Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I don't know much about Captain America villains outside of Red Skull, so I had never heard of Crossbones other than vaguely.


MODOK isn't really feasible in a live-action film, and I've personally never heard of Baron Zemo either.

I'd love to see Taskmaster though. :pimp:

Apparently Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Falcon will all have some action in the next Captain America film, which I'm all for.

I'm kind of disappointed in this round of villains though, and actually, most villains in Marvel films in general.

Nolan did a great job. Scarecrow, Liam Neeson (Sorry, I can't say the character name, because Liam is Liam to me. :lol: ), The Joker, and Bane.

Thanos is promising, but for the rest of these guys, meh. I'm still waiting on a darker, grittier Magneto. We saw glimpses of it in First Class, but never fully realized. A full-fledged Magneto film would be excellent. I haven't seen Fantastic Four since it came out, but I remember being pretty disappointed by Dr. Doom too. Loki? Disappointment. Venom? Disappointment. Red Skull? Disappointment.

If I could have one villain that I'd love to see wreck hell, it would be Apocalypse. :pimp:

The X-Men were always my favorite comics, and I just felt like most have been lackluster.

Juggernaut, Apocalypse, Mister Sinister, and Magneto, all dudes who I hope to see fully realized someday. Sabertooth has been decent, but we'll see. With two X-Men related films coming out in the next few years, I'm hopeful that it will continue to be strong.

The best casting of any comic book personality has to be Hugh Jackman as Wolverine though. RDJ is close, but as far as pulling off the look, Jesus. :lol:
I'm 500 miles off the coast and it has been storming for a week straight. 40+ mile an hour winds, 20-foot waves at the lake and power outages in the area today... I can't even imagine what it's like for people in the heart of it.

Where exactly are you?
You can make a magneto movie dark knight status. I truly believe that. But it should be rated R.

A holocaust survivor committing genocide. I mean c'mon. It writes itself.

Magneto was the best part of first class.
I have no idea why, or how I even caught it, but I saw a Jay Mohr comedy skit on Shotime or something like that. And it was pretty funny, I've always liked Mohr's stuff but never seen him do standup before. His impersonations were freaking incredible.

Who is Crossbones? (Captain America villian) Is this a cool thing?
One of his villains. It's cool for Cap fans, imo most of his villains are dated and/or corny. At least they weren't doing Zemo (a nazi that super glued a purple sock to his face). Plus there's just something about a blond haired blue eyed guy facing more racist villains. They've updated Crossbones a bit so he could be like modern day neo nazi and if they wanted to they could make him more like Bane as far as fighting and dominating Cap in a fight.

I caught that Jay Mohr stand up a while back, he is a funny guy. He had a different special on Showtime a while back as well.
I don't know much about Captain America villains outside of Red Skull, so I had never heard of Crossbones other than vaguely.


MODOK isn't really feasible in a live-action film, and I've personally never heard of Baron Zemo either.

I'd love to see Taskmaster though. :pimp:

Apparently Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Falcon will all have some action in the next Captain America film, which I'm all for.

I'm kind of disappointed in this round of villains though, and actually, most villains in Marvel films in general.

Nolan did a great job. Scarecrow, Liam Neeson (Sorry, I can't say the character name, because Liam is Liam to me. :lol: ), The Joker, and Bane.

Thanos is promising, but for the rest of these guys, meh. I'm still waiting on a darker, grittier Magneto. We saw glimpses of it in First Class, but never fully realized. A full-fledged Magneto film would be excellent. I haven't seen Fantastic Four since it came out, but I remember being pretty disappointed by Dr. Doom too. Loki? Disappointment. Venom? Disappointment. Red Skull? Disappointment.

If I could have one villain that I'd love to see wreck hell, it would be Apocalypse. :pimp:

The X-Men were always my favorite comics, and I just felt like most have been lackluster.

Juggernaut, Apocalypse, Mister Sinister, and Magneto, all dudes who I hope to see fully realized someday. Sabertooth has been decent, but we'll see. With two X-Men related films coming out in the next few years, I'm hopeful that it will continue to be strong.

The best casting of any comic book personality has to be Hugh Jackman as Wolverine though. RDJ is close, but as far as pulling off the look, Jesus. :lol:
To me it's always been there choice of villain, not the stable of their villains, and how they'd translate to film. Plus we can't blame Marvel for FOX and SONY ******g things up with their portrayal of Venom, Doom, etc. I feel Disney has held Marvel back on Loki (although he's always been a bit of a joke to me) and Red Skull. Most importantly when choosing the actors for the villains if they're really good you gotta let them shine.

Not much to choose from Cap villains like I said unless they want to border on rated R. If I was in charge I'd let loose crazy mad scientist Arnim Zola in his menacing form of a head in a box/mind transferred to a machine and face displayed on a screen.
Might be a stretch like I said with cgi, similar reason Modok wouldn't work so I too would like to see Cap just facing off against Taskmaster with him being hired by Hydra.

What would also make for a great story is if they managed to fit in the fact that there have been other Captain Americas after Steve and focus on that one comic story where one of them goes evil as the Grand Director and Cap has to stop him.

As far as X-Men like I've said before, they need to just do an Age of Apocalypse trilogy. Days of Future Past sounds good and First Class was good but AOA done right would be as good if not better than the Star Wars film or any other franchise with a acclaimed trilogy.

Agree about Jackman, I want him to be Wolverine forever. Even with reboots and if the rights to movies switch companies. Even when he gets old they can just do an Old Man Logan movie :smokin
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Uhhhhh.....Disney just bought Lucasfilm for 4 billion dollars, and Star Wars will be continued going forward........... :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow:
Uhhhhh.....Disney just bought Lucasfilm for 4 billion dollars, and Star Wars will be continued going forward........... :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow:

Came in here because I just saw the same thing. Some reports are saying there's going to be a new SW movie in 2015. Crazy. I wonder if that $4 billion is going to be enough for George to just retreat to his ranch forever and never touch any film again?
I should have known CP would be the one to post the news :lol:

Hope Disney does it right and keeps Lucas away from 7-9.
"Ms. Kennedy will serve as executive producer on new Star Wars feature films, with George Lucas serving as creative consultant."

I can live with this.
Really interested on where they go from here. I hope they keep the continuity of the series, and don't do some random Jedi storyline. Not yet anyways.
2015, 2017, and 2019 for the next trilogy. :wow:

Then they will "go from there" kahsdghsahgidsahgdsahguihdsaihfdsahfghdsafi

How many times in this thread have I said they could do a million things, we could see Star Wars 27 and ****. They can go backwards, and forwards, they don't even need to stick in the same era, they can break the **** up and do solo movies, prequel prequels, sequels, they can fast forward, rewind, they can go a bunch of ways with all the material out there.

I can't even believe this. I literally saw the tweet 4 minutes after it came out, and I was like what the ****......I didn't believe it, then I started checkin the twitter handle, dude seemed legit, and then within minutes I saw it spreading everywhere. I can't believe this.

Justice League, Avengers 2, and Star Wars 7 all in one year. **** me I'm broke. :lol: Wow. The Blu Rays I'm going to have in a few years is going to make this dude cry like a girl.

October 30th 2012. George Lucas finally got out of my ******g way. Thank the Maker.
Source material, and this ain't even all of it. There's more that I haven't updated on my computer here at work. Looks like I'll be doing that shortly.

Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn

Dark Force Rising by Timothy Zahn

The Last Command by Timothy Zahn

The Truce at Bakura by Kathy Tyers
Jedi Search by Kevin J. Anderson
The Courtship of Princess Leia by Dave Wolverton
Dark Apprentice by Kevin J. Anderson
Champions of the Force by Kevin J. Anderson
The Crystal Star by Vonda N. McIntyre

Ambush at Corellia by Roger MacBride Allen
Children of the Jedi by Barbara Hambly
Assault at Selonia by Roger MacBride Allen
Showdown at Centerpoint by Roger MacBride Allen
Darksaber by Kevin J. Anderson

Before the Storm by Michael P. Kube-McDowell
Shadows of the Empire by Steve Perry
Shield of Lies by Michael P. Kube-McDowell
The New Rebellion by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Tyrant's Test by Michael P. Kube-McDowell

Planet of Twilight by Barbara Hambly
Specter of the Past by Timothy Zahn

I, Jedi by Michael Stackpole
Vision of the Future by Timothy Zahn

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace by Terry Brooks
Vector Prime by R.A. Salvatore

Dark Tide I: Onslaught by Michael Stackpole
Rogue Planet by Greg Bear
Dark Tide II: Ruin by Michael Stackpole
Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial by James Luceno
Agents of Chaos II: Jedi EclIpse by James Luceno
Balance Point by Kathy Tyers

Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter by Michael Reaves
Edge of Victory I: Conquest by Gregory Keyes
Cloak of Deception by James Luceno
Edge of Victory II: Rebirth by Gregory Keyes
Star by Star by Troy Denning

Dark Journey by Elaine Cunningham
The Approaching Storm by Alan Dean Foster
Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream by Aaron Allston
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones by R.A. Salvatore
Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand by Aaron Allston
Traitor by Matthew Stover
Destiny's Way by Walter Jon Williams

Force Heretic I: Remnant by Sean Williams and Shane Dix
Tatooine Ghost by Troy Denning
Force Heretic II: Refugee by Sean Williams and Shane Dix
Shatterpoint by Matthew Stover
Force Heretic III: Reunion by Sean Williams and Shane Dix
The Final Prophecy by Gregory Keyes
The Unifying Force by James Luceno

Survivor's Quest by Timothy Zahn
The Cestus Deception by Steven Barnes
Jedi Trial by David Sherman and Dan Cragg

Labyrinth of Evil by James Luceno
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Stover
The Joiner King by Troy Denning
The Unseen Queen by Troy Denning
Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader by James Luceno
The Swarm War by Troy Denning

Outbound Flight by Timothy Zahn
Betrayal by Aaron Allston
Bloodlines by Karen Traviss
Darth Bane: Path of Destruction by Drew Karpyshyn
Tempest by Troy Denning

Allegiance by Timothy Zahn
Exile by Aaron Allston
Sacrifice by Karen Traviss
Inferno by Troy Denning
Death Star by Michael Reaves and Steve Perry
Fury by Aaron Allston
Darth Bane: Rule of Two by Drew Karpyshyn

Revelation by Karen Traviss
Invincible by Troy Denning
Millennium Falcon by James Luceno
Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor by Matthew Stover

Outcast by Aaron Allston
Omen by Christie Golden
Abyss by Troy Denning
Death Troopers by Joe Schreiber
Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil by Drew Karpyshyn

Crosscurrent by Paul S. Kemp
Backlash by Aaron Allston
Allies by Christie Golden
The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance by Sean Williams
Vortex by Troy Denning
Conviction by Aaron Allston
So this ,eans he won't mess around with the new ones? He won't have final say?

How will this effect the OG 3. Will we finally get proper releases without the garbage new CGI he placed in there?

Shadows of the empire is the only book I heard of
Shadows of the empire is the only book I heard of

I'm pretty sure I read all three of the original Zahn books during the mid-1990s. I remember them as being very good and thinking they could translate well into movies.

I wonder if Disney's already getting calls from directors about taking over the Star Wars franchise. I mean, pretty much anyone would be better than Lucas himself, but they have a chance to get someone really good, I would think.
Just bought heir to the empire for 1 cent plus shipping and handling haha

I read a blurb and the main bad guy sounds promising
^^^ Just saw on a Yahoo article that the Disney deal with Lucas includes the rights to the Indiana Jones franchise as well. Hopefully, they can get that moving back in the right direction too.
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