Okay, can we FINALLY admit.....

Here's how i see it. What other contender can afford to have their best player have a bad/mediocre night and still win the game?

LeBron and the Miami Heat have that luxury. He can literally take nights without going all out and still know they can win. Shoot, he did it LAST night. He's done it MULTIPLE times this year. That is why he's not going to win MVP this year.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by diew its james

in the cavs defense they don't have shaq this year, mo and anderson have been out frequently, and new coaching system. but still...24 straight losses is unacceptable

they dont have shaq?



Some People actually HATE this guy now. And if they don't hate him, they at the least think he took the easy way out.

Id be almost certain that some voters are looking for any reason this year to give it to Rose or Durant.
while i understand this, ultimately, you're not going to be able to ignore the statistical edge + the cavs record without James...

i'd give it to rose, after james, tho...

even though, again, the MVP is supposed to signify the most valuable player to his respective team...

without rose the bulls wouldnt be GREAT, but they wouldnt be THE WORST EVER

without Durant, the thunder wouldnt be GREAT, but they wouldnt be THE WORST EVER

the cavs are literally THE WORST EVER

their star player is JJ Hixon....


he sat the bench last year's playoffs....


their head coach is their best player...

this is the exact reason bron left cleveland in the first place...

its a franchise of bums, from ownership to towel boys....

he's tired of people saying "so and so" is better because they played with other all-stars and had beasty teams...

every year the best TEAM wins a ring, so why are we using the ring in an argument of INDIVIDUAL DOMINANCE?

i mean, i understand what's being said, but there comes a point in which the bitterness and saltiness will be overrun with the facts...

you already hear it from annoucers that were all "hes going to dwade's team, hes a sidekick, blah blah"

now they're "its obviously his team...."


yall are seriously suggesting that derrick rose is the MVP over lebron james?

i'm not saying shaq was a big part of the team but the roster is not the same excluding lebron.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by diew its james

in the cavs defense they don't have shaq this year, mo and anderson have been out frequently, and new coaching system. but still...24 straight losses is unacceptable

they dont have shaq?



Some People actually HATE this guy now. And if they don't hate him, they at the least think he took the easy way out.

Id be almost certain that some voters are looking for any reason this year to give it to Rose or Durant.
while i understand this, ultimately, you're not going to be able to ignore the statistical edge + the cavs record without James...

i'd give it to rose, after james, tho...

even though, again, the MVP is supposed to signify the most valuable player to his respective team...

without rose the bulls wouldnt be GREAT, but they wouldnt be THE WORST EVER

without Durant, the thunder wouldnt be GREAT, but they wouldnt be THE WORST EVER

the cavs are literally THE WORST EVER

their star player is JJ Hixon....


he sat the bench last year's playoffs....


their head coach is their best player...

this is the exact reason bron left cleveland in the first place...

its a franchise of bums, from ownership to towel boys....

he's tired of people saying "so and so" is better because they played with other all-stars and had beasty teams...

every year the best TEAM wins a ring, so why are we using the ring in an argument of INDIVIDUAL DOMINANCE?

i mean, i understand what's being said, but there comes a point in which the bitterness and saltiness will be overrun with the facts...

you already hear it from annoucers that were all "hes going to dwade's team, hes a sidekick, blah blah"

now they're "its obviously his team...."


yall are seriously suggesting that derrick rose is the MVP over lebron james?

i'm not saying shaq was a big part of the team but the roster is not the same excluding lebron.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Adrian Wojnarowski actually has an MVP vote. Odds of him voting for LeBron are 0%.

he's one of how many votes?

you seriously think enough of the voters have a personal vendetta out for lebron cause he signed with miami that they will ignore overwhelming evidence?

its not like dude is having a so-so season

he's damn near averaging a triple double....

all his stats were SUPPOSED to go down...

he stepped onto a team with two SUPERSTARS and is running the team....

you can look at their simple stats vs who's on the floor to see he's clearly the most valuable to the team...

when he's on the court, they're WAY higher, statistically, than any combo when he ISNT on the court...

he's getting bum #%! %!%#*# like james jones burn nightly....

this is like the peyton vs. brady argument

and then brady got moss and welker and broke mannings record the first year...went undefeated for the first time in the 16-game season...

how is peyton better? as soon as brady got talent, it was a massacre for defensive secondaries

how are we arguing, say, kobe v. bron, when bron has played with legendary bums?

now that bron has wade and bosh, its "unfair"?

it wasnt unfair when Kobe got gasol and artest?


(bron won mvps and got 60+ wins and a final appearance with the scrubs, never complained ONCE.....kobe was on ESPN crying his heart out like he got re-accused of rape the ONE season he had bummy squad, didnt even make the playoffs....
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Adrian Wojnarowski actually has an MVP vote. Odds of him voting for LeBron are 0%.

he's one of how many votes?

you seriously think enough of the voters have a personal vendetta out for lebron cause he signed with miami that they will ignore overwhelming evidence?

its not like dude is having a so-so season

he's damn near averaging a triple double....

all his stats were SUPPOSED to go down...

he stepped onto a team with two SUPERSTARS and is running the team....

you can look at their simple stats vs who's on the floor to see he's clearly the most valuable to the team...

when he's on the court, they're WAY higher, statistically, than any combo when he ISNT on the court...

he's getting bum #%! %!%#*# like james jones burn nightly....

this is like the peyton vs. brady argument

and then brady got moss and welker and broke mannings record the first year...went undefeated for the first time in the 16-game season...

how is peyton better? as soon as brady got talent, it was a massacre for defensive secondaries

how are we arguing, say, kobe v. bron, when bron has played with legendary bums?

now that bron has wade and bosh, its "unfair"?

it wasnt unfair when Kobe got gasol and artest?


(bron won mvps and got 60+ wins and a final appearance with the scrubs, never complained ONCE.....kobe was on ESPN crying his heart out like he got re-accused of rape the ONE season he had bummy squad, didnt even make the playoffs....
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Adrian Wojnarowski actually has an MVP vote. Odds of him voting for LeBron are 0%.

he's one of how many votes?

you seriously think enough of the voters have a personal vendetta out for lebron cause he signed with miami that they will ignore overwhelming evidence?

its not like dude is having a so-so season

he's damn near averaging a triple double....

all his stats were SUPPOSED to go down...

he stepped onto a team with two SUPERSTARS and is running the team....

you can look at their simple stats vs who's on the floor to see he's clearly the most valuable to the team...

when he's on the court, they're WAY higher, statistically, than any combo when he ISNT on the court...

he's getting bum #%! %!%#*# like james jones burn nightly....

this is like the peyton vs. brady argument

and then brady got moss and welker and broke mannings record the first year...went undefeated for the first time in the 16-game season...

how is peyton better? as soon as brady got talent, it was a massacre for defensive secondaries

how are we arguing, say, kobe v. bron, when bron has played with legendary bums?

now that bron has wade and bosh, its "unfair"?

it wasnt unfair when Kobe got gasol and artest?


(bron won mvps and got 60+ wins and a final appearance with the scrubs, never complained ONCE.....kobe was on ESPN crying his heart out like he got re-accused of rape the ONE season he had bummy squad, didnt even make the playoffs....
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Adrian Wojnarowski actually has an MVP vote. Odds of him voting for LeBron are 0%.

he's one of how many votes?

you seriously think enough of the voters have a personal vendetta out for lebron cause he signed with miami that they will ignore overwhelming evidence?

its not like dude is having a so-so season

he's damn near averaging a triple double....

all his stats were SUPPOSED to go down...

he stepped onto a team with two SUPERSTARS and is running the team....

you can look at their simple stats vs who's on the floor to see he's clearly the most valuable to the team...

when he's on the court, they're WAY higher, statistically, than any combo when he ISNT on the court...

he's getting bum #%! %!%#*# like james jones burn nightly....

this is like the peyton vs. brady argument

and then brady got moss and welker and broke mannings record the first year...went undefeated for the first time in the 16-game season...

how is peyton better? as soon as brady got talent, it was a massacre for defensive secondaries

how are we arguing, say, kobe v. bron, when bron has played with legendary bums?

now that bron has wade and bosh, its "unfair"?

it wasnt unfair when Kobe got gasol and artest?


(bron won mvps and got 60+ wins and a final appearance with the scrubs, never complained ONCE.....kobe was on ESPN crying his heart out like he got re-accused of rape the ONE season he had bummy squad, didnt even make the playoffs....
Originally Posted by MaxElite

Here's how i see it. What other contender can afford to have their best player have a bad/mediocre night and still win the game? 

derrick rose durant and kobe dont have to play for their teams to be successful, OF COURSE, they're worse off without them, but they have enough talent to be competitive.

yes, shaq is no longer on the team, but if you have a brain, like i do, you would realize that shaq should have sat the bench the entire playoffs ANYWAY

JJ Hixon wouldnt get traded to get amare, but they wouldnt play him over shaq? they were being beaten in the front court off athleticism.....

shaq was much more a hinderance to the cavs last year than a positive peice of the pie...

he's like the 9th man on the celtics roster....yet, he was the cavs second best player?

Originally Posted by MaxElite

Here's how i see it. What other contender can afford to have their best player have a bad/mediocre night and still win the game? 

derrick rose durant and kobe dont have to play for their teams to be successful, OF COURSE, they're worse off without them, but they have enough talent to be competitive.

yes, shaq is no longer on the team, but if you have a brain, like i do, you would realize that shaq should have sat the bench the entire playoffs ANYWAY

JJ Hixon wouldnt get traded to get amare, but they wouldnt play him over shaq? they were being beaten in the front court off athleticism.....

shaq was much more a hinderance to the cavs last year than a positive peice of the pie...

he's like the 9th man on the celtics roster....yet, he was the cavs second best player?

I am the absolute last person you need to convince in regards to LeBron's greatness. I've shared these thoughts for a long, long time.
you seriously think enough of the voters have a personal vendetta out for lebron cause he signed with miami that they will ignore overwhelming evidence?
secondly, yes I do. We will see.
I am the absolute last person you need to convince in regards to LeBron's greatness. I've shared these thoughts for a long, long time.
you seriously think enough of the voters have a personal vendetta out for lebron cause he signed with miami that they will ignore overwhelming evidence?
secondly, yes I do. We will see.
Rose in the MVP this year. he doesn't have the 2nd or 3rd best player in the league, plus wherever you rank chris bosh, to take the weight off of his shoulders when he has a bad night.

plus the bulls dealt with more injuries than the heat.
that doesn't mean that shaqs presence wasn't important and his veteran status probably helped the team grow. also you make it seem like i ONLY said that it was shaq, i had other parts to the comment as well. i'm not saying lebron doesn't deserve MVP because he is DEFINITELY deserving, i'm just saying that the cavs aren't only bad because lebron left
Rose in the MVP this year. he doesn't have the 2nd or 3rd best player in the league, plus wherever you rank chris bosh, to take the weight off of his shoulders when he has a bad night.

plus the bulls dealt with more injuries than the heat.
that doesn't mean that shaqs presence wasn't important and his veteran status probably helped the team grow. also you make it seem like i ONLY said that it was shaq, i had other parts to the comment as well. i'm not saying lebron doesn't deserve MVP because he is DEFINITELY deserving, i'm just saying that the cavs aren't only bad because lebron left
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

why yall say he DEFINITELY isnt going to win?

he has the stats...

i think the contrast between the cavs leading the leauge then being last in the leauge is more than enough to put him over the top.

who would you give the MVP to over bron?





durant could lose both arms and kobe lose both legs and their teams would be infinitely better than the cavs...

And so would the Miami Heat. That team would still be top 4 in the East without LeBron. He's not winning it.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

why yall say he DEFINITELY isnt going to win?

he has the stats...

i think the contrast between the cavs leading the leauge then being last in the leauge is more than enough to put him over the top.

who would you give the MVP to over bron?





durant could lose both arms and kobe lose both legs and their teams would be infinitely better than the cavs...

And so would the Miami Heat. That team would still be top 4 in the East without LeBron. He's not winning it.
Something I've been thinking about this season: When MJ retired, Pippen took the Bulls to the ECF...When LeBron left the Cavs, they became arguably the worst team in the history of sports. What does this say about the net importance of both MJ and Bron? The results of both players leaving are nearly polar opposites.
Something I've been thinking about this season: When MJ retired, Pippen took the Bulls to the ECF...When LeBron left the Cavs, they became arguably the worst team in the history of sports. What does this say about the net importance of both MJ and Bron? The results of both players leaving are nearly polar opposites.
I dont think anyone on the Cavs is garbage.
They just havin a hard time putting it together in Lebrons abscence.
Byron Scott is not at fault either.

Im not gonna admit this guy is the best. You posted your argument and its weak.
He's a beast of a player though.
I dont think anyone on the Cavs is garbage.
They just havin a hard time putting it together in Lebrons abscence.
Byron Scott is not at fault either.

Im not gonna admit this guy is the best. You posted your argument and its weak.
He's a beast of a player though.
Enphan, you're mixing two different conversations man.

Is Lebron the best player in the League? You say yes, and i agree with you on that.

Is he the MVP THIS year? VERRRRRY debatable. You have to base it on what is going on this year on HIS team. Voters aren't going to consider all the trash he played with in Cleveland.

When talking about MVP you can only talk about whats going on this year.
Enphan, you're mixing two different conversations man.

Is Lebron the best player in the League? You say yes, and i agree with you on that.

Is he the MVP THIS year? VERRRRRY debatable. You have to base it on what is going on this year on HIS team. Voters aren't going to consider all the trash he played with in Cleveland.

When talking about MVP you can only talk about whats going on this year.
Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

I dont think anyone on the Cavs is garbage.
They just havin a hard time putting it together in Lebrons abscence.
Byron Scott is not at fault either.

Im not gonna admit this guy is the best. You posted your argument and its weak.
He's a beast of a player though.

He probably will win MVP, but does the best player in the NBA win MVP every year? No.

Lebron was getting 60 plus wins, in the Eastern Conference.

He is a great player, but he was a long way to go to put him in the company of Kobe.

Durant in my eyes right now is the best player in the NBA, and will have teams shook to play
against him in the playoffs.

Just for the record, I am from Ohio.

Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

I dont think anyone on the Cavs is garbage.
They just havin a hard time putting it together in Lebrons abscence.
Byron Scott is not at fault either.

Im not gonna admit this guy is the best. You posted your argument and its weak.
He's a beast of a player though.

He probably will win MVP, but does the best player in the NBA win MVP every year? No.

Lebron was getting 60 plus wins, in the Eastern Conference.

He is a great player, but he was a long way to go to put him in the company of Kobe.

Durant in my eyes right now is the best player in the NBA, and will have teams shook to play
against him in the playoffs.

Just for the record, I am from Ohio.

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