Open Bar at a Job vol. Is it a Trap Edit: still got a job

Originally Posted by SIZE TENS
Originally Posted by derrty6232

I've been at my job for about 4 months now and passed on about 4 office events like bars/picnics/etc... How many more can I pass on before my coworkers start to think I'm a lame?

I just don't feel like I can relate to my coworkers, I mean they're cool and all and nice people, but because:

1 - they're all 10+ years older

2 - all married with kids

3 - I'm the only IT guy and can't really relate to their work.
Haha, this is so me, except almost all of my co-workers are 20+ years older. Every single time they have an office event, I have to think of reasons why I can't make it.

I would never drink at a work function though. Not even a glass of wine, and I can handle alcohol pretty well.
Originally Posted by derrty6232

I've been at my job for about 4 months now and passed on about 4 office events like bars/picnics/etc... How many more can I pass on before my coworkers start to think I'm a lame?

I just don't feel like I can relate to my coworkers, I mean they're cool and all and nice people, but because:

1 - they're all 10+ years older

2 - all married with kids

3 - I'm the only IT guy and can't really relate to their work.
Haha, this is so me, except almost all of my co-workers are 20+ years older. Every single time they have an office event, I have to think of reasons why I can't make it.

I would never drink at a work function though. Not even a glass of wine, and I can handle alcohol pretty well.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

When working in corporate America, for me anyways, you basically have to lead a double life.

Co-Worker: "What did you do this weekend?"
Me: "Nothing much, low key weekend."

In reality, I blacked out Friday & Saturday night, hooked up with a 350 lb. wilderbeast and woke up in my own piss.

You can only let the people you work with know so much about you.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

When working in corporate America, for me anyways, you basically have to lead a double life.

Co-Worker: "What did you do this weekend?"
Me: "Nothing much, low key weekend."

In reality, I blacked out Friday & Saturday night, hooked up with a 350 lb. wilderbeast and woke up in my own piss.

You can only let the people you work with know so much about you.
I agree with pretty much everything in this thread except that 20 year old...even if they're handing you drink you have to be smarter...

I work for a big consulting firms and they always have team events with open bars. Like people said the biggest thing is just not to be That Guy or Those Guys.

For me its a little different because if it a project party I have to be extra careful because most likely Im the only black guy on the team. I've always used these type of events as a pregame lowkey get some drink in you before you head out.

I disagree with not going- not because it makes you seem like a lame, but because it is a good networking opportunity and I never want to be the "anti-scoial" black guy. Believe or not great things work related and non work related can come out of attending these type of events.
I agree with pretty much everything in this thread except that 20 year old...even if they're handing you drink you have to be smarter...

I work for a big consulting firms and they always have team events with open bars. Like people said the biggest thing is just not to be That Guy or Those Guys.

For me its a little different because if it a project party I have to be extra careful because most likely Im the only black guy on the team. I've always used these type of events as a pregame lowkey get some drink in you before you head out.

I disagree with not going- not because it makes you seem like a lame, but because it is a good networking opportunity and I never want to be the "anti-scoial" black guy. Believe or not great things work related and non work related can come out of attending these type of events.
Yeah on top of that i'm the only black guy at my firm. i  really gonna be on my P's and Q's. There's no hiding the fact that they are watching me a bit more. Cant wait till I come back with the edit.

btw for the guy who asked fo rthe pics, i'll def bring my camera. lol. I'll try to turn it into the "Dat Mass at Work" thread.
Yeah on top of that i'm the only black guy at my firm. i  really gonna be on my P's and Q's. There's no hiding the fact that they are watching me a bit more. Cant wait till I come back with the edit.

btw for the guy who asked fo rthe pics, i'll def bring my camera. lol. I'll try to turn it into the "Dat Mass at Work" thread.
I love corporate America functions.... Everyone gets trashed but there's always one to goes a little too far....

I usually get faded ... Cracks jokes with some managing directors, then try to scoop the shorty in the back who had a little too much to drink. If it ain't poppin leave early and hit a bar or lounge.

I'm quitting my job for new years so I'm going out with a bang for the "Christmas party".
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