Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

isn't that still the best selling handheld game of all time?

Yeah dude is acting like those of us who played the Pokemon games growing up were a select few :lol:

Well, to be fair, he's just saying that a lot of people who aren't Pokemon fans and who never played those games are currently playing Pokemon GO.

Also, the people who played those games enough to wanna play this aren't THAT many to think what he's saying is ridiculous. :lol: I get made fun of all the time because I say I like Pokemon.

"Back then **** didnt want me now I'm hot **** all on me" - Pokemon
isn't that still the best selling handheld game of all time?

Yeah dude is acting like those of us who played the Pokemon games growing up were a select few :lol:

You're misinterpreting what I was saying. I was more so talking about the vast amount of people who have never played a pokemon game in their life that are now playing GO. I under estimated just how many of those people would jump on board the pokemon train.

spizike231 spizike231 knows how to interpret. :wink:
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Well, to be fair, he's just saying that a lot of people who aren't Pokemon fans and who never played those games are currently playing Pokemon GO.

Also, the people who played those games enough to wanna play this aren't THAT many to think what he's saying is ridiculous.
I get made fun of all the time because I say I like Pokemon.

"Back then **** didnt want me now I'm hot **** all on me" - Pokemon
always felt dude had a squirtle vibe going on
Tried my luck and got washed at a gym today :lol: all good took out 2 of Theres. Mostly because I had no clue how to battle :rofl:

I need to roam further around tho I got the same busted Pokemon at work yet I still can't catch that damn meowth
There's a lot of people playing that has never even played any of the Pokemon games on the Gameboy. A buddy of mine who's never touched a Pokemon game before is always asking me what's the name of the Pokemon in the silhouette before he finds it in the wild :lol:
Damn I'm actually out of Pokeballs. Threw away like 100 of them when I was in the earlier levels before the stops gave revives and potions.
Damn I'm actually out of Pokeballs. Threw away like 100 of them when I was in the earlier levels before the stops gave revives and potions.

Came across this problem as well. You have to make room in your bag and visit every Poke stop around you. The game is easier to play riding a bike around town.
Haven't been able to get past the Gyrados load screen since the update. Have tried over 10 times >:
Damn I'm actually out of Pokeballs. Threw away like 100 of them when I was in the earlier levels before the stops gave revives and potions.

Same here! No pokestops anywhere near my work so I gotta hit the 7 pokestops right around my apt when i get off :lol:

2 poke stops directly across the street from me that steadily have lures too

Saw a weak *** gym, stopped by and played it a few times and cleared house. Soon as it's up for grabs my game freeze and I see this dude drive by slowly with his buddies and they took over the gym

Qe were both valor, I think I screwed up after he did that because another option on the bottom left came up and I'm thinking it was for me to add a Pokemon to the gym? Idk

I was super pissed
Updated the app nothing seem to be different after playing for 1 hour I still froze and I missed out on another gasly and kingler
I set my location settings to battery saving so that it only uses my cell signal and not GPS. Put the phone down on my desk with the screen on indefinitely, logged about 2km in an hour :lol:
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For freezing/crashing that isn't server related on iPhone go: settings-->cellular data options-->enable LTE -->OFF

Make sure you did the update in App store too. Restart phone
I mean I'm outta data so I'm on the slowest ****

At least some of you guys are on LTE or 3G/4G

I'm just mad I could have finally got into a gym and collected coins. Smh

Y'all dudes out here getting stabbed for some poke men, which nter was this 

"Right after I was stabbed I continued my mission" 

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I set my location settings to battery saving so that it only uses my cell signal and not GPS. Put the phone down on my desk with the screen on indefinitely, logged about 2km in an hour :lol:

:lol: damn I need to try this. How did you set it to only cell signal though and not GPS?
I mean I'm outta data so I'm on the slowest ****

At least some of you guys are on LTE or 3G/4G

I'm just mad I could have finally got into a gym and collected coins. Smh
Aint eem worried about gym right now I been powering through the levels trying to get them high cp mons and take over Minneapolis
goddxamn pikachu keeps running away from me, jigglypuff keeps eluding me.

i saw magmar, primeape and clefairy all pop up on the tracking thing but they never appeared.

i was posted today with my charger free wifi and was in a spot where i could tap 3 pokestops.

needless to say heres my pokes, saw theres a gym near me maybe ill do that soon.
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