Penny Hardaway gay?

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Gay or not, these are still one of my favorite shoes ever...


Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Originally Posted by Tony Starks

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I would be disappointed to find that out. I don't have specific quotes or vids, but I thought he was a Christian man.

I say I would be disappointed because its sick for a man to want to be with another man. Its TOO many beautiful women on this planet for that.
You can't be serious.
I'm serious or else I wouldn't have posted it. Or was there something specific that you are referring to?

It doesn't matter if its 2009 or 2999, its nasty and its wrong. Men aren't intended to be with men. I'll argue it all day and night.

Two +%%$* don't stick, but some +#%*% will do the trick.
Hey actually that's some solid reasoning, you've convinced me.
Originally Posted by mynameaintG

Originally Posted by MH602

i wouldnt be surprised if dwight howard and jj redick become life partners next, but penny is still the man, aint no thing

my hatred for jj reddick makes this hilarious, but why pick on dwight howard?

i just get the feeling that dwight might exchange his superman cape for a dress on drag night
Eh, real talk....I talked to a NBA insider (player)....he claims that all the cats in the NBA withthe real thin mustache are on the DL....Billups, Penny...etc
Originally Posted by Air Kalo

Gay or not, these are still one of my favorite shoes ever...




I could care less about Penny's sexual orientation; I will always appreciate his game and his kicks.
Originally Posted by TD The God

Eh, real talk....I talked to a NBA insider (player)....he claims that all the cats in the NBA with the real thin mustache are on the DL....Billups, Penny...etc
Craig Smith?
Originally Posted by TD The God

Eh, real talk....I talked to a NBA insider (player)....he claims that all the cats in the NBA with the real thin mustache are on the DL....Billups, Penny...etc

AntBanks81 wrote:
Originally Posted by Tony Starks

AntBanks81 wrote:
I would be disappointed to find that out. I don't have specific quotes or vids, but I thought he was a Christian man.

I say I would be disappointed because its sick for a man to want to be with another man. Its TOO many beautiful women on this planet for that.
You can't be serious.

I'm serious or else I wouldn't have posted it. Or was there something specific that you are referring to?

It doesn't matter if its 2009 or 2999, its nasty and its wrong. Men aren't intended to be with men. I'll argue it all day and night.

Two +%%$* don't stick, but some +#%*% will do the trick.

- whats funny is the fact that cats like you just dont get it......IT DOESNT MATTER HOW MANY BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ARE OUT THERE. i have a co-worker with the samedumb $++ logic
, that fails to understand gays are just not attractedto matter how fine they are.

- if you have a problem with it, its all understandable, by all means say so, but that BS logic about how many fine women are out there is cant be this dense, can you?

- honestly id like for them all to just come out, so we as a society can move on. everytime we discover a new part of the gay community not known buy thegeneral public cats come out the wood works giggling and gossiping like little girls while pointing the finger at whose gay like its the cooties....its quitechildish.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by TD The God

Eh, real talk....I talked to a NBA insider (player)....he claims that all the cats in the NBA with the real thin mustache are on the DL....Billups, Penny...etc
Craig Smith?

I just got that.
Originally Posted by TD The God

Eh, real talk....I talked to a NBA insider (player)....he claims that all the cats in the NBA with the real thin mustache are on the DL....Billups, Penny...etc
Marcus Camby
If anything has become clear it's being able to see through the thin veneer of elitism & pseudo-intellectual sociology that people like abeautifulhazeespouses on this site daily while hiding behind the comfort that his "oppression" affords him.

You don't have to read too deeply into his posts to realize he's spouting nonsense. And when the going gets tough, you can count on him resorting topersonal insults with anyone who doesn't agree with him. If you don't agree with him you're most likely just an uncle tom, a traitor to your raceor just some peon who needs to read a book because after all he's one hell of a well-read and well-rounded individual himself.
If anything has become clear it's being able to see through the thin veneer of elitism & pseudo-intellectual sociology that people like abeautifulhaze espouses on this site daily while hiding behind the comfort that his "oppression" affords him.
thats a lot of syllables patna.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Because I don't think like you I need to grow up...interesting.

No because you construe Penny Hardaway being gay; a phenomenon recorded since the beginning of time, and even accepted and promoted by ancient Greeks and Romans, with the loss of your childhood innocence.

Seriously...grow up. Everybody who is accepting of gays had to one day challenge our fears and blind bigotry. One day, I asked myself why is it ok to make fun gays when you knew they'd been like that since childhood.

I then did some research, and have been for sometime now. There's just far too much evidence suggests the biological view. Not too many researchers are bold enough to come out and say its biological (mostly bc real researchers only state their hypothesis and the findings, they leave the connection making to you.)

After I came to this conclusion based off of research and real life seeing kids as young as 5 who were gay, I found it just flat out sick, and inhumane to treat people as second class citizens due to a lifestyle they are born into.

As for those you think weren't born gay and just kinda choose to be gay? I have no buisness trying to judge whether or not this person was actually born gay or just a pervert who likes guys. Even if I'm 90% accurate of a judge, discrimiating against that 1 out of 10 that actually was born gay isn't worth scolding 9 others for being perverts.

Maybe thats just me, I've never been one to judge people's lifestyles.
Shut the hell up...never talk about ignorance again.
Never heard of pedastry?
Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by LetItRock

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by TD The God

Eh, real talk....I talked to a NBA insider (player)....he claims that all the cats in the NBA with the real thin mustache are on the DL....Billups, Penny...etc
Craig Smith?

I just got that.
So did I

A lot of %%+% AYO PAUSE is going on right there.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

AntBanks81 wrote:
Originally Posted by Tony Starks

AntBanks81 wrote:
I would be disappointed to find that out. I don't have specific quotes or vids, but I thought he was a Christian man.

I say I would be disappointed because its sick for a man to want to be with another man. Its TOO many beautiful women on this planet for that.
You can't be serious.
I'm serious or else I wouldn't have posted it. Or was there something specific that you are referring to?

It doesn't matter if its 2009 or 2999, its nasty and its wrong. Men aren't intended to be with men. I'll argue it all day and night.

Two +%%$* don't stick, but some +#%*% will do the trick.

- whats funny is the fact that cats like you just dont get it......IT DOESNT MATTER HOW MANY BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ARE OUT THERE. i have a co-worker with the same dumb $++ logic
, that fails to understand gays are just not attracted to matter how fine they are.

- if you have a problem with it, its all understandable, by all means say so, but that BS logic about how many fine women are out there is straight cant be this dense, can you?

- honestly id like for them all to just come out, so we as a society can move on. everytime we discover a new part of the gay community not known buy the general public cats come out the wood works giggling and gossiping like little girls while pointing the finger at whose gay like its the cooties....its quite childish.

You typed a lot but didn't say nothing
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

AntBanks81 wrote:
Originally Posted by Tony Starks

AntBanks81 wrote:
I would be disappointed to find that out. I don't have specific quotes or vids, but I thought he was a Christian man.

I say I would be disappointed because its sick for a man to want to be with another man. Its TOO many beautiful women on this planet for that.
You can't be serious.
I'm serious or else I wouldn't have posted it. Or was there something specific that you are referring to?

It doesn't matter if its 2009 or 2999, its nasty and its wrong. Men aren't intended to be with men. I'll argue it all day and night.

Two +%%$* don't stick, but some +#%*% will do the trick.

- whats funny is the fact that cats like you just dont get it......IT DOESNT MATTER HOW MANY BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ARE OUT THERE. i have a co-worker with the same dumb $++ logic
, that fails to understand gays are just not attracted to matter how fine they are.

- if you have a problem with it, its all understandable, by all means say so, but that BS logic about how many fine women are out there is straight cant be this dense, can you?

- honestly id like for them all to just come out, so we as a society can move on. everytime we discover a new part of the gay community not known buy the general public cats come out the wood works giggling and gossiping like little girls while pointing the finger at whose gay like its the cooties....its quite childish.

You typed a lot but didn't say nothing
You typed noting and said nothing.

Just because they are fine to you doesn't mean they are fine to gay dudes. If they can change it so they are attracted to women then I bet they would, saveall the drama. But they can't so that's just how it is.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

AntBanks81 wrote:
Originally Posted by Tony Starks

AntBanks81 wrote:
I would be disappointed to find that out. I don't have specific quotes or vids, but I thought he was a Christian man.

I say I would be disappointed because its sick for a man to want to be with another man. Its TOO many beautiful women on this planet for that.
You can't be serious.
I'm serious or else I wouldn't have posted it. Or was there something specific that you are referring to?

It doesn't matter if its 2009 or 2999, its nasty and its wrong. Men aren't intended to be with men. I'll argue it all day and night.

Two +%%$* don't stick, but some +#%*% will do the trick.

- whats funny is the fact that cats like you just dont get it......IT DOESNT MATTER HOW MANY BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ARE OUT THERE. i have a co-worker with the same dumb $++ logic
, that fails to understand gays are just not attracted to matter how fine they are.

- if you have a problem with it, its all understandable, by all means say so, but that BS logic about how many fine women are out there is straight cant be this dense, can you?

- honestly id like for them all to just come out, so we as a society can move on. everytime we discover a new part of the gay community not known buy the general public cats come out the wood works giggling and gossiping like little girls while pointing the finger at whose gay like its the cooties....its quite childish.

You typed a lot but didn't say nothing *anything

He did say something on the other hand, added nothing
Originally Posted by krazy88s

I love NT arguments. Somehow, someway the world's history, Bible quotes and religion is brought up. Doesnt even matter the subject. This thread is an example.
you don't see history as being relevant to a discussion about homosexuality?

bible quotes and religion have no place but how the hell are you gonna say history doesn't? Gay activity has been around for thousands of years, that'sa pretty important fact to get out there.
IF he is gay that's his choice.

It would surprise me but I don't see how I could look at him any different.

He was a good player and he had some great shoes. That's all I can say.
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