Pacquiao is willing to agree to Mayweather's drug testing terms! vol. lets get ready to RUMBLE!!!

Originally Posted by Proshares

PED's leave your system very faster than older steroids. That's where the random testing and testing the day before/day of the fight would come in handy.
Oh ok. Wasnt sure.

Proshares wrote:
PED's leave your system faster than older steroids. That's where the random testing and testing the day before/day of the fight would come in handy.
Din ding, we have a winner. There can't be any blackout dates in order for the testing to be accurate.

Yea I read something earlier from some doctor talking about the testing. And he said there are PEDs that will accelerate and make more red blood cells (improving stamina and other things) that can leave the body in 3-5 days. @!@## crazy, but really if he really wants to make sure the sports clean like he says go all the way with it. Whats the point of going 3/4 of the way with it. Go all in, or all out. Realtalk
Originally Posted by wxyzfactor

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by CP1708

Gunna, you might need to break out the crayons and draw some pictures or something for these guys.  They havin a hard time with this stuff. 

I see, no one gets it I'll try again...

 the Current drug testing by the Nevada boxing commission is a JOKE, there are fighters who havent tested positive who have been proven to use PEDs.... until there is a unversal commission wide usage of  WADA Olympic style drug testing program, U can not stand here and say, guys are 100% clean.

do u get it now? do u understand?

Lets see if they understand now CP

I countered your argument with actual evidence that Manny has tested negative for every urine and blood test.  Then you compare Manny to MLB but Manny isn't connected to BALCO, not connected to doctors or trainers linking him to PED's, not linked to any Mitchell report linking him to PEDs

Where is the actual evidence to back up your beliefs that Manny is PED besides suspicion?  Do you get it now?  Do you understand that you need actual evidence (such as actual links to PEDs or testing positive) to show that Manny is on PEDs besides just believing he is?
Dude read a little slower and take in everything that you read, it might make more sense.  And you also have to be indifferent on the topic.  You don't have to think Pac is dirty, just don't assume he's clean.
The name of the game since day 1 vs. PBF is to attack, attack, attack, put pressure on him and he's 41-0.
Everyone says "I'm going to do what no one else has done; attack him and put the pressure on him. He's never felt the kinda pressure I'm going to put on him." People don't choose to fight PBF's fight, they're forced to. You think more people would look at a tape of JLC/PBF I and try to use that.
Originally Posted by dreClark

The name of the game since day 1 vs. PBF is to attack, attack, attack, put pressure on him and he's 41-0.

It's that D
Originally Posted by Proshares

Everyone says "I'm going to do what no one else has done; attack him and put the pressure on him. He's never felt the kinda pressure I'm going to put on him." People don't choose to fight PBF's fight, they're forced to. You think more people would look at a tape of JLC/PBF I and try to use that.

He hasn't really faced high level pressure fighters after JLC though. (not to say he's ducking them, there just aren't any)
Closest was Hatton, and he just has no defense at all.
I don't know if this has been brought up before, but on Monday before the fight the USADA testers came to get a urine sample from Shane and he even said he'd RATHER have them stick a needle in his arm and take blood than give them a urine sample.

It was on Episode 4 of 24/7 at the 6:30 mark:
I agree with everything the doping control officer said about why these are the best tests for cleaning up the sport. Shane was caught completely off guard, but he was still very cooperative despite trying to make weight for the fight.

Manny needs to just agree to the testing and make the fight happen. Maybe he's just worried about the fact that the tests are random, as opposed to the 3 set testing dates that he wanted earlier in the negotiations.
It's harder to get the piss test because the way these dudes work, a lot of times they are dehydrated as hell.
Channeling Harry Greb

To beat Floyd, you have to fight him with intelligent disdain and exploit his vulnerabilities –physically and psychologically. 

Sure, almost every one of Floyd’s high profile opponents has proclaimed the intention to “pressure
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Pacquiao needs to just get in the ring and whoop Mayflower's @#% everyone can just shut up!
No seriously though, where the hell was this talk a few months ago? As soon as Mayflower accuses him, everyone starts to jump and ride his "D"

I know JMM and Paulie have been outspoken on this issue as well.

do not know why they arent also being sued.

manny dont want it with my dude anymore.
This fight is nothing but hype...Pac can't even tie Floyd's shoes! Can't wait to bet big on this one easy money!<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

this should end all this back and forth stuff between both wagons. Lets just all enjoy the fight and stop catching feelings.
Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

Originally Posted by Proshares

Everyone says "I'm going to do what no one else has done; attack him and put the pressure on him. He's never felt the kinda pressure I'm going to put on him." People don't choose to fight PBF's fight, they're forced to. You think more people would look at a tape of JLC/PBF I and try to use that.

He hasn't really faced high level pressure fighters after JLC though. (not to say he's ducking them, there just aren't any)
Closest was Hatton, and he just has no defense at all.

who did he just fight this weekend?
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

Originally Posted by Proshares

Everyone says "I'm going to do what no one else has done; attack him and put the pressure on him. He's never felt the kinda pressure I'm going to put on him." People don't choose to fight PBF's fight, they're forced to. You think more people would look at a tape of JLC/PBF I and try to use that.

He hasn't really faced high level pressure fighters after JLC though. (not to say he's ducking them, there just aren't any)
Closest was Hatton, and he just has no defense at all.

who did he just fight this weekend?
When did Mosley become a pressure fighter?
He was always more of a boxer-puncher, who relied too much on the puncher part.
By no means can he be considered a "pressure fighter".

Look at it this way, do you see ANY similarities with Mosley and Chavez?
Are needles less scary 17 days before a fight than 1-14 days before a fight?  I hope Floyd whoop his #+!. 
Pacquiao needs to just get in the ring and whoop Mayflower's $@@ everyone can just shut up!
No seriously though, where the hell was this talk a few months ago? As soon as Mayflower accuses him, everyone starts to jump and ride his "D"
Any info as to how close to the Mayweather-Mosley fight did they draw the last blood samples? Was it on the day of the fight itself? I see that articles are now floating saying that Money doesn't agree to the 14 day window that he was willing to agree on the last time they were negotiating, now that Pacquiao said he's okay with 14 days.
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