Osama Bin Laden is dead

Originally Posted by acidicality

I agree with that burial, whether it abided to Muslim tradition or not. The last thing they should have done was to bury him somewhere on land where he can be found. If keeping his body wasn't an option, I think that was the right thing to do.

The conspiracy theories are dumb. No matter when it happened, there's always some stupid people who think of some outrageous ideas. It's never that complicated.
Why call it dumb? Because you personally don't agree with it?
Originally Posted by acidicality

I agree with that burial, whether it abided to Muslim tradition or not. The last thing they should have done was to bury him somewhere on land where he can be found. If keeping his body wasn't an option, I think that was the right thing to do.

The conspiracy theories are dumb. No matter when it happened, there's always some stupid people who think of some outrageous ideas. It's never that complicated.
Why call it dumb? Because you personally don't agree with it?
I still cant believe he'e dead in terms of a shock. It came outta nowhere last night and I was 
when I put on Fox 5. Everyone has to be happy over this. The family of those that died during 9/11, the troops overseas, and even the Muslims here in the States who get ridiculed and assume they are believers of Osama. I wish they release some type of picture of his face or video to clarify everything up and end this conspiracy thing. I pretty much dont know squat about stocks or the stock market and I keep hearing it will affect. How will the death of him affect it? and i was considering going into it soon 
I still cant believe he'e dead in terms of a shock. It came outta nowhere last night and I was 
when I put on Fox 5. Everyone has to be happy over this. The family of those that died during 9/11, the troops overseas, and even the Muslims here in the States who get ridiculed and assume they are believers of Osama. I wish they release some type of picture of his face or video to clarify everything up and end this conspiracy thing. I pretty much dont know squat about stocks or the stock market and I keep hearing it will affect. How will the death of him affect it? and i was considering going into it soon 
This is one one of the best theories yet ...





Well a very heavy aberration tonight, in a garrison, let's go hit the terrorist taze um ...
This is one one of the best theories yet ...





Well a very heavy aberration tonight, in a garrison, let's go hit the terrorist taze um ...
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by acidicality

I agree with that burial, whether it abided to Muslim tradition or not. The last thing they should have done was to bury him somewhere on land where he can be found. If keeping his body wasn't an option, I think that was the right thing to do.

The conspiracy theories are dumb. No matter when it happened, there's always some stupid people who think of some outrageous ideas. It's never that complicated.
Why call it dumb? Because you personally don't agree with it?

It is dumb, people think these dudes faking pics and twitter feeds and speeches, just so Obama can get re-elected, you dont think the republicans and tea party would be all over that. It would literally be the biggest scandal in the US history. 100 times bigger than watergate. Obama aint risking all that so he can gain some some small  re election points. Bye this time next yr if gas prices are 6 dollars and the economy is in the tank, you think people gonna be like " well he ordered the strike that killed Osama, I can't drive and my house is foreclosed but he killed Osama so I'm still voting for him".  You know how much can change in a year and a half.

Cmon son
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by acidicality

I agree with that burial, whether it abided to Muslim tradition or not. The last thing they should have done was to bury him somewhere on land where he can be found. If keeping his body wasn't an option, I think that was the right thing to do.

The conspiracy theories are dumb. No matter when it happened, there's always some stupid people who think of some outrageous ideas. It's never that complicated.
Why call it dumb? Because you personally don't agree with it?

It is dumb, people think these dudes faking pics and twitter feeds and speeches, just so Obama can get re-elected, you dont think the republicans and tea party would be all over that. It would literally be the biggest scandal in the US history. 100 times bigger than watergate. Obama aint risking all that so he can gain some some small  re election points. Bye this time next yr if gas prices are 6 dollars and the economy is in the tank, you think people gonna be like " well he ordered the strike that killed Osama, I can't drive and my house is foreclosed but he killed Osama so I'm still voting for him".  You know how much can change in a year and a half.

Cmon son
Originally Posted by streethoopkilla

I I pretty much dont know squat about stocks or the stock market and I keep hearing it will affect. How will the death of him affect it? and i was considering going into it soon 

Osama caused the Dow to drop 3 points today.  That was the effect on the stock market.  Common sense + Intuition > News.
Originally Posted by streethoopkilla

I I pretty much dont know squat about stocks or the stock market and I keep hearing it will affect. How will the death of him affect it? and i was considering going into it soon 

Osama caused the Dow to drop 3 points today.  That was the effect on the stock market.  Common sense + Intuition > News.
Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by WHPH10

This is all bull %*#% distraction.

Who gives a $+@! about whether or not Osama's alive?

All the people celebrating in the streets and the families of victims who died in 9/11 seem to give a !!@%
Drunk college kids who need an excuse to party in public.  
who weren't affected in the least, right? i mean, they probably didn't lose any loved ones or had any suffer any debilitating injuries, correct?
Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by WHPH10

This is all bull %*#% distraction.

Who gives a $+@! about whether or not Osama's alive?

All the people celebrating in the streets and the families of victims who died in 9/11 seem to give a !!@%
Drunk college kids who need an excuse to party in public.  
who weren't affected in the least, right? i mean, they probably didn't lose any loved ones or had any suffer any debilitating injuries, correct?
Originally Posted by MrDozo

I just dont believe it, its way too convenient, too coincidental with the election year, his birth certificate finally revealed, tv appearances. No, theres something under the surface.

Its not an election year. Nice try though.
Originally Posted by MrDozo

I just dont believe it, its way too convenient, too coincidental with the election year, his birth certificate finally revealed, tv appearances. No, theres something under the surface.

Its not an election year. Nice try though.
look, All you guys that is judging Osama bin laden without meeting the guy needs to sit down. To say stuff like "to hell with that scumbag" makes you sound very ignorant. You don't know if he really commited the crime the American government accused him of. I'm not defending the guy but all I'm saying is I live by only god can judge me and I wouldn't want anyone to judge me before meeting me.

I love the USA and I'm very patriotic but I'm not sure if the US government is showing me that same patriotism back. I'm very skeptical about anything a white congressman say on TV and I'm trying to be as unbiased and open-minded as possible.
look, All you guys that is judging Osama bin laden without meeting the guy needs to sit down. To say stuff like "to hell with that scumbag" makes you sound very ignorant. You don't know if he really commited the crime the American government accused him of. I'm not defending the guy but all I'm saying is I live by only god can judge me and I wouldn't want anyone to judge me before meeting me.

I love the USA and I'm very patriotic but I'm not sure if the US government is showing me that same patriotism back. I'm very skeptical about anything a white congressman say on TV and I'm trying to be as unbiased and open-minded as possible.
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