Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

The moves your mom has are determined by its current moves.

So its very easy to figure out what the evolved form will have

Here a list of the moves..


Whateber attacks your pokemon have..the evolved from will have the move tjats in the same slot..

I.e. if your ivysaur has vine whip(2nd slot) and power whip (3rd slot)

Your venasaur will have vine whip(2nd slot) and petal Blizzard (3rd slot)
Nice, What about excggutor? Exeggcute only has confusion as its main attack. I whiffed twice already trying to get zen headbutt
Im not sure what happens when their is only one move... Maybe its random?

Im trying to find where i read the thing about the moves..but i cant remember :lol:
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Fought this dude at one of the gyms near me. I think he just took over that gym as dude was just chillin there. Washed his 2k dragonite with a 1.2k Vaporeon :lol:
Man, lol 


A Nest of'um
Need one last eggsecute. Been almost 4 days since I've seen one. Also, need one or 2 more male nidoran.
A big **** you to anyone who waits for someone else to level a gym so they can slide their mon in. Its not cute or funny. Yes im mad. They really need to implement a lock out(that you can release) so someone else cant swoop in. I was actually trying to level the gym up but when I got it to 24k some jackass who was driving by put a very strong mon in that made it difficult to continue. Im hoping it'll last till at least noon time today but we'll see.

If you're in the Broward/North Miami area, the Hollywood boardwalk is the ****. All kinds of **** was there. I went with some dudes I just met and almost everyone who was out there tonight was on that Go and we were all coordinating when we saw something rare.

don't have the app but I'm just passing the word down. My homie (black, pretty big dude) who loves anime was playing GO near a park during the day and some white folks called the cops on him. "suspicious looking male". Im just saying brothers be careful out there.

Honestly im surprised this hasn't happened to me yet.
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level 22 bout to be 23
caught 105 seen 107
fracking aerodactyl and Kadabra didn't want it...:smh:

is there a site that tells you what the strongest fire/water/other attacks a mon can have in this game? not the DPS but is water pulse better than hydro pump? and if so by how much?
A big **** you to anyone who waits for someone else to level a gym so they can slide their mon in. Its not cute or funny. Yes im mad. They really need to implement a lock out(that you can release) so someone else cant swoop in. I was actually trying to level the gym up but when I got it to 24k some jackass who was driving by put a very strong mon in that made it difficult to continue. Im hoping it'll last till at least noon time today but we'll see.

If you're in the Broward/North Miami area, the Hollywood boardwalk is the ****. All kinds of **** was there. I went with some dudes I just met and almost everyone who was out there tonight was on that Go and we were all coordinating when we saw something rare.
Honestly im surprised this hasn't happened to me yet.
you got gym sniped. I sometimes do that to opposing gyms when they are fighting each other, but I learned not to bother leveling my own color unless one of my own guys are on it first. Best thing I can say, is to know which mon you want to stick in there first ahead of time. Make some gym defenders and some gym attackers. My poor dragonite is stuck on top some level 9 gym right now. I don't think I'll see it for a while, but I'll never stick my vaporeon in a gym until I have one to replace him. 3 jolteons, 3 flareon and only 1 vaporeon.
Evolve your Pokemons first before deciding to power up people. If your pokemon gets crappy moves then you wasted your dust. And don't use your dust until level 20+ at least. This should just be put in the front page
The moves your mom has are determined by its current moves.

So its very easy to figure out what the evolved form will have

Here a list of the moves..


Whateber attacks your pokemon have..the evolved from will have the move tjats in the same slot..

I.e. if your ivysaur has vine whip(2nd slot) and power whip (3rd slot)

Your venasaur will have vine whip(2nd slot) and petal Blizzard (3rd slot)
Main squad, 124 deep on my pokedex.
squad is Lit 

i'm at 22

missing  alot of ish you have

pokevision be playing games....

my sqaud right now....

2nd time in a week I missed a dragonite

tracker is BS...

pokevision is either down or tells me "User Denied Geolocation"
Barely pushing 90k and I only used a few thousand early on :smh: I'm 11k exp from 22 my team looking pure cheeks bout to spoof to Santa Monica and really catch something :smh:
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