Oklahoma City Thunder vs San Antonio Spurs - OKC WINS in 6, Congrats!

Not counting OKC out yet, but Lebron would have to play like a GOD in order the Heat to have a chance against SA.
Originally Posted by calibeebee

Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

Basically....at a certain point and time you just have to commit some hard fouls and be like "we are not going to let you run that pick and roll all game and get wide open easy jumpers."  Get tough...start playing like this is the WCF and you have a shot a title. 

OKC reminds me of the Sacramento Kings teams earlier in the decade with Webber and Jason Williams.  Super talented....but lacking toughness and their regular season success/stlye of basketball didn't translate into postseason success. 

So on point with everything in your post, had to quote it for emphasis.

I was just gonna point this out. Ive seen dude post in other threads. He always has well thought out post.

Keep up the great work.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Westbrook doesn't drive with the intention of passing enough, that's completely true...  
My point exactly. Shoot first, shoot second, shoot third, then dump off ball when shot is not there in places your team can't catch the ball that's Westbrook's PG philosophy. Westbrook is a shooting guard asked to play point.
just an FYI for this whole westbrook convo.. and also the OKC bigs having stone hands thing as well:

Jeff McDonald
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Not counting OKC out yet, but Lebron would have to play like a GOD in order the Heat to have a chance against SA.

I wouldn't go that far, but also remember the Heat isn't going to play the Spurs like the Thunder are.

Wade or LeBron will not be driving to the hole looking to only score... they just want to win and it doesn't matter if a superstar is putting up buckets or a bench player... as long as they're scoring.

Whereas this dude Westbrook is like the other poster said... shoot 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th... and then pass.  I'm not saying he's not a good player, but he just needs to look at the bigger picture... do what it takes to win and if that means changing your style of play then do so.

Durant needs to just son Westbrook and tell him to give him the ball or the Coach needs to come step in and say it.  I'd much rather the ball in Durant's hands than anyone else's... if they lose let it be by him.

Dudes comparison with the Sac Kings from years ago was on point, but I would say it was because the Kings really had no game plan more so than no heart... they were just doing whatever and living by their aggressive offense.

OKC is done unless they win these next two games which I don't see happening... if they head back to San Antonio down 3-1 they're done for.

Big fan of Durant though... dude is super talented and I hope he's successful in the NBA and wins multiple championships.
So the Thunder are the Sacramento Kings of 01-04? 

Boris Diaw guarding Fisher late, there's a reason for that, and it's not in the Thunder's favor.  Scott Brooks is getting it handed to him right now.  Milk money, lunch money, protection money, it's all bein taken from him right now.  Pop needs to come out in a trench-coat for game 3 and just be obvious with it. 
Originally Posted by CP1708

So the Thunder are the Sacramento Kings of 01-04? 

Boris Diaw guarding Fisher late, there's a reason for that, and it's not in the Thunder's favor.  Scott Brooks is getting it handed to him right now.  Milk money, lunch money, protection money, it's all bein taken from him right now.  Pop needs to come out in a trench-coat for game 3 and just be obvious with it. 

Truth. Brooks is just gettin' out coached... straight up. Clearly, he's got his whole rotation messed up. 
Originally Posted by donmega

Truth. Brooks is just gettin' out coached... straight up. Clearly, he's got his whole rotation messed up. 
He dun goofed. Should have kept the hack-a-Tiago or small ball in his back pocket for next game. Now the SPURS can get ready to counter that in game 3.
Man, these Westbrook fans are sounding like battered wives defending their husbands, "But he loves me"....
what i really dont get with brooks, is that for someone who is so in love with playing fisher and westbrook together..

it took him until the final game in the dallas series last year to throw maynor and westbrook out there together
This is depressing.

The Spurs can't miss from anywhere, freaking Manu is on fire against us. We need to hold home court down bad.
SI.com's Zach Lowe always does a great job on his The Point Forward. Great insight into last night's game here complete with pictures and vids..
Rondo got Perkins easy shots and gave him a clean looks to catch passes when he was with the celtics. Now all of sudden Perkins can't catch the rock, idk about that. Not all of Perkins t.o.'s have been off of passes, he has traveled a lot, had offensive fouls and 3 seconds. Imo Westbrook doesn't put his teammates in good positions to score. He dribbles a lot, eats up the clock and takes bad shots often
/\ That's my biggest criticism of Westbrook. I don't really mind the shot taking...it's the moments where he dribbles 18 seconds off the clock and then looks to make a move.
Forget Russell and how much of a PG he is. Forget KD and how he didn't get the ball in the 4th. Russell could become Magic in his prime. KD could turn into MJ in the clutch. NONE of it matters if the Spurs are scoring 120 and they're getting open shots every possession. That's what OKC needs to focus on. Defense is the only way they're going to have a chance of winning game 3.
Originally Posted by CP1708

So the Thunder are the Sacramento Kings of 01-04? 

No not at all.. they're a much better and more talented team, but they seem to go in and have no game plan to take on a team like the Spurs.

Spurs seem to have well thought out plays... while the Thunder don't... yes they are being out coached and outplayed, but they have the talent to do a lot better than they showing.

They should have at least took one game in San Antonio... now they have their work cut out for them.
Originally Posted by mgrand15

Forget Russell and how much of a PG he is. Forget KD and how he didn't get the ball in the 4th. Russell could become Magic in his prime. KD could turn into MJ in the clutch. NONE of it matters if the Spurs are scoring 120 and they're getting open shots every possession. That's what OKC needs to focus on. Defense is the only way they're going to have a chance of winning game 3.

++ on defense talk.
Originally Posted by psk2310

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Westbrook doesn't drive with the intention of passing enough, that's completely true...  
My point exactly. Shoot first, shoot second, shoot third, then dump off ball when shot is not there in places your team can't catch the ball that's Westbrook's PG philosophy. Westbrook is a shooting guard asked to play point.
Quote the one section where I agree with you and ignore everything else. 
I love how just saying FG% is now stat mongering. I didn't bring in complex or detailed advanced stats, it's a simply number. I watched the game, I saw Perkins, Collison, Ibaka fumble the ball after a good pass right under the hoop. The Spurs big men are superior passers and finishers, so yes.. I fully expect if Parker dumps it off to them that they either finish or look for the open man, two things that the Thunder bigs don't do as well.  Westbrook doesn't drive with the intention of passing enough, that's completely true, but his supporting cast is not as balanced and capable as Parker's, it's that simple.

By all means.. don't address my point of the Spurs big men being better passers and finishers, just keep harping on your same thing over and over again.


Originally Posted by psk2310

Man, these Westbrook fans are sounding like battered wives defending their husbands, "But he loves me"....
What on EARTH are you talking about? Besides the fact that most people defending Westbrook freely admit faults in his game, making a lame joke comparing them to battered wives is pretty dumb. It's one thing to dislike a player and criticize his game, I don't have a problem with that, but try to be objective or rational about it. 
Your "point" of the Spurs bigs being better than OKC's is like saying the sun is hot, or a Lambo is fast, or billion dollars is a lot of money. It was so obvious, I didn't feel the need to quote the rest of the section.

The Spurs bigs are better than most of the teams in the league which is why they won the most games this season (I think or are they tied with CHI?). It wasn't worth addressing because it should be that obvious but I guess you want to keep "harping on your same thing over and over again".

Your blaming OKC's bigs for bubbling passes but Fresh Soles said it best, "Westbrook doesn't put his teammates in good positions to score. He dribbles a lot, eats up the clock and takes bad shots often".

You Westbrook fans keep saying he's a point gaurd & he's not. That's all I'm saying. Even Coach K knows that which is why he used him as a shooting guard (on caliber with Wade even) in the FIBA tourney back then.
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