Okay, can we FINALLY admit.....

Originally Posted by PTone


But the last time I checked, this profession revolved around being world champions. Great players also realize that there's a team in team sports (go figure).

He can win all the regular season MVP's and scoring titles he so desires and lead the league in existing stats and stats that were probably created for him. But if he can't get over that hump, he's the Brett Favre of the NBA.

Brett Farve has a ring, though.  

Originally Posted by KingJames23

Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Durant in my eyes right now is the best player in the NBA

You are aware that there is more to basketball than scoring? The Durant hype is outta control.

Durant isn't the rebounder, defender, passer, shot blocker that LeBron is.

He's not Kobe, he's not Bron, he's not Wade. Durant does 1 thing at an elite level, and that's score.

lebron isnt the champion that kobe is, 5 time champion. (cause any basketball fan knows that without kobe shaq wouldnt have won those rings in LA)
Originally Posted by KingJames23

Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Durant in my eyes right now is the best player in the NBA

You are aware that there is more to basketball than scoring? The Durant hype is outta control.

Durant isn't the rebounder, defender, passer, shot blocker that LeBron is.

He's not Kobe, he's not Bron, he's not Wade. Durant does 1 thing at an elite level, and that's score.

lebron isnt the champion that kobe is, 5 time champion. (cause any basketball fan knows that without kobe shaq wouldnt have won those rings in LA)
lol dude with the good ole swing and a miss on that comparison up top
aztec06jr wrote:
Something I've been thinking about this season: When MJ retired, Pippen took the Bulls to the ECF...When LeBron left the Cavs, they became arguably the worst team in the history of sports. What does this say about the net importance of both MJ and Bron? The results of both players leaving are nearly polar opposites.

It says Bron was more important to the Cavs than MJ was to the Bulls.
sounds like a testament to Phil Jackson and Scottie Pippen as well

removing Lebron was one thing, but the psychology of the team, new coach all comes into effect....Bulls were coming off a 3peat so were pretty content with being champions, this Cavs roster knew they would never experience coming close to winning anything more than a card game the day Lebron left
AG 47 wrote:

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

why yall say he DEFINITELY isnt going to win?

he has the stats...

i think the contrast between the cavs leading the leauge then being last in the leauge is more than enough to put him over the top.

who would you give the MVP to over bron?





durant could lose both arms and kobe lose both legs and their teams would be infinitely better than the cavs...

And so would the Miami Heat. That team would still be top 4 in the East without LeBron. He's not winning it.


top 4 in the east?


bosh isn't that beasty, bro.

wade was getting pounced the 1st round yearly....

Errrrrrrr... You had me then you lost me... Considering that he broke Peytons TD record by 1 and it literally came during the last 17mins of the regular season in which he play damn near every snap attempted to and successfully threw for TD when his team was already the victor by a overwhelming amount in quite a few games compared to Peyton sitting out damn near half of the 4th quarter when the game was already decided as well as not attempting to run the score up each and every week along with playing what 2 possession of the last game (basically keeping his string of starts going) doesn't show me Brady's better... Hell if anything it shows the exact opposite especially considering that theres a snowballs chance in hell The Colts don't go undefeated last year had the coach actually went for it but thats me
you mad.

Peyton fans argue he's better due to statistics....i argue his statistics are better because he has thrown the ball to two hall-of-fame WRs throughout his career. when marvin harrison was in his prime, peyton manning LITERALLY threw fades every time the safeties didnt zone over man....EVERY TIME...that was literally the play ANY TIME THIS HAPPEND...

if you need more evidence that great recievers make the QB, look no further than Dante Culpepper, who was a 2 time all pro quarterback, his first game without randy moss (or chris carter for that matter)



i mean, peyton is a beast, a true quarterback, one of the greatest...

but tom brady has him edged out in every measurable aspect of the position...

once he got quality recievers, he broke the record...period. regardless of HOW he broke the record, he broke it....the first year....

not really, considered mvp for what? cause the cavs suck this year? and cause he meant so much to them? yeah, thats the reason he got the mvp last year. he doesnt play for cleveland, so they can go 0-82 and lebron still wouldnt deserve it for that reason.

does he deserve it this year? perhaps, but he's playing with 2 allstars, wade also being a mvp candidate, mike miller etc. there are other players deserving as well..

mighta came into the wrong post, sir.

yes, cause the cavs ALL TIME suck this year...they went from no.1 to all-time awful...cause they lost Lebron...oh AND shaq...

he's playing with ONE all-star, and soft *!$ chris bosh. Did you mention mike miller in that discussion? look, mike miller is about to have a CRAZY career shooting wide open jumpshots the next couple of years, but he is in no way, shape or form even a TOP "peice" for a team. He's the best they could get and will fit in VERY WELL (its actually EXACTLY what miami needed from his position, but come on, to argue that now bron has ALL THIS OVERWHELMING TALENT when there are 4 other teams with MORE TALENT than miami?) Wade is great, but please, he couldnt get out of the first round of the playoffs since they won a ring down there....the miami heat have been AWFUL since they won a ring....

besides the fact that wade cant stay in the game longer than 10 minute spurts without throwing his back or shoulder out.....

 I'll never forget the day he willed a depleted lineup (after the Wally/Delonte/Big Ben deal) that was filled with D-League cats and other bums to a win over a "Big-3" led Wizards team.  I think Cleveland only dressed 7 dudes that night or some %@@@

this. he did this for 7 years.

Damn eNPHAN good posts. I never liked Lebron you made great points that Lebron really should be considered THE MVP so far this year. 
, thanks man, i dont do S&T that much

 think they would be top 4 with wade, bosh, and whoever they spent all the rest of their cap space on. but we will never know. too many variables
i dont, tho.

bosh has underperformed, and wade, to a point, underperformed as well. Wade got his +@!* together madd quick, but he's so fragile. Bosh is much too soft, and i was worried about his agility after the knee thing...i think he may have benefitted off being alone in toronto for so long (and having a 7 ft. frontcourt teammate as well)

they're not better than the lakers, boston, orlando , oklahoma dallas nor chicago without bron....

and its even arguable if bron puts them over the first three teams based solely off their benches

It's done by people, writers who for whatever reason may have personal reasons why they believe Lebron doesn't deserve it.
right, and what better opportunity to use the record of a team the MVP doesnt even play for to determine or justify giving him the MVP than one in which PERSONAL REASONS can play into your vote?

Is he the MVP THIS year? VERRRRRY debatable. You have to base it on what is going on this year on HIS team. Voters aren't going to consider all the trash he played with in Cleveland.
this is the first time, at least in MY lifetime, that the contrast has been so stark...

that the fact is so black and white...

he led a team to win the most games in the NBA two seasons in a row, leaves, and now they're LITERALLY one of the worst teams of all time....like, im not making this up...they are LEGENDARY BUMMY right now...

i mean, it REALLY shows just how TERRIBLE cleveland was all these years...and just how valuable and amazing a player lebron james is....its PLAIN AS DAY

i think that this will play in voters minds, even if very subconsciously, but come on man.....they're beyond AWFUL...

like, Westbrook on his own could outscore the cavs....


I dont think anyone on the Cavs is garbage.
They just havin a hard time putting it together in Lebrons abscence.
Byron Scott is not at fault either.

Im not gonna admit this guy is the best. You posted your argument and its weak.
He's a beast of a player though.


i aint have time to imbed them all, but these two dudes aint bums? Moon played for the HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS


Something I've been thinking about this season: When MJ retired, Pippen took the Bulls to the ECF...When LeBron left the Cavs, they became arguably the worst team in the history of sports. What does this say about the net importance of both MJ and Bron? The results of both players leaving are nearly polar opposites.

my entire point.

that doesn't mean that shaqs presence wasn't important and his veteran status probably helped the team grow. also you make it seem like i ONLY said that it was shaq, i had other parts to the comment as well. i'm not saying lebron doesn't deserve MVP because he is DEFINITELY deserving, i'm just saying that the cavs aren't only bad because lebron left

this maybe the funniest post so far.

look, their idiot coach, who i dont even rememeber dudes name now he was such a +#%$**% baffoon, was any kind of coach, he woulda told shaqs, slow, fat, out of shape *!$ to SIT DOWN ON THE BENCH and ran JJ Hixon in the playoffs....

they might still have lebron james out in cleveland if so.

the cavs got bounced by orlando because their front court was slow and unathletic

how do you make your frontcourt even slower and more unathletic? trade for shaq....oh, and get anthony parker's bum *!$ too....


anthony parker was literally a pick for the entire playoffs....the only reason he touched the ball was to pass it back to bron after he picked up a dribble. i dont think i remember anthony parker even dribbling the ball in the playoffs last year...

AG 47 wrote:

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

why yall say he DEFINITELY isnt going to win?

he has the stats...

i think the contrast between the cavs leading the leauge then being last in the leauge is more than enough to put him over the top.

who would you give the MVP to over bron?





durant could lose both arms and kobe lose both legs and their teams would be infinitely better than the cavs...

And so would the Miami Heat. That team would still be top 4 in the East without LeBron. He's not winning it.


top 4 in the east?


bosh isn't that beasty, bro.

wade was getting pounced the 1st round yearly....

Errrrrrrr... You had me then you lost me... Considering that he broke Peytons TD record by 1 and it literally came during the last 17mins of the regular season in which he play damn near every snap attempted to and successfully threw for TD when his team was already the victor by a overwhelming amount in quite a few games compared to Peyton sitting out damn near half of the 4th quarter when the game was already decided as well as not attempting to run the score up each and every week along with playing what 2 possession of the last game (basically keeping his string of starts going) doesn't show me Brady's better... Hell if anything it shows the exact opposite especially considering that theres a snowballs chance in hell The Colts don't go undefeated last year had the coach actually went for it but thats me
you mad.

Peyton fans argue he's better due to statistics....i argue his statistics are better because he has thrown the ball to two hall-of-fame WRs throughout his career. when marvin harrison was in his prime, peyton manning LITERALLY threw fades every time the safeties didnt zone over man....EVERY TIME...that was literally the play ANY TIME THIS HAPPEND...

if you need more evidence that great recievers make the QB, look no further than Dante Culpepper, who was a 2 time all pro quarterback, his first game without randy moss (or chris carter for that matter)



i mean, peyton is a beast, a true quarterback, one of the greatest...

but tom brady has him edged out in every measurable aspect of the position...

once he got quality recievers, he broke the record...period. regardless of HOW he broke the record, he broke it....the first year....

not really, considered mvp for what? cause the cavs suck this year? and cause he meant so much to them? yeah, thats the reason he got the mvp last year. he doesnt play for cleveland, so they can go 0-82 and lebron still wouldnt deserve it for that reason.

does he deserve it this year? perhaps, but he's playing with 2 allstars, wade also being a mvp candidate, mike miller etc. there are other players deserving as well..

mighta came into the wrong post, sir.

yes, cause the cavs ALL TIME suck this year...they went from no.1 to all-time awful...cause they lost Lebron...oh AND shaq...

he's playing with ONE all-star, and soft *!$ chris bosh. Did you mention mike miller in that discussion? look, mike miller is about to have a CRAZY career shooting wide open jumpshots the next couple of years, but he is in no way, shape or form even a TOP "peice" for a team. He's the best they could get and will fit in VERY WELL (its actually EXACTLY what miami needed from his position, but come on, to argue that now bron has ALL THIS OVERWHELMING TALENT when there are 4 other teams with MORE TALENT than miami?) Wade is great, but please, he couldnt get out of the first round of the playoffs since they won a ring down there....the miami heat have been AWFUL since they won a ring....

besides the fact that wade cant stay in the game longer than 10 minute spurts without throwing his back or shoulder out.....

 I'll never forget the day he willed a depleted lineup (after the Wally/Delonte/Big Ben deal) that was filled with D-League cats and other bums to a win over a "Big-3" led Wizards team.  I think Cleveland only dressed 7 dudes that night or some %@@@

this. he did this for 7 years.

Damn eNPHAN good posts. I never liked Lebron you made great points that Lebron really should be considered THE MVP so far this year. 
, thanks man, i dont do S&T that much

 think they would be top 4 with wade, bosh, and whoever they spent all the rest of their cap space on. but we will never know. too many variables
i dont, tho.

bosh has underperformed, and wade, to a point, underperformed as well. Wade got his +@!* together madd quick, but he's so fragile. Bosh is much too soft, and i was worried about his agility after the knee thing...i think he may have benefitted off being alone in toronto for so long (and having a 7 ft. frontcourt teammate as well)

they're not better than the lakers, boston, orlando , oklahoma dallas nor chicago without bron....

and its even arguable if bron puts them over the first three teams based solely off their benches

It's done by people, writers who for whatever reason may have personal reasons why they believe Lebron doesn't deserve it.
right, and what better opportunity to use the record of a team the MVP doesnt even play for to determine or justify giving him the MVP than one in which PERSONAL REASONS can play into your vote?

Is he the MVP THIS year? VERRRRRY debatable. You have to base it on what is going on this year on HIS team. Voters aren't going to consider all the trash he played with in Cleveland.
this is the first time, at least in MY lifetime, that the contrast has been so stark...

that the fact is so black and white...

he led a team to win the most games in the NBA two seasons in a row, leaves, and now they're LITERALLY one of the worst teams of all time....like, im not making this up...they are LEGENDARY BUMMY right now...

i mean, it REALLY shows just how TERRIBLE cleveland was all these years...and just how valuable and amazing a player lebron james is....its PLAIN AS DAY

i think that this will play in voters minds, even if very subconsciously, but come on man.....they're beyond AWFUL...

like, Westbrook on his own could outscore the cavs....


I dont think anyone on the Cavs is garbage.
They just havin a hard time putting it together in Lebrons abscence.
Byron Scott is not at fault either.

Im not gonna admit this guy is the best. You posted your argument and its weak.
He's a beast of a player though.


i aint have time to imbed them all, but these two dudes aint bums? Moon played for the HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS


Something I've been thinking about this season: When MJ retired, Pippen took the Bulls to the ECF...When LeBron left the Cavs, they became arguably the worst team in the history of sports. What does this say about the net importance of both MJ and Bron? The results of both players leaving are nearly polar opposites.

my entire point.

that doesn't mean that shaqs presence wasn't important and his veteran status probably helped the team grow. also you make it seem like i ONLY said that it was shaq, i had other parts to the comment as well. i'm not saying lebron doesn't deserve MVP because he is DEFINITELY deserving, i'm just saying that the cavs aren't only bad because lebron left

this maybe the funniest post so far.

look, their idiot coach, who i dont even rememeber dudes name now he was such a +#%$**% baffoon, was any kind of coach, he woulda told shaqs, slow, fat, out of shape *!$ to SIT DOWN ON THE BENCH and ran JJ Hixon in the playoffs....

they might still have lebron james out in cleveland if so.

the cavs got bounced by orlando because their front court was slow and unathletic

how do you make your frontcourt even slower and more unathletic? trade for shaq....oh, and get anthony parker's bum *!$ too....


anthony parker was literally a pick for the entire playoffs....the only reason he touched the ball was to pass it back to bron after he picked up a dribble. i dont think i remember anthony parker even dribbling the ball in the playoffs last year...

lol dude with the good ole swing and a miss on that comparison up top
aztec06jr wrote:
Something I've been thinking about this season: When MJ retired, Pippen took the Bulls to the ECF...When LeBron left the Cavs, they became arguably the worst team in the history of sports. What does this say about the net importance of both MJ and Bron? The results of both players leaving are nearly polar opposites.

It says Bron was more important to the Cavs than MJ was to the Bulls.
sounds like a testament to Phil Jackson and Scottie Pippen as well

removing Lebron was one thing, but the psychology of the team, new coach all comes into effect....Bulls were coming off a 3peat so were pretty content with being champions, this Cavs roster knew they would never experience coming close to winning anything more than a card game the day Lebron left
why are you arguing about rings? rings are a TEAM accomplishment. WE ARE DISCUSSING INDIVIDUAL RECOGNITION...



when kobe won his first three rings, he didn't lead the team in any statistical category...

he wasnt even the captain...

yet, somehow, he is overly responsible for the rings?

i seem to remember some bum by the name of rober horry doing something, that, if he hadnt done, they wouldnt have won a ring at all...

yet its all on kobe, huh?

Shaq was literally unstopable within 10 ft of the rim....yet it was kobe...

kobe kobe kobe

what about when they had all bums and he was on ESPN CRYING to be traded? how well did they do in the playoffs that year, huh?


and like i said, keep supposedly "styling" on lebron, kobe fans...

this is why he signed with miami...

not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7, not 8.....

THEN, once he has two fists of rings, looking real bill russel'd out...

what will kobe fans say then?

"kobe scored more points than lebron!"


Originally Posted by PTone


But the last time I checked, this profession revolved around being world champions. Great players also realize that there's a team in team sports (go figure).

He can win all the regular season MVP's and scoring titles he so desires and lead the league in existing stats and stats that were probably created for him. But if he can't get over that hump, he's the Brett Favre of the NBA.

which is why he went to miami in the first place....

check what i bolded and underlined.

once he "unfairly" leads his "stacked team" to 5 or 6 rings, what will you all have to say then?

i LOVE the tone of your post, too....

so salty

"stats they probably made up for him"

why are you arguing about rings? rings are a TEAM accomplishment. WE ARE DISCUSSING INDIVIDUAL RECOGNITION...



when kobe won his first three rings, he didn't lead the team in any statistical category...

he wasnt even the captain...

yet, somehow, he is overly responsible for the rings?

i seem to remember some bum by the name of rober horry doing something, that, if he hadnt done, they wouldnt have won a ring at all...

yet its all on kobe, huh?

Shaq was literally unstopable within 10 ft of the rim....yet it was kobe...

kobe kobe kobe

what about when they had all bums and he was on ESPN CRYING to be traded? how well did they do in the playoffs that year, huh?


and like i said, keep supposedly "styling" on lebron, kobe fans...

this is why he signed with miami...

not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7, not 8.....

THEN, once he has two fists of rings, looking real bill russel'd out...

what will kobe fans say then?

"kobe scored more points than lebron!"


Originally Posted by PTone


But the last time I checked, this profession revolved around being world champions. Great players also realize that there's a team in team sports (go figure).

He can win all the regular season MVP's and scoring titles he so desires and lead the league in existing stats and stats that were probably created for him. But if he can't get over that hump, he's the Brett Favre of the NBA.

which is why he went to miami in the first place....

check what i bolded and underlined.

once he "unfairly" leads his "stacked team" to 5 or 6 rings, what will you all have to say then?

i LOVE the tone of your post, too....

so salty

"stats they probably made up for him"

so the way cleveland performs this year has nothing to do with lebron's case for mvp. that he was important in cleveland, we all know that.. no need to put emphasis on it. and say what you want, bout bosh being soft, he's still an allstar and probably better than most 4s in the east.
so the way cleveland performs this year has nothing to do with lebron's case for mvp. that he was important in cleveland, we all know that.. no need to put emphasis on it. and say what you want, bout bosh being soft, he's still an allstar and probably better than most 4s in the east.
Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

KingJames23 wrote:

cmoneymontana wrote:

Durant in my eyes right now is the best player in the NBA

You are aware that there is more to basketball than scoring? The Durant hype is outta control.

Durant isn't the rebounder, defender, passer, shot blocker that LeBron is.

He's not Kobe, he's not Bron, he's not Wade. Durant does 1 thing at an elite level, and that's score.

lebron isnt the champion that kobe is, 5 time champion. (cause any basketball fan knows that without kobe shaq wouldnt have won those rings in LA)

What does that have to do with Durant being the best player in the league? Stay on topic

Robert Horry isn't the champion that Kobe is. Am I doing it right?

Yes I am aware of my SN but I don't have to slurp Bron all the time or !$@# talk on Kobe to make Bron look better. Can't people just appreciate greatness?
Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

KingJames23 wrote:

cmoneymontana wrote:

Durant in my eyes right now is the best player in the NBA

You are aware that there is more to basketball than scoring? The Durant hype is outta control.

Durant isn't the rebounder, defender, passer, shot blocker that LeBron is.

He's not Kobe, he's not Bron, he's not Wade. Durant does 1 thing at an elite level, and that's score.

lebron isnt the champion that kobe is, 5 time champion. (cause any basketball fan knows that without kobe shaq wouldnt have won those rings in LA)

What does that have to do with Durant being the best player in the league? Stay on topic

Robert Horry isn't the champion that Kobe is. Am I doing it right?

Yes I am aware of my SN but I don't have to slurp Bron all the time or !$@# talk on Kobe to make Bron look better. Can't people just appreciate greatness?
Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

this Cavs roster knew they would never experience coming close to winning anything more than a card game the day Lebron left

and if that doesnt prove the importance or value of ONE player....

i don't know what would....
Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

this Cavs roster knew they would never experience coming close to winning anything more than a card game the day Lebron left

and if that doesnt prove the importance or value of ONE player....

i don't know what would....
Originally Posted by KingJames23

Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

KingJames23 wrote:

cmoneymontana wrote:

Durant in my eyes right now is the best player in the NBA

You are aware that there is more to basketball than scoring? The Durant hype is outta control.

Durant isn't the rebounder, defender, passer, shot blocker that LeBron is.

He's not Kobe, he's not Bron, he's not Wade. Durant does 1 thing at an elite level, and that's score.

lebron isnt the champion that kobe is, 5 time champion. (cause any basketball fan knows that without kobe shaq wouldnt have won those rings in LA)

What does that have to do with Durant being the best player in the league? Stay on topic

Robert Horry isn't the champion that Kobe is. Am I doing it right?

Yes I am aware of my SN but I don't have to slurp Bron all the time or @!+$ talk on Kobe to make Bron look better.

no it's just you are comparing durant to lebron, saying kd doesnt do all those other things. when you can see that both players have different roles on their team. where lebron plays the point too, he will rack up more assists while kd is just a scorer nothing else. it's like comparing apples and oranges.
Originally Posted by KingJames23

Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

KingJames23 wrote:

cmoneymontana wrote:

Durant in my eyes right now is the best player in the NBA

You are aware that there is more to basketball than scoring? The Durant hype is outta control.

Durant isn't the rebounder, defender, passer, shot blocker that LeBron is.

He's not Kobe, he's not Bron, he's not Wade. Durant does 1 thing at an elite level, and that's score.

lebron isnt the champion that kobe is, 5 time champion. (cause any basketball fan knows that without kobe shaq wouldnt have won those rings in LA)

What does that have to do with Durant being the best player in the league? Stay on topic

Robert Horry isn't the champion that Kobe is. Am I doing it right?

Yes I am aware of my SN but I don't have to slurp Bron all the time or @!+$ talk on Kobe to make Bron look better.

no it's just you are comparing durant to lebron, saying kd doesnt do all those other things. when you can see that both players have different roles on their team. where lebron plays the point too, he will rack up more assists while kd is just a scorer nothing else. it's like comparing apples and oranges.
that's not how the award works. he isn't getting an MVP award because the cavs imploded this year.

you need to understand that the best player of the league doesn't always get the MVP.
that's not how the award works. he isn't getting an MVP award because the cavs imploded this year.

you need to understand that the best player of the league doesn't always get the MVP.
lebron is the best right now.

But in the cave defense, you can't remove the player your entire squad was built to compliment and expect everything to be all good. add the coaching change and the number of injuries they have gotten and this is the result
lebron is the best right now.

But in the cave defense, you can't remove the player your entire squad was built to compliment and expect everything to be all good. add the coaching change and the number of injuries they have gotten and this is the result
Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

no it's just you are comparing durant to lebron, saying kd doesnt do all those other things. when you can see that both players have different roles on their team. where lebron plays the point too, he will rack up more assists while kd is just a scorer nothing else. it's like comparing apples and oranges.

So you're saying if KD was asked to be a point forward he could do what LeBron does as a passer? And what does KD being a scorer have to do with rebounding and defense?

You proved my point for me by saying all KD does is score. LeBron is a great scorer too and does everything else better than Durant, so I don't know how anyone can make that argument.
Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

no it's just you are comparing durant to lebron, saying kd doesnt do all those other things. when you can see that both players have different roles on their team. where lebron plays the point too, he will rack up more assists while kd is just a scorer nothing else. it's like comparing apples and oranges.

So you're saying if KD was asked to be a point forward he could do what LeBron does as a passer? And what does KD being a scorer have to do with rebounding and defense?

You proved my point for me by saying all KD does is score. LeBron is a great scorer too and does everything else better than Durant, so I don't know how anyone can make that argument.
Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

Originally Posted by KingJames23

Robert Horry isn't the champion that Kobe is. Am I doing it right?

what do you mean? robert horry is better than

barkley, reggie miller, clyde drexler, allen iverson, dirk norwitzki, karl malone, john stockton, steve nash, jason kidd, chris bosh, cp3, derrick rose, dwight howard, wait, im naming people without rings,

i can name up to people with 4 rings, i mean, robert horry is way better than chauncy billups or richard hamilton, way better than anyone on the boston roster, he's better than hakeem the dream, he's better than shaq, he's better than 90 percent of people who ever played in the NBA


i mean, cause he got madd rings, right?


by that logic, bill russell is the greatest player to ever breathe...

but i dont see all you kobe fans giving him handjobs on the internet so readily, right?

Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

Originally Posted by KingJames23

Robert Horry isn't the champion that Kobe is. Am I doing it right?

what do you mean? robert horry is better than

barkley, reggie miller, clyde drexler, allen iverson, dirk norwitzki, karl malone, john stockton, steve nash, jason kidd, chris bosh, cp3, derrick rose, dwight howard, wait, im naming people without rings,

i can name up to people with 4 rings, i mean, robert horry is way better than chauncy billups or richard hamilton, way better than anyone on the boston roster, he's better than hakeem the dream, he's better than shaq, he's better than 90 percent of people who ever played in the NBA


i mean, cause he got madd rings, right?


by that logic, bill russell is the greatest player to ever breathe...

but i dont see all you kobe fans giving him handjobs on the internet so readily, right?

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