Originally Posted by 24 K B 8

Originally Posted by NobleKane

so......not to be a douche bag but....does this mean we traded shaq for odom and gasol?

U could say that....but more like Snaq, Critt + 2 1st round picks for Farmar, Odom, and Gasol.....Seems like we got the better end of it

You guys are forgetting the Lakers lost Butler for Brown.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by 24 K B 8

Originally Posted by NobleKane

so......not to be a douche bag but....does this mean we traded shaq for odom and gasol?

U could say that....but more like Snaq, Critt + 2 1st round picks for Farmar, Odom, and Gasol.....Seems like we got the better end of it

You guys are forgetting the Lakers lost Butler for Brown.

Nah...that trade is non- existent now

I'll fixit....Snaq, Brown, Critt + 2 1st rounders for Farmar, Odom and Gasol....I still like the Lakers side of it
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ You know what, with the roster the Grizzlies they have right now, I'm going to have to agree.
I'm not even joking.
Rose, Dorsey, and Douglas-Roberts will definately be in the NBA. Dozier has a chance to be an NBA player as well.

On the Grizz, aside from Mike Miller and Rudy Gay do they have any players that would start on any other NBA team?
Well Warrick was ok in college.

Conley and Lowry were both good in college.

Juan Carlos Navarro could be the Reddick for the team.

Kwame would still suck. Darko too, but he'll block some shots.

Most of the team may suck in the nba, but college wise.....they would hold their own.

And don't forget about Suns legend Casey Jacobsen
Originally Posted by presequel

Well Warrick was ok in college.

Conley and Lowry were both good in college.

Juan Carlos Navarro could be the Reddick for the team.

Kwame would still suck. Darko too, but he'll block some shots.

Most of the team may suck in the nba, but college wise.....they would hold their own.

And don't forget about Suns legend Casey Jacobsen
Conley wasn't that good. He didn't have to do anything except give the ball to Oden. Navarro doesn't belong in the NBA. Neither do Kwameor Darko.

And Casey Jacobsen
Dude was a bum at Stanford. I was so pissed when wedrafted him...then he ended up being a "shooter" who couldn't hit the side of a barn. I'm surprised any NBA team would bring him back afterhe was playing in Europe last year. He's freaking horrible.
Originally Posted by NBAdotcom

Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Originally Posted by NBAdotcom

Way to go Iavaroni, screw your old team. What did we ever do to you?

Why do you think he would help a former team. He is doing this to help his team, and no other.

And how, exactly does this help his team?
He gives up a former all-star who is relatively young and still productive and gets
a) a marginal rookie who won't be anything more than a backup during his entire career
b) The worst #1 draft pick in the history of the NBA - a worthless douche who can't catch the ball.

Then he goes out and trades Stromile Swift, an extremely athletic dude for freaking worthless Jason Collins? What the hell are they doing in Memphis?

Hell, if that's how he thinks his team will be helped I'd offer him Marcus Banks and DJ Strawberry for Rudy Gay.

Oh no, I totally see what your saying. But, at least he isnt trading players for Kwame Brown straight up. He is getting younger players, as well as qualitydraft picks. From what I understand of the details, Marc Gasol, Kwame, Critt, and 2 first rounders. IMO, thats a pretty young group of players. Marc candevelop into a very good player, as well as Crit. Lastly, he has two first round draft picks. Even if they trade those up to get very good players (dependingon draft class), it is still a very valuable asset for the team.

Now, short term, I agree with you. The Tigers > Grizzlies.
Long term? Memphis has the pieces to build on, which helps them in the long term category.
stop ragging on my grizzlies.

trading gasol was good for this team. he's a %+!*!, he was always complaining and whining. i truthfully think he was holding this team back, becausehe's not the superstar he was portrayed to be.

we are tearing the team down and now building it up to better than ever with the foundation being rudy gay.

and now that we are basically conceding the rest of the season, the possibility of landing beasley is becoming more of a reality.

the future is bright.

now if we move my man miller, i will be fuming
Originally Posted by J RAIN 23

stop ragging on my grizzlies.

trading gasol was good for this team. he's a %+!*!, he was always complaining and whining. i truthfully think he was holding this team back, because he's not the superstar he was portrayed to be.

we are tearing the team down and now building it up to better than ever with the foundation being rudy gay.

and now that we are basically conceding the rest of the season, the possibility of landing beasley is becoming more of a reality.

the future is bright.

now if we move my man miller, i will be fuming

Are you a Grizz fan or just a Rudy fan?
And how, exactly does this help his team?
I honestly don't see how people think Memphis made a bad decision here, at all. The whole Pau Gasol deal had ran its course. He wasn'tever a franchise cornerstone guy. It was time to make a change. They got a young, high upside guard, two picks that will, at least, help them maneuver aroundthe top of the draft if they need to move around a spot or two to get their guy, and a big expiring contract that will clear 10 million in cap space at the endof this year to further aid the rebuilding process. No, Kwame Brown isn't any type of asset on the floor, but that contract is HUGE for a rebuilding teamlooking for cap relief immediately.

Then he goes out and trades Stromile Swift, an extremely athletic dude for freaking worthless Jason Collins?
Really? It's gotten so bad that we're complaining about teams trading away crap like Stromile Swift? Really? Him and Iavaroni didn'tget along, he's not productive, he's lazy... Who cares? They got rid of a guy they felt was a malcontent, and took brought back a contract that expiresnext season and gives them another 7 mil off the cap.

This is exactly what the Memphis Grizzlies need to be doing. With that core, they weren't getting anywhere near Dallas, Houston, New Orleans orSan Antonio within their own division, much less becoming legitimate threats in the Western Conference. They need a completely overhaul on that roster.

The next order of business needs to be deciding which two of those four PGs they are going to keep (presumably Conley and Crittenton), and get rid of the othertwo while they've still got at least some value to you... Maybe trade Mike Miller as well, while they're at it. They need to just completely cleanhouse and start over.
Extremely good trade for the Lakers. Gasol was never that type of leader and now since he knows this isn't his team he will do good. Lakers have a prettygood rotations at the forward spots with Walton and Odom. It's going to be good.
Memphis is basically the Portland of 2 years ago.

Remember when they were getting rid of nearly everyone? It happens to every franchise eventually, it's just their turn.
this dude at work tells me the lakers have traded Kwame Brown for Paul Gasol and i laugh in his face and tell him stop the BS. Sidekick dont work and the TV inthe breakroom dont work so couldnt belive it. i get home and see its true

Kwame Brown FOR GASOL %$%!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

And how, exactly does this help his team?
I honestly don't see how people think Memphis made a bad decision here, at all. The whole Pau Gasol deal had ran its course. He wasn't ever a franchise cornerstone guy. It was time to make a change. They got a young, high upside guard, two picks that will, at least, help them maneuver around the top of the draft if they need to move around a spot or two to get their guy, and a big expiring contract that will clear 10 million in cap space at the end of this year to further aid the rebuilding process. No, Kwame Brown isn't any type of asset on the floor, but that contract is HUGE for a rebuilding team looking for cap relief immediately.

Then he goes out and trades Stromile Swift, an extremely athletic dude for freaking worthless Jason Collins?
Really? It's gotten so bad that we're complaining about teams trading away crap like Stromile Swift? Really? Him and Iavaroni didn't get along, he's not productive, he's lazy... Who cares? They got rid of a guy they felt was a malcontent, and took brought back a contract that expires next season and gives them another 7 mil off the cap.

This is exactly what the Memphis Grizzlies need to be doing. With that core, they weren't getting anywhere near Dallas, Houston, New Orleans or San Antonio within their own division, much less becoming legitimate threats in the Western Conference. They need a completely overhaul on that roster.

The next order of business needs to be deciding which two of those four PGs they are going to keep (presumably Conley and Crittenton), and get rid of the other two while they've still got at least some value to you... Maybe trade Mike Miller as well, while they're at it. They need to just completely clean house and start over.
I just don't like the idea of teams tanking seasons to get high draft picks.

Maybe it will work out for Memphis - I just don't forsee Crittendon ever being anything more than a backup guard in the NBA. Not really an impact player.Unless they're going to use this money to make some huge signing (Like the Suns signed Nash when they conned Isiah into taking Crapbury and Penny'scontracts) it just seems like they really got a ton less than they could have gotten for Gasol who can be a good player with the right team.
you guys really underestimate 1st round draft picks...

I dont see how you guys think this is an unfair trade...
This was a business move more than anything and the fact that:
-they got rid of a guy who was slowly becoming a cancer to the team by whining and complaining about the situations of his team
-they got Kwame Brown, still a guy who has that ceiling to improve on and become a decent player...the guy is starting off clean and playing for nothing inMemphis because they are soooo bad so perhaps he can turn it around
-they got 2 first round draft picks; and whether they use that to draft a player they really want or if they use it as trade bait to get to the position wherethey could get the player they want, it will feel sooooooooooo good on draft day...trust me

these guys are building for the future...and sometimes thats all you can do...

I honestly agree with J Rain
at the dude ^ for justifying the PAO trade. You guys have the worse #1 and who, for your All-Star. Now you have doo doo around your foundation. On a sidenote. The FO for the Warriors need to do something ASAP. We need to get rid of Mikel and Al wrinkle head Harrington some somebody. Ne way good for the Lakes.
I just don't like the idea of teams tanking seasons to get high draft picks. Maybe it will work out for Memphis - I just don't forsee Crittendon ever being anything more than a backup guard in the NBA. Not really an impact player. Unless they're going to use this money to make some huge signing (Like the Suns signed Nash when they conned Isiah into taking Crapbury and Penny's contracts) it just seems like they really got a ton less than they could have gotten for Gasol who can be a good player with the right team.
I really don't know if I see this as tanking the season for a high draft pick, though. I think it's more they've finally come to therealization that having Pau Gasol as the centerpiece of your franchise was only good enough to get you so far. And I agree Pau can be a very good player in theright situation, but I just don't think Memphis was that place, anymore. They'd made the playoffs 3 times in his career, gotten swept out every time.Seems like they were always just good enough to put themselves out of the reach of elite talent in the draft, but never good enough to attract key FA'saway from better teams without overpaying and hampering yourself against the cap. Maybe Javaris Crittenton never becomes a starter in the NBA, but I don'tthink Memphis will use that as a gauge for this trade... They take the cap space, those two first round picks, and hope they come up with something to put nextto Rudy Gay and Mike Conley to build that franchise around. The elevated chances for the top pick in this draft is definitely added incentive in this deal, butagain, I don't think that was the driving force behind this deal for the Grizzlies. It's just a good decision for them, from both a business andbasketball standpoint, IMO... Can't fault them at all.
You guys have the worse #1 and who, for your All-Star
I'm not even a Grizzlies fan... Just using common sense. People are like "
they traded him for Kwame!!!" No, theydidn't. They traded him for the benefit of Kwame's monster deal coming off the books at the end of the season. They traded Pau Gasol for draft picksand cap relief, which was the best thing they could do for themselves at this point. Pau Gasol was getting them nowhere. They weren't getting any better ifthey continued to fool themselves into believing he was a true centerpiece for their franchise. A nice piece to the puzzle, sure, but not the cornerstone,franchise guy he was pinned as in Memphis.

And, when was the last time Pau Gasol was an All Star?
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

I just don't like the idea of teams tanking seasons to get high draft picks. Maybe it will work out for Memphis - I just don't forsee Crittendon ever being anything more than a backup guard in the NBA. Not really an impact player. Unless they're going to use this money to make some huge signing (Like the Suns signed Nash when they conned Isiah into taking Crapbury and Penny's contracts) it just seems like they really got a ton less than they could have gotten for Gasol who can be a good player with the right team.
I really don't know if I see this as tanking the season for a high draft pick, though. I think it's more they've finally come to the realization that having Pau Gasol as the centerpiece of your franchise was only good enough to get you so far. And I agree Pau can be a very good player in the right situation, but I just don't think Memphis was that place, anymore. They'd made the playoffs 3 times in his career, gotten swept out every time. Seems like they were always just good enough to put themselves out of the reach of elite talent in the draft, but never good enough to attract key FA's away from better teams without overpaying and hampering yourself against the cap. Maybe Javaris Crittenton never becomes a starter in the NBA, but I don't think Memphis will use that as a gauge for this trade... They take the cap space, those two first round picks, and hope they come up with something to put next to Rudy Gay and Mike Conley to build that franchise around. The elevated chances for the top pick in this draft is definitely added incentive in this deal, but again, I don't think that was the driving force behind this deal for the Grizzlies. It's just a good decision for them, from both a business and basketball standpoint, IMO... Can't fault them at all.
You guys have the worse #1 and who, for your All-Star
I'm not even a Grizzlies fan... Just using common sense. People are like "
they traded him for Kwame!!!" No, they didn't. They traded him for the benefit of Kwame's monster deal coming off the books at the end of the season. They traded Pau Gasol for draft picks and cap relief, which was the best thing they could do for themselves at this point. Pau Gasol was getting them nowhere. They weren't getting any better if they continued to fool themselves into believing he was a true centerpiece for their franchise. A nice piece to the puzzle, sure, but not the cornerstone, franchise guy he was pinned as in Memphis.

And, when was the last time Pau Gasol was an All Star?
Good point and very understandable. I know what your trying to get across. I myself am not an LA fan. I'll prolly get stoned for defending thembut, at least LA knows who they get and his abilities. Plus, LA has an alright bench. On the flipside Memphis is HOPING for potential while sitting onuncertainty. BUT a Lakers vs Celtics reunion would be a nice site for the finals!
I'll prolly get stoned for defending them but, at least LA knows who they get and his abilities. Plus, LA has an alright bench. On the flipside Memphis is HOPING for potential while sitting on uncertainty.
You're definitely not going to get stoned for it. It's an excellent deal for the Lakers. This puts them right up there with the Mavs,Suns, Spurs, Hornets at the top of the West, and they're a legitimate title contender, at least on paper, as a result of this deal... But I just don'tsee any negatives coming from this for Memphis, either. Does it make them worse off right now? Yes. But did keeping Pau Gasol have any benefits for them atthis point? None whatsoever. They weren't competing with him this year, and that wasn't changing within the next couple of years either. The soonerthey admitted to themselves that this thing wasn't going anywhere, the better. Why wait another year or two to realize that, and be that much behind thecurve in their rebuilding process? They've now put themselves in position to get a legitimate franchise cornerstone through the draft this year, freed up aTON of cap space over the next two years, and given themselves an inside track to another high lottery, potential franchise cornerstone in 2009. Plus, two morefirst round picks to find guys that'll play huge roles in the team's future.
^ The Hornets are legit, bro.

It's just, when you see them in the same company as the Mavs, Spurs, and Suns, you automatically think of the recent success of the Mavs, Spurs, andSuns... and it seems like the Hornets don't belong with them because they don't have any recent successes.

But this season? JUST this season? They're legit, and they definitely deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as the Spurs, Mavs, and Suns.
that probably plays into it, its just tough saying the HORNETS are an elite team

hell it seems like just yesterday Chris Paul was a rookie, now he's one of the best PGs in the league
Originally Posted by Gothams Terror

Mavs, Suns, Spurs, Hornets

I mean they are good but wow

Yeah, I really think they belong... I think some people are almost getting a little caught up in the names with the Lakers right now. They'll bebetter from this deal, no doubt, but I don't think this makes them prohibitive favorites like some people are suggesting, though it does put them in thatgroup, and everyone knows Kobe can and will take over and dominate a playoff series... Just for comparison's sake since we're talking about the Lakersjoining this 'elite' group of teams... Is Lamar Odom better than Peja at this point? Maybe, but he disappears a lot... Is Pau Gasol better than DavidWest? No, he's not. Is Andrew Bynum better than Tyson Chandler? If Bynum comes back healthy and catches his stride quickly, it's a push, but ifhe's out for the year...

The Hornets are very good defensively, and they're efficient offensively. Don't think you can dismiss them.
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