One less lonely [slur deleted] - Justin Bieber. Vol Sterling part 2.

Not sure why this is 22 pages, but.....

I can't be the only one that was telling racist jokes that were extremely insensitive at that age.
Actions committed as an ignorant, young youth do not equal racist attitudes 8+ years later.

The thing that's weird to me is that this was being filmed.  That's what concerns me, not a dopey teen making stupid remarks.
Not sure why this is 22 pages, but.....

I can't be the only one that was telling racist jokes that were extremely insensitive at that age.

Actions committed as an ignorant, young youth do not equal racist attitudes 8+ years later.

The thing that's weird to me is that this was being filmed.  That's what concerns me, not a dopey teen making stupid remarks.

the chainsaw thing can be seen young and silly, but that Nazi/KKK crap isn't cool at all.
I saw Meth's post, which I agree with. I don't feel like reading 33 pages nor even watching the video for obvious reasons. Are people defending Bieber because he didn't actually kill any Black people? Everytime these events happen, someone is moving the goalposts to define what is excusable behavior.
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Sadly that won't happen anytime soon due to many factors. It's reality and it sucks.

You should just be the best person you can possibly be and get ahead regardless of your obstacles. Racism exists not
Only towards African-Americans,

Asian-Americans have the highest family median income in the USA, more than any race including whites. Just pray that things will be different for your children's children's children.

Love one another as equals and stop bringing your past experiences that others have affected you with to everyone else you come in contact with.
Not everyone is out to hurt you. There are a lot of good people in this world.

Here's the thing though, Asians got to where they were by having knowledge of self , preaching self worth and education,and practicing group economics, when a black man says his people needs to do the same thing he is deemed "radical and racist".

Not Once have I stated I hated anyone, Not Once have I said one race is superior to another, not Once have I said all _____ are the devil. Once again dudes feel their Privilege being threatened and try to deflect the real issues and create smoke screens.

I refuse to let that fly, and I refuse to be silent about it.
Smoke screens?

Fam, were having a discussion and I'm bringing up points to enforce my argument.
Seriously, what is your problem?

Bruh read the thread, dudes were getting called out and kept trying to deflect the issue at hand, we go from talking about Racism to Mike Jackson.
20+ pages in and one dude has like 15 of those pages to himself.

Bruh, let it go.
Does it ever? (Srs)
Oh it will eventually...

That's why folks losing their minds right now. 

Day of reckoning is coming.
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lucky not racist thats my dawg ever since aol instant messenger days :pimp: justin is cool in my book assuming he learned from the incident. but lucky always felt strongly about black race issues .thats his right .
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This "I make racial jokes all the time" defense is weak too. Iono about yall but I don't use offensive slurs about any race when nobody is looking. That's some coward **** to me. Little stereotype jokes that we see comedians use is not that bad but when somebody starts using certain words that they know is crossing the line and giggling about it makes me think. Too many people like to hide behind the "it's only a joke" excuse.

If you're not offended by a white guy saying "wassup my *****" somethings wrong.

Yeah, we would have a problem if a white dude approached me like that.
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So what about the people who do it on stage with those they offend? We get a pass? (Yea we, I do it every Monday and some weds nights)
So what about the people who do it on stage with those they offend? We get a pass? (Yea we, I do it every Monday and some weds nights)

Bruh..he recorded himself singing a song about killing "n-words" and joining the KKK

You're acting like all racist/offensive/ignorant comments are on the exact same level.
meth has tunnel vision.

you're speaking as a grown man who probably grew up in a normal two parent household where you where taught about african american history and participated in black history month . not to mention you more than likely at the very least witnessed the l.a riots post rodney king as a young adult. put yourself in the shoes of someone who grew up an entire generation after you , in a broken home from an entirely different country.already out of school. black president at age 14 , employed by a black entertainer , highest paid athletes , singers ,actors in america...all black .what could this kid possibly know about real racism . kids world view couldn't be further from yours yet you hold him to the the same social standards of a adult . kid is a typical douchebag that made a bone headed move. as to why people jump to his defense this is a kid who grew up in front of the public while being a called every name in the book constantly ridiculed .he was a easy person to defend when he made that video , less so now a days but he shoulnt be scrutinized because of something he did at 14
meth has tunnel vision.

you're speaking as a grown man who probably grew up in a normal two parent household where you where taught about african american history and participated in black history month . not to mention you more than likely at the very least witnessed the l.a riots post rodney king as a young adult. put yourself in the shoes of someone who grew up an entire generation after you , in a broken home from an entirely different country.already out of school. black president at age 14 , employed by a black entertainer , highest paid athletes , singers ,actors in america...all black .what could this kid possibly know about real racism . kids world view couldn't be further from yours yet you hold him to the the same social standards of a adult . kid is a typical douchebag that made a bone headed move. as to why people jump to his defense this is a kid who grew up in front of the public while being a called every name in the book constantly ridiculed .he was a easy person to defend when he made that video , less so now a days but he shoulnt be scrutinized because of something he did at 14

So you typed all this to basically say he doesn't know how serious the N word is coming outta his mouth and he doesn't know what the KKK are about? :lol:
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The depth and shamelessness of racist denial in this country never ceases to amaze me.  

It's astounding that anyone can sit here - even from behind the coward's firewall of the Internet - and proclaim that we live in a "post-racial" society while this sort of FLAGRANT racism is considered commonplace.  Really, this is EXPECTED behavior from a 14 year old child now?  

Normally, this is perhaps the ONLY sort of racism that the general public is readily willing to label "racist."  For crying out loud, we're dealing with the invocation of both America's "cardinal slur" and the terrorist organization that has become synonymous with White Supremacist hatred.  Really, what more does someone have to say or do to qualify as "racist" in your eyes?  It's as though one not only has to commit a racist act (harm someone because of their race, use racial slurs, etc.), but they themselves have to admit that they are racists.  Otherwise, thousands of "non-racist" people will somehow find a reason to excuse a Paula Deen, a Justin Bieber, or a Duck Dynasty patriarch.  They have to be guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt," and then confess their own guilt on top of it.  

If only it were so difficult to be branded a "thug", or an "animal", or a "****", or an "official" slur, for that matter.  

It's as though the worst thing you can do in America - they VERY worst thing - isn't to take someone's dignity, someone's life, or someone's liberty; it's to call someone a "racist."  That we even TRIED, in this case, is apparently more scandalous than the hate speech itself.  What a country. 

Ask yourselves, "non-racist" Justin Bieber apologists, why did you feel the need to spring to his defense?  If it's "not that serious," why seek out this thread - out of thousands - and devote time to publicly excusing, minimizing, or dismissing his behavior - out of any number of possible uses of that same time?  It was serious to you - serious enough to make an uncommon effort to defend someone you don't know, who was TWICE now (ON TAPE ALONE), used denigrating language and "joked" about murdering a Black man for no other reason than racial hatred?  

Some of you really need to take a good, hard look in the mirror.

Do you actually identify with what he said - or, in defending him, are you really trying to defend yourself?  

One user came right out and admitted that he makes racist and homophobic "jokes."  He doesn't want to be called a bigot.  He thinks "everybody does it."  As long as you and your friends laugh about it, it's all in good fun and anyone who dares to take offense at their own denigration is "soft."  

I've always believed the opposite.  Being "soft" is being afraid to stand up for yourself, your family, or what you believe in.  Being "soft" is caring more about fitting in than your own dignity.  Being "soft" is refusing to rock the boat for fear of unwanted attention.  Being "soft" is standing by and watching a bully abuse someone to avoid becoming their next target.  That's being soft.  

Not only do we have people adamantly defending blatant hate speech, but some of you are doing so in ways that are self-evidently racist.  Think about the strategy behind bringing up Michael Jackson.  What are you saying with that?  "You're hypocrites.  You people instinctively defend your own kind, too?"  Such a tack is, at best, stereotypical and entails defining an entire GROUP of people based on the statements or actions of a select few.  The same goes for the ubiquitous "what about all the racial slurs in rap songs" argument.  

I hate to break it to you, but nobody elected L'il Wayne (or l'il anybody) as a spokesperson.  If you're White, does Justin Bieber or Donald Sterling speak for you?  Do they speak for anyone and everyone similarly complected?  No?  Then you can drop that tired argument - and apologize for summoning the gall to have ever used it to begin with.

There should be some common ground in a shared desire among all people to avoid being defined by the lunatic fringe.  For that to happen, though, you have to first denounce - rather than defend - what should, in 2014, be indefensible.

This should have been a teachable moment.  This should have been an opportunity for the millions of young people who once (for reasons that I find incomprehensible) looked up to Justin Bieber in awe to now look down on him in pity and learn from his wretched mistakes. 

Instead, the big takeaway - at least for me - is that "racist" is apparently the most heinous racial slur in America.  

In an episode fraught with inappropriate morbid "humor", that may be the darkest joke of all. 
Dude relax he made a mistake. He wasn't exposed to historical racism. HAve you even considered how he was raised? Probably not. Granted it is not EXPECTED behavior from a kid, but its more forgiveable given that WE don't know his upbringing and whether or not he had been educated on the pain and hurt of the word and how it doesn't fly here. Now if we see a vid from 20 year old Justin after hes apologize, then you can spew some "word magic"
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