Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

BTW, as was mentioned in the Skyfall thread, Nolan might have interest in doing a Bond film???? :wow: :nerd:

Please God let this happen. Are you kidding me? I mean, he would probably just reuse some scenes from Inception, but still, the possibilities are unlimited. :smokin
What do you guys think of rotisserie or H2H?

I've personally never done rotisserie, but if that's what everyone prefers, that's fine with me.
I really thought I was done with the theater this year, but before the end of the year, I want to see....

Cloud Atlas (Tom Hanks, Halle Berry), Chasing Mavericks (Only because I was on set for this film :lol: ), Wreck-It Ralph, Flight, Skyfall, Lincoln, Hitchcock, The Hobbit, This is 40, Jack Reacher, and Django.

$$$. :smh:

Wreck-It Ralph, Skyfall, Hobbit, This is 40, and Django are the must-sees for me this fall/winter.
They made a sequel with Debbie and Pete?! :wow: :lol: Opening night.

And I'm more a fan of H2H, but rotisserie works too.
that trailer got me hard

Why was I under the impression the Lincoln and Hitchock films were going straight to HBo/ :lol:

IM3 :pimp: Now that's how you do it. I can tell from the trailer this movie has more of a comic feel from IM's better story arcs than the last movie.

The Manadarin :smokin 10 Rings :smokin
Am I the only one who wasn't all that impressed by the trailer?

I mean, I love Iron Man, I think RDJ is a great Tony Stark, I think he had two solid films, but I don't know, nothing grabbed me in this.

And am I the only who finds the casting of Mandarin as a white dude kind of odd? I like Ben, but I just never thought he'd be a white guy. Reminds me of those old actors back in the 1940s that would tape their eyelids to make them look Chinese. :lol:



Just seems a bit, off. :lol:
******g hate Battlestar Galatica
:lol: the ending got you that bad? I mean...it was pretty damn bad, but really? Hate? :lol:
I don't even want to ******g talk about it man. I had some problems before the ending but ah forget it. aint trying to rage now.
:lol: It gets better? Nah, it's to the point where I wouldn't recommend it to most people, and to the ones I would, I'd warn them about the ending first. I remember raging anywhere people were talking about it...It's a shame considering it was one of the best ever imo for the first 2 seasons. :smh:

Anyways, that IM3 trailer was a trailer. tbh after the 2nd one and Avengers, Iron Man is like my 4th favorite of that crew, so...still more excited for Thor 2. :lol:
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Anyways, that IM3 trailer was a trailer. tbh after the 2nd one and Avengers, Iron Man is like my 4th favorite of that crew, so...still more excited for Thor 2. laugh.gif

With you there. Maybe that's it. We've had 2 full films with Tony Stark, including being probably the biggest player in The Avengers. I'm interested in seeing some more of Thor, Captain America, Hulk, etc.
I watched an episode of Don't trust the B in apt 23.......I have no idea what that show is, but I chuckled maybe twice and randomly at that. One was a funny line, the other was the big *** chicked for that blonde chick to eat. :lol:

What the hell is that ****? Aside from some serious chest sizes, that show made about zero sene to me, and the dude playing himself from Dawson's Creek, is that supposed to help me laugh, or make me laugh, or what?
If we're going to do a League, need some guidelines. :nerd:

I personally have never set one up, so I don't know the best settings.
That show made me not feel bad that Walt didn't turn her head. :nerd:

Dexter fall off yet?

Dude, no. Dex is kicking the **** out of people right now. Everything you could have wanted is finally happening. No more random's walking on to the set and finding out about a serial killer the past 2 decades like it's nothing, now someone that matters knows. And that person has to deal with it, think about it, understand it, figure it out, act on it, not act on it, it's all there. And on top of all that, there's of course the seasonal storyline going on in the background.

Fall off? It's just getting warmed up bruh. Get to work.
I'll wait til the season's almost done and catch it on demand...unless dudes start grabbing life vests like last year. :lol:
Anyways, that IM3 trailer was a trailer. tbh after the 2nd one and Avengers, Iron Man is like my 4th favorite of that crew, so...still more excited for Thor 2. laugh.gif
With you there. Maybe that's it. We've had 2 full films with Tony Stark, including being probably the biggest player in The Avengers. I'm interested in seeing some more of Thor, Captain America, Hulk, etc.
Man, I might not look like it.... but I'm the biggest comic book movie nerd ever 
 This **** has me mad hyped
He's playing a fictionalized, extremely douchey version of himself.

Also, Happy Endings is just as hilarious as ever and I made a thread about it in General.
Wha--what? Damn, I been slackin...still haven't watched the first ep yet, either. :smh:

And today I saw a gif that made me want to watch a show I don't like.


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