's all I need.  I don't plan on popping that in on a lazy Saturday afternoon anytime soon. 
I also understand that there is probably a whole lot that went over my head.  I'm positive I didn't understand a whole bunch, even if I thought I did.  Part of that is knowing the time or era from back then, no way for me to get that now.  Like for instance, at the start he said something about milk bar.  And appeared to be drinking a glass of milk.  I have no freaking idea what that means. 
  It was a bar full of crazy statues, he got milk from that statues tit, but other than that, I don't get the point of that.  To me, I was just lost in the images that were being provided. 
It probably deserves higher, but I stay at 8/10.  It probably opened a ton of doors for interpratation and what not within movies, but there is so much now that I would put at 8.5, or 9 that are easier to watch and re-watch.  Now, in 1971, maybe then I give it a 9 and never look back, but today, it just doesn't have the same luster to me.  Maybe that's not fair, maybe I'm just stupid, but that's just where I would slot it.  I am glad I did watch it, and I'm glad to have been enterained at least the whole time.  It never lost me, I didn't get bored and it never made me sick.  All things I was worried about before I watched it. 

You smart folk may hammer away at me now. 
A Clockwork Orange

By far, this movie was the most uneasy I have ever felt before watching a film.  Over the years I have always heard all this weird stuff, I had NO idea what to expect.  I put this off day after day after day.  But I knew I needed to get thru it if I really want to make a good run at the Top 250 of all time.  (I'm about 65% of the way thru)  Anyways, I found time this week, I sat down and went for it. 

Opening scene/image.  Maybe the most incredible first 2 seconds of any movie, ever.  His sneering look just staring at the camera was awesome.  I of course have seen the pic many times, but never knew that's the opening image of the film.  I loved it. 
Once it got started, I quickly saw that while out there, controversial etc, it wasn't crazy at all.  No LSD trips or total nutjob stuff like I expected, just some really real imagery.  Then it hit me, @#$% I'm in 2011, of course this isn't a big deal, FORTY years ago I bet people were trying to hang Kubrick for that stuff. 
  My God, 40 years ago that film came out, I can't even fathom how it was received back then.  They probably had people throwing up in their seats. 
Even being from 1971, it didn't seem all that dated to me.  Hairstyles maybe, a scene here or there seemed old school, but everything else looked just fine.  I was really impressed with his vision back then to make it look that way.  I acredited to the language stuff that I couldn't pick up on as British accent and figured it was just fine and kept it moving.  I think I caught enough of what was being said, but I'm sure I did miss some meanings here and there. 
McDowell was fantastic, and a couple years back Prime made me watch this stupid @#$ movie Caligula that he was in, and I thought he was nuts for doing that movie, now after seeing this, I get why he was given those roles, he handles them perfectly.  Dude is probably crazy himself, that or just that brilliant of an actor.  (probably both)
Again, I'm not much of a music guy in movies, but the music was very very good in this film.  I may not know the history or meaning of why certain songs were played, but I know they fit in perfect with what I was witnessing.  Even the song he sped up when dude was having the threesome was kinda funny to me. 
One question I have, was he "cured" there at the end when he was looking at the images with the nurse, and saying whatever he wanted again?  Is that what happened, they put him back to himself again?  I wasn't quite sure.  I honestly expected the whole time for him to be faking being a changed man, and as soon as he got out he would go back to terroizing everybody again.  But at the end when he saw the images and needed to complete the sentences, he sounded himself again. 
LOVED the full circle of him going to the home and having the dude in the wheel chair remember him.  LOVED that angle. 
I didn't cringe at all, it was not nearly as bad as I thought it could have been, but I would not watch it again.  To me, it has no re-watchability.  I saw it once, that's all I need.  I don't plan on popping that in on a lazy Saturday afternoon anytime soon. 
I also understand that there is probably a whole lot that went over my head.  I'm positive I didn't understand a whole bunch, even if I thought I did.  Part of that is knowing the time or era from back then, no way for me to get that now.  Like for instance, at the start he said something about milk bar.  And appeared to be drinking a glass of milk.  I have no freaking idea what that means. 
  It was a bar full of crazy statues, he got milk from that statues tit, but other than that, I don't get the point of that.  To me, I was just lost in the images that were being provided. 
It probably deserves higher, but I stay at 8/10.  It probably opened a ton of doors for interpratation and what not within movies, but there is so much now that I would put at 8.5, or 9 that are easier to watch and re-watch.  Now, in 1971, maybe then I give it a 9 and never look back, but today, it just doesn't have the same luster to me.  Maybe that's not fair, maybe I'm just stupid, but that's just where I would slot it.  I am glad I did watch it, and I'm glad to have been enterained at least the whole time.  It never lost me, I didn't get bored and it never made me sick.  All things I was worried about before I watched it. 

You smart folk may hammer away at me now. 
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