Pippen Says LeBron is "Best Player Ever"

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Lebron makes a few clutch shots for once in his life and dues wanna say he is better than Bird, one of the more clutch and complete players (one dimensional to some morons on here).

This thread is such a waste.

But when he misses a couple of clutch shots during the regular season, then it's completely fine to call him non-clutch, mentally weak, make insulting photoshops about him missing in the clutch and so on.

And please, watch the endings of the last 7-8 games from the Bulls and Celtics series and see how "few" clutch shots he actually makes. In the last game alone, he hit 3 clutch shots without missing. Please, count them and post the number here so that we can see how "few" there actually are. Also, might want to notice his clutchness on the defensive end as well during those games.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Lebron makes a few clutch shots for once in his life and dues wanna say he is better than Bird, one of the more clutch and complete players (one dimensional to some morons on here).

This thread is such a waste.
It is the same thing that happened when he destroyed the Pistons in 2007. At the time it was considered the greatest performance OF ALL TIME

Even Kobe's game 6 against the suns last year was a better performance than the games lebron had to close out the celtics and bulls this year. Everything is exaggerated/overrated when it comes to lebron.
Notice how his clutchness has suddenly improved now that teams have to worry about future top 10 player of all time Wade and perennial all star Bosh.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Lebron makes a few clutch shots for once in his life and dues wanna say he is better than Bird, one of the more clutch and complete players (one dimensional to some morons on here).

This thread is such a waste.
It is the same thing that happened when he destroyed the Pistons in 2007. At the time it was considered the greatest performance OF ALL TIME

Even Kobe's game 6 against the suns last year was a better performance than the games lebron had to close out the celtics and bulls this year. Everything is exaggerated/overrated when it comes to lebron.
Notice how his clutchness has suddenly improved now that teams have to worry about future top 10 player of all time Wade and perennial all star Bosh.
Originally Posted by chillainvillain

This is probably just half of his career clutch shots/game winners he's made in his career.�

Half way through and counted 4 of those that happen with 25+ seconds on the clock. If we count those Lebron will look like Jerry West
Originally Posted by chillainvillain

This is probably just half of his career clutch shots/game winners he's made in his career.�

Half way through and counted 4 of those that happen with 25+ seconds on the clock. If we count those Lebron will look like Jerry West
Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Originally Posted by RavageBX

We need to remove rings from the equation when comparing players. Rings are won by teams. With that being said even as an individual player Bron still has some ways to go before he should be mentioned with MJ. But anyone acting like its out of the realm of possibility is just a hater plain and simple.

Applaud this man.
logged in to quote this since i was going to put it until i saw it that whole championship argument is played if you replace Lebron with Jordan on the 07 team i guarantee they don't make it out of the first round let along the playoffs dead ***!!!  As far as pippens comments the media is sensationalizing his sentiments the context is hypothetical in the future he will be better not that he is better right now in present time c'mon now
Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Originally Posted by RavageBX

We need to remove rings from the equation when comparing players. Rings are won by teams. With that being said even as an individual player Bron still has some ways to go before he should be mentioned with MJ. But anyone acting like its out of the realm of possibility is just a hater plain and simple.

Applaud this man.
logged in to quote this since i was going to put it until i saw it that whole championship argument is played if you replace Lebron with Jordan on the 07 team i guarantee they don't make it out of the first round let along the playoffs dead ***!!!  As far as pippens comments the media is sensationalizing his sentiments the context is hypothetical in the future he will be better not that he is better right now in present time c'mon now
Originally Posted by Swagger2Much4You

Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Originally Posted by RavageBX

We need to remove rings from the equation when comparing players. Rings are won by teams. With that being said even as an individual player Bron still has some ways to go before he should be mentioned with MJ. But anyone acting like its out of the realm of possibility is just a hater plain and simple.

Applaud this man.
logged in to quote this since i was going to put it until i saw it that whole championship argument is played if you replace Lebron with Jordan on the 07 team i guarantee they don't make it out of the first round let along the playoffs dead ***!!!  As far as pippens comments the media is sensationalizing his sentiments the context is hypothetical in the future he will be better not that he is better right now in present time c'mon now

Co-sign, the hate on this man is ridiculous. People even ignore concrete stats just to discredit James.
Originally Posted by Swagger2Much4You

Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Originally Posted by RavageBX

We need to remove rings from the equation when comparing players. Rings are won by teams. With that being said even as an individual player Bron still has some ways to go before he should be mentioned with MJ. But anyone acting like its out of the realm of possibility is just a hater plain and simple.

Applaud this man.
logged in to quote this since i was going to put it until i saw it that whole championship argument is played if you replace Lebron with Jordan on the 07 team i guarantee they don't make it out of the first round let along the playoffs dead ***!!!  As far as pippens comments the media is sensationalizing his sentiments the context is hypothetical in the future he will be better not that he is better right now in present time c'mon now

Co-sign, the hate on this man is ridiculous. People even ignore concrete stats just to discredit James.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by chillainvillain

This is probably just half of his career clutch shots/game winners he's made in his career.�

Half way through and counted 4 of those that happen with 25+ seconds on the clock. If we count those Lebron will look like Jerry West

Are you kidding me? So are you Saying those shots aren't clutch or lebron is more clutch than accounted for?

Those are not even half of the clutch shots he has made. There are a few missing from some regular season games.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by chillainvillain

This is probably just half of his career clutch shots/game winners he's made in his career.�

Half way through and counted 4 of those that happen with 25+ seconds on the clock. If we count those Lebron will look like Jerry West

Are you kidding me? So are you Saying those shots aren't clutch or lebron is more clutch than accounted for?

Those are not even half of the clutch shots he has made. There are a few missing from some regular season games.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by chillainvillain

This is probably just half of his career clutch shots/game winners he's made in his career.�

Half way through and counted 4 of those that happen with 25+ seconds on the clock. If we count those Lebron will look like Jerry West

Are you kidding me? So are you Saying those shots aren't clutch or lebron is more clutch than accounted for?

Those are not even half of the clutch shots he has made. There are a few missing from some regular season games.
Nobodies saying those shots he made aren't clutch. Just pointing out that he misses those shots more than twice as much as he makes them.
The fact that LeBron shoots a better percentage in the clutch than Kobe does is what it is. It's not an opinion. It's a fact.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by chillainvillain

This is probably just half of his career clutch shots/game winners he's made in his career.�

Half way through and counted 4 of those that happen with 25+ seconds on the clock. If we count those Lebron will look like Jerry West

Are you kidding me? So are you Saying those shots aren't clutch or lebron is more clutch than accounted for?

Those are not even half of the clutch shots he has made. There are a few missing from some regular season games.
Nobodies saying those shots he made aren't clutch. Just pointing out that he misses those shots more than twice as much as he makes them.
The fact that LeBron shoots a better percentage in the clutch than Kobe does is what it is. It's not an opinion. It's a fact.
Originally Posted by chillainvillain

This is probably just half of his career clutch shots/game winners he's made in his career.�
Mind putting up a video of the misses?

The man has shot the league average for clutch shots since 1997, and there are a bunch of stars that have shot better (taking a bunch of attempts and as the stars on their teams). No one is saying that Kobe hasn't made "clutch" shots, but don't get carried away. Selective bias at work.

Not to mention, these shots are no more important than shots at any other point in the game anyway. They should never be taken out of the context of the the rest of the game, which GW shots are dependent upon in order in the first place.
Originally Posted by chillainvillain

This is probably just half of his career clutch shots/game winners he's made in his career.�
Mind putting up a video of the misses?

The man has shot the league average for clutch shots since 1997, and there are a bunch of stars that have shot better (taking a bunch of attempts and as the stars on their teams). No one is saying that Kobe hasn't made "clutch" shots, but don't get carried away. Selective bias at work.

Not to mention, these shots are no more important than shots at any other point in the game anyway. They should never be taken out of the context of the the rest of the game, which GW shots are dependent upon in order in the first place.
i knew kobe would be brought up 


Ask pundits. Ask general managers. Ask players. Ask almost anybody. 

Who would you like to have take the last shot with the game on the line? 

Kobe Bryant wins by a country mile. Every time. (In a general-manager poll this season, he earned 79 percent of the vote, his ninth consecutive blowout.)

ESPN Stats & Information's Alok Pattani dug through 15 years of NBA data (see table below) -- Bryant's entire career, regular season and playoffs -- and found that Bryant has attempted 115 shots in the final 24 seconds of a game in which the Lakers were tied or trailed by two or fewer points. He connected on 36, and missed 79 times.

*end article reference* but but.....

[font=verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]clutch is also relative. to lead the charge to bring your team within that 5 pt deficit, takes dominating the last 8-10 minutes of 4th q or in kobe case dominating the first half of third q. before his break and then taking over in 4th. that to me is clutch as well. think in  a brandon roy vs dallas takeover kind of way. kobe is still more clutch than anybody in that fashion. [/font]

i knew kobe would be brought up 


Ask pundits. Ask general managers. Ask players. Ask almost anybody. 

Who would you like to have take the last shot with the game on the line? 

Kobe Bryant wins by a country mile. Every time. (In a general-manager poll this season, he earned 79 percent of the vote, his ninth consecutive blowout.)

ESPN Stats & Information's Alok Pattani dug through 15 years of NBA data (see table below) -- Bryant's entire career, regular season and playoffs -- and found that Bryant has attempted 115 shots in the final 24 seconds of a game in which the Lakers were tied or trailed by two or fewer points. He connected on 36, and missed 79 times.

*end article reference* but but.....

[font=verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]clutch is also relative. to lead the charge to bring your team within that 5 pt deficit, takes dominating the last 8-10 minutes of 4th q or in kobe case dominating the first half of third q. before his break and then taking over in 4th. that to me is clutch as well. think in  a brandon roy vs dallas takeover kind of way. kobe is still more clutch than anybody in that fashion. [/font]

Originally Posted by roc4life24

*end article reference* but but.....

[font=verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]clutch is also relative. to lead the charge to bring your team within that 5 pt deficit, takes dominating the last 8-10 minutes of 4th q or in kobe case dominating the first half of third q. before his break and then taking over in 4th. that to me is clutch as well. think in  a brandon roy vs dallas takeover kind of way. kobe is still more clutch than anybody in that fashion.[/font]
They track numbers for that too, and he's not "more clutch than anybody" as if he's the ultimate, clear-cut clutch player. Other players have been just as clutch (or even more clutch) with the shot/efficiency output. Kobe's ONE good clutch player. There are others that are there with him.
Originally Posted by roc4life24

*end article reference* but but.....

[font=verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]clutch is also relative. to lead the charge to bring your team within that 5 pt deficit, takes dominating the last 8-10 minutes of 4th q or in kobe case dominating the first half of third q. before his break and then taking over in 4th. that to me is clutch as well. think in  a brandon roy vs dallas takeover kind of way. kobe is still more clutch than anybody in that fashion.[/font]
They track numbers for that too, and he's not "more clutch than anybody" as if he's the ultimate, clear-cut clutch player. Other players have been just as clutch (or even more clutch) with the shot/efficiency output. Kobe's ONE good clutch player. There are others that are there with him.
Bottom line, Lebron has a ways to go before he can be in the discussion with Kobe, let alone MJ.

Championships do matter, the game is 5 on 5. If you are a great player you win, period, no ifs ands or buts about it. To paraphrase what was said on PTI this week, "It's not football with 22 players out there, it is a team of 5."

LeBron needs at least one ring as the main guy to even enter the discussion of the greatest player ever. (player, as in number #1 all time)

The playoffs are where legends are made.
Bottom line, Lebron has a ways to go before he can be in the discussion with Kobe, let alone MJ.

Championships do matter, the game is 5 on 5. If you are a great player you win, period, no ifs ands or buts about it. To paraphrase what was said on PTI this week, "It's not football with 22 players out there, it is a team of 5."

LeBron needs at least one ring as the main guy to even enter the discussion of the greatest player ever. (player, as in number #1 all time)

The playoffs are where legends are made.
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