P90X Discussion

Originally Posted by Ben Roethlisberger

Originally Posted by mattg

Hi. I just got P90X and before I start I had a few questions. First, who here that does P90X follows the nutrition plan completely? I don't really eat anything in this nutrition plan, though my normal diet isn't that bad imo. Will that affect my results if I don't fully follow it? Secondly, what kind of protein/recovery shake would you recommend? Any help would be great looking to start this soon thanks.
You NEED to follow the nutrition plan. I already eat good to begin with (havent drank soda or eaten red meat, pork or beef in 3 years, no fastfood) and I've been doing this for almost 30 days I think? (Bout to start phase 2 next week) and I've had maybe 2 cheat meals. You wont get ripped if you are drinking sodas and eating pizza all the time.

On another note...

Am I the only one here that HATES yoga days? I do almost half of it and just end up quiting to run a mile, yoga is too boring for me.
I hate the Yoga too.. I do something else on Yoga day... Cardio X most of the time.
^ Phase II i beast!!!..............I'm on my 2nd week of Phase II, and I'm soooooooo sore......
damn i start phase 2 on monday as well...

are you guys doing the regular P90, double, or lean

i'm contemplating about doing double...i wanna do more cardio to cut but lift still
Wow haven't been here in awhile..

Progress is going well fellas, up to week 3 Phase II and its kicking my butt. I used to just focus on the time, but now im focusing on lifting heavy and as ingood form as I can - as a result the workouts go really fast.

I have modified it slightly, and do legs at the gym and move plyos + arx to Fridays, im seeing good progress with my vert. I wanted to do this because I feltthe leg workout wasn't that great. I was squatting around 80kgs (3x10) - not bad for a 60kg fella. After P90x im planning to hit the gym and do a cleanbulk, or either do P90x + or another round of P90x.

Physically I feel much stronger etc.. its been great. Although I have lost a lot of mass, probably due to not eating enough. For the diet, I suggest you use itas a reference, try to keep to those servings in the earlier stages, after awhile you can tweak your diet - and this will probably be directed to your carbintake. If you need energy take the carbs, if not then proceed with the alotted servings.

I too feel bored by the Yoga X, I usually just skip it as it lands on the days where I play ball etc.. if it doesn't i'll usually do Kenpo X or CardioX.

I need to to Stretch X though, might do it this afternoon or on Sundays. Never done it before.

Next week is my recovery week, however I might go to the gym that week and continue to workout like usual to trick the muscles.
im officially half way done.. day 45. happy with my results so far. lost 10 pounds, put on some muscle mass. my stomach is getting a lot flatter, but idon't feel my abs bulging out.. wondering if im doing anything wrong.
my diet has been good, i have been eating clean the whole time with maybe 3 cheat meals the whole way max. pull-ups are still a mother though..
started my 2nd go around of p90x the other day, working out in an apartment is a biatch and a half, but I finally see the true workout behind it, the pull ups.My lawd am i hurtin from them, I only used the bands the first go around and now I see why my results weren't as good as the ones on tv, albeit being adrastic change from b4 i started it altogether
Checking to see how you guys are going with your p90x workouts. I'm on day 54 today, and I've seen great changes in my body
Did Yoga X for the first time...

Was definitely interesting but way too long. I hate the first half of it, pissed me off - I thought Yoga was stress-releasing lol.

Phase 3 Week 1 nearly done.

Im not sure if i'll do another round, because I want to hit the gym again I miss it. Definitely will still be using ARX and the circuit/cardiovasculartheme of their workouts into my of programme though.
I'm on my 75th day of P90x. It has been going great so far, and I'm amped about my results. I'm thinking of doing Shaun T's Insanity. Anybody got the hookup for Insanity. PM me. Thanks NT.
So I am back. Posting from A diff sn since I am banned. But. I was doing really well, got to day 60 and BAM RAMADAN STARTED. So now I am back to beingoverweight and looking nasty.

Today will be Day 1. No prep no nothing Just going to the gym and starting. I also have Insanity but don't think I will be starting that.
had some dumb setbacks...twisted my ankle and it still hasn't completely healed so i haven't done plyo x in a while...gonna do it today tho

technically on week 4...diet is getting better..gonnna try doubles in phase II
I'm technically on week 2 of serious training(I messed with the program to get a bit used to it..to my liking).

I'm not too crazy about the tri workout, I feel more sore at the weight room but its whatever. The leg workout and plyometrics is money though.

I jammed my damn pinky yesterday playing football though...gonna be a ++*+% doing chest today.

I may replace kenpo with just running/b-ball.
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

Originally Posted by blacklabel98329

Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

Originally Posted by Rukawa sj

Can someone pm me the pdf files please? Much appreciated!
co-sign. thanks in advance

i too would like to see what all the fuss is about. greatly appreciated if i can get a copy of it too!

I too would appreciate a copy. I'm on my third week and have a good control of a diet but I wanted to see the P90x diet.
Could someone forward me the pdf file for the nutrition?
I never really had it but maybe I could change something in my own diet for the better with the guide?
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