Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

The hell you mean dude from Moon!?!?!?

Sam Rockwell isn't just some dude,

IM2 wasn't bad, but I think it's the weakest of The Avengers films I've seen thus far.
I knew it was Sam somebody, but was strugglin gettin his name to pop into my head.  And I'm way too lazy to look it up real quick, so I adapt and drop what he's done so you know who I talkin about, calm yourself. 
  Gettin all judgy and !@%*, I ain't tryna listen to you Scream hater. 

My expectations for IM2 were much higher.
It's not X3 level bad, but it was Spidey 3 level letdown (drunk fighting scene
) and it belongs in the same breath until Avengers or IM3 say otherwise.

Sam Rockwell is that dude though. Moonx3...Matchstick Men...Jesse James...Green Mile...lowkey great actor.
Fast Five... must.. not.... hate.... hgggggggnnnnnnnnn cant...do it...


Originally Posted by DubA169

someone eccomend me some good under the radar movies

I been in a big movie slump. haven't been wowed in a while.

Anyone see Bronson?

Bronson is GREAT. That's what made me a Tom Hardy fan.

A Single Man.
The Damned United.
The Guard.
Tucker and Dale vs Evil.
Outrage (Japanese film).
A Prophet (French film).
The Raid (Indonesian. It's in theaters, go watch it ASAP).
You know about Tucker and Dale....son...

Movie's a horror comedy like Evil Dead/Cabin/Shaun of the Dead.
Really slept on.

and sincerely...RIP
That's what happens to blasphemers.
Fast Five faheva.

And I just saw a little sports movie that was good, Touchback.
It's like Friday Night Lights mixed with Butterfly Effect and Frequency.
Kurt Russell's the coach and it's got the girl (not Kate Winslet) from Heavenly Creatures.

One of those small movies, you don't regret giving time to.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

You know about Tucker and Dale....son...

Movie's a horror comedy like Evil Dead/Cabin/Shaun of the Dead.
Really slept on.

Yeah. It was hilarious, really exceeded expectations. Dont tell ska about it.
Originally Posted by CP1708

I knew it was Sam somebody, but was strugglin gettin his name to pop into my head.  And I'm way too lazy to look it up real quick, so I adapt and drop what he's done so you know who I talkin about, calm yourself. 
  Gettin all judgy and !@%*, I ain't tryna listen to you Scream hater. 

I was just busting your balls because Sam Rockwell is awesome.

I had been avoiding Tucker and Dale for a while but I guess I'll go track it down and watch it, a lot of people seem to enjoy it.
I watched about ten minutes of Fast Five recently.

I thought about cancelling HBO on the spot. And how dying would be more beneficial to me.
There Could Be A Fifth And Sixth Season
Surprisingly, Hurwitz didn't mention the movie once while he was speaking at the Broadcasters convention. He did however mention that he would be open to making a fifth and sixth season that will air on Netflix, and that's nothing to complain about.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

There Could Be A Fifth And Sixth Season
Surprisingly, Hurwitz didn't mention the movie once while he was speaking at the Broadcasters convention. He did however mention that he would be open to making a fifth and sixth season that will air on Netflix, and that's nothing to complain about.

AD isnt going to generate new clientele though. Might as well do one season then make the movie, thats the most finanically smart scenario.
+ 2 seasons of AD with no movie is gone leave me the same way I felt about the way the wire ended.
What good is a movie, though? Most wanted a movie because they didn't think any more seasons were possible. The show was great on TV, there's no guarantee that would translate well to a full-length feature. I'd take a couple more seasons over a movie.
Spinning off from the thread in General, but who are some of your most favorite actresses? For me it's:

Audrey Hepburn
Natalie Wood
Anne Hathaway
Mila Kunis
Angelina Jolie
And surprisingly as of late I've become a fan of Julia Roberts, although I can't say that has any correlation to the cliche, atypical Tom Hanks disaster that was Larry Crowne.

Love the stills.

Off the top of my head, Marion Cotillard, OG Sigourney Weaver, Kathy Bates, and Evan Rachel Wood.
Nah I'm good... I've never liked Meg Ryan.

Current actresses: Angelina Jolie, Amy Adams, Jessica Chastain, and more comedic actresses: Kunis and Stone. I'd see pretty much anything they're in, then a bunch of actresses I like in a couple roles.
kjhfdashfahfiah at those Django pics. 

Jennifer Garner, Anne Hathaway, Basic Instinct/Casino Sharon Stone, Rachel Weisz, Jennifer Aniston, and starting to grow fond of Elizabeth Banks. 
I'm always more willing to go see a new film by one of my favorite actors than I am actresses though, it's me being a sexist kicking in..

I'm always way more amped to see Kurt Russell, Leo, or Jeff Bridges than I am for any other role by any actress.
I forgot about Elizabeth Banks, although she hasn't taken too many good roles lately. Helena Bonham-Carter is another one of my favorites. All around she's awesome.
The Queen

Carey Mulligan

My Houghs

Emma Stone
Zooey Deschanel

To Be Determined

Jennifer Lawrence
Elizabeth Olsen

Always Forgotten

Laura Linney

The Low-Key Star

Rebecca Hall

The "Sit on My Face" category is way too lengthy to list.
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