Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Of course it sucks. The trailer that has been running on TV has the title hashtagged.
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

The Raven sucks, apparently. I figured as much. Still a bummer.
I was turned off once I saw the trailers. Got a dude trying to sound like Jigsaw from Saw? Come on, that's how you're trying to appeal to your audience? Yikes....

I was intrigued when I first heard of it, especially because of Cusack.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Of course it sucks. The trailer that has been running on TV has the title hashtagged.
man, if you didn't just condemn a whole generation.

I got like 200 DVDs and a HD
...at a certain point, you're just buying what you should only Redbox...or hell just watch the trailer and forget about it.
After Earth, which stars Will and Jaden Smith, is set 1,000 years into the future and follows a young boy who navigates an abandoned Earth to save himself and his estranged father after their ship crashes.

Currently filming...Directed by M. Night Shyamalan

Veep feels like Parks and Rec mixed with Party Down.
When she smacked the coffee cup

You know I think I'm gonna really like this one...and Julia Louis-Dreyfus doesn't age.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Dexter...shoulda ended on top with Season 5.

But since it's the face of Showtime, they got thirsty and gave them 3 more seasons.
Iono, ask Big J, I jumped ship on season 6 a fewweeks before everyone got mad and realized why I was hatin.

I think the ending of season 6 happened a season too late.

Looking forward to season 7 and how the aftermath of the season 6 finale plays out. Also looking to see if they follow up on those hints being dropped about Dexter's potential nemesis for season 7.

BTW O-Neg, how was The Killing last night? I know you watched it.

I forgot it was coming on I was so wrapped up in Game of Thrones.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by MrONegative

Veep feels like Parks and Rec mixed with Party Down.
That means it's one of the greatest shows of all-time.

it was great but it seems like one of those shows that's better on a second view. Just so much going on. Im impressed that you cant even confirm what party she works for. She's probably a centrist democrat, but it doesn't come up. Of course all the right wing fanatics thought it was gonna be a bash sarah palin show so they all gave it 1 ratings on IMDB
its bang bang comment after comment very quick. it isnt laugh out loud funny.

it seems like a very smart show which scares me because id ont see it lasting more than 2 seasons
I think the ending of season 6 happened a season too late.

Looking forward to season 7 and how the aftermath of the season 6 finale plays out. Also looking to see if they follow up on those hints being dropped about Dexter's potential nemesis for season 7.

Iono...it gets to a point in shows where they've gone so far that if they drag out ending the show, they kinda undermine everything that came before?

After what happened in season 4, then end of season 5 was a complete copout, and then season 6 was waving a flag saying we'll never stop.
BTW O-Neg, how was The Killing last night? I know you watched it.

I forgot it was coming on I was so wrapped up in Game of Thrones.

Every time I see it on the channel guide, I get disgusted.
Dead up, I lasted 3 minutes trying to watch the season premiere.

And the newest GoT was pretty damn great, you did the right thing.
Big J 33 wrote:
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Veep feels like Parks and Rec mixed with Party Down.
That means it's one of the greatest shows of all-time.
If it was gonna be...that's how it'd start

really good first ep tho
Has anyone watched this past season of Californication? Saw the first episode a while back and didn't care for the way things looked and the fact they jumped ahead two years and basically recycled the same Karen love story that we've seen the past however many seasons.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Has anyone watched this past season of Californication? Saw the first episode a while back and didn't care for the way things looked and the fact they jumped ahead two years and basically recycled the same Karen love story that we've seen the past however many seasons.

I watched it.

I actually liked the fact that they jumped two years and apparently deaded the Hank/Karen love roller coaster (where Hank expresses his undying adoration and devotion to Karen only to turn around and sleep with 2, 3, 50 women, putting further strain on their already strained relationship) by Karen being married to Bates.

It appeared the show was starting fresh, but all they did was replace Hank and Karen with Tyler and Becca and rehashed the same ups and downs that Hank and Karen experienced in their relationship. Also Karen and Hank eventually get back together because Bates has an epiphany that he wants to be "free" after getting sucked off by a dude.
 All seems well in Moody's world again until he has a run-in with an ex who he apparently sleeps with again after getting back with Karen. He was drugged this time so that's sort of an excuse.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Has anyone watched this past season of Californication? Saw the first episode a while back and didn't care for the way things looked and the fact they jumped ahead two years and basically recycled the same Karen love story that we've seen the past however many seasons.

I watched it.

I actually liked the fact that they jumped two years and apparently deaded the Hank/Karen love roller coaster (where Hank expresses his undying adoration and devotion to Karen only to turn around and sleep with 2, 3, 50 women, putting further strain on their already strained relationship) by Karen being married to Bates.

It appeared the show was starting fresh, but all they did was replace Hank and Karen with Tyler and Becca and rehashed the same ups and downs that Hank and Karen experienced in their relationship. Also Karen and Hank eventually get back together because Bates has an epiphany that he wants to be "free" after getting sucked off by a dude.
 All seems well in Moody's world again until he has a run-in with an ex who he apparently sleeps with again after getting back with Karen. He was drugged this time so that's sort of an excuse.

Lol they would have dude be downlow. I'll give it a chance eventually because I love the character, but I feel like they're just wasting everyones time by continually rehashing the same issues. There is so much more they could do with Hank Moody.
Wow...I actually forgot I watched this season of Californication...yea...what toine said. felt like they just phoned it in all season.
.......except the cop car ep.
the %+!%#%@ cop car

Big J 33 wrote:
Francis Lawrence, director of Constantine, I Am Legend, and Water for Elephants, will be the new director for Catching Fire.
Nowitness41Dirk wrote:
Ugh. Way to $*++ that up, Lionsgate.
extra latepass, just head about this
.....Really? I'm okay with that.

I really liked Constantine. People forget how good Rachel Weisz and great Tilda Swinton were in it. Very underrated film, just cuz Keanu is Keanu and shouldn't have been casted. But seriously...the direction was the last thing I'd say might be wrong with the film. Dude's visual style, action scenes and depiction of hell and demons were great.

And for what it was, dude nailed scene after scene of I Am Legend. That first half of it was amazing. It wasn't his fault the script got bad and ridiculous (Shrek, Bob Marley, the chick and her kid...) or that the studio didn't finish the effects on the vampires...or that they jumped in and changed the ending from the one that made sense (please watch the alt ending) to the garbage one they put in theaters.

And then Kings...as much as NBC %+$#@$ up marketing that show, Kings was very good and dude directed the pilot and nailed it.

He ain't Cuaron, but he's Ridley Scott compared to Ross. For one, he can direct action and effects. And he guarantees there'll be some real nuance and no shaky cam.

I was surprised to hear about it then see that people went kinda crazy. They're just overreacting cuz somehow they didn't get their #1 pick for the job to sign on on just a couple weeks notice to have a film rewritten, prepped and finished filming by December, because they assumed his schedule for the next year and a half was open. I mean Cuaron already has his film, Gravity, coming out this year...

I mean it sucked hearing that Duncan Jones was on the shortlist too...after Source Code, Bowie's son gets the full co-sign, but I got some faith in Lawrence. Catching Fire's story isn't as great as Hunger Games, but there's a ton of potential there.
Originally Posted by DubA169

it was great but it seems like one of those shows that's better on a second view. Just so much going on. Im impressed that you cant even confirm what party she works for. She's probably a centrist democrat, but it doesn't come up. Of course all the right wing fanatics thought it was gonna be a bash sarah palin show so they all gave it 1 ratings on IMDB
its bang bang comment after comment very quick. it isnt laugh out loud funny.

it seems like a very smart show which scares me because id ont see it lasting more than 2 seasons

I read that they'll never reveal what party she's in and the president will never appear on the show.
I thought it was really good. Definitely needs a repeat viewing to catch everything.
I didn't see the last one, but unlike the disaster that was Saw, I like the F&F franchise. I say milk it until cars no longer exist.
The first was fine, but after 2 Fast 2 Furious and Tokyo Drift, count me out.

I'm not a huge Vin Diesel fan either, so that's my issue. I like Paul Walker (Running Scared
), but I'm not a huge car guy in general, so meh.
Gina can't act worth !@%+, but that won't matter. She kicked +#+ in Haywire.

So apparently American Horror Story season 2 is gonna be at an insane asylum...

edit: this guy jville knows
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