Please Help Me Get My Phone Back!

Originally Posted by Hugo

so what you got to offer miss
. How about a nice night with you huh?
...or maybe a night in

Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

Originally Posted by angelzdope

Originally Posted by racerx

im gonna be around alexandria today....what do i get if i get it back?

a very sincere thank you.


in all seriousness, what would you guys want in return? (not including a date)

you only post in PYPs anyway, and you want NT to help you? c'mon...

i know i will probably get flamed but whatever..
U keep tabs on every female that post on NT?... other wise how would u kno when she post?
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

its a G1 though, phone is old and you could probably find it for less than 75 bucks, only hassle is if didnt save your contacts
besides that, I wouldnt sweat it, buy another

are you waiting to find this phone and not using anything at the moment?

I'm not using anything. If I got something else I would be using a different phone number which I'd rather not do.

Sure it's only $100 but that's money I could be using for something else. Also, I'm losing more than my contacts. I had a lot of appswhich would take forever and a day to find and redownload. Plus I had a 2gb memory card in the phone which insurance won't replace.

I want to do everything in my power to try to get my phone back. That was the purpose of me getting the mobile defense app in the first place... so that if myphone ever went missing I could retrieve it.

I realize that this is a long shot but I don't think I should be knocked for making an attempt. If I never see my phone again it won't be for lack oftrying.
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Patrick Williams
1001 N Vail St
Alexandria, VA 22304-1939

Systems Administrator
Dante Consulting

I would have done been at his door. Even if it was a pre-paid. It's the principle.
I guarantee his son is sitting in his room texting his friends.....

This could be useful. Thanks!
Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

good luck finding a dude that's not related to you help you get your phone back..

you deserve to have the n00dz posted on the interwebs...

you only post in PYPs anyway, and you want NT to help you? c'mon...

i know i will probably get flamed but whatever..

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

LOL U gotta take this as a BIG L

1.U lost ya phone

2.U ate at cheesecake factory

3.U got them using up ya minutes still

4.U called the cops and they told u to take the L

5.U don't wanna spend $100 to get a brand new one

6.I know u got some naked pics in there some where thats gonna be on the net soon LOL

Just give up

Wow... you guys know me so well! /sarcasm

  • I've posted in exactly one pyp thread... not sure what gave you the impression that that was the only time I posted but that statement couldn't be further from the truth.
  • Some people use their cell phone cameras to capture moments in their lives. I have absolutely no fears of any "n00dz" ever being posted of me on NT or anywhere else for that matter.
  • My plan gives me unlimited minutes, messages, and data and since they've had the phone, they've actually used it less than I do on a regular basis so they're not causing me any financial strain other than that which would be caused if I have to replace the phone.
and for the record, I like the Cheesecake Factory!
Originally Posted by Crumbs

seeing the type of neighborhood it is, i don't see why going to the place with a few friends (no foolishness) and explaining the situation would be a problem. just because they haven't gone out of there way to give it back doesn't necessarily mean they wouldn't be decent enough to give it back if the rightful owner came knocking.

This will be my last resort. The only thing I'm worried about is after I reveal how I found the address, I'm worried they'll not only not give itback and but they'll get rid of it.

Originally Posted by derrty6232

Mobile defense? Is that a free app?

Originally Posted by blaxoid



I don't think half of you know how epic this .gif was a couple of years back.


edit: to stay on topic... you still haven't offered any sort of compensation. I mean, if your contacts/pictures are worth that much to you, i'msure you could pony up $50 for the person who troubles themselves to go get it. You're bugging if you think someone's just going to help you withoutANY sort of incentive

Originally Posted by TheBachellor

to stay on topic... you still haven't offered any sort of compensation. I mean, if your contacts/pictures are worth that much to you, i'm sure you could pony up $50 for the person who troubles themselves to go get it. You're bugging if you think someone's just going to help you without ANY sort of incentive


The only thing I've seen people say is that they want a date or something along those lines which I'm not willing to do.

If someone makes a reasonable offer to go get my phone, I'm willing to give some form of a finder's fee. I just haven't yet to heard a reasonableoffer from someone actually willing to do it.
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

Originally Posted by angelzdope

Originally Posted by racerx

im gonna be around alexandria today....what do i get if i get it back?

a very sincere thank you.


in all seriousness, what would you guys want in return? (not including a date)

you only post in PYPs anyway, and you want NT to help you? c'mon...

i know i will probably get flamed but whatever..
U keep tabs on every female that post on NT?... other wise how would u kno when she post?

you and i both know we don't see her in most threads..

if you feel some type of way.. you should go get her phone back for her mr. captain save a chick on a forum
Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave


you and i both know we don't see her in most threads..

if you feel some type of way.. you should go get her phone back for her mr. captain save a chick on a forum

not seeing me in most threads means I only post in pyps?

flawed logic.
Originally Posted by angelzdope

Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave


you and i both know we don't see her in most threads..

if you feel some type of way.. you should go get her phone back for her mr. captain save a chick on a forum

not seeing me in most threads means I only post in pyps?

flawed logic.
w/e.. don't feel like going back and forth.. losing your phone and coming to a message board makes no sense.. this ain't 911.. you shouldgo to a dude you know or a family member for help..

good luck getting your phone back.
yeah, You got all of the info you need......Just go get your phone

See what NT has become?!? all of the females think its full of SIMPS.... "Go get my phone for me"

yall dudes gotta chill out sometimes:lol:
Damn, I'm 15 minutes away from Alexandria too.

But anyways I was in a situation like this a month ago. Some mexican stole my uncles WORK phone. A Pocket Pc joint, so it had all types of @!%% he needed onit. So my aunt calls the phone, he calls back demanding $80. My aunt agrees and we meet the guy at a location... At the first place he tells us to meet him athe dosen't show up. We think he's playing games untill he calls back and says meet me at another location. He shows up by his self and my aunt giveshim the bread for the phone. Me and cuzzo was so heated that this guy had the audacity to pull a move like this. We had to teach him a lesson. So we beat the@!%% outta him, get my aunts money back and take his phone. It was a shtty chinese phone so I threw it away. He calls the police. They catch my dumb*$$ cousin(he was hot
) but with out probable cause they had to let him go.

Just take the L. You left the phone out there. Someone was hurtin so they caught u slippin.
OP you don't have to change your number, tmobile sends you a new phone/sim card with the same number. Who knows dude can be calling Europe/Asia on YOURbill for all you know. It's a pain in the $#+ to get back the contacts and all the apps, but what are you going to do wait a month with no phone andhopefully the phone comes back?

It's not happening lol
Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

Originally Posted by angelzdope

Originally Posted by racerx

im gonna be around alexandria today....what do i get if i get it back?

a very sincere thank you.


in all seriousness, what would you guys want in return? (not including a date)

you only post in PYPs anyway, and you want NT to help you? c'mon...

i know i will probably get flamed but whatever..
U keep tabs on every female that post on NT?... other wise how would u kno when she post?

you and i both know we don't see her in most threads..

if you feel some type of way.. you should go get her phone back for her mr. captain save a chick on a forum
I've seen her post in plenty of threads... not just PYP's

Not everybody feels the need to post in every single thread with "Cool Story Bro" or "
" just to make their presence known like you do
It's your fault so either you go get your phone yourself or let it go & move on
@ her just coming on here asking for help and you all busting her chops about it.

Keep calling/texting the phone and hopefully somebody will answer. MOST (but not all) people would have the common decency to return it if you explain yoursituation.

I'm sure the phone has some personal info in there though so if they wanted to get in touch with you they would. You're just going to have to be bluntand candid if they won't respond.

And don't offer any of these clowns anything in return for helping you. You should want to do something kind for somebody else in a bad situation out ofthe goodness of your heart, not because you expect something in return.

Just showing up at their house prob isn't going to do any good.All the person has to do is lie and then what? All you did was waste a bunch of gs.Youcan't prove the phone is in their possession even if the app says it's located there.

If you have access to the call/ text history then i'd just start calling up people they've been in contact with and see where that leads. Tell themstraight up you lost your phone and the person has been contacting them from your stolen phone and ask if they're willing to help you get in contact withthe person who has it. Other wise you might as well move on.

Originally Posted by ninjahood

OP should offer a date as a reward, otherwise no one is riskin a possible suburban buttwhoopin for a antiquated android phone.
@ this bum on a sidekick having the nerve to dog somebody else'sphone.
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