I'm tryna see them pretty ladies out
Originally Posted by JPZx

Not me.

at my Twitter and Facebook blowing up because every, single chick I know seems to be seeing this tonight

I don't get the hype
Oh what an elaborate cover up this is.... you know you're team Edward in your heart.

Anyway, if the movies or books were actually good, then I wouldn't hate on them so much. But they're not. The books are insulting to literature, andthe first one was awful as a film. This new one has gotten even worse reviews than the first, so that only fuels my dislike of this franchise.
Oh what an elaborate cover up this is.... you know you're team Edward in your heart.
Hell no. I would never betray Potter like that
All hype, first movie was crap, this sequel probably will be too!...But all my female friends are crazy about this release
and they're obsessed with Tyler Laughter and Edward Vampire
I still dont even know what this movie is about. All i see is a million girls rocking this dudes T-Shirt.

Are the movies good or is it just some "hot" dude all these girls craze over.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

I still dont even know what this movie is about. All i see is a million girls rocking this dudes T-Shirt.

Are the movies good or is it just some "hot" dude all these girls craze over.

in honesty i thought movie was 6/10. i have never read the book and i had females friends wanting me to watch the movie and i did. With that being said, no@%#* but yes there are "somewhat" attractive guys in this series of movie. Its kind of like back in 97, when titanic came out. Now that movie was10/10, but every girl watched it 20 times because of LEO.
First move was terrible. Bad acting, bad special effects...I couldn't believe my eyes when Edward was running uo those trees with Bella on his back. It waspainful to watch
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

My girl is part of this hype, smh. Every time we talk it's "New Moon this, New Moon that".
She's gonna see it tomorrow at the Arch Light, trying to get me to go but I'm good. Modern Warfare 2 > New Moon

mw2 bro
When I am around girls who talk about Twilight I feel like killing myself

SMH at a couple of dudes I know who are going to the midnight showing
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