Peyton Manning released by Colts. He signed with the Broncos, really? Is Tebowmania dead?

So the 49ers went 13-3, won their division, made it to the NFC Championship game, a couple of special teams mistake away from the superbowl, defeated the Saints in epic fashion...

are going to just dump Alex Smith

Originally Posted by Charles Schwag

So the 49ers went 13-3, won their division, made it to the NFC Championship game, a couple of special teams mistake away from the superbowl, defeated the Saints in epic fashion...

are going to just dump Alex Smith


So you're going to blame them losing on special teams and completely ignore the fact that Alex Smith converted ONE 3rd down the entire game?!?!?

Seriously... That's acceptable to you guys?!?!? If so then more power to you
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by Charles Schwag

So the 49ers went 13-3, won their division, made it to the NFC Championship game, a couple of special teams mistake away from the superbowl, defeated the Saints in epic fashion...

are going to just dump Alex Smith


So you're going to blame them losing on special teams and completely ignore the fact that Alex Smith converted ONE 3rd down the entire game?!?!?

Seriously... That's acceptable to you guys?!?!? If so then more power to you
I doubt these guys watched that game at all, just saw the highlights on SC. But, imagine what could have been with Manning on that 9ers team. Superbowl bound at the least. I really dont see a better option for Peyton right now. A winning team with a QB whose career-year was relatively average? Sign me up any damn day.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Unless you have Rodgers, Eli, Brady, Brees, Cam Newton, and perhaps Big Ben...saying "We don't want Peyton." is ridiculous.

Maybe because professionally speaking I know the extent of his injury and the complications he could have. Peyton may be able to throw a football, and he may be able to move around, but that doesn't mean he should be playing football. I remember reading one of his doctors saying "If my son had this surgery, I would allow him to play", which is absurd.

Having a cervical fusion and going back to playing a violent sport like football is NOT recommended, period.

As a Dolphin fan, I'm thinking long term. We could sign Peyton, but we still have a lot of holes to fill, and paying him a King's ransom is not going to allow for any movement.
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

I'd love to know what mannings demands are 

He doesn't have any so-called demands. He just wants to win. It's been iterated and reiterated that he'd be willing to take a performance-based contract full of incentives, as I stated earlier in reference to his ability to sign to the cap-sensitive Texans.
He knows that teams are a bit apprehensive of his ability to perform and throw the ball down-field as well as his health. His only demand would be the ability to run an offense, I don't see him deferring to anyone. 
I really don't think he's going to be out there looking to receive a crazy amount of money.

He's come out and stated that he would be willing to be flexible contract wise and make it performance based.

Updated: February 6, 2012, 12:54 PM ET

[h1]Peyton Manning flexible on demands[/h1]

By Adam Schefter

[h5]The Better Manning?[/h5]
Kordell Stewart, Rob Parker and Skip Bayless discuss if Eli Manning has passed Peyton as the better Manning at QB.Tags: First Take, Skip Bayless, Kordell Stewart, Rob Parker, Eli, Peyton

Peyton Manning is willing to structure his contract in a way that could expedite how quickly he is signed if or when the Indianapolis Colts release him.

Manning is completely open to creating a contract in which he would be paid little or no guaranteed money up front and he would have to earn every cent he makes strictly through performance, according to sources.

[h4]Schefter: Manning in Miami?[/h4]
ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter answers reader questions, including where he thinks Peyton Manning might play next season. Mailbag

• Merrill: After Eli's win, focus back to Peyton

An example of how it would work is that Manning's contract could wind up having a big roster bonus due on the first day of the season, and another big bonus based on the number of games he starts in a season. It is a formula that can be used for the length of the contract, limiting the amount of guaranteed money paid up front and ensuring that Manning would have to play to earn his pay.

Manning's open-mindness on the contract will alleviate many of the concerns that teams have about a player facing questions about his arm strength. Manning still is waiting for the nerves in his neck to regenerate so he can attempt to recapture the play that has made him one of the top quarterbacks in NFL history.

A 2010 study of 99 players with neck injuries showed that 76 percent successfully returned to the playing field. Eight quarterbacks were part of the study, including Chris Weinke and Brad Johnson.

Weinke and Manning have been in contact with each other because their cases are similar, according to Weinke, who won a Heisman Trophy and national title at Florida State a year after a neck injury that required a fusion and total nerve regeneration.

Weinke's words to a frustrated Manning were more than encouraging, and his recovery timeline suggests Manning could be playing somewhere, if not Indianapolis, in 2012.

The Colts must make a decision whether or not to pay him a $28 million option bonus due March 8 to extend his contract for four more years. If they opt not to pay him the bonus then Manning would become a free agent.

Manning's doctors have medically cleared him to be able to resume his football career after three surgeries, including a neck-fusion procedure. Colts owner Jim Irsay, however, said Thursday night on Twitter that Manning hasn't been medically cleared to play by Colts doctors.

Adam Schefter is ESPN's NFL Insider. ESPN senior NFL analyst Chris Mortensen contributed to this report.

The one organization that is definitely kicking itself at the moment is the Bills. With the best pass-protection in the league last season (only 23 sacks allowed all season) and a plethora of emerging offensive weapons (FJAX, Stevie Johnson, Spiller, Nelson) the big contract they gave Fitzpatrick last season will haunt them for years. Fitzpatrick is nearly 30, and is an absolutely mediocre talent if I've ever seen one. A game-manager, nothing more, he'll rarely make the big mistake but he'll rarely ever make the big plays. His play was definitely attributed to the stellar offensive line play of the Bills as well as FJAX career season last season which helped open up the passing game. 
The Bills front-office is supremely, well.....stupid. 
Originally Posted by arstyle27

I'm thinking Arizona, Tennessee, or Houston.

Tennessee? They've stated time and again that they're happy with Locker and Hasselbeck behind center. Not happening, though they're 2nd in the league in pass protection (which is funny because their dead-last in run-blocking). 
Just not going to happen. Tennessee fans would love it, but no, not going to happen. Though I'd love to see Chris Johnson try to bum it for 12 games next season with Peyton Manning around, dude would be crying every day on twitter about how Manning is dogging him and find some way to scapegoat Manning. 

!+*$#%! hate Chris Johnsons guts, dude is THE most gutless, classless, narcissistic, ignorant hood-booger in the entire league. 
Originally Posted by Charles Schwag

So the 49ers went 13-3, won their division, made it to the NFC Championship game, a couple of special teams mistake away from the superbowl, defeated the Saints in epic fashion...

are going to just dump Alex Smith


Who is to say they are going to do that again. Its Alex %$*$+$% Smith
. I pray he goes to SanFran, they are basically going to the Bowl if he does go there.

somes of these front offices/fans are delusional. Its teams that haven't even SNIFFED being able to make a Superbowl/winning season acting like they wouldnt pick Peyton up
. Unless you have an elite/HOF QB your damn near not winning anything.
sad to see the press conference.
sucks that its so difficult nowadays for athletes to stay in one city throughout their career. even a legend like peyton gotta pack his bags one day
Originally Posted by PolosandDunks

Originally Posted by Charles Schwag

So the 49ers went 13-3, won their division, made it to the NFC Championship game, a couple of special teams mistake away from the superbowl, defeated the Saints in epic fashion...

are going to just dump Alex Smith

I pray he goes to SanFran, they are basically going to the Bowl if he does go there. 


Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by Charles Schwag

So the 49ers went 13-3, won their division, made it to the NFC Championship game, a couple of special teams mistake away from the superbowl, defeated the Saints in epic fashion...

are going to just dump Alex Smith


So you're going to blame them losing on special teams and completely ignore the fact that Alex Smith converted ONE 3rd down the entire game?!?!?

Seriously... That's acceptable to you guys?!?!? If so then more power to you
I doubt these guys watched that game at all, just saw the highlights on SC. But, imagine what could have been with Manning on that 9ers team. Superbowl bound at the least. I really dont see a better option for Peyton right now. A winning team with a QB whose career-year was relatively average? Sign me up any damn day.
We had one of the best special teams in the league but Ginn being hurt was a huge impact on us which led to us having an inexperienced rookie as our return man. With Josh Morgan coming back, I think we'll be decent in the wide receiving core. I do like Kyle but not as a return man. Alex did his job against the Saints and I couldn't be more happy for him. I've been very critical with him all his career but he just doesn't have the attributes that Peyton has. This is Peyton Manning guys. Peyton Manning. Especially with a coach like Harbaugh, Peyton can resurrect his career here. But as much as I'm salivating on my keyboard just thinking about Peyton in Red, Jim likes Alex and ultimately I trust Jim's judgement. 
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

So you're going to blame them losing on special teams and completely ignore the fact that Alex Smith converted ONE 3rd down the entire game?!?!?

Seriously... That's acceptable to you guys?!?!? If so then more power to you
I doubt these guys watched that game at all, just saw the highlights on SC. But, imagine what could have been with Manning on that 9ers team. Superbowl bound at the least. I really dont see a better option for Peyton right now. A winning team with a QB whose career-year was relatively average? Sign me up any damn day.
We had one of the best special teams in the league but Ginn being hurt was a huge impact on us which led to us having an inexperienced rookie as our return man. With Josh Morgan coming back, I think we'll be decent in the wide receiving core. I do like Kyle but not as a return man. Alex did his job against the Saints and I couldn't be more happy for him. I've been very critical with him all his career but he just doesn't have the attributes that Peyton has. This is Peyton Manning guys. Peyton Manning. Especially with a coach like Harbaugh, Peyton can resurrect his career here. But as much as I'm salivating on my keyboard just thinking about Peyton in Red, Jim likes Alex and ultimately I trust Jim's judgement. 

I think it ultimately comes down to the fact that Jim sees himself in Alex Smith... Mobile, can sling it, gutsy, not highly regarded around the league as a really good qb, constantly having to prove himself etc. 

I wonder if he still harbors any resentment for being shipped out to Baltimore to make room for Peytons arrival in Indy?
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by Noskey
I wonder if he still harbors any resentment for being shipped out to Baltimore to make room for Peytons arrival in Indy?
All these dudes connected one way or another.. 
I didn't know dude lived in Miami...
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Unless you have Rodgers, Eli, Brady, Brees, Cam Newton, and perhaps Big Ben...saying "We don't want Peyton." is ridiculous.


..prove me wrong. You can't.

Idk how some of you seriously think Peyton Manning will be the same Peyton Manning after this Neck fusion surgery? At 35? Psshhh. One hard sack from Suh and landing awkwardly, and dude is done for
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