Osama Bin Laden is dead

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Let me clear this up:

Burying at sea isn't a Muslim tradition. Burying soon (~24hrs) is.

The reasoning behind this is not specific to Osama.

When a Muslim dies, the funeral is either that day if possible or the next.

[h1]What Are Islamic Burial Traditions?[/h1][h2]Bin Laden's Immediate Burial Spurs Questions[/h2]
When word came that Osama bin Laden's body had been immediately buried at sea following his death at the hands of U.S. forces, it left many Americans wondering about the details of Islamic burial traditions.

Bin Laden was buried at sea from the deck of a U.S. aircraft carrier because there was "no land alternative," a senior Department of Defense official told CNN on Monday.

Another defense official said there was no country willing or able to accept the body for burial, and U.S. forces "took pains to observe Muslim law."

The religious rites were conducted on the deck of the USS Carl Vinson in the Arabian Sea, with the ceremony starting at 1:10 a.m. and finishing at 2:10 a.m. ET, according to CNN.

"The body was washed and placed in a white sheet. A military official read prepared remarks, which were then translated into Arabic by a native speaker. The body of Osama bin Laden was placed on a flat board, which was then tipped up, and allowed to slide into the sea," the second official said.[h3]Burial[/h3]As Siala explains, Muslim burial should be done as soon as possible after death, except for several exceptions, including prohibitions against burial at night, during sunrise before the sun has fully risen and at the sun's zenith in the sky. However, in cases of urgent need, burial is allowed during these otherwise prohibited times.While all members of the community attend the funeral prayers, only men of the community accompany the body the gravesite.It is preferred for a Muslim to be buried where he or she died, and not be transported to another location or country. Such moves could cause delays or require embalming of the body.The grave should be located in a cemetery set aside for Muslims and dug deep enough to hide the entire body. The body is laid to rest on its right side facing Mecca without a coffin, if permitted by local law.At the gravesite, it is also discouraged for people to erect tombstones or elaborate markers or put flowers or other mementos on the grave.Muslim burial traditions also allow for burial at sea, according to Siala, if a person should die on a ship, according to The Muslim Council of Britain. The same procedures for washing and shrouding the body should be followed, with a weight then tied around the body before it is thrown into the water.

SMH at people saying "its the highest honor to be buried early."  It is a prescription of Islamic law.
Originally Posted by quik1987

Things that don't add up.

- They said he didn't even get a shot off. Yet the dude that announced the helicopter was heard 6km away. He didn't have a gun on him?

- They said there were no U.S. casualties, Osama didn't have his own special trained bodyguards?

- They said he used a woman as a human shield, yet the seals were not able to apprehend him alive?

- The place where they caught him was not a coastal city. How did they do DNA testing and confirm it was him within 24 hours and dump his body in the ocean in Islamic tradition in strict conformance? Note that they probably had to have a DNA sample on hand or send out the DNA sample from the scene. So they prepped his funeral before they even confirmed it was him?

In all due time all your questions will be answered.  Details of the mission including pictures, videos will soon be declassified and released.  Don't worry the entire operation was broadcast in HD quality to operation command at Langley.  I don't know how many of you guys know people in the military, homeland security or your basic local law enforcement but today everyone is on their toes because everyone is expecting a retaliation against US personnel abroad and here Stateside.  So lets just hope nothing major happens today.  
With all that said... why in the world would the US Govt post pictures of a dead Osama to further enraged his supporters especially today when his supporters are in mourning?  

So in all due time folks... I waited how many years for this scum to be killed?   Well I can wait a few more days/weeks for further clarification on his death. 
no pics/video yet?

Originally Posted by quik1987

Things that don't add up.

- They said he didn't even get a shot off. Yet the dude that announced the helicopter was heard 6km away. He didn't have a gun on him?

- They said there were no U.S. casualties, Osama didn't have his own special trained bodyguards?

- They said he used a woman as a human shield, yet the seals were not able to apprehend him alive?

- The place where they caught him was not a coastal city. How did they do DNA testing and confirm it was him within 24 hours and dump his body in the ocean in Islamic tradition in strict conformance? Note that they probably had to have a DNA sample on hand or send out the DNA sample from the scene. So they prepped his funeral before they even confirmed it was him?
Originally Posted by quik1987

Things that don't add up.

- They said he didn't even get a shot off. Yet the dude that announced the helicopter was heard 6km away. He didn't have a gun on him?

- They said there were no U.S. casualties, Osama didn't have his own special trained bodyguards?

- They said he used a woman as a human shield, yet the seals were not able to apprehend him alive?

- The place where they caught him was not a coastal city. How did they do DNA testing and confirm it was him within 24 hours and dump his body in the ocean in Islamic tradition in strict conformance? Note that they probably had to have a DNA sample on hand or send out the DNA sample from the scene. So they prepped his funeral before they even confirmed it was him?
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