One less lonely [slur deleted] - Justin Bieber. Vol Sterling part 2.

I think excessive use of the N word just shows lack of intelligence, using the N word excessively is no better than using curse words excessively in convo.

I don't swear too much honestly. If mad yes.

So Stillin you don't think white privledge is real?
What are you even trying to say?  Look at you. That's one the reasons I made the screen name, to see how quickly people try to use it against me. Only on NT. :lol:

Patrice O'Neal said it best man, blacks can say anything they want about race and we just have to sit here and take it.

His screen name is a tribute to a racist Italian Mobster. :lol:

I'm 100% not a part of your conversation nor do I care for the outcome. I just brought it up because I thought it was funny. Continue to go back in forth with the guys who are.
Find something better to do bud.
Like calling every person who disagrees with me a racist? 
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Why even bother bringing up the color of his skin though? An argument stands on its merits, not what race you the person presenting it is.
Not sure if srs. How can one have a discussion on race and their race not influence their views on race?
The point is that you're supposed to attack the argument, not the person.  Ad hominems don't bolster your argument.
The problem with these discussions here on NT is that people absolutely refuse to move their sticks an inch to hear another POV. They start personal attacks and get on a high-horse about who can/can't be racist.
Look on the last page, you clearly quoted me stating "what privilege is this"

Yeah because I want you to stand by one of your arguments instead of referring to me as Don Lemon or whatever other non sense you want to spit out

remember that "serious discussion"? You don't seem capable of actually having it
The point is that you're supposed to attack the argument, not the person.  Ad hominems don't bolster your argument.

Never attacked the person, I said him being white makes me understand his reason for having his opinions even more than if he were black and felt the same way.
The point is that you're supposed to attack the argument, not the person.  Ad hominems don't bolster your argument.
Never attacked the person, I said him being white makes me understand his reason for having his opinions even more than if he were black and felt the same way.
Which basically boils down to "you don't get it because you're white."  Which is, again, addressing the source rather than the argument itself. It's a cheap way to discredit someone that you disagree with.
No, but if this is your thought process, maybe you really don't have anything better to do. Just saying, if you make an NT sn going "I'll show them"...
It takes 5 minutes to make a screen name. I assure you not much "thinking" went into it. It's just a common trend I noticed on NT and twitter. 
Which basically boils down to "you don't get it because you're white."  Which is, again, addressing the source rather than the argument itself. It's a cheap way to discredit someone that you disagree with.

Honestly do you think you can discuss any topic against anyone who has experienced something vs someone who has just read about it?
Which basically boils down to "you don't get it because you're white."  Which is, again, addressing the source rather than the argument itself. It's a cheap way to discredit someone that you disagree with.
Honestly do you think you can discuss any topic against anyone who has experienced something vs someone who has just read about it?
Yes. Yes I do, actually.  That's like saying you can't have an argument about a war with a veteran.

Again...a cheap way to discredit another's opinion.  If your argument is so strong, you should be able to support it with your facts and assertions.  
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