*PHILADELPHIA EAGLES* Official 20-21 Regular Season Thread: WEEK 1 EAGLES vs Football Team 1pm ET

Depth. Can never have too much depth at line. For whatever it is, we have trouble integrating new guys right away (unless we absolutely have to like the practice squad)

he’ll be valuable and fine for the future

It’s the cost that i don’t get. A 4th and dude barely plays
After thinking about it, McCown should definitely be Carson's QB coach but damn we need someone younger to be the #2. They really didn't have much confidence in his arm and I think someone younger would've been able to at least move the ball a little better with the hurry up offense that seemed to be working some.

McCown's 40 yr. old body was barely able to keep up. Maybe get a Marcus Marriota-level type guy as backup QB? :nerd:
Why the hell was Epps matched up with DK on that last deep ball? SMFH
Because Mills ***** *** ain’t want to rotate over. He did nothing on the snap and hoped Strap didn’t stay with the underneath WR

blown coverage and I’m blaming Mills more than anything for not stepping up
After thinking about it, McCown should definitely be Carson's QB coach but damn we need someone younger to be the #2. They really didn't have much confidence in his arm and I think someone younger would've been able to at least move the ball a little better with the hurry up offense that seemed to be working some.

McCown's 40 yr. old body was barely able to keep up. Maybe get a Marcus Marriota-level type guy as backup QB? :nerd:
I’m all in on Mariota as the backup. Studfeld getting offers from somewhere
Every time we've had blown coverage this season it's resulted in a TD or a huge play. The scheme was either too complex for these dumb *** corners or we had the wrong men on the field period. Avonte showed all season that he is NOT good on the outside yet Jim forced him out there yet again and it cost us, idk what Sidney did to get on that mans bad side but he should have took someones spot yesterday for no other reason than to at least TRY someone different
I just don't understand how he thinks we have island corners, these guys are terrible, the best defenses use double teams, safety help, but apparently our guys are too good for that.
Tough throw tough catch. Can’t blame either player for the play.

I love Malcolm. But let’s not make the same mistake we did with Alshon. Yeah Malcolm has high availability but we need youth here
Malcolm is a great guy but I can't have us cap strapped just by paying him more than he's worth at this age, but knowing this team maybe a vet takes a paycut or they re-arrange some money to give him something. Our secondary will get even worse without him, there's no denying that
Every time we've had blown coverage this season it's resulted in a TD or a huge play. The scheme was either too complex for these dumb *** corners or we had the wrong men on the field period. Avonte showed all season that he is NOT good on the outside yet Jim forced him out there yet again and it cost us, idk what Sidney did to get on that mans bad side but he should have took someones spot yesterday for no other reason than to at least TRY someone different
Maddox was never a good outside corner. I knew that last year going back to Bears game when Robinson was abusing him towards the end. He bails when he can’t match up size wise.

Sid has his injury concerns but he’s the best corner on this roster. Only one with ball skills as a trailer
Avonte Maddox too busy getting high and playing fortnite at night instead of trying to study film or get better

and i aint just talking out my *** i know some scoop
I forgot when but he was on twitch one day drinking something. I believe it
I just don't understand how he thinks we have island corners, these guys are terrible, the best defenses use double teams, safety help, but apparently our guys are too good for that.
Bias aside, Sid the the only corner we have who can play on an island. He just never got the consistent reps to prove it. Outside of the one bad game by everyone against the Vikings, he was bad on two legit plays: the marvin Jones TD and when Adams got him vs Green Bay (the pass was perfect tho)
Malcolm is a great guy but I can't have us cap strapped just by paying him more than he's worth at this age, but knowing this team maybe a vet takes a paycut or they re-arrange some money to give him something. Our secondary will get even worse without him, there's no denying that
Next year, for sure. We need him. But long term, I can't commit to him. I don't want an Alshon or Al Horford situation right now. Playing old players for their past work
Not even 24 hours after a playoff loss and this guy is giving his farewell speech :lol: Good luck getting a deal bruh. Looking forward to seeing him get double moved elsewhere
Next year, for sure. We need him. But long term, I can't commit to him. I don't want an Alshon or Al Horford situation right now. Playing old players for their past work

Pretty much this. And that's just out of respect for everything he's done for us.
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