Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

CP904. Geez Louise, I have a ways to go.
Peep his stardust also.
Lawd jeebus.

That's my line up so far lol level 16 ran into bunch of people way ahead of me
Take me under your wing. Teach me the ways of the Pokemon.

What's the Eevie theory?:nerd:
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I was riding around and found a Pidgeot, was having trouble catching it, and then someone rolls up asking to borrow my phone because they were lost...:smh:

Anyways, I've seen a lot of differant pokemon around my area, geodude had me riding in circles looking for him but never even found him lol.
I was riding around and found a Pidgeot, was having trouble catching it, and then someone rolls up asking to borrow my phone because they were lost...

Anyways, I've seen a lot of differant pokemon around my area, geodude had me riding in circles looking for him but never even found him lol.
Lawd jeebus.:lol:
Take me under your wing. Teach me the ways of the Pokemon.:lol:  

What's the Eevie theory?:nerd:
I go to areas with a bunch of pokestops walk in circles loading up on items then I sit at home turn the app on and off till Pokemon I want pop up then I track them down lol. I walked miles last night doing pokestops in circles around a park by me lol. Also save up a bunch of easy to get Pokemon and drop a lucky egg then evolve them all you get mad xp
Crazy how one game changes nintendos stock so drastically. Imagine a new mario on phones.
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Nintendo stock went from 18 to 30 in the last few weeks man
Wait til it drops on Asia and Europe

The fact that it's not even out everywhere and it's making this noise.

Nintendo knew they had the ultimate card in their backpocket with this type of game. People have been begging for something like this for years...now I see why they might have waited until the last second.
Anyone else think of the possibilities if/when Nintendo can integrate this with something like Google Glass and Apple watch type products? It's like 90s kids ultimate dreams coming true.
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