you gotta have a lot of juice to be able to swindle a player like gasol from another team for beans basically.

i like pau. lakers will do well with him
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

IF the deal is true and done... and IF Memphis buys out Kwame's contract, then I wouldn't mind at all if the Lakers re-signed Kwame for cheap (nothing more than $2 or $3 bucks), because he WOULD make a good backup center whenever his coach wants to focus on DEFENSE for a little bit (or for one possession, like an end-of-the-game situation). See, he IS actually good at batting the ball away; unfortunately, the reason he's good at it is because he has had plenty of practice doing it on offense.

Nah watch if Kwame is bought and released sometime soon or when his contract expires after this season.Isaih Thomas will make another brilliant move andreward Kwame with another 10 million dollar multi year deal.
Well, if you call it like you see it - then get ready to get bounced out of the playoffs again.
@ all the laker haters coming out and saying we not gonna make it outof the first round.

calm down. playoffs aint even started yet.
In hearing Wallace speak now it doesn't sound like Kwame will be bought out by any means. They're looking at him at the least as an expiring contractcome season's end.

He also mentions 1 of 3 between Lowry/Conley/Critt will be moved around the draft and they'll decide which 2 to invest in long term.

I gotta say...the 08 Draft pick is more valuable considering how deep this draft is. A high lottery and pick in the 20's could lend some pretty solidrookies.
They reported on 570AM that Pau Gasol should be flying out to Washington DC to meetup with the team & coaching staff, will be a Laker, and ready to play onSunday against the Wizards.

IF the deal is true and done... and IF Memphis buys out Kwame's contract, then I wouldn't mind at all if the Lakers re-signed Kwame for cheap (nothing more than $2 or $3 bucks), because he WOULD make a good backup center whenever his coach wants to focus on DEFENSE for a little bit (or for one possession, like an end-of-the-game situation). See, he IS actually good at batting the ball away; unfortunately, the reason he's good at it is because he has had plenty of practice doing it on offense.
Nah watch if Kwame is bought and released sometime soon or when his contract expires after this season.Isaih Thomas will make another brilliant move and reward Kwame with another 10 million dollar multi year deal.

Kwame + Curry = 0 - 83

Yes, I know an NBA season is 82 games.
what the hell
, if odom was already in the pic, why put him on anotherbody?
This is a great trade for the Lakers. Gasol is the perfect fit when the Lakers are running their triangle offense. Looks like Kobe will be a Laker for lifeafter this trade.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

IF the deal is true and done... and IF Memphis buys out Kwame's contract, then I wouldn't mind at all if the Lakers re-signed Kwame for cheap (nothing more than $2 or $3 bucks), because he WOULD make a good backup center whenever his coach wants to focus on DEFENSE for a little bit (or for one possession, like an end-of-the-game situation). See, he IS actually good at batting the ball away; unfortunately, the reason he's good at it is because he has had plenty of practice doing it on offense.
Nah watch if Kwame is bought and released sometime soon or when his contract expires after this season.Isaih Thomas will make another brilliant move and reward Kwame with another 10 million dollar multi year deal.

Kwame + Curry = 0 - 83

Yes, I know an NBA season is 82 games.
Originally Posted by Karmex

what the hell
, if odom was already in the pic, why put him on another body?

lol...how would it look if odom is the biggest one out of bynum and gasol?
I wonder what # Pau Gasol will be wearing as a Laker ? Also I'm just glad we have Kareem as a special assistant coach for our big men.He's going todefitnely help improve Pau's post up game which is already allstar level.Kareem just needs to work on Pau's defense.Just teach like how he taught Bynumhow to shot block and alter shots in the paint.
Originally Posted by Kidskillz858

They reported on 570AM that Pau Gasol should be flying out to Washington DC to meetup with the team & coaching staff, will be a Laker, and ready to play on Sunday against the Wizards.


fire pax...please please please fire paxson...

I almost concur......

that Steven A. vid is hilarious...Lakers robbed Memphis, make no mistake of that people.
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Man this dude Mr. Smith is the best sports analyst ever

that's why i mess with Stephen A cause he's that dude
he went in "KWAME BROWN?!
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