Paging all nerds Vol. Space-Time continuum

Mar 13, 2008
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by BlastaMasta8

I wonder who my first ancestor was.

The same as mine..

I just want you guys to know, I could really drop bombs in this thread

My turn... I'm about to go over a lot of heads...

If a man from today (2009) is talking to his former self from 1999 via cell phone, at what point -- in which time space continuum, will he remember having already done that? Will the younger man have a sense of deja vu one day while talking on his phone to his future self, only to grow up, answer his cell 10 years later, and hear his own voice conversing with him? Would the call go exactly the same? And if it doesn't, can you be certain that the future even exists?

If the future can be observed, only to inevitably change due to that observation, does that prove that time as we know it is an illusion or at best, a misunderstanding? If so, could all possible timelines (now, future, and past with every increments representing a different "strand" of time -- picture these strands like horizonatal guitar strings or a number line) run in "the present" and run parallell to each other?

If so, that would mean that we don't have a fixed position on one timeline and we don't travel along that timeline (which is what terms like past and future are relative to), but it's more or less like "froggering" across timelines. That's the only way a non-fixed future could make sense.

My theory supports a fluid future, because your future is relative to where you are on the Y-axis and not the X-axis (across time as oposed to along). My theory supports that there are various Y values for every X value, just like in real life there are various outcomes for any present decision or action. If you can, do allow yourself to picture the various and indefinite ammounts of timelines as different lines under the formula Y=aX where X is the present and whatever decision or action is presently happening (independent variable) and Y is the result of that action (future) and a is whatever you want to call the coefficient that determines whether your future goes one way or the other (Fate? Destiny? Luck? Sarandipidy?). For fuirther clarification, on this life grid, all facets of existing takes place along the X-axis. Thoughts, actions, etc are all events that have a place on the X axis. The result of those actions is a Y value.

Well my theory suggests that each individual has plotted points on the life grid (called their lifeline) that may take him up or down the life grid, encountering Y=aX lines. These points are not predetermined, so there is no 100% accurate way of predicting which way the lifeline will go. I'm sure you're aware that the course of one's life can be affected by many things. However, since the strands of time are linear, their futures are set and God knows it. Because it's al math based, you can predict a point on any Y=aX line with a little algebra know-how. That is how God is able to know the future even if it's constantly changing for us. All God has to know is which strand our lifeline is currently on (read: Which Y value represents the current X value for the lifeline). He is able to know your future for any given present but there is no way to tell what "tomorrow's future" will be because since tomorrow isn't set in stone, neither is its future. This last sentence creats a paradox though. How can you know the future, but not the future of the future? I'll solve that paradox for you guys another time

If you're intelligent and would like to discuss the possibility ofalternate time lines -- then I care what you have to say.
Oh ok, so now I'm like the only weird mother !!$!!% on NT? Screw you guys. I'm taking my ball and going home...
Did you read what I wrote, or you just wanted to post that pic? Cuz if it' the latter, you don't fit the underlined statement in the OP.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Did you read what I wrote, or you just wanted to post that pic? Cuz if it' the latter, you don't fit the underlined statement in the OP.


just messing with you. i wonder about this all the time. Give me a sec..i'll write out my thoughts
Originally Posted by MJsaver

honestly i couldnt read all that.

cliff note please, shorten it up.
To be real with you, I can't. I don't know how. That's really as simple as it gets, unlesssomebody can take what I've written and re-write it for me.
Originally Posted by BirdsIView

I think once you start effecting the past that's when you go into a parallel universe.
Agreed, but since the present is the future's past... you affect the past-present (and therefore the future) ALL THE TIME. That's one ofthe corner stones of my OP.
incomprehensible amount of parallel universes. one for every differently placed atomic element... 0.o
Originally Posted by JordanHead2

I'm a little confused, but what I think you're getting at is that the future is unpredictable?
Well...kinda.. I'm saying that it is "predictably unpredictable and unpredictably predictable". Yeah, I know how crazy that sounds
This thread reminds me of metaphysics.


Even if you were to successfully go back in time, you'd be in your own space-time worm, so to speak. It would be another dimension from the time in whichyou are going back to. You would not be able to affect the past, since doing so would totally void your ability to go back to the past since things would nothave turned out the way they did to allow you to accomplish such a feat.

So, if Billy were to kill his grandfather before he gave birth to his mother, Billy would fail to exist today to go back to kill his grandfather.

Basically, Billy's plan would be thwarted because there is no way to undo what has already been done.

I'm not sure about the coordinate stuff you were talking about. Just know that you can't go in the past and affect it. It's not possible.
Someone's been reading up on their Chaos Theory, huh?

I used to think about stuff like this for hours on end, but now, I've realized that paying much attention to it isn't worth all of the headache.

Only when events happen do they become apparent. There are other dimensions though; String Theory is slowly coming to prove that.

I'm waiting for the first attempt to unite String Theory and Chaos Theory.

That would be sick.
Have you ever thought about time machines? Like, REALLY thought about them? As in, why has someone from the future, NEVER come back to us? I think if we wentback in time, we'd end up somewhere in outspace due to the earth moving around the sun and such...orbit or w/e.
Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Have you ever thought about time machines? Like, REALLY thought about them? As in, why has someone from the future, NEVER come back to us? I think if we went back in time, we'd end up somewhere in outspace due to the earth moving around the sun and such...orbit or w/e.
But we can already predict approximately where the Earth will be on any random date at any random time.

This is assuming that in the future (if it already hasn't happened,) that the Sun hasn't significantly changed in size/shape by the time that TimeMachines have been built.

But, then again, it'd only take some basic Relativity (or in the future, possibly String Theory,) to predict where Earth would be in the past, assumingthey'd know how dense the Sun was at our point in time and would reconstruct where it's gravitational pull would have put Earth.

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Have you ever thought about time machines? Like, REALLY thought about them? As in, why has someone from the future, NEVER come back to us? I think if we went back in time, we'd end up somewhere in outspace due to the earth moving around the sun and such...orbit or w/e.

They do all the time. That's the explanation for all the UFO sightings.
Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Have you ever thought about time machines? Like, REALLY thought about them? As in, why has someone from the future, NEVER come back to us? I think if we went back in time, we'd end up somewhere in outspace due to the earth moving around the sun and such...orbit or w/e.

They do all the time. That's the explanation for all the UFO sightings.
folks....... you just blew my mind wide open. We need to talk.
Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Have you ever thought about time machines? Like, REALLY thought about them? As in, why has someone from the future, NEVER come back to us? I think if we went back in time, we'd end up somewhere in outspace due to the earth moving around the sun and such...orbit or w/e.
But that's the funny and interesting thing though...How do you know someone hasn't come back in time already. How do you know that a wholegroup of people from the future don't come back to the past to "vacation". Furthermore, how can you be sure that major events in our presenttimeline weren't initiated by some future "force" in hopes of altering the future.

Realtalk, sometimes I think about slavery in this manner. For all we know, the African continent in the "real" timeline, was the most powerfulcontinent in the world. And unhappy with this situation, a group of "white" rebels journeyed into the past and changed the fate of Africa to what itis now...

This also has some religious significance. What if in the aforementioned "real" timeline, it was proven that God and the creation story were in factvery legitimate. But as always, a few heretics displeased with the way things were traveled back in time and implanted "fossils" all over the worldin such a way that, the science that is evolution would develop. I always find this theory particularly interesting because even now, we're still cant findthe "missing-links" of many it possible that they never existed to begin with...

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

This also has some religious significance. What if in the aforementioned "real" timeline, it was proven that God and the creation story were in fact very legitimate. But as always, a few heretics displeased with the way things were traveled back in time and implanted "fossils" all over the world in such a way that, the science that is evolution would develop. I always find this theory particularly interesting because even now, we're still cant find the "missing-links" of many it possible that they never existed to begin with...

You are aware that this group of heretics would have to have completely remodeled the entire universe in order for this to work, right?

I've honestly never read something as irking as this on NT, even if it was jokingly.
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