Peyton Manning released by Colts. He signed with the Broncos, really? Is Tebowmania dead?

Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Alex Smith > Peyton Manning right now.


Same dude that said his team didn't need Chris Bosh because they had Ryan Hollins.

Not the greatesttttt talent evaluator this Earth has had to offer.

Was he the guy that said he wouldn't trade JJ Hickson for Amare Stoudamire? Or was that OC?
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

49ers fans are a lost cause. I'm done with this thread. Enjoy that frail-body Peyton; which ever team he goes to..
5% Healthy Peyton Manning>100% Alex Smith. Peyton has the IQ to read defenses that Alex will never have. Take the L bro. 
No, just nope. 
I'll take a kid that's 28 and entering the prime of his career than a guy who is 36 and may or may not be able to make it through the season.

Do you guys understand the implications involved if the 49ers were to do something as risky as signing Peyton Manning? They have a team built to win for YEARS, they're going to be good for a LONG TIME. HELL, Frank Gore can fall off the face of the earth and they wouldn't miss a step (Kendall Hunter anyone?). If they were to cut Alex Smith loose and sign Peyton Manning, the organization would ABSOLUTELY CRUMBLE if Manning didn't pan out.

You have a top-five defense, a prime Vernon Davis, an emerging Crabtree, a deep backfield, and you're going to go all in as if it hasn't taken them YEARS to get back to this point? No, just no. They're going to take a steady, measured approach. Harbaugh is an excellent coach and I have confidence that he'll continue to cultivate Smith. Confidence can do amazing things to a man and I have a feeling that Alex Smith is capable of success in this league. Will he ever be good as Manning? No....

But this is a team game, you've had shmucks like Brad Johnson take the Buccaneers to the Superbowl and win, and I'd take Alex Smith over Brad Johnson any day. As far as the 9ers go, Alex is the man for the job, point-blank, period, end of story. No sense in risking such a deep franchise with so many lynch-pin players on a all or nothing gamble. 

How do we know Smith is entering his "prime" when he simply stayed away from making mistakes as oppose playing elite.
Brad won a ring and was cut two years later, which is basically what Manning may do.Smith may win a ring but isnt a long term solution same as Manning and Brad Johnson, One just brings up the chances of a Superbowl way up.
If Manning doesn't play well, we draft a qb like the jets (closer to a SB when Favre left), franchise wouldn't crumble
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by GMSboy1

 and find some way to scapegoat Manning.

!+*$#%! hate Chris Johnsons guts, dude is THE most gutless,

classless, narcissistic, ignorant hood-booger in the entire league.

Are you $$#%*$% serious?
Before I speak on the subject, let me start off by saying that THIS is exactly why NT is falling off. No other reason, members calling out other members on subjects they obviously took no time to research or have no prior knowledge of. No offense intended whatsoever my dude, but that really irks me. Did you follow Chris Johnson last season? Watch any Titans games? Listen to his interviews? Follow his twitter? No? Didn't think so....

ALL SEASON LONG Chris Johnson scapegoated his offensive-lineman in interviews, on twitter, and just about every game he played poorly in. He never said "oh great effort by the big guys" when he actually did decide to start playing IN THE LAST FOUR GAMES OF THE $$#%*$% SEASON!!! 

He insulted his own fans on twitter for taking issue with his poor play too. 

You just don't do these things, if you're playing poorly you suck it up, strap on the pads and go out next Sunday and play. BUT NEVER do you scapegoat your teammates under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!! Visit a Titans message-board and ask ANYONE if I'm wrong in this, even LINK THEM THIS DAMN THREAD. 

He cries about not getting paid, holds out, and then plays lethargically and turtles up at the first sign of contact for nearly the entire season until his SEASON TOTAL rushing was nearly eclipsed by a rookie in his first two games (DeMarco Murray) and THEN he decided to rattle off a couple big games and bring that rushing total up before the season ended. His entire campaign last season was just HORRENDOUS. Only to be outdone by Peyton Hillis' @%%*@ +*$. 

As far as his narcissism goes, again refer to his twitter. Everytime he had a bad game he'd go "God a 100" and then proceed to insult fans who'd tweet him (and the tweets he'd respond to weren't that bad aside from a couple, most of them were pretty constructive in nature and he'd totally insult them). Dude was incapable of saying "hey, I'm playing poorly, this is my responsibility, I will do better". Dude would spend an exorbitant amount of time on twitter DAILY, worrying about what people are saying about him, talking about X-box, talking to his people, talking about nonsense instead of focusing on the game. Dude was amazingly self-absorbed.

BTW, I used to like Chris Johnson, when he actually had a pair. Poor O-line play is one thing, and that's okay to be frustrated about. But you don't put your team on blast under any circumstances, that's some *@#** +$#% right there. 

You don't see Shady *****ing do you? How about Burner? BOTH had some of the leagues worst run-blocking last season and BOTH managed to have stellar seasons (Shady IMO had the best season of any RB last year, even better than Arian Foster or Ray Rice). 

I had a long response typed out, but its not worth it.  Still didn't explain "ignorant hood booger".
That coupled with your take my word for it approach and delfecting tells me all I need know.
Pretty much my initial thoughts reading your comments anyway. I shouldn't have even gave you the benefit of the doubt.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Every three years huh? And then how long would it take to acclimate that rookie QB to the NFL game? How many rookie QBs can come in and take a team to the Superbowl? Even if Alex Smith is a dime a dozen he knows that team, knows the league, knows Harbaugh's system, and is more inclined to take this team to the promised land than any rookie QB out there. 
You're talking about basically gambling away a Superbowl caliber team on a guy potentially running on fumes. 

Are you just playing Devil's advocate? Because honestly, I don't feel like partaking in those types of debates. The logic here is absolutely asinine. 

Yes Every 3 years... Andy Dalton could've been placed at the QB position this year and they prolly still go to the NFC title game.

As far as Alex knowing the system, that's not something that can't be picked up after a year of playing in. Its not some complicated Mike Martz, Billichek, Payton, or Peyton type offense that has 1,000 different passing plays and packages. They had an average QB, the defense and Frank Gore took them to where they were.  It took 5 T.O's for him to eek out a win against N.O

Peyton running on fumes? Where is that coming from... Every single doctor & specialist, including the Colts neurosurgeon, who has evaluated him said that he recovered from his injury it was just a matter of regaining his arm strength, which by all accounts he's damn near there and barring major set back will definitely be there by the start of camp. He's healthy.  Have you actually read up on his status or are you just going off of hearsay.
Alright but you're acting as if guys like Andy Dalton and Cam Newton (who was a loser last season, not individually, as far as team goes) grow on trees. It's not like the 9ers can just go ahead and gamble on Manning and hope that a talent like Dalton or Newton or even freaking Sam Bradford falls into their lap. 
Again Alex Smith has been a 9er for a while, all of the sudden Harbaugh takes the reins and he's suddenly a decent qb. That says something, there's still promise there and honestly if you've invested in a guy as long as the 9ers have been then it would be absolutely pointless to jump ship after he finally shows up. Dude nearly took his team to the Superbowl and honestly, them boys would've put it ON the Patriots. Brady would've been rolling around in the dirt all night 
. Alex Smith would've actually made mince meat out of that Patriot defense hitting Vernon Davis all game long, but I digress....

And reading comprehension is a virtue my man, I said "potentially" running on fumes. For every report we've had of him improving we've had reports of an unreported surgery, the possibility of him needing another surgery, his arm being referred to as a "wet-noodle" (which you yourself pointed out) and so on. Really we don't know what we have as far as Manning at the moment, that's my point. I'm not saying he's done, I'm saying he might be. That's the reason why people are a bit apprehensive and why we've seen organizations like the 9ers not wanting to take the chance. 
Originally Posted by GMSboy1

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by GMSboy1

When has he scapegoated his qb or other team members?
This I can understand. Stock insults for a personal dislike of a player. Everyone does it.
This I can't. What has he done to show lack of class, or narcissism (holding out)? Also, hood-booger (Is it the
dreds and grill)?

I'd like to hear your piece.

Are you $$#%*$% serious?
Before I speak on the subject, let me start off by saying that THIS is exactly why NT is falling off. No other reason, members calling out other members on subjects they obviously took no time to research or have no prior knowledge of. No offense intended whatsoever my dude, but that really irks me. Did you follow Chris Johnson last season? Watch any Titans games? Listen to his interviews? Follow his twitter? No? Didn't think so....

ALL SEASON LONG Chris Johnson scapegoated his offensive-lineman in interviews, on twitter, and just about every game he played poorly in. He never said "oh great effort by the big guys" when he actually did decide to start playing IN THE LAST FOUR GAMES OF THE $$#%*$% SEASON!!! 

He insulted his own fans on twitter for taking issue with his poor play too. 

You just don't do these things, if you're playing poorly you suck it up, strap on the pads and go out next Sunday and play. BUT NEVER do you scapegoat your teammates under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!! Visit a Titans message-board and ask ANYONE if I'm wrong in this, even LINK THEM THIS DAMN THREAD. 

He cries about not getting paid, holds out, and then plays lethargically and turtles up at the first sign of contact for nearly the entire season until his SEASON TOTAL rushing was nearly eclipsed by a rookie in his first two games (DeMarco Murray) and THEN he decided to rattle off a couple big games and bring that rushing total up before the season ended. His entire campaign last season was just HORRENDOUS. Only to be outdone by Peyton Hillis' @%%*@ +*$. 

As far as his narcissism goes, again refer to his twitter. Everytime he had a bad game he'd go "God a 100" and then proceed to insult fans who'd tweet him (and the tweets he'd respond to weren't that bad aside from a couple, most of them were pretty constructive in nature and he'd totally insult them). Dude was incapable of saying "hey, I'm playing poorly, this is my responsibility, I will do better". Dude would spend an exorbitant amount of time on twitter DAILY, worrying about what people are saying about him, talking about X-box, talking to his people, talking about nonsense instead of focusing on the game. Dude was amazingly self-absorbed.

BTW, I used to like Chris Johnson, when he actually had a pair. Poor O-line play is one thing, and that's okay to be frustrated about. But you don't put your team on blast under any circumstances, that's some *@#** +$#% right there. 

You don't see Shady *****ing do you? How about Burner? BOTH had some of the leagues worst run-blocking last season and BOTH managed to have stellar seasons (Shady IMO had the best season of any RB last year, even better than Arian Foster or Ray Rice). 

I had a long response typed out, but its not worth it.  Still didn't explain "ignorant hood booger".
That coupled with your take my word for it approach and delfecting tells me all I need know.
Pretty much my initial thoughts reading your comments anyway. I shouldn't have even gave you the benefit of the doubt.

Take my word for it approach? Do you want me to have him e-mail me his twitter logs for you? How about digging up Titans forum threads from this past season? Or how about threads from his fantasy football owners from rotoworld? 

Everything I said is 100% true, if you want to turn a blind eye to the guys transgressions, fine by me. But don't take exception when people take issue to his play and his attitude. 

You want to get butt-hurt because I called him an ignorant hood booger? Fine, again refer to his twitter content, wonderlic, interviews and just about everything else that has to do with him. You can fool yourself, but I see him as he is. 

Furthermore if you're unable to do your own research on topics and want to just troll people please do me a favor and hit that ignore button bruh, nothing to see here. You're obviously incapable of intelligent debate. Not going to spoon-feed you information. Watch the games, watch the interviews, read the articles and ask some Titans fans and THEN come back when you actually have an informed opinion. K buddy? Until then kick rocks homie. 

BTW I was talking about this crap DURING THE SEASON. Where were you then? I linked his conversations, his interviews, his stats etc...Where were you then? Go ahead and gravedig homie because I sure as hell am not spoon-feeding anyone. 
Take my word for it approach? Do you want me to have him e-mail me his twitter
logs for you? How about digging up Titans forum threads from this past season?
Or how about threads from his fantasy football owners from rotoworld?

Furthermore if you're unable to do your own research on topics and want to
just troll people please do me a favor and hit that ignore button bruh, nothing
to see here.
You're obviously incapable of intelligent debate

No, but you could've posted something tangible. One of interviews you mentioned. And why should the onus be on me. If you're gonna say something
you should expect to prove/defend it.
Thanks for putting it nicely. I'm black though, so say what you really feel and just call me a ignorant hood-booger.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

5% Healthy Peyton Manning>100% Alex Smith. Peyton has the IQ to read defenses that Alex will never have. Take the L bro. 
No, just nope. 
I'll take a kid that's 28 and entering the prime of his career than a guy who is 36 and may or may not be able to make it through the season.

Do you guys understand the implications involved if the 49ers were to do something as risky as signing Peyton Manning? They have a team built to win for YEARS, they're going to be good for a LONG TIME. HELL, Frank Gore can fall off the face of the earth and they wouldn't miss a step (Kendall Hunter anyone?). If they were to cut Alex Smith loose and sign Peyton Manning, the organization would ABSOLUTELY CRUMBLE if Manning didn't pan out.

You have a top-five defense, a prime Vernon Davis, an emerging Crabtree, a deep backfield, and you're going to go all in as if it hasn't taken them YEARS to get back to this point? No, just no. They're going to take a steady, measured approach. Harbaugh is an excellent coach and I have confidence that he'll continue to cultivate Smith. Confidence can do amazing things to a man and I have a feeling that Alex Smith is capable of success in this league. Will he ever be good as Manning? No....

But this is a team game, you've had shmucks like Brad Johnson take the Buccaneers to the Superbowl and win, and I'd take Alex Smith over Brad Johnson any day. As far as the 9ers go, Alex is the man for the job, point-blank, period, end of story. No sense in risking such a deep franchise with so many lynch-pin players on a all or nothing gamble. 

How do we know Smith is entering his "prime" when he simply stayed away from making mistakes as oppose playing elite.
Brad won a ring and was cut two years later, which is basically what Manning may do.Smith may win a ring but isnt a long term solution same as Manning and Brad Johnson, One just brings up the chances of a Superbowl way up.
If Manning doesn't play well, we draft a qb like the jets (closer to a SB when Favre left), franchise wouldn't crumble

Ionno, like I said. I'm not saying it wouldn't work, I just completely understand where the 9ers are coming from not wanting to take the gamble. They see the improvement in Alex Smith, and he doesn't need to be elite to win, he just needs to continue playing his game and like you said, avoid those big mistakes. If Harbaugh can continue to cultivate him and add some more wrinkles to his game then hey, you never know.

But with Manning you're taking a risk with a guy whom they don't really know what they have now until they have him. Yes, I know they know who Manning was. But again look at it from their perspective. 
... i'm done with this thread ... some rational statements from seymorecake ...

some of these other statements

peyton is good to go ... injuries are part of the game ... i would take the chance ... and some team will ... i hope it works out

Originally Posted by GMSboy1

Take my word for it approach? Do you want me to have him e-mail me his twitter
logs for you? How about digging up Titans forum threads from this past season?
Or how about threads from his fantasy football owners from rotoworld?

Furthermore if you're unable to do your own research on topics and want to
just troll people please do me a favor and hit that ignore button bruh, nothing
to see here.
You're obviously incapable of intelligent debate

No, but you could've posted something tangible. One of interviews you mentioned. And why should the onus be on me. If you're gonna say something
you should expect to prove/defend it.
Thanks for putting it nicely. I'm black though, so say what you really feel and just call me a ignorant hood-booger.

You don't have to be black to be a hood-booger.
 I KNEW thats where you wanted to go from the start, that's why you took such great exception to my stance. 

The reason I don't feel as if I should post anything is because it was widely reported all season long. ESPN even told his fantasy owners to outright DROP HIM. He wasn't even startable...


and of course him ripping into his fans even BEFORE his poor play started

thats just some of the google-able articles I could find right quick. he scape-goated his teammates all-season long, insulted fans, and back-pedaled at the possibility of contact nearly all season. 
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Every three years huh? And then how long would it take to acclimate that rookie QB to the NFL game? How many rookie QBs can come in and take a team to the Superbowl? Even if Alex Smith is a dime a dozen he knows that team, knows the league, knows Harbaugh's system, and is more inclined to take this team to the promised land than any rookie QB out there. 
You're talking about basically gambling away a Superbowl caliber team on a guy potentially running on fumes. 

Are you just playing Devil's advocate? Because honestly, I don't feel like partaking in those types of debates. The logic here is absolutely asinine. 

Yes Every 3 years... Andy Dalton could've been placed at the QB position this year and they prolly still go to the NFC title game.

As far as Alex knowing the system, that's not something that can't be picked up after a year of playing in. Its not some complicated Mike Martz, Billichek, Payton, or Peyton type offense that has 1,000 different passing plays and packages. They had an average QB, the defense and Frank Gore took them to where they were.  It took 5 T.O's for him to eek out a win against N.O

Peyton running on fumes? Where is that coming from... Every single doctor & specialist, including the Colts neurosurgeon, who has evaluated him said that he recovered from his injury it was just a matter of regaining his arm strength, which by all accounts he's damn near there and barring major set back will definitely be there by the start of camp. He's healthy.  Have you actually read up on his status or are you just going off of hearsay.
Alright but you're acting as if guys like Andy Dalton and Cam Newton (who was a loser last season, not individually, as far as team goes) grow on trees. It's not like the 9ers can just go ahead and gamble on Manning and hope that a talent like Dalton or Newton or even freaking Sam Bradford falls into their lap. 
Again Alex Smith has been a 9er for a while, all of the sudden Harbaugh takes the reins and he's suddenly a decent qb. That says something, there's still promise there and honestly if you've invested in a guy as long as the 9ers have been then it would be absolutely pointless to jump ship after he finally shows up. Dude nearly took his team to the Superbowl and honestly, them boys would've put it ON the Patriots. Brady would've been rolling around in the dirt all night 
. Alex Smith would've actually made mince meat out of that Patriot defense hitting Vernon Davis all game long, but I digress....

And reading comprehension is a virtue my man, I said "potentially" running on fumes. For every report we've had of him improving we've had reports of an unreported surgery, the possibility of him needing another surgery, his arm being referred to as a "wet-noodle" (which you yourself pointed out) and so on. Really we don't know what we have as far as Manning at the moment, that's my point. I'm not saying he's done, I'm saying he might be. That's the reason why people are a bit apprehensive and why we've seen organizations like the 9ers not wanting to take the chance. 

Honestly... Reading comprehension be damned there hasn't been a report in the last month that has said he needed any additional surgery... As far as his Arm strength all of the reports that have come out since he's pubicaly went on record combating Irsay have all been positive increasingly so each and every time he's showcased it.  With the latest leaving people saying that he's Peyton.  So to even say "potentially running on fumes" makes no sense.

Please stop saying he nearly took his team to the Superbowl... That Defense Took Them There... That Defense Turned N.O over 5x... That Defense held the Giants to 85 rushing yards... That Defense held The Giants to 17pts in  regulation.  He Wasn't The Reason The 9ers Were There.  Furthermore had they had a slightly above average they would've been in the bowl. He went 1/13 on 3rd down... Continually putting his defense back on the field to stop the Giants. Had he completed just 2 of those 3rd downs they're in the superbowl... Do you see how crazy that is... if he goes 3/13 on 3rd down they win that game.

As for hoping QB's just fall in their laps... Andy Dalton went in the 2nd round... Taylor Yates went in the 5th... Kolb went in the 2nd round... Cassell in 7th round... The point I'm making is that these are QB's that are either equal or better performers than Alex Smith who was drafted #1 overall over Aaron Rodgers. Yet you're making a case that after he's worth sticking with after having a average yr for lower middle teir QBs for the first time in 7yrs, instead of taking a chance on a 1st ballot HOFer who has been medically cleared. Not to mention he never suffered any Arm or leg injuries... It took him 7yrs to go from horrible to below average and this is the person you're willing to give your Superbowl window to?!?!? I don't quite understand this logic.
Why the 49ers won't make a run at Manning is absurd. I'd take the risk. Alex Smith is average at best, with Harbargh's coaching. He was certified bust before he got there. If Manning doesn't pan out I don't think it's that big a loss at all. You can't tell me Harbargh and 49ers can't sign another decent QB and have him be a glorified game manager who doesn't make mistakes and throws the ball away when a play isn't there a la Alex Smith. A 70% Peyton is still better than 100% Alex Smith. The window for a Super Bowl is there and they have to go for it.

That 1 for 13 on 3rd down in the NFCCG is the real Alex Smith. I'm tired of seeing him under throw passes into the dirt.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Yes Every 3 years... Andy Dalton could've been placed at the QB position this year and they prolly still go to the NFC title game.

As far as Alex knowing the system, that's not something that can't be picked up after a year of playing in. Its not some complicated Mike Martz, Billichek, Payton, or Peyton type offense that has 1,000 different passing plays and packages. They had an average QB, the defense and Frank Gore took them to where they were.  It took 5 T.O's for him to eek out a win against N.O

Peyton running on fumes? Where is that coming from... Every single doctor & specialist, including the Colts neurosurgeon, who has evaluated him said that he recovered from his injury it was just a matter of regaining his arm strength, which by all accounts he's damn near there and barring major set back will definitely be there by the start of camp. He's healthy.  Have you actually read up on his status or are you just going off of hearsay.
Alright but you're acting as if guys like Andy Dalton and Cam Newton (who was a loser last season, not individually, as far as team goes) grow on trees. It's not like the 9ers can just go ahead and gamble on Manning and hope that a talent like Dalton or Newton or even freaking Sam Bradford falls into their lap. 
Again Alex Smith has been a 9er for a while, all of the sudden Harbaugh takes the reins and he's suddenly a decent qb. That says something, there's still promise there and honestly if you've invested in a guy as long as the 9ers have been then it would be absolutely pointless to jump ship after he finally shows up. Dude nearly took his team to the Superbowl and honestly, them boys would've put it ON the Patriots. Brady would've been rolling around in the dirt all night 
. Alex Smith would've actually made mince meat out of that Patriot defense hitting Vernon Davis all game long, but I digress....

And reading comprehension is a virtue my man, I said "potentially" running on fumes. For every report we've had of him improving we've had reports of an unreported surgery, the possibility of him needing another surgery, his arm being referred to as a "wet-noodle" (which you yourself pointed out) and so on. Really we don't know what we have as far as Manning at the moment, that's my point. I'm not saying he's done, I'm saying he might be. That's the reason why people are a bit apprehensive and why we've seen organizations like the 9ers not wanting to take the chance. 

Honestly... Reading comprehension be damned there hasn't been a report in the last month that has said he needed any additional surgery... As far as his Arm strength all of the reports that have come out since he's pubicaly went on record combating Irsay have all been positive increasingly so each and every time he's showcased it.  With the latest leaving people saying that he's Peyton.  So to even say "potentially running on fumes" makes no sense.

Please stop saying he nearly took his team to the Superbowl... That Defense Took Them There... That Defense Turned N.O over 5x... That Defense held the Giants to 85 rushing yards... That Defense held The Giants to 17pts in  regulation.  He Wasn't The Reason The 9ers Were There.  Furthermore had they had a slightly above average they would've been in the bowl. Had he completed just 2 of those 3rd downs they're in the superbowl... Do you see how crazy that is... if he goes 3/13 on 3rd down they win that game.

As for hoping QB's just fall in their laps... Andy Dalton went in the 2nd round... Taylor Yates went in the 5th... Kolb went in the 2nd round... Cassell in 7th round... The point I'm making is that these are QB's that are either equal or better performers than Alex Smith who was drafted #1 overall over Aaron Rodgers. Yet you're making a case that after he's worth sticking with after having a average yr for lower middle teir QBs for the first time in 7yrs, instead of taking a chance on a 1st ballot HOFer who has been medically cleared. Not to mention he never suffered any Arm or leg injuries... It took him 7yrs to go from horrible to below average and this is the person you're willing to give your Superbowl window to?!?!? I don't quite understand this logic.
I swear, it's like NTers don't watch ESPN or read SI.

A day after Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay made it clear that the decision whether to play for the team rests with Peyton Manning and his willingness to take a pay cut, Sports Illustrated reports new detailsabout the quarterback’s physical condition.

According to SI’s Don Banks, Manning underwent four, not three, neck procedures over a 19-month span, has bone spurs just above the spot of fusion surgery in September, may require further fusion and tried to play late in the season, although he could throw only 20-25 yards.

Most revealing are the details about Manning’s throwing ability. Both he and his agent have said that, although the surgeon who did the fusion has cleared him to play, the nerve must regenerate. Manning is working on that, trying to build strength, and has said it is expected to take time. According to Banks’s sources, the Colts are concerned that “Manning’s neck injuries have reached the chronic stage,
Alex Smith though!? If Peyton doesn't go to the 49ers I cant WAIT to see what that guy Smith does this upcoming season 
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Alright but you're acting as if guys like Andy Dalton and Cam Newton (who was a loser last season, not individually, as far as team goes) grow on trees. It's not like the 9ers can just go ahead and gamble on Manning and hope that a talent like Dalton or Newton or even freaking Sam Bradford falls into their lap. 
Again Alex Smith has been a 9er for a while, all of the sudden Harbaugh takes the reins and he's suddenly a decent qb. That says something, there's still promise there and honestly if you've invested in a guy as long as the 9ers have been then it would be absolutely pointless to jump ship after he finally shows up. Dude nearly took his team to the Superbowl and honestly, them boys would've put it ON the Patriots. Brady would've been rolling around in the dirt all night 
. Alex Smith would've actually made mince meat out of that Patriot defense hitting Vernon Davis all game long, but I digress....

And reading comprehension is a virtue my man, I said "potentially" running on fumes. For every report we've had of him improving we've had reports of an unreported surgery, the possibility of him needing another surgery, his arm being referred to as a "wet-noodle" (which you yourself pointed out) and so on. Really we don't know what we have as far as Manning at the moment, that's my point. I'm not saying he's done, I'm saying he might be. That's the reason why people are a bit apprehensive and why we've seen organizations like the 9ers not wanting to take the chance. 

Honestly... Reading comprehension be damned there hasn't been a report in the last month that has said he needed any additional surgery... As far as his Arm strength all of the reports that have come out since he's pubicaly went on record combating Irsay have all been positive increasingly so each and every time he's showcased it.  With the latest leaving people saying that he's Peyton.  So to even say "potentially running on fumes" makes no sense.

Please stop saying he nearly took his team to the Superbowl... That Defense Took Them There... That Defense Turned N.O over 5x... That Defense held the Giants to 85 rushing yards... That Defense held The Giants to 17pts in  regulation.  He Wasn't The Reason The 9ers Were There.  Furthermore had they had a slightly above average they would've been in the bowl. Had he completed just 2 of those 3rd downs they're in the superbowl... Do you see how crazy that is... if he goes 3/13 on 3rd down they win that game.

As for hoping QB's just fall in their laps... Andy Dalton went in the 2nd round... Taylor Yates went in the 5th... Kolb went in the 2nd round... Cassell in 7th round... The point I'm making is that these are QB's that are either equal or better performers than Alex Smith who was drafted #1 overall over Aaron Rodgers. Yet you're making a case that after he's worth sticking with after having a average yr for lower middle teir QBs for the first time in 7yrs, instead of taking a chance on a 1st ballot HOFer who has been medically cleared. Not to mention he never suffered any Arm or leg injuries... It took him 7yrs to go from horrible to below average and this is the person you're willing to give your Superbowl window to?!?!? I don't quite understand this logic.

I mean come on man, are you serious right now? Manning is Manning? How do we know? I mean when we get some footage of him (actually him) throwing the ball, taking part in full practice, etc then I'm on board. But until then I totally understand why some franchises are apprehensive about going all in. 

BTW aside from obviously Dalton who is a beast, none of those QBs you mentioned can come in and win a title for any organization, not even the 9ers. As stacked as the 9ers are their window of time to win a Superbowl will only be open for 4 or 5 years. You're going to take 2 of those years to gamble on a potentially injury prone QB? Then if it doesn't work out you're going to take however many years it would take to draft a decent QB and cultivate him into a competent QB? By then guys like Justin Smith, Vernon Davis, Carlos Rodgers, Patrick Willis etc might be long gone or old.

They have time but that doesn't mean they have all the time in the world.

There is footage of him throwing the ball but alright.

You're vastly over-valuing Smith if you feel that he can get them to a Superbowl but a healthy Cassel or Kolb couldn't.  All they have to do is manage the game and not turn the ball over.  We've seen evidence that each of them can do so if surrounded by talent.  Cassell had a few people questioning just how good Brady was after he was able to take that Patriots squad to the playoffs in his absence & Kolb looked good once upon a time in Philly.

My point being the league is full of QB's better than Alex Smith and QB's come in just as good if not better than him all the time.  The opportunity to get a Peyton Manning comes along once in a blue moon.  You don't say oh nah I have an Alex Smith I'm Good... You take that opportunity.
Originally Posted by CaptainCrown

If you are Baltimore, Atlanta, or San Fran, I don't understand how you are not interested. You are not winning any super bowls with your current qb.

I mean Baltimore was dropped pass from playing for a Super Bowl though.
Don't see what all the fuss is about in this thread. Peyton is obviously going to be wearing teal and orange next season, at this point it's only a matter of whether he signs tomorrow or the day after.
Originally Posted by Statis22

Originally Posted by CaptainCrown

If you are Baltimore, Atlanta, or San Fran, I don't understand how you are not interested. You are not winning any super bowls with your current qb.

I mean Baltimore was dropped pass from playing for a Super Bowl though.

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

F the Colts, F Jim Irsay and F that soon to be bum Andrew Luck.

I'm officially looking for a new team. Hopefully Peyton comes to the Phins so I can go to a game.

   soooo nobody read this
this bandwagon bum
I just think Arizona is the best fit for Peyton.  I think he has the best chance of winning on the Cardinals as opposed to the Skins or Dolphins.
He would be playing in a dome.

He would have a Top 3 WR, and if Wayne came with him they'd be even deeper.

Only real threat IMO would be San Fran, but I think the Cards could win the West no questions asked.  

Playmaker in ST like Peterson.  

Plus the connection from Manning to Fitz 
Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

Plus the connection from Manning to Fitz 


People don't even understand. This dude Larry Fitz had 2500 yards the last two seasons with Kevin Kolb, John Skelton, Derek Anderson and Max Hall throwing him the ball.
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