Oklahoma City Thunder vs San Antonio Spurs - OKC WINS in 6, Congrats!

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Ibaka isn't going to put up any type of numbers offensively against Duncan and they obviously don't care about leaving him open for those jumpers. I'm sure SA would prefer him to shoot those all day rather than Durant/Russ/Harden getting to the hole. And as for Fish...I'll just say that today was much closer to what he's been the last few years than that flashback he had on Sunday. 90 points from 3 guys is going to be tough to duplicate.

The problem is when Ibaka and Perkins are fumbling easy passes under the rim or not converting easy points. I'm not expecting game 1 from Fisher every game, but going 2-11 is awful.
I still think giving all that money for Perk is going to get them because of how limited Perk is to you and as well you don't have another guy who can go to the post and produce. You live with ibaka taking jump shots.

plus im waiting for the game where bonner goes off
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

1212theory said:
a good point guard will facilitate ball movement, and get his ice cold teammates involved with easy buckets.

If they can't catch, and can't shoot, what the %+#* else can the "point guard" do? Dudes missing dunks and layups out there.

He's not entirely his fault either. How can you be successful on offense when your coach doesn't draw up plays. Playing pick and roll offense or worse yet, isolations, does not allow Westbrook to even run an offense. It's not secret Westbrook has a shoot first mentality, BUT that is how the Thunder win. It's not a problem when this team is winning.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Ibaka isn't going to put up any type of numbers offensively against Duncan and they obviously don't care about leaving him open for those jumpers. I'm sure SA would prefer him to shoot those all day rather than Durant/Russ/Harden getting to the hole. And as for Fish...I'll just say that today was much closer to what he's been the last few years than that flashback he had on Sunday. 90 points from 3 guys is going to be tough to duplicate.
The problem is when Ibaka and Perkins are fumbling easy passes under the rim or not converting easy points. I'm not expecting game 1 from Fisher every game, but going 2-11 is awful.

Well that's been Fisher since 2010 man...awful. Role players often struggle on the road most of the time, so maybe they'll get a slight boost back at home, but I just don't see it being enough. KD/Russ/Harden have carried OKC the entire year, don't know why the role players are somehow going to be expected to come up big now, even if they are needed, they are a top heavy team. The trio will have to average 95-100 points for OKC to win a game, which is next to impossible to do 4 times against this team.
chuck vs shaq. 
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Well that's been Fisher since 2010 man...awful. Role players often struggle on the road most of the time, so maybe they'll get a slight boost back at home, but I just don't see it being enough. KD/Russ/Harden have carried OKC the entire year, don't know why the role players are somehow going to be expected to come up big now, even if they are needed, they are a top heavy team. The trio will have to average 95-100 points for OKC to win a game, which is next to impossible to do 4 times against this team.

I don't expect them to come up that big, just don't shoot 7/34. Don't get me wrong, I'm not discrediting anything the Spurs did because they played amazing.. but the role players missed too many easy shots, even on the road.
Hopefully SA takes Game 3....Then it will be too tough of a mountain to climb for OKC...

westbrook will never accept the "robin" roll...
& durant will never speak up about it.
I dont give a #!@@ what Westbrook does... They're not winning #!@@ giving up 120
I really think OKC can win two at their homecourt. They jus' gonna run the Spurs out of the gym.

But the Thunder still don't have an answer for the Spurs pick-n'-roll.
okc bigs cant finish or do much when both are on the floor defensively
im fine with russ taking shots

waits for someone to say spurs still havent played anyone yet, lol
there's a reason these guys havent tasted defeat in over a monthlook at the box score and kawhi gave 18/10boris was efficient with 9/7
POP looking like he's in the 3rd stage of the t-virus. WTH is goin on with him?
It's hard to believe that OKC's big 3 scored 88 yet the team was never within even 5 points and often more than 10 back in the second half. 88.
Originally Posted by Dcypoe

westbrook will never accept the "robin" roll...
& durant will never speak up about it.

KD is not even carrying this team in the playoffs. KD has consistently defended Russ' role of being the aggressive attacker. I think your missing the message.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

It's hard to believe that OKC's big 3 scored 88 yet the team was never within even 5 points and often more than 10 back in the second half. 88.
Clearly the Thunder are not as deep as people claim them to be. Also, I think it's a result of Pop shrewdly playing "pick your poison."
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by Dcypoe

westbrook will never accept the "robin" roll...
& durant will never speak up about it.
KD is not even carrying this team in the playoffs. KD has consistently defended Russ' role of being the aggressive attacker. I think your missing the message.
you really think KD is gonna bust out with "yeah, Russ is taking too many shots," right now, in the middle of the playoffs...Russ is being the aggressive attacker, but he's missing waay to many shots.
Originally Posted by Dcypoe

Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by Dcypoe

westbrook will never accept the "robin" roll...
& durant will never speak up about it.
KD is not even carrying this team in the playoffs. KD has consistently defended Russ' role of being the aggressive attacker. I think your missing the message.
you really think KD is gonna bust out with "yeah, Russ is taking too many shots," right now, in the middle of the playoffs...Russ is being the aggressive attacker, but he's missing waay to many shots.
...but when is he?  I mean KD gotta say or do something.  His friendly demeanor and Coach Brooks offense has created this Westbrook monster.  Fans see 1. KD and 2. Westbrook...but I'm starting to wonder if KD sees it like that?  Realtalk,  he stay talking that 1A 1B stuff and Westbrook is doing the Birdman hand rub in the shadows planning Worldwide domination like Baby Stewie.  This won't end well for OKC.  KD didn't put his foot down early as the alpha dog.  As great as Russell is hes a 6'3 slasher.  KD is a 6'10 skilled perimeter player.  You tell me who's the unique talent and who should be the #1 option.  
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Antidope

Those two names are not people who The Thunder will rely on to be a solid contributor. Fish has been struggling all year long, game 1 was a fluke really and Ibaka has never been a true scoring option for OKC, hes good for about 8 pts a game and thats about it. Its really a 3 man basketball team, and their 3 offensive options played about as well as you can expect them too and they still lost. It wont get better from here for them, and no one else will come through for them besides those 3 simply because its not how they play. Its big 3 or bust with them. 
IMO this was the best they could do and their best chance of winning a game, and now its over. A sweep is looming. 
Outside of Harden, Westbrook, and Durant, the rest of the Thunder went 7-34. That's obviously well below their average, so that's not the best they can do. That makes zero sense. It doesn't matter if they usually rely on their best 3, when your role players shoot that poorly, it makes it very hard to win.

I can see why someone would say that after today that's the best they can do. I mean, the Spurs can say that they played as good as they can, but Duncan shot poorly, and they gave up a lot of FTs. I still think the Thunder played well overall, but Spurs just played great basketball.

The only thing you can say about Russ tonight is that he got outplayed by the opposing PG. Russ isn't doing a bad job, get off his goddamn back. He didn't shoot >50%, no, but he had 8 assists with 0 turnovers. That's very efficient. If his guys can't knock down shots, that's not his fault. Russ isn't Steve Nash or Rajon Rondo. Russ first and foremost is a scorer. He plays that PG role just on paper, he's a combo-guard, and anything you get from him creating for others is extra.

Speaking of, Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili man... Dudes make me tear up how fundamental their play has been the past two games. Manu had two of the best plays of the game. Watching that fast-break where Tony handed it off to Manu, and Manu got Harden on him only to pass it to Tony in the corner who was wide-open for like 5 seconds? My goodness.... And then that Manu 4th quarter three, really making me fall in love with this team.

Also proud to see how hard Diaw is working. I've loved dude since his Phoenix days, and always wanted to see him on a winning team. He's not in the best shape, but he is busting his @%# out there.
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