people who shouldn't be driving. share your stories vol. 1

Another lane was merging with mine. I was probably 10-15 yards in front of dude.

This guy didn't want to slow down to get behind me (I was doing almost 70... he must have been going 75-80. He could have EASILY taken his foot of the gas and coast behind me.

Guy floors it, drives on the shoulder, trying to pass me. I kept at 70mph - no more no less. He doesn't make it and scrapes his car on the side of the highway. I just look in my mirror as he comes to a stop on the highway to his the damage he's done to his car. It was somewhat scary and odd seeing dude on the shoulder trying to pass me. I should have braked for him, but oh well. Not my fault he thought he could squeeze through.

Then there was this one dude who cut me off in Chicago. He was turning left on my street to go the opposite way. He had a stop sign, I didn't. I was only doing 20 but I slammed on my brakes and NEARLY hit him... slammed on my horn to let him know "%!%."

As dude turned he gave me this nasty look as he floored his car.... right into the parked cars on the side. I felt bad but drove away. I have a feeling he was going to try to blame me for the whole mess.
I love hearing these kinds of stories

Pisses me off when it happens, but could be funny to talk about later on. If you don't get into an accident of course,
I love hearing these kinds of stories

Pisses me off when it happens, but could be funny to talk about later on. If you don't get into an accident of course,
Originally Posted by famenycity1

Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

I live in New York City...we are all horrible drivers.

i live in new york and i must say we are all bad drivers...
my mother is on the top of the list....4 years ago she crashed....into my house....her heel slipped and she hit the gas and flew into my house $20,000 in damage...
2 years later different car she makes a left...doesnt look if any cars are coming and totals her car and the other womens...
thank god she was ok both times....but i blame my father because he keeps getting her fast cars

my girlfriend is another one has totaled two cars so far and just last week hit a tree while parking...

i drive like a idiot speed and whatnot...but whatever im young it in my blood...but no accidents so far and i hope is stays that way

what the hell?
Originally Posted by famenycity1

Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

I live in New York City...we are all horrible drivers.

i live in new york and i must say we are all bad drivers...
my mother is on the top of the list....4 years ago she crashed....into my house....her heel slipped and she hit the gas and flew into my house $20,000 in damage...
2 years later different car she makes a left...doesnt look if any cars are coming and totals her car and the other womens...
thank god she was ok both times....but i blame my father because he keeps getting her fast cars

my girlfriend is another one has totaled two cars so far and just last week hit a tree while parking...

i drive like a idiot speed and whatnot...but whatever im young it in my blood...but no accidents so far and i hope is stays that way

what the hell?
When I first got my permit I drove my friends Van and I tapped another van. Dude flipped out but there was no scratches or nothing he attempted to call police but everyone said he was wrong and if he did he would be the one paying insurance. I was going down a 1 way and he pulled out mad quick and I tipped his front side because I didn't see him pull out fast.
When I first got my permit I drove my friends Van and I tapped another van. Dude flipped out but there was no scratches or nothing he attempted to call police but everyone said he was wrong and if he did he would be the one paying insurance. I was going down a 1 way and he pulled out mad quick and I tipped his front side because I didn't see him pull out fast.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

I was heading to the gym's parking lot...Saw this one lady enter the "EXIT ONLY" path, instant facepalm.
I see it all the time when I'm at the bank. Those people are ignorant and they don't wanna have to drive all the way around the parking lot to get to the drive thru

I have people tailgating me to red lights all the time. I drive a manual, and when lights turn green, I'm quick to start moving. But it's not rare for there to be speed demons behind me. When I go to shift, these people damn near rear-end me and then slam their brakes. I'll look back and notice it and see a woman talking on her cell phone in her giant, empty SUV.

I also see people get mad at me for coasting to red lights or not tapping the speed limit as we go from a recently changed green light to a red light. The light is red, I don't see the rush.

I definitely am courteous as a driver though. I'll let people pass and all that. It's just that so many people don't realize that their foot doesn't have to be on a pedal all the time.

I get scared when I ride in the car with my dad, cousin, and mom. I always try and take over. When I don't, I seriously regret it. Thinking I'm about to be in a crash at every traffic light.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

I was heading to the gym's parking lot...Saw this one lady enter the "EXIT ONLY" path, instant facepalm.
I see it all the time when I'm at the bank. Those people are ignorant and they don't wanna have to drive all the way around the parking lot to get to the drive thru

I have people tailgating me to red lights all the time. I drive a manual, and when lights turn green, I'm quick to start moving. But it's not rare for there to be speed demons behind me. When I go to shift, these people damn near rear-end me and then slam their brakes. I'll look back and notice it and see a woman talking on her cell phone in her giant, empty SUV.

I also see people get mad at me for coasting to red lights or not tapping the speed limit as we go from a recently changed green light to a red light. The light is red, I don't see the rush.

I definitely am courteous as a driver though. I'll let people pass and all that. It's just that so many people don't realize that their foot doesn't have to be on a pedal all the time.

I get scared when I ride in the car with my dad, cousin, and mom. I always try and take over. When I don't, I seriously regret it. Thinking I'm about to be in a crash at every traffic light.
Originally Posted by philly035

Another lane was merging with mine. I was probably 10-15 yards in front of dude.

This guy didn't want to slow down to get behind me (I was doing almost 70... he must have been going 75-80. He could have EASILY taken his foot of the gas and coast behind me.

Guy floors it, drives on the shoulder, trying to pass me. I kept at 70mph - no more no less. He doesn't make it and scrapes his car on the side of the highway. I just look in my mirror as he comes to a stop on the highway to his the damage he's done to his car. It was somewhat scary and odd seeing dude on the shoulder trying to pass me. I should have braked for him, but oh well. Not my fault he thought he could squeeze through.

Then there was this one dude who cut me off in Chicago. He was turning left on my street to go the opposite way. He had a stop sign, I didn't. I was only doing 20 but I slammed on my brakes and NEARLY hit him... slammed on my horn to let him know "%!%."

As dude turned he gave me this nasty look as he floored his car.... right into the parked cars on the side. I felt bad but drove away. I have a feeling he was going to try to blame me for the whole mess.
i think alot of people have trouble with the acceleration lane merging onto the highway. it is one of those things where both people have to be on the same page. if i was in your shoes, i usually switch to the left lane. (i try not to depend on other people to do the right thing...because what if they side swipe you.) youre probably thinking "why do i have to alter my speed or lane". courtesy! it goes a long way with safety and just having a decent day overall. if the left lane is clogged, you gotta either speed up or slow down to let them slide in front of you or behind you. letting a car get in front of you wont kill you. not letting them enter the highway can kill someone though. with that bein said, i know exactly how you feel...we get this mentality of "oh hell naw you aint gonna speed and get in front of me". i'm guilty of that but only if i feel like the other driver is trying to be a prick.

yes, asian women can't drive. my mom, my wife, her sister, my mother in law....all TERRIBLE driver's. ive tried to explain to them how the left lane on the highway works. how to approach acceleration lanes that are entering the highway. how to handle a 4 way stop (to my utter shock people of all races still have no clue how a 4 way stop works).

down here in the south, people dont realize that if you go 10 over, local cops and troopers nut themselves. a state trooper told me "9 youre fine, 10 youre mine". why do yall think i-95 going through NC and SC has the biggest drug bust from pulling over speeders?

drive safe yall, be courteous to each other, and watch out for old people and asian women.
Originally Posted by philly035

Another lane was merging with mine. I was probably 10-15 yards in front of dude.

This guy didn't want to slow down to get behind me (I was doing almost 70... he must have been going 75-80. He could have EASILY taken his foot of the gas and coast behind me.

Guy floors it, drives on the shoulder, trying to pass me. I kept at 70mph - no more no less. He doesn't make it and scrapes his car on the side of the highway. I just look in my mirror as he comes to a stop on the highway to his the damage he's done to his car. It was somewhat scary and odd seeing dude on the shoulder trying to pass me. I should have braked for him, but oh well. Not my fault he thought he could squeeze through.

Then there was this one dude who cut me off in Chicago. He was turning left on my street to go the opposite way. He had a stop sign, I didn't. I was only doing 20 but I slammed on my brakes and NEARLY hit him... slammed on my horn to let him know "%!%."

As dude turned he gave me this nasty look as he floored his car.... right into the parked cars on the side. I felt bad but drove away. I have a feeling he was going to try to blame me for the whole mess.
i think alot of people have trouble with the acceleration lane merging onto the highway. it is one of those things where both people have to be on the same page. if i was in your shoes, i usually switch to the left lane. (i try not to depend on other people to do the right thing...because what if they side swipe you.) youre probably thinking "why do i have to alter my speed or lane". courtesy! it goes a long way with safety and just having a decent day overall. if the left lane is clogged, you gotta either speed up or slow down to let them slide in front of you or behind you. letting a car get in front of you wont kill you. not letting them enter the highway can kill someone though. with that bein said, i know exactly how you feel...we get this mentality of "oh hell naw you aint gonna speed and get in front of me". i'm guilty of that but only if i feel like the other driver is trying to be a prick.

yes, asian women can't drive. my mom, my wife, her sister, my mother in law....all TERRIBLE driver's. ive tried to explain to them how the left lane on the highway works. how to approach acceleration lanes that are entering the highway. how to handle a 4 way stop (to my utter shock people of all races still have no clue how a 4 way stop works).

down here in the south, people dont realize that if you go 10 over, local cops and troopers nut themselves. a state trooper told me "9 youre fine, 10 youre mine". why do yall think i-95 going through NC and SC has the biggest drug bust from pulling over speeders?

drive safe yall, be courteous to each other, and watch out for old people and asian women.
Old people......especially old women

They need to test old women every year after 65
Old people......especially old women

They need to test old women every year after 65
Well I'm in a situation here in Richmond where the drivers are constantly trying to agitate my driving experience. The far left lane is the fast lane. Can someone tell me why on many occasions the far right lane is going the fastest. I've tried passing somebody and they intentionally cut me off going 65 plus miles. Is this legal, if not can some sort of action be carried out.
Many times people have tried to intentionally run me off the road. Other than that if your not me the driving experience here in richmond is pleasant.
Well I'm in a situation here in Richmond where the drivers are constantly trying to agitate my driving experience. The far left lane is the fast lane. Can someone tell me why on many occasions the far right lane is going the fastest. I've tried passing somebody and they intentionally cut me off going 65 plus miles. Is this legal, if not can some sort of action be carried out.
Many times people have tried to intentionally run me off the road. Other than that if your not me the driving experience here in richmond is pleasant.
Originally Posted by al3x89

Originally Posted by Stixx

spincv wrote:

al3x89 wrote:

CincoSeisDos, yes women can't drive however, those 2 instances it was brown men...

And by BROWN MEN...u mean WHAT??? 

sorry i should've been more specific.

from my experience, brown people can drive but it's the younger ones (i'd say between 20-30 years old) that are fine. the older ones can't drive if their life depended on it. the 2 instances, it was older brown men, over 40 years old.
Originally Posted by al3x89

Originally Posted by Stixx

spincv wrote:

al3x89 wrote:

CincoSeisDos, yes women can't drive however, those 2 instances it was brown men...

And by BROWN MEN...u mean WHAT??? 

sorry i should've been more specific.

from my experience, brown people can drive but it's the younger ones (i'd say between 20-30 years old) that are fine. the older ones can't drive if their life depended on it. the 2 instances, it was older brown men, over 40 years old.
This past saturday I was making a left on a double lane turing lane, stupid girl on my right thought it was okay to cut me off Im surprised she didn't crash!
This past saturday I was making a left on a double lane turing lane, stupid girl on my right thought it was okay to cut me off Im surprised she didn't crash!
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