Oklahoma City Thunder vs San Antonio Spurs - OKC WINS in 6, Congrats!

Originally Posted by AceboogieDBF

Pop coming up with a new strategy right now.... props to okc.... love durant... but still think they go in 6

Assuming OKC comes out the same way defensively, they'll probably start going back door more often since OKC was pressuring so hard. Also having Parker start possessions without the ball then come off screens to get it would loosen Thabo off him a bit if not entirely, assuming we're switching off ball screens too.
Both games this weekend are gonna be intense. The difference between being down 3-1 or tied 2-2. 
I'm getting ready to leave once I get something to eat and decide if I wanna spend the night and if I'm going to take my own car or not.

checkerboard again
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

I'm getting ready to leave once I get something to eat and decide if I wanna spend the night and if I'm going to take my own car or not.
Be sure and keep us posted.
Amazing how taking 3 steps has become accepted as long as you're making what looks like an aggressive drive/layup attempt 
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