Please pray for my mom...... updated.... please pray for her... UPDATED 3/1/10 1st post............

hope everything is going to beo k wit ya moms.

but still i wonder, one of the 1st things you do after this is make a thread on NT...

i'll never understand the thought process of some of you guys
My prayers goes out to you, your mom, and your family fam. I know the feeling of my mom being in the hospital, it's horrible. Keep your head up, it'llbe tough, but you just got to keep believing and praying. I hope all is well.
damn blood drained

hope all goes well
Praying for u man. The same exact thing happened to my mom on christmas last year. Thank god she lived but its just not the same no more. She is partiallyblind now and still recovering. Just remember that the recovery is a LONG process and its gonna be hard in the next year
so she is going into major surgury tomorrow morning... it's a very risky operation, the doctor told us she has a 40% chance she will live a normal lifeafter the 2 operations.... i just want her to survive this, we were planning a trip to Thailand in January because she hasn't been to her home country orseen her mom in over 22 years. I want her to see her mom again, I want her to see the world again...

she doesn't deserve this, all she does is help out others living a stressful life... I remember I kept saying I wanted to see her retire which wouldve beenin a few years so she can relax and do the things she wanted to do. nothing would make me happier.... I just want her to be happy... seeing her in this statewith a bunch of tubes from her body having a machine helping her breathe is too much... this happened so sudden I still can't believe that this ishappening to my best friend....

thanks again to all of you guys. this thread along with my family is the only thing keeping me sane right now...
please keep praying for the suguries....
You in my prayers man.

God Bless and have faith. Don't let doubt get in your head.
Stay optimistic bro. But you also have to be realistic, if things don't go so well, it won't be the end of the world for you. She'll always be withyou no matter what....

I'm praying for you and your family.
Good thoughts, hopes and prayers to you, your family and moms..

Get well Moms!!!!! NT is pullin for you!!!
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