Philadelphia Eagles '12 Official Thread 4-10 *Farewell Andy Reid

Special teams has been a HUGE let down. Every time we kick the ball off they've gotten over 30+ yards.

Well then, 4th & Inches and they let Cruz go up the middle for the 1st down.
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Where was the defense on that drive?
I was sick at that timeout, huge win!!! You know I gotta wear my eagles gear this week on campus wit the steelers game coming up :smokin
I was behind my couch on that 2nd field goal attempt. My heart can't take this, and basketball season starts soon. :x
Lord, my heart. I was tweeting all game to just stick with the run. Shady always breaks one and then gets going. It paid off. Have to finish in the redzone though. Almost lost it because of that. And those two PI calls against us at the end? ****.
I hate watching this team play sometimes, I swear man if we would have lost that game, smh I dont even want to think about it, 3-1 :smokin
next week the d-line needs to carry us, and actually some how bring rothilesberger down

defense had one bad drive today, ko return coverage is concerning tho
my body is ready to sleep after that game; good lord

and I hate Collinsworth talking like that pass interference could have gone either way; dude was trying to penetrate Nhamdi's back side :smh:
I was ready to fade Reid after that timeout. Luckily it worked out for us.
2nd half of this game is the blueprint to what we should do on offense from here on out.
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