Peyton Manning released by Colts. He signed with the Broncos, really? Is Tebowmania dead?

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Unless you have Rodgers, Eli, Brady, Brees, Cam Newton, and perhaps Big Ben...saying "We don't want Peyton." is ridiculous.

+ Cutler and Stafford at the least. I now I speak for all Bears fans when I say we don't want Peyton. 
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by Noskey

I doubt these guys watched that game at all, just saw the highlights on SC. But, imagine what could have been with Manning on that 9ers team. Superbowl bound at the least. I really dont see a better option for Peyton right now. A winning team with a QB whose career-year was relatively average? Sign me up any damn day.
We had one of the best special teams in the league but Ginn being hurt was a huge impact on us which led to us having an inexperienced rookie as our return man. With Josh Morgan coming back, I think we'll be decent in the wide receiving core. I do like Kyle but not as a return man. Alex did his job against the Saints and I couldn't be more happy for him. I've been very critical with him all his career but he just doesn't have the attributes that Peyton has. This is Peyton Manning guys. Peyton Manning. Especially with a coach like Harbaugh, Peyton can resurrect his career here. But as much as I'm salivating on my keyboard just thinking about Peyton in Red, Jim likes Alex and ultimately I trust Jim's judgement. 

I think it ultimately comes down to the fact that Jim sees himself in Alex Smith... Mobile, can sling it, gutsy, not highly regarded around the league as a really good qb, constantly having to prove himself etc. 

I wonder if he still harbors any resentment for being shipped out to Baltimore to make room for Peytons arrival in Indy?
Whoa. I never thought about that! That's a possibility there bro. 

Animal Thug1539 wrote:
Alex Smith > Peyton Manning right now. 

49ers fans are a lost cause. I'm done with this thread. Enjoy that frail-body Peyton; which ever team he goes to..
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539


..prove me wrong. You can't.

Idk how some of you seriously think Peyton Manning will be the same Peyton Manning after this Neck fusion surgery? At 35? Psshhh. One hard sack from Suh and landing awkwardly, and dude is done for

That's anybody... you sound stupid G. Like seriously unintelligent.

60% of Peyton in hands down better than Alex Smith was last year, which was his best year. Farve at 40 threw for 4200 yards 33 tds with a QB rating of 107.2 at 40.  If he's progressing like everyone says he is then he won't be good again... he'll be elite again
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539


..prove me wrong. You can't.

Idk how some of you seriously think Peyton Manning will be the same Peyton Manning after this Neck fusion surgery? At 35? Psshhh. One hard sack from Suh and landing awkwardly, and dude is done for

That's anybody... you sound stupid G. Like seriously unintelligent.

60% of Peyton in hands down better than Alex Smith was last year, which was his best year. Farve at 40 threw for 4200 yards 33 tds with a QB rating of 10.2 at 40.  If he's progressing like everyone says he is then he won't be good again... he'll be elite again
If you don't believe Manning's potential to aggravate that neck injury is more than the average QBs potential for getting hurt then you sir are seriously unintelligent. 
They wouldn't even let the man play in redzone situations, the writing is on the wall. He has one maybe two seasons left before his body completely betrays him. Make no mistake, this is a kamikaze run by Manning.

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539


..prove me wrong. You can't.

Idk how some of you seriously think Peyton Manning will be the same Peyton Manning after this Neck fusion surgery? At 35? Psshhh. One hard sack from Suh and landing awkwardly, and dude is done for

That's anybody... you sound stupid G. Like seriously unintelligent.

60% of Peyton in hands down better than Alex Smith was last year, which was his best year. Farve at 40 threw for 4200 yards 33 tds with a QB rating of 10.2 at 40.  If he's progressing like everyone says he is then he won't be good again... he'll be elite again
If you don't believe Manning's potential to aggravate that neck injury is more than the average QBs potential for getting hurt then you sir are seriously unintelligent. 
They wouldn't even let the man play in redzone situations, the writing is on the wall. He has one maybe two seasons left before his body completely betrays him. Make no mistake, this is a kamikaze run by Manning.


Thank you!!

...the 49ers organization themselves want no part of Peyton...but I sound stupid right? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

49ers fans are a lost cause. I'm done with this thread. Enjoy that frail-body Peyton; which ever team he goes to..
5% Healthy Peyton Manning>100% Alex Smith. Peyton has the IQ to read defenses that Alex will never have. Take the L bro. 
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539


..prove me wrong. You can't.

Idk how some of you seriously think Peyton Manning will be the same Peyton Manning after this Neck fusion surgery? At 35? Psshhh. One hard sack from Suh and landing awkwardly, and dude is done for

That's anybody... you sound stupid G. Like seriously unintelligent.

60% of Peyton in hands down better than Alex Smith was last year, which was his best year. Farve at 40 threw for 4200 yards 33 tds with a QB rating of 107.2 at 40.  If he's progressing like everyone says he is then he won't be good again... he'll be elite again

This dude

Brett Favre had 3 neck surgeries? WORD? The proof is in the pudding G...if Colts had firm belief in Manning - they wouldn't have let him walk 15 feet outside of Indy - and would've draft Kalil to protect him. But there's no use. Dude is done; waiting for the fork..  

5% Healthy Peyton Manning>100% Alex Smith. Peyton has the IQ to read defenses that Alex will never have. Take the L bro. 



*ignore's users post*
I understand your logic, Peyton is still rehabbing and nothing is for certain, but if he is able to play you have to take him over Alex Smith.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539


..prove me wrong. You can't.

Idk how some of you seriously think Peyton Manning will be the same Peyton Manning after this Neck fusion surgery? At 35? Psshhh. One hard sack from Suh and landing awkwardly, and dude is done for

That's anybody... you sound stupid G. Like seriously unintelligent.

60% of Peyton in hands down better than Alex Smith was last year, which was his best year. Farve at 40 threw for 4200 yards 33 tds with a QB rating of 10.2 at 40.  If he's progressing like everyone says he is then he won't be good again... he'll be elite again
If you don't believe Manning's potential to aggravate that neck injury is more than the average QBs potential for getting hurt then you sir are seriously unintelligent. 
They wouldn't even let the man play in redzone situations, the writing is on the wall. He has one maybe two seasons left before his body completely betrays him. Make no mistake, this is a kamikaze run by Manning.


You act as if he played at all the entire year with that statement.

As far as his injury just click this link

Everyone who's seen him throwing down at Duke, OC's, Archie, & his receivers all said that he looked like himself.  If he turns out to be himself and you didn't even inquire about him while having a mediocre QB the only way you live it down is if you win the bowl.
 and find some way to scapegoat Manning.

!+*$#%! hate Chris Johnsons guts, dude is THE most gutless,

classless, narcissistic, ignorant hood-booger in the entire league.

When has he scapegoated his qb or other team members?
This I can understand. Stock insults for a personal dislike of a player. Everyone does it.
This I can't. What has he done to show lack of class, or narcissism (holding out)? Also, hood-booger (Is it the
dreds and grill)?

I'd like to hear your piece.
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

49ers fans are a lost cause. I'm done with this thread. Enjoy that frail-body Peyton; which ever team he goes to..
5% Healthy Peyton Manning>100% Alex Smith. Peyton has the IQ to read defenses that Alex will never have. Take the L bro. 
No, just nope. 
I'll take a kid that's 28 and entering the prime of his career than a guy who is 36 and may or may not be able to make it through the season.

Do you guys understand the implications involved if the 49ers were to do something as risky as signing Peyton Manning? They have a team built to win for YEARS, they're going to be good for a LONG TIME. HELL, Frank Gore can fall off the face of the earth and they wouldn't miss a step (Kendall Hunter anyone?). If they were to cut Alex Smith loose and sign Peyton Manning, the organization would ABSOLUTELY CRUMBLE if Manning didn't pan out.

You have a top-five defense, a prime Vernon Davis, an emerging Crabtree, a deep backfield, and you're going to go all in as if it hasn't taken them YEARS to get back to this point? No, just no. They're going to take a steady, measured approach. Harbaugh is an excellent coach and I have confidence that he'll continue to cultivate Smith. Confidence can do amazing things to a man and I have a feeling that Alex Smith is capable of success in this league. Will he ever be good as Manning? No....

But this is a team game, you've had shmucks like Brad Johnson take the Buccaneers to the Superbowl and win, and I'd take Alex Smith over Brad Johnson any day. As far as the 9ers go, Alex is the man for the job, point-blank, period, end of story. No sense in risking such a deep franchise with so many lynch-pin players on a all or nothing gamble. 

I'm not saying it wouldn't work, I'm just saying that I understand why the 49ers don't want to do it. Would be the same rationale if the Texans don't want to end up doing it, but at least they seem amicable to signing Manning. 
Originally Posted by dland24

It absolutely astonishes me that people in here, who claim to know football, think Alex is a better choice for the 49ers. Alex freakin Smith.

Seriously. Say this out loud to yourself right now: Peyton Manning or Alex Smith?

Now stop laughing. You know how ridiculous a question that is.

The organization you ride for completely disagrees though.
Originally Posted by GMSboy1

 and find some way to scapegoat Manning.

!+*$#%! hate Chris Johnsons guts, dude is THE most gutless,

classless, narcissistic, ignorant hood-booger in the entire league.

Are you $$#%*$% serious?
Before I speak on the subject, let me start off by saying that THIS is exactly why NT is falling off. No other reason, members calling out other members on subjects they obviously took no time to research or have no prior knowledge of. No offense intended whatsoever my dude, but that really irks me. Did you follow Chris Johnson last season? Watch any Titans games? Listen to his interviews? Follow his twitter? No? Didn't think so....

ALL SEASON LONG Chris Johnson scapegoated his offensive-lineman in interviews, on twitter, and just about every game he played poorly in. He never said "oh great effort by the big guys" when he actually did decide to start playing IN THE LAST FOUR GAMES OF THE $$#%*$% SEASON!!! 

He insulted his own fans on twitter for taking issue with his poor play too. 

You just don't do these things, if you're playing poorly you suck it up, strap on the pads and go out next Sunday and play. BUT NEVER do you scapegoat your teammates under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!! Visit a Titans message-board and ask ANYONE if I'm wrong in this, even LINK THEM THIS DAMN THREAD. 

He cries about not getting paid, holds out, and then plays lethargically and turtles up at the first sign of contact for nearly the entire season until his SEASON TOTAL rushing was nearly eclipsed by a rookie in his first two games (DeMarco Murray) and THEN he decided to rattle off a couple big games and bring that rushing total up before the season ended. His entire campaign last season was just HORRENDOUS. Only to be outdone by Peyton Hillis' @%%*@ +*$. 

As far as his narcissism goes, again refer to his twitter. Everytime he had a bad game he'd go "God a 100" and then proceed to insult fans who'd tweet him (and the tweets he'd respond to weren't that bad aside from a couple, most of them were pretty constructive in nature and he'd totally insult them). Dude was incapable of saying "hey, I'm playing poorly, this is my responsibility, I will do better". Dude would spend an exorbitant amount of time on twitter DAILY, worrying about what people are saying about him, talking about X-box, talking to his people, talking about nonsense instead of focusing on the game. Dude was amazingly self-absorbed.

BTW, I used to like Chris Johnson, when he actually had a pair. Poor O-line play is one thing, and that's okay to be frustrated about. But you don't put your team on blast under any circumstances, that's some *@#** +$#% right there. 

You don't see Shady *****ing do you? How about Burner? BOTH had some of the leagues worst run-blocking last season and BOTH managed to have stellar seasons (Shady IMO had the best season of any RB last year, even better than Arian Foster or Ray Rice). 
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

49ers fans are a lost cause. I'm done with this thread. Enjoy that frail-body Peyton; which ever team he goes to..
5% Healthy Peyton Manning>100% Alex Smith. Peyton has the IQ to read defenses that Alex will never have. Take the L bro. 
No, just nope. 
I'll take a kid that's 28 and entering the prime of his career than a guy who is 36 and may or may not be able to make it through the season.

Do you guys understand the implications involved if the 49ers were to do something as risky as signing Peyton Manning? They have a team built to win for YEARS, they're going to be good for a LONG TIME. HELL, Frank Gore can fall off the face of the earth and they wouldn't miss a step (Kendall Hunter anyone?). If they were to cut Alex Smith loose and sign Peyton Manning, the organization would ABSOLUTELY CRUMBLE if Manning didn't pan out.

You have a top-five defense, a prime Vernon Davis, an emerging Crabtree, a deep backfield, and you're going to go all in as if it hasn't taken them YEARS to get back to this point? No, just no. They're going to take a steady, measured approach. Harbaugh is an excellent coach and I have confidence that he'll continue to cultivate Smith. Confidence can do amazing things to a man and I have a feeling that Alex Smith is capable of success in this league. Will he ever be good as Manning? No....

But this is a team game, you've had shmucks like Brad Johnson take the Buccaneers to the Superbowl and win, and I'd take Alex Smith over Brad Johnson any day. As far as the 9ers go, Alex is the man for the job, point-blank, period, end of story. No sense in risking such a deep franchise with so many lynch-pin players on a all or nothing gamble. 

I'm not saying it wouldn't work, I'm just saying that I understand why the 49ers don't want to do it. Would be the same rationale if the Texans don't want to end up doing it, but at least they seem amicable to signing Manning. 

They are the same exact player... What's different?

You can go out and draft a QB of that caliber EVERY THREE YEARS... IF NOT EVERY OTHER.  NOTHING about him reads that he isn't expendable yet the way some people post in here you would think he was all world.  He's not even middle of the pack... 3,144 yrds and 17TD's with a 90pct passer rating ... You had two rookies come in and have better years than him.

He's very replaceable because frankly he's just not good. I'm Sorry.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by dland24

It absolutely astonishes me that people in here, who claim to know football, think Alex is a better choice for the 49ers. Alex freakin Smith.

Seriously. Say this out loud to yourself right now: Peyton Manning or Alex Smith?

Now stop laughing. You know how ridiculous a question that is.

The organization you ride for completely disagrees though.

laugh.gif can't tell 49ers fans nothing bro.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

5% Healthy Peyton Manning>100% Alex Smith. Peyton has the IQ to read defenses that Alex will never have. Take the L bro. 
No, just nope. 
I'll take a kid that's 28 and entering the prime of his career than a guy who is 36 and may or may not be able to make it through the season.

Do you guys understand the implications involved if the 49ers were to do something as risky as signing Peyton Manning? They have a team built to win for YEARS, they're going to be good for a LONG TIME. HELL, Frank Gore can fall off the face of the earth and they wouldn't miss a step (Kendall Hunter anyone?). If they were to cut Alex Smith loose and sign Peyton Manning, the organization would ABSOLUTELY CRUMBLE if Manning didn't pan out.

You have a top-five defense, a prime Vernon Davis, an emerging Crabtree, a deep backfield, and you're going to go all in as if it hasn't taken them YEARS to get back to this point? No, just no. They're going to take a steady, measured approach. Harbaugh is an excellent coach and I have confidence that he'll continue to cultivate Smith. Confidence can do amazing things to a man and I have a feeling that Alex Smith is capable of success in this league. Will he ever be good as Manning? No....

But this is a team game, you've had shmucks like Brad Johnson take the Buccaneers to the Superbowl and win, and I'd take Alex Smith over Brad Johnson any day. As far as the 9ers go, Alex is the man for the job, point-blank, period, end of story. No sense in risking such a deep franchise with so many lynch-pin players on a all or nothing gamble. 

I'm not saying it wouldn't work, I'm just saying that I understand why the 49ers don't want to do it. Would be the same rationale if the Texans don't want to end up doing it, but at least they seem amicable to signing Manning. 

They are the same exact player... What's different?

You can go out and draft a QB of that caliber EVERY THREE YEARS... IF NOT EVERY OTHER.  NOTHING about him reads that he isn't expendable yet the way some people post in here you would think he was all world.  He's not even middle of the pack... 3,144 yrds and 17TD's with a 90pct passer rating ... You had two rookies come in and have better years than him.

He's very replaceable because frankly he's just not good. I'm Sorry.

Every three years huh? And then how long would it take to acclimate that rookie QB to the NFL game? How many rookie QBs can come in and take a team to the Superbowl? Even if Alex Smith is a dime a dozen he knows that team, knows the league, knows Harbaugh's system, and is more inclined to take this team to the promised land than any rookie QB out there. 

You're talking about basically gambling away a Superbowl caliber team on a guy potentially running on fumes. 

Are you just playing Devil's advocate? Because honestly, I don't feel like partaking in those types of debates. The logic here is absolutely asinine. 
Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Alex Smith > Peyton Manning right now.


Same dude that said his team didn't need Chris Bosh because they had Ryan Hollins.

Not the greatesttttt talent evaluator this Earth has had to offer.
I think he goes to Miami honestly, as a Jets fan I don't want any part of him in a Jets uniform.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Alex Smith > Peyton Manning right now.


Same dude that said his team didn't need Chris Bosh because they had Ryan Hollins.

Not the greatesttttt talent evaluator this Earth has had to offer.
Originally Posted by rillo561

I think he goes to Miami honestly, as a Jets fan I don't want any part of him in a Jets uniform.

The thing about the Jets that absolutely perplexes me is how poorly their offensive line actually played last season in-spite of having stellar lineman like Ferguson, Moore, and Mangold (who was hurt).

Absolutely baffling, there should be no reason that they played that terribly. Sanchez is not a good QB, but he is not as bad as that O-line made him look at times last season. Honestly if there is an o-line that can be salvaged out of the ********, Dolphins, Seahawks, Cardinals and Jets it'd be the Jets through the draft. 

But he's not going to be a Jet, just don't see him being amicable to the media frenzy that would await him. 
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Every three years huh? And then how long would it take to acclimate that rookie QB to the NFL game? How many rookie QBs can come in and take a team to the Superbowl? Even if Alex Smith is a dime a dozen he knows that team, knows the league, knows Harbaugh's system, and is more inclined to take this team to the promised land than any rookie QB out there. 
You're talking about basically gambling away a Superbowl caliber team on a guy potentially running on fumes. 

Are you just playing Devil's advocate? Because honestly, I don't feel like partaking in those types of debates. The logic here is absolutely asinine. 

Yes Every 3 years... Andy Dalton could've been placed at the QB position this year and they prolly still go to the NFC title game.

As far as Alex knowing the system, that's not something that can't be picked up after a year of playing in. Its not some complicated Mike Martz, Billichek, Payton, or Peyton type offense that has 1,000 different passing plays and packages. They had an average QB, the defense and Frank Gore took them to where they were.  It took 5 T.O's for him to eek out a win against N.O

Peyton running on fumes? Where is that coming from... Every single doctor & specialist, including the Colts neurosurgeon, who has evaluated him said that he recovered from his injury it was just a matter of regaining his arm strength, which by all accounts he's damn near there and barring major set back will definitely be there by the start of camp. He's healthy.  Have you actually read up on his status or are you just going off of hearsay.
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