Oklahoma City Thunder vs San Antonio Spurs - OKC WINS in 6, Congrats!

Ok, I'll call him a shooting guard who plays point. Or I'll call him a chucker who handles the ball. What difference does it make what you call him? Am I insulting HOF point guards to call Westbrook one too? If that's all your saying, then ok. Say he's not a point guard, now what?

And it must not have been that obvious because them being better is relevant to this discussion. YOU brought in the comparison that Parker did what Westbrook should have done by driving and getting his teammates the ball.. except Parker's teammates are much better. That's the point. Parker can drive and pass the ball to Diaw 15 feet away from the hoop, and he's capable of doing things Perkins is not. Ibaka isn't hitting the 3's that Bonner is capable of. Duncan, Splitter, etc., are better passers than Perkins, Ibaka, Collison. Westbrook does dribble a lot and eats up the clock. So does Durant when he tries to make something happen. And just like when KD or Harden has the ball, the rest of the team might just stand around. The team floor spacing and quality of the role players are obviously much better for San Antonio, everyone should be able to agree on that. What I'm saying, which you seem to ignore, is that those things aren't problems caused by Westbrook and Westbrook alone.. there are other problems in addition to his lacking PG play.
I think I upset the founder/chairman of the board/CEO of the Russell Westbrook Fan Club Association.

I apologize that I upset you. You are right, the spurs role players are playing much better than OKC's role players.

Originally Posted by Dcypoe

Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by Dcypoe

westbrook will never accept the "robin" roll...
& durant will never speak up about it.
KD is not even carrying this team in the playoffs. KD has consistently defended Russ' role of being the aggressive attacker. I think your missing the message.
you really think KD is gonna bust out with "yeah, Russ is taking too many shots," right now, in the middle of the playoffs...Russ is being the aggressive attacker, but he's missing waay to many shots.

lmaooo @ the pics they used hahaha
Originally Posted by Dcypoe

westbrook will never accept the "robin" roll...
& durant will never speak up about it.
Yup, Westbrook will determine whether the Spurs or Thunder win this series.
First play of the 2nd half, Westbrook drives, draws a crowd, kicks out to Thabo Sefolosha in the corner for 3, which he is hitting at career high rate this yr. What does Thabo do? He stands there for a second, pump fakes with no1 around, then takes a dribble in for a much more difficult 2 as by this point Tim Duncan has closed out.

Blaming Westbrook in such instances is silly. When he comes down and pulls a bad shot, turns the ball over, misses the open man to call his own number, the criticism on him is warranted but to just blame everything on him is stupid as is to act like these same players would become offensive juggernauts playing with a different point guard.

Collison played the 1 and Westbrook was the 2 at UCLA; well chronicled.

But since a picture is worth 1,000 words, Ibaka (3 for 11) did not score here. Not getting the ball in a position to succeed?
Originally Posted by Freeze

Originally Posted by Dcypoe

Originally Posted by buggz05

KD is not even carrying this team in the playoffs. KD has consistently defended Russ' role of being the aggressive attacker. I think your missing the message.
you really think KD is gonna bust out with "yeah, Russ is taking too many shots," right now, in the middle of the playoffs...Russ is being the aggressive attacker, but he's missing waay to many shots.

lmaooo @ the pics they used hahaha

thanks bro...lol
For those who watched a lot of the Thunder games last year, Eric Maynor is an excellent pure PG and facilitator.  He runs the pick and roll with and distributes the ball great.  He is a great PG to get KD and the OKC big men in easy scoring situations.  I'm not saying if Maynor was healthy OKC would be dominating, but he provides a solid contribution off the bench and sustains a good flow/pace of the game. 

And yes, I think anyone who followed the Kings circa 98-04 would have to agree that those teams were superior in talent and winning 60+ games in the regular season and having no championships to show for it is tough.  I hope the same fate does not happen to Oklahoma...they obviously have youth on their side, but teams and players usually have certain windows to win titles and sometimes when you are younger you don't realize just how important the moment is and fail to take advantage of the situation.  Think about how many great NBA players who never got to play in multiple Conference Finals. 

I don't think anyone would deny that the OKC Thunder are superior in talent and athleticism, but there is a reason why teams who play that style of bball don't win championships.  Chemistry and teamwork always thrive in the postseason. 
Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

For those who watched a lot of the Thunder games last year, Eric Maynor is an excellent pure PG and facilitator.  He runs the pick and roll with and distributes the ball great.  He is a great PG to get KD and the OKC big men in easy scoring situations.  I'm not saying if Maynor was healthy OKC would be dominating, but he provides a solid contribution off the bench and sustains a good flow/pace of the game. 
Very good point. Maynor was a tough loss whether he was running with the 1's or 2's.
I think the Thunder's main problem is that they have tons of talent who play multiple positions thanx to Sam Presti, but Scottie Brooks cannot figure out how to line them up. If you need to shut someone down Thabo needs to be in the game. Somebody else besides Russ should be bringing up the ball etc. (even though I still stand by the fact that there is no offensive scheme for Russ to facilitate). Basically Scott Brooks is hopeless when it comes to matching up defensively with other teams, as well as putting his own players in good position to be successful offensively. Maynor was a good pg and reliable on the perimeter, but Scottie still doesn't have a reliable gameplan.
Scotts Brooks needs to be out at the end of the season. 

Did they EVER run a actual play last night?

You have the three time scoring champ, but do not run your offense through him?

The Zen master is needed. 
Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Scotts Brooks needs to be out at the end of the season. 

Did they EVER run a actual play last night?

You have the three time scoring champ, but do not run your offense through him?

The Zen master is needed. 
Phil doesn't work in cities with less than a million population.

Brooks is awful. I know it's been said everywhere, but he waited almost eight quarters to play his best lineup. Perkins is completely useless in this series. Sitting Ibaka the entire 4th cost them Game 1, and by the time he inserted the appropriate lineup in Game 2, the Spurs had built that lead up to the point where you just knew they weren't losing. There was a similar stretch in Game 2 that happened in Game 1: Spurs went completely cold while OKC heated up (some really bad turnovers helped, much like the first half of Game 1). But you just knew it wouldn't last. Spurs stopped making mistakes, hit shots again, and the game wasn't really ever in doubt.
I see Spurs with the shocking W tonight

Then OKC winning game 4

With the Spurs closing in 5

man I do not wanna see the Spurs make it to the finals

I wanna see Durant & Bron go at it and build a rivalry
Originally Posted by PleaseSayTheBaby23

I see Spurs with the shocking W tonight

Then OKC winning game 4

With the Spurs closing in 5

man I do not wanna see the Spurs make it to the finals

I wanna see Durant & Bron go at it and build a rivalry
At the same time, I want the Spurs to sweep and face Miami in the finals undefeated in the playoffs. The theatre...
Originally Posted by Rocky437

Originally Posted by PleaseSayTheBaby23

I see Spurs with the shocking W tonight

Then OKC winning game 4

With the Spurs closing in 5

man I do not wanna see the Spurs make it to the finals

I wanna see Durant & Bron go at it and build a rivalry
At the same time, I want the Spurs to sweep and face Miami in the finals undefeated in the playoffs. The theatre...
THIS!   I want Duncan to deny Bron another ring
I'm just torn altogether
. I want KD to get a ring, but it would be nice to see Duncan get his 5th since he's so under appreciated and forgotten, but then I want Bron to get one to silence the haters. Decisions decisions... But since SA bout to put away OKC I guess i'd like to see Duncan get number 5.
You can bring out the brooms, the Spurs are just dominating and are on a roll. I don't see OKC winning 1 game.

The 2 teams I never wanted to see in the Finals will come to fruition, Miami/San Antonio 
Originally Posted by Mr4thQuarter

OKC is going to win this series. That is all. 

Damn right.Okc takes these 2 home gamees. We all even up. Get the momentum. Take 5. Bam. Okc got it..
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Scotts Brooks needs to be out at the end of the season. 

Did they EVER run a actual play last night?

You have the three time scoring champ, but do not run your offense through him?

The Zen master is needed. 
Phil doesn't work in cities with less than a million population.

Brooks is awful. I know it's been said everywhere, but he waited almost eight quarters to play his best lineup. Perkins is completely useless in this series. Sitting Ibaka the entire 4th cost them Game 1, and by the time he inserted the appropriate lineup in Game 2, the Spurs had built that lead up to the point where you just knew they weren't losing. There was a similar stretch in Game 2 that happened in Game 1: Spurs went completely cold while OKC heated up (some really bad turnovers helped, much like the first half of Game 1). But you just knew it wouldn't last. Spurs stopped making mistakes, hit shots again, and the game wasn't really ever in doubt.

This cannot be stressed enough. Brooks just sat and watched his lead go up in flames. I was lightweight
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