Osama Bin Laden is dead

So if someone said you were dead, you wouldnt come out and kill that rumor the next day? Especially after you see a country you hate celebrating your death? What proof do you have that he isnt dead? There is more info pointing to Bin Laden being dead than alive.
So if someone said you were dead, you wouldnt come out and kill that rumor the next day? Especially after you see a country you hate celebrating your death? What proof do you have that he isnt dead? There is more info pointing to Bin Laden being dead than alive.
FResHtuDEF wrote:
Bin laden is NOT dead,

U.S negotiated with terrorists.

He is alive and free

Mark my words!!!!!!

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

FResHtuDEF wrote:
Bin laden is NOT dead,

U.S negotiated with terrorists.

He is alive and free

Mark my words!!!!!!



Also I didnt see an answer last time I asked this, but where's this .gif from??
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

FResHtuDEF wrote:
Bin laden is NOT dead,

U.S negotiated with terrorists.

He is alive and free

Mark my words!!!!!!



Also I didnt see an answer last time I asked this, but where's this .gif from??
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Anything the government would come out with as proof you would discredit by saying it was made up by the government to fool the American people.

Of course I would. Fear is the ultimate tool of governments.
exactly, you fear your country so much you don't trust ANYTHING....

I don't fear anything, dude. Why should I trust these people? They take away my rights, they steal my money, they tell me what I can eat and what I cannot.

The fact that you have people not only in here but across this country believing ANYTHING that people in suits tell them is the reason why we are where we are now. You people don't ask any questions, you people are serfs. The people who ask questions are "conpiracy theorists", "idiots", "looney", ect..

Everyday this government tells you the world is about to end. Global Warming is going to kill us all. Soda and Gatorade is going to kill us all. Salt in foods is going to kill us all. Muslims who live in caves are going to eat your children! Come on.
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Anything the government would come out with as proof you would discredit by saying it was made up by the government to fool the American people.

Of course I would. Fear is the ultimate tool of governments.
exactly, you fear your country so much you don't trust ANYTHING....

I don't fear anything, dude. Why should I trust these people? They take away my rights, they steal my money, they tell me what I can eat and what I cannot.

The fact that you have people not only in here but across this country believing ANYTHING that people in suits tell them is the reason why we are where we are now. You people don't ask any questions, you people are serfs. The people who ask questions are "conpiracy theorists", "idiots", "looney", ect..

Everyday this government tells you the world is about to end. Global Warming is going to kill us all. Soda and Gatorade is going to kill us all. Salt in foods is going to kill us all. Muslims who live in caves are going to eat your children! Come on.
i believe he is dead

now if he died awhile ago or on May 1st we dont know.....thats where them killing him and dumping him at sea is a stupid idea

atleast let the world know its really him instead of doing all this secret megatron crap

Muslims disown this man so all religious talk shoulda been thrown out!

not to mention he is the most wanted man in the world im 99% sure Muslims wouldn't mind if we took his body for further proof and to dead conspiracies
i believe he is dead

now if he died awhile ago or on May 1st we dont know.....thats where them killing him and dumping him at sea is a stupid idea

atleast let the world know its really him instead of doing all this secret megatron crap

Muslims disown this man so all religious talk shoulda been thrown out!

not to mention he is the most wanted man in the world im 99% sure Muslims wouldn't mind if we took his body for further proof and to dead conspiracies
Originally Posted by rashi

I don't fear anything, dude. Why should I trust these people? They take away my rights, they steal my money, they tell me what I can eat and what I cannot.

The fact that you have people not only in here but across this country believing ANYTHING that people in suits tell them is the reason why we are where we are now. You people don't ask any questions, you people are serfs. The people who ask questions are "conpiracy theorists", "idiots", "looney", ect..

Everyday this government tells you the world is about to end. Global Warming is going to kill us all. Soda and Gatorade is going to kill us all. Salt in foods is going to kill us all. Muslims who live in caves are going to eat your children! Come on.

Originally Posted by rashi

I don't fear anything, dude. Why should I trust these people? They take away my rights, they steal my money, they tell me what I can eat and what I cannot.

The fact that you have people not only in here but across this country believing ANYTHING that people in suits tell them is the reason why we are where we are now. You people don't ask any questions, you people are serfs. The people who ask questions are "conpiracy theorists", "idiots", "looney", ect..

Everyday this government tells you the world is about to end. Global Warming is going to kill us all. Soda and Gatorade is going to kill us all. Salt in foods is going to kill us all. Muslims who live in caves are going to eat your children! Come on.

Originally Posted by PleaseSayTheBaby23

i believe he is dead

now if he died awhile ago or on May 1st we dont know.....thats where them killing him and dumping him at sea is a stupid idea

atleast let the world know its really him instead of doing all this secret megatron crap

Muslims disown this man so all religious talk shoulda been thrown out!

not to mention he is the most wanted man in the world im 99% sure Muslims wouldn't mind if we took his body for further proof and to dead conspiracies
Its gonna be conspiracies regardless. Them capturing and putting him on trial would be a mess and a side show. Then he would just be in jail for years and years. One of the main reasons he was buried at sea was to not have a shrine or burial site where other terrorists could worship him. People are talking about interrogating him.....really what is he gonna tell us. Cmon now.

Even if they release the picture you people still wouldnt be pleased. People are never satisfied.

Originally Posted by PleaseSayTheBaby23

i believe he is dead

now if he died awhile ago or on May 1st we dont know.....thats where them killing him and dumping him at sea is a stupid idea

atleast let the world know its really him instead of doing all this secret megatron crap

Muslims disown this man so all religious talk shoulda been thrown out!

not to mention he is the most wanted man in the world im 99% sure Muslims wouldn't mind if we took his body for further proof and to dead conspiracies
Its gonna be conspiracies regardless. Them capturing and putting him on trial would be a mess and a side show. Then he would just be in jail for years and years. One of the main reasons he was buried at sea was to not have a shrine or burial site where other terrorists could worship him. People are talking about interrogating him.....really what is he gonna tell us. Cmon now.

Even if they release the picture you people still wouldnt be pleased. People are never satisfied.

If you don't see it alive don't believe it.

I think they are creating a viscous CGI Photoshop and some wild high technological image to sway us.
If you don't see it alive don't believe it.

I think they are creating a viscous CGI Photoshop and some wild high technological image to sway us.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by rashi

Of course I would. Fear is the ultimate tool of governments.
exactly, you fear your country so much you don't trust ANYTHING....

I don't fear anything, dude. Why should I trust these people? They take away my rights, they steal my money, they tell me what I can eat and what I cannot.

The fact that you have people not only in here but across this country believing ANYTHING that people in suits tell them is the reason why we are where we are now. You people don't ask any questions, you people are serfs. The people who ask questions are "conpiracy theorists", "idiots", "looney", ect..

Everyday this government tells you the world is about to end. Global Warming is going to kill us all. Soda and Gatorade is going to kill us all. Salt in foods is going to kill us all. Muslims who live in caves are going to eat your children! Come on.

I agree with you Rashi, it's as if anyone who questions that Osama isn't dead is just an "idiot", "conspiracy theorist", "un-American" and so forth. As you previoiusly stated, there is so many things going on in this country that the average American doesn't know about, but if they did care to find out they would still likely just brush it off. One clear example that EVEN the Average American knows about is the TSA groping going on in airports. How is that okay? Little kids getting fondled....really?

The gov't is attempting to take away our rights. The Patriot Act was signed once again by Obama , thus keeping it in place. The Patriot Act is unconstiutional and must be abolished. Furthermore, the Federal Reserve must be audited and thereafter abolished as well, how is creating money out of thin air sound for our economy? That's why the value of the dollar is worthless. You can see it, with the spike in Gold prices. I'm sure everyone see's all those commercials saying Cash for Gold. THEY want your Gold in exchange for cash because cash has no value. 

With that being said, I don't think Osama is dead. 
Originally Posted by howdeepisyourlove

If you don't see it alive don't believe it.

I think they are creating a viscous CGI Photoshop and some wild high technological image to sway us.

I never saw Abe Lincoln die. Does that mean he's chilling the the Bahamas with some hottie drinkin pina coladas after he found the fountain of youth through his secret presidential powers?

You dudes are wild...
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by rashi

Of course I would. Fear is the ultimate tool of governments.
exactly, you fear your country so much you don't trust ANYTHING....

I don't fear anything, dude. Why should I trust these people? They take away my rights, they steal my money, they tell me what I can eat and what I cannot.

The fact that you have people not only in here but across this country believing ANYTHING that people in suits tell them is the reason why we are where we are now. You people don't ask any questions, you people are serfs. The people who ask questions are "conpiracy theorists", "idiots", "looney", ect..

Everyday this government tells you the world is about to end. Global Warming is going to kill us all. Soda and Gatorade is going to kill us all. Salt in foods is going to kill us all. Muslims who live in caves are going to eat your children! Come on.

I agree with you Rashi, it's as if anyone who questions that Osama isn't dead is just an "idiot", "conspiracy theorist", "un-American" and so forth. As you previoiusly stated, there is so many things going on in this country that the average American doesn't know about, but if they did care to find out they would still likely just brush it off. One clear example that EVEN the Average American knows about is the TSA groping going on in airports. How is that okay? Little kids getting fondled....really?

The gov't is attempting to take away our rights. The Patriot Act was signed once again by Obama , thus keeping it in place. The Patriot Act is unconstiutional and must be abolished. Furthermore, the Federal Reserve must be audited and thereafter abolished as well, how is creating money out of thin air sound for our economy? That's why the value of the dollar is worthless. You can see it, with the spike in Gold prices. I'm sure everyone see's all those commercials saying Cash for Gold. THEY want your Gold in exchange for cash because cash has no value. 

With that being said, I don't think Osama is dead. 
Originally Posted by howdeepisyourlove

If you don't see it alive don't believe it.

I think they are creating a viscous CGI Photoshop and some wild high technological image to sway us.

I never saw Abe Lincoln die. Does that mean he's chilling the the Bahamas with some hottie drinkin pina coladas after he found the fountain of youth through his secret presidential powers?

You dudes are wild...
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by rashi

Of course I would. Fear is the ultimate tool of governments.
exactly, you fear your country so much you don't trust ANYTHING....

I don't fear anything, dude. Why should I trust these people? They take away my rights, they steal my money, they tell me what I can eat and what I cannot.

The fact that you have people not only in here but across this country believing ANYTHING that people in suits tell them is the reason why we are where we are now. You people don't ask any questions, you people are serfs. The people who ask questions are "conpiracy theorists", "idiots", "looney", ect..

Everyday this government tells you the world is about to end. Global Warming is going to kill us all. Soda and Gatorade is going to kill us all. Salt in foods is going to kill us all. Muslims who live in caves are going to eat your children! Come on.
1. What rights have have been taken from YOU specifically?
2. How is your money being stolen (specifically)?

3. What food do you want to eat that the government won't let you?

4. Show me the source thats shows the government saying "the world is about to end"

5. Show me the report saying a change in climate won't affect us.

5. Show me the government report/statement saying soda and gatorade will kill you.

6.Show me the government report/statement saying "salt in foods is going to kill us all"

7. I thought Obama himself has been saying this isn't a fight against muslims?

you sound scared..... glenn beck scared
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