Penny Hardaway gay?

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Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by krazy88s

I love NT arguments. Somehow, someway the world's history, Bible quotes and religion is brought up. Doesnt even matter the subject. This thread is an example.
you don't see history as being relevant to a discussion about homosexuality?

bible quotes and religion have no place but how the hell are you gonna say history doesn't? Gay activity has been around for thousands of years, that's a pretty important fact to get out there.
How do the second two have no place? Just curious.
I'm not attacking you RKO, or anything, but what do you believe will happen to gay people when they die? You never touch on that issue, you always say Godwill handle it, but how will He handle it? I know you can't believe God would persecute His own creation and sentence them to eternal damnation justbecause of their orientation.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

"He's Afrikan (i love the use of the k there by the way, real revolutionary of you -- you're hip and non-conformist and now we all know it) but he likes white girls!! He's never posted a picture of a Black woman on niketalk ever in his life!!!" So what?

And this is how you spot a self-hating negro. How are you Nigerian and you don't know that "K" is native to most native Afrikan languages and "c" is a European substitute? Its not about being revolutionary, is about being culturally and locally accurate. The sad part is you don't even respect your own culture.

Ole boy thought you were an "Asian geek"
. Don't be mad at me...check yourself.

What I don't get is that you are calling someone else a self-hating negro but you have a Michael Jackson avy. MJ had multiple plastic surgeries to removehis "Afrikan" features. MJ also had two sham weddings with white women and chose to have two white women carry his kids who are blue eyed and blonde.Do you have a problem with him?

This also applies to the homosexual aspect. MJ might not have been a pedophile but there is no way that dude liked women let alone black women. So are yougoing to sell all your MJ CD's and records?
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Penny's legacy is less about professional achievements and more about fond memories, image and seemingly infinite potential.

News like this would definitely affect peoples perception and memory of the man. Especially since he was portrayed as a smooth, new age ladies man, who was smashing models like Tyra Banks...its no wonder that people would show resistance to this kind of news. Penny is (was) like a cult icon to many, myself included.

But y'all peons quick to cry homophobia for everything...without even analyzing the situation or statements in their proper context.

good save. everyone will believe you're a pseudo-intellectual again.
I think that this thread wouldn't have started such of a wave if there weren't already long standing rumors out there about this topic...because theperson who started this particular one didn't provide any proof at all...and it was a bit of a wild outlandish story at that. You would think the dude(tyjuan or whatever) would have spoke more on it...but all son did was say "Penny is dude saw him in a house full of gay dudes" basicallyand that was it. %$!%%! took it and ran with it.

If he substituted Penny with say...Clyde Drexler or some random player...would there be THIS much attention given to it? NO...but because Penny has beenassociated with gay rumors before...dudes took this as if he had come out or something officially.

As I said back in dude who player w/ Damien Wilkins back in HS said that his pops said Penny was a little funny. I've also heard the same thingfrom people with CLOSE family ties to the NBA. People who are closer to league news/gossip than most people. That said...until there is insurmountable evidenceor a confession from Penny...I can't co-sign it. Believe half of what you see...none of which you hear.
The way people sit there and talk about how being gay is "not right" and "not what God wanted" is pathetic. Who the hell are you to saywhat is right and what is wrong? You take a books word over everything, it's sad. If Penny is homosexual, thats him - it has nothing to do with your lifeand wont effect it at all. Some of you need to grow up. /thread
So many people are quick to jump the gun and believe a statement that has no validity. Where's the facts and evidence?
this an a way reminds me of the whole michael jackson thing....everyone liked his music and then when the child molestation allegation came out there were somethat were quick to judge and diss the man, then when he dies those same people love him again...not sayin penny gonna die anytime soon but you know what imean..
So... Is anyone going to provide some actual evidence that supports this claim? I'm asking because the only thing I've seen in this thread are a bunchof rumors and some NT trademark "ayo" comments about the article posted.
It turns out that he is more than likely gay. My friend (his neighbor) told me that there have been several times where people very close to him have said it.He also see random guys over there all the time (could be what it is or just could be friends). He did say that it was definitely an old rumor though and hethought it was confirmed that he was gay already.

Another interesting tidbit was when he was at that party that Penny,Rudy Gay and OJ Mayo had, he caught Rudy looking at him like "!#+" at the bar.Maybe he said some %!!% #%%@, but who knows.

There will be hard to actually find true evidence like him coming out saying it, but there has to be some truth to it. Even though I don't know if thewhole Jaleel White thing is true. After he saw what happened to Amachei and how people viewed him he probably doesn't want people to know like that. Pennymoved in the neighborhood where my friend lives about 3 years ago and me and a few more people are cool with his daughter who went to school with us. Idon't even want to ask her no @*$% like that because its not even that important. They're definitely cool people though.

He still was a baller and his kicks was nice.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Originally Posted by Tony Starks

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I would be disappointed to find that out. I don't have specific quotes or vids, but I thought he was a Christian man.

I say I would be disappointed because its sick for a man to want to be with another man. Its TOO many beautiful women on this planet for that.
You can't be serious.
I'm serious or else I wouldn't have posted it. Or was there something specific that you are referring to?

It doesn't matter if its 2009 or 2999, its nasty and its wrong. Men aren't intended to be with men. I'll argue it all day and night.

Two +%%$* don't stick, but some +#%*% will do the trick.
It's wrong, huh? Who told you it was wrong? The bible?

Oh, but let me guess, any sexual act between a man and a woman is normal to you, right?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by krazy88s

I love NT arguments. Somehow, someway the world's history, Bible quotes and religion is brought up. Doesnt even matter the subject. This thread is an example.
you don't see history as being relevant to a discussion about homosexuality?

bible quotes and religion have no place but how the hell are you gonna say history doesn't? Gay activity has been around for thousands of years, that's a pretty important fact to get out there.
How do the second two have no place? Just curious.
Of course they have no place. Why would anyone want to follow the ludicrous statements in the bible in regards to homosexuality?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by krazy88s

I love NT arguments. Somehow, someway the world's history, Bible quotes and religion is brought up. Doesnt even matter the subject. This thread is an example.
you don't see history as being relevant to a discussion about homosexuality?

bible quotes and religion have no place but how the hell are you gonna say history doesn't? Gay activity has been around for thousands of years, that's a pretty important fact to get out there.
How do the second two have no place? Just curious.
People like RKO, use the bible to justify being against homosexuality. Thus, the bible is brought into it, how is this so hard to see? (speakingto Dub)

RKO: I noticed no one answered my question, so I'll ask again. How can you use the lines from Leviticus

[size=-1]"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination."[/size] [size=-1](Leviticus 18:22)[/size]

[size=-1]"If a man lie with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them."[/size] [size=-1](Leviticus 20:13)[/size]

to justify being against homosexuality, but not be against all of these things....

Don't let cattle graze with other kinds of Cattle (Leviticus 19:19)

Don't have a variety of crops on the same field. (Leviticus 19:19)

Don't wear clothes made of more than one fabric (Leviticus 19:19)

Don't cut your hair nor shave. (Leviticus 19:27)

Any person who curseth his mother or father, must be killed. (Leviticus 20:9) Have you ever done that?

If a man cheats on his wife, or vise versa, both the man and the woman must die. (Leviticus 20:10).

Please don't ignore this question. It needs to be addressed. This question goes to any other NTer who cites Christianity as the reason forbeing against homosexuality.
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