Opinions on terrorism....

Jan 14, 2004
I'm sitting here reading an article about a Muslim cleric who is advocated the killing of US civilians. Of course I hate this guy immediately but as I read more hes justifying his stance with the killing of Muslim civilians in other parts of the world including Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
It's hard to justify murder and I am very against any kind of terrorism but can we put ourselves in their shoes for a sec?

Your a 15 year old Iraqi and your father us killed by a predator drone and you know he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
How would you feel about america? What would you do about it? There might not be an immediate course of action but maybe you would start listening to that crazy guy down the street who advocates violent action.....and then who knows.

This sort if stuff creates terrorists. It's hard to do but can you see where their coming from? Again killing isn't the answer IMO but I guess I get the hate.

Terrorism is, in the most general sense, the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.

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As soon as countries begin to fight back against those who abuse and exploit their resources in an organized fashion, they're labeled as pirates and terrorists.

People like Fidel, George W, and Jong-Ill are terrorists, and I despise them.

Militias like the somalian "pirates", and "terrorists" of the middle east may not seem like they're doing the right thing because of how they're portrayed, but in many cases its just them fighting back.

I don't like them, per se, but I can't blame them.
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