Paging all nerds Vol. Space-Time continuum

Originally Posted by So Slickening

Thoughts on the creation story that someone mentioned some posts ago...

It's said that everything was created in 7 days, but what if a "day" in the Garden of Eden wasn't the 24-hour day we have on Earth? What if a "day" in the Garden was maaaaad long, and evolution of man was a part of that day in which man was created?

Anyways, on the topic of time travel - this *+*% is blowing my mind. Keep posting.

It's generally accepted that time in the bible is 'relative'. When they say Noah was 950 when he died, they most likely he was just really, reallyold. Although there are certain people that accept everything in the bible to the letter, I think most people know not to.
Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Originally Posted by So Slickening

Thoughts on the creation story that someone mentioned some posts ago...

It's said that everything was created in 7 days, but what if a "day" in the Garden of Eden wasn't the 24-hour day we have on Earth? What if a "day" in the Garden was maaaaad long, and evolution of man was a part of that day in which man was created?

Anyways, on the topic of time travel - this *+*% is blowing my mind. Keep posting.

It's generally accepted that time in the bible is 'relative'. When they say Noah was 950 when he died, they most likely he was just really, really old. Although there are certain people that accept everything in the bible to the letter, I think most people know not to.
Yeah, we were discussing that in Bible Study a few weeks ago. What may have been a day for God may have literally been thousands or even millionsof years to us. Everything in the Bible shouldn't be taken literally, especially when you consider who might've been writing each book.
Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen


2. Quit getting your panties in a's was merely a "theory"...

3. Why would they need to "remodel" the entire Universe when they are simply altering the earth. If you want to talk about effects, then the reality of things are, the earth is a rather insignificant portion of our infinite Universe. The influence of our earth on the Universe can be likened to the influence of a fly on the entire human race...

Any significant effects to occur will most likely be temporal in nature...and if that's your case, then realize that every journey back and forward in time will result in these temporal disturbances...not just a journey where dinosaur fossils are implanted within the Earth's crust...If your argument hinges on the "development of evolution", once again realize that evolution is only significant in the context of the planet earth. Therefore, outside of earth, evolution is arguably null...

2. It wasn't personal or anything. I've just honestly never read anything that has irked me as much as that. Don't get your choppa suit caught up in a knot.

3. Because other planets obviously have evolution on a molecular level. Hence, burning hyrogen, then carbon, then converting into ??? depending on their size.

I wasn't really speaking on the part about changing aspects of the past. That, I can dig. It was the religious aspect of the evolution thing. It had nothing to do with anything intergalactic. You completely misunderstood the reason for my post.

...damn, my dude said choppa suit...
...+5 for that one man...

Now as for evolution on the molecular level, if you're talking Life forms, then I can see you point but then again, we still have no proof that life existanywhere else in the Universe (even though personally I believe it does, but for the sake of my argument, i'd rather play the devils advocate card)...

But if you're strictly talking abiotic sub atomic particles...which I'm assuming you are because of the reference to burning hydrogen and carbonconversions, then I still stand by my earlier thesis simply because that kind of diversification is not really considered "evolution" in the sense ofwhat we consider "evolution" to be. Furthermore, whose to say that carbon is the basal and necessary element needed for life in other parts of theuniverse. I mean, if you're well versed in this kind of discourse, and you seem like you are, then you should know that those particular laws governing thebiotic and abiotic in our neck of the galaxy, may not neccessarily even apply to the next galaxy...or the majority of the at the end of theday...your assumption that changing the "earth" would affect the entire universe is somewhat out there...even for this kind of discussion...


So why is the "religion" aspect of my theory soooooooo farfetched...are you really that anti-religious that you cannot consider thatalternate...

The thing about that is, the existance of God has not been disproved by science, and neither has the creation story. Science has simply thus far, presentedother possibilities that seem more plausible...
Ummm I can't get in to it all right now I'll post more later after I eat but there's a theory that physical time travel is impossible and breakssome type fundamental law of reality. There is a theory that a person can definitely see in to the future(there was a movie made out of this, Ben Affleck wasin it I forget the name). There's another theory having to do with our lives being predestined and that our minds/brains already contain the information ofour future. Sorta like encrypted data that you have yet to read and it ties in the reasons for dejavu.

As far as what you quoted of yaself from the deep thought thread (I think it was that one) it depends on the manner that this event is happening. Did 1999 youor 2009 you travel through time (past/future)? or was the phone some type of time travel device that allowed you to make calls to the future/past? As far asthe memory/remembering part I can just get on my LOST steez and say w/e happened happened. So if the 2009 you called your 1999 self, at the time in 1999 youmost likely brushed the call of as a weird event cuz it always happened that way if you happen to not recall it or identify that the person on the other lineis you, you freaking out, etc. and even if you took it seriously it would just stand as some weird occurrence in your life. If the 1999 you made the call tothe 2009 you that's self explantory as far as memory goes.

Anyway I posted some theorized ways to time travel in that quantum-physics thread which was dope.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Have you ever thought about time machines? Like, REALLY thought about them? As in, why has someone from the future, NEVER come back to us? I think if we went back in time, we'd end up somewhere in outspace due to the earth moving around the sun and such...orbit or w/e.

They do all the time. That's the explanation for all the UFO sightings.
folks....... you just blew my mind wide open. We need to talk.
No doubt lil bro. It's been a minute. I have to read the rest of this post, it's been a hectic day. But man, me and Jewels had a talk,we were already on the same page, but this dude hit me wit some knowledge through vids and literature. Man, I can't even front, I didn't even watchall of the videos because that %%!% was too much to digest.

It's like once you know the truth, or at least get a glimpse of the light, life is never the same. But of course people will think you are crazy. But"forget" it, it's a thin line between insanity and brilliance, and I think a select few cross that threshold often.

I'ma get at you tho.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

...damn, my dude said choppa suit...
...+5 for that one man...

Now as for evolution on the molecular level, if you're talking Life forms, then I can see you point but then again, we still have no proof that life exist anywhere else in the Universe (even though personally I believe it does, but for the sake of my argument, i'd rather play the devils advocate card)...

But if you're strictly talking abiotic sub atomic particles...which I'm assuming you are because of the reference to burning hydrogen and carbon conversions, then I still stand by my earlier thesis simply because that kind of diversification is not really considered "evolution" in the sense of what we consider "evolution" to be. Furthermore, whose to say that carbon is the basal and necessary element needed for life in other parts of the universe. I mean, if you're well versed in this kind of discourse, and you seem like you are, then you should know that those particular laws governing the biotic and abiotic in our neck of the galaxy, may not neccessarily even apply to the next galaxy...or the majority of the at the end of the day...your assumption that changing the "earth" would affect the entire universe is somewhat out there...even for this kind of discussion...


So why is the "religion" aspect of my theory soooooooo farfetched...are you really that anti-religious that you cannot consider that alternate...

The thing about that is, the existance of God has not been disproved by science, and neither has the creation story. Science has simply thus far, presented other possibilities that seem more plausible...
Oh, I'm sure once we're actually able to get people on other planets and their moons that are able to sustain life (there are at least afew in our solar system,) that we'll be able to find traces of life. We already know that there's water on other planets, and I'm sure that meansbacteria is there as well. And, I do believe that the conversion from Hydrogen to Carbon as evolution. In the very least, it's adaption, and that'sonly one step away. Also, I'd say that Earth would play a major part. I like to think of everything in terms of mathematical equations. If one value ischanged, then the entire equation changes. For example, if Earth wasn't present in our solar system, who's to say that Jupiter wouldn't suddenlytake a crash course to the Sun, which could, quite possibly, create a(nother) Big Bang.

And, I'm not really anti religious. But I assumed that you were a super religious dude who would start off by cramming the thread with Bible verses. Afterseeing you post, that obviously isn't the case. So, props to you, sir.
Originally Posted by bns1201

my thoughts on time travel

it would have to open a different timeline, take for example the history of its invention (should it be invented)

As of 4/25/2009, for arguments sake, lets just put down that time travel HAS NOT been invented yet

If however on 4/25/2010, time travel is finally achieved, the record books would note that time travel is finally applicable on 4/25/2010

Lets say on 4/25/2010, they travel back in time to 4/25/2009, or perhaps ANY date before 4/25/2010, history would overwrite itself saying that time travel is achievable on whatever date before 4/25/2010 they happened to go back to. the timeline in which it was invented, time travel was not possible BEFORE it was invented (on 4/25/2010), so when they get to their destination in previous time, the technology, the method, and whatever else was put together on 4/25/2010 is simply not possible.

Would this traveling back in time open up a parallel dimension in which time travel was invented and recognized as of the day they go back, and X-amount of universes are opened up the further they go back in time, OR is it simply a law of the universe that time travel can only go FORWARD.

That is my theory, as to why people haven't traveled back in time yet (just assuming they haven't)...because in our current timeline, it has yet to be invented. Should it be invented, I feel that we can only go forward in time and backwards to the exact moment in which we first went forward.
Ahh...interesting. Im pretty sure if time travel does exist they have strict regulations on who can go into time and who cant. I doubt any regularfamily can go back in time to "vacation". Im pretty sure we've had some kind of future intervention but wouldn't have no idea.
Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Have you ever thought about time machines? Like, REALLY thought about them? As in, why has someone from the future, NEVER come back to us? I think if we went back in time, we'd end up somewhere in outspace due to the earth moving around the sun and such...orbit or w/e.

They do all the time. That's the explanation for all the UFO sightings.

Dammit I thought I was the only one who thought this
Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Have you ever thought about time machines? Like, REALLY thought about them? As in, why has someone from the future, NEVER come back to us? I think if we went back in time, we'd end up somewhere in outspace due to the earth moving around the sun and such...orbit or w/e.

They do all the time. That's the explanation for all the UFO sightings.
folks....... you just blew my mind wide open. We need to talk.
No doubt lil bro. It's been a minute. I have to read the rest of this post, it's been a hectic day. But man, me and Jewels had a talk, we were already on the same page, but this dude hit me wit some knowledge through vids and literature. Man, I can't even front, I didn't even watch all of the videos because that %%!% was too much to digest.

It's like once you know the truth, or at least get a glimpse of the light, life is never the same. But of course people will think you are crazy. But "forget" it, it's a thin line between insanity and brilliance, and I think a select few cross that threshold often.

I'ma get at you tho.
Make sure u do!
I knew I liked that I Am Knowledge cat for a reason.

My beliefs on this subject are hard to articulate. Essentially, I agree with the dude on the first page who said there are infinite possibilities. I believeparallel universes exist, as well as multiple dimensions that are far beyond our comprehension at our current stage of evolution as a species. I think thatevery possible scenario that can ever occur plays out in some form or another, because our entire existence is always in a perfect balance (every action has amequal positive or negative reaction sort of philosophy). I thoroughly believe that once we reach a certain stage in the development of our species, which wewill sooner rather than later, we'll be able to "travel" and access these different avenues of existence. There is no doubt in my mind thatbeings have "time traveled" to our planet before. I don't want to get too deep into that discussion, but I personally believe that there arebeings who either live on or visit this planet frequently that have access to knowledge and technology of that sort.

It's only a matter of time, gentlemen.
i believe the present is the past and your future is the present if that makes any sense... basically its just one big ball going downhill.. theres neveranytime for you to stop since everything your doing and have done is constantly affecting your present decisions..
This thread is making my head spin. I like it though. It all leads to so many questions
Interesting thread. I only got a few hours of sleep so I'm not really digesting it all at the moment.

However, I heard deadwinters talking about our brain's and not realizing we do have some types of super human abilities..anyone want to put there input inon that subject?
Originally Posted by pilo1990

i believe the present is the past and your future is the present if that makes any sense... basically its just one big ball going downhill.. theres never anytime for you to stop since everything your doing and have done is constantly affecting your present decisions..
Yeah, this is just an infinite sequence that keeps changing and getting more complex with each new pattern. Since this sequence began at the dawnof time, it's only a matter of time before we finally learn what the next pattern is going to be.
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