Polar Vortex Will Bring Sub Zero Temps to Over 50million Americans vol 100+ Car Pileup on i35 in Ft Worth- Be Safe Bros

Thing is we keep saying we'll never see weather like this again, but it keeps happening.

Hurricane Harvey rain was a "once in a generation" event. Then Tropical Storm Imelda happened, which was worse for some people than Harvey just east of Houston where I live. It just snowed in Austin a few weeks ago. Something that "never happens here" and now this. "Never again" weather keeps happening more frequently these days.

Got folks who stay in Georgetown (near Austin). Haven't heard a thing from them. They're probably alright since they're fairly young (under 30) and middle class. Would be more worried if they were old and poor.
Yup. Southern Midwest get a hurricane about annually now. Remember when Katrina was a one time thing?
Yet people keep denying climate change. Miami keeps flooding in certain areas from just basic storm surge but people deny that too. Calling it global warming in the 90s really messed up the messaging. Climate change where extremes are more likely to occur is what it should have been pushed as. These high flood zones really need to stop getting subsidized home insurance by the rest of Americans at this point. The damage to some of these areas occurs so often that If someone wants to continue to live there they need to pay a real share. If the area goes bust, so be it, we can’t keep paying for these damages.
Your right. People hear global warming and go “well it’s cold outside now” haha. They’re idiots but that’s besides the point. The group of people that deny pollution is harmful are hopeless. Problem is, dumb people can do as much harm as anyone else. Other problem is that they run the big businesses
I am saving to buy a house, I’m rethinking that **** heavily. It’s panicked/poorly handled disaster after panicked/poorly handled disaster. That and the fact that a large portion of the city can go underwater with a good night’s rain. None of this stuff is new, but somehow, it’s the “first” time every time. By next summer people will be back to saying it doesn’t get cold in Texas.
I am saving to buy a house, I’m rethinking that **** heavily. It’s panicked/poorly handled disaster after panicked/poorly handled disaster. That and the fact that a large portion of the city can go underwater with a good night’s rain. None of this stuff is new, but somehow, it’s the “first” time every time. By next summer people will be back to saying it doesn’t get cold in Texas.

Except if we continue on this route extreme weather like this will likely occur more frequently. But like people have pointed out, you can’t fix stupid people.

Plus as a human tendency, we tend to block out the bad because it’s so scarring, so we repeat history anyway.

Texas fambs, pleeeease vote this clown Rafael out when its time


This is Governor Stitt and his family during the winter snowstorm disaster. You can see the snow peaking through the windows, but that's not the same snow I am looking at right now that is causing power outages, millons in home damage, road closures, death, and general chaos to the state. Fam is skiiing in New Mexico.

This is Governor Stitt and his family during the winter snowstorm disaster. You can see the snow peaking through the windows, but that's not the same snow I am looking at right now that is causing power outages, millons in home damage, road closures, death, and general chaos to the state. Fam is skiiing in New Mexico.
LOL him Osoff and the rest of them need to be hung.
Yea the “it doesn’t happen much” thinkin is how situations like this never gets better...Ppl will forget in a month and the folks responsible for not being better prepared will be off the hook, then act surprised when it’s bad weather n a mess again couple years from now ...These events ain’t happening once a decade like most think, it’s more frequent and should be preppin for the next one NOW
Just got power 🔥

i feel like a colonial with his first ever lightbulb

edit: just found it’s only temporary

Have to fetch water from the apartment pool to use the bathroom :smh:

America is really the ghetto man smh
All these stories remind me of my time growing up in West Africa (minus the snow and freezing temperatures). We had to have petrol lamps, candles, and barrels full of water on deck because power/water outages happened commonly and sometimes without warning (and we were living in the capital of the country too). At some point, people who could afford to decided to build water wells and install generators in their yards.

Is it possible to sue the state authorities for negligence, especially if that results in the kind of damages we can anticipate from all the burst pipes and subsequent flooding?
I was thinking about that last night. The whole city needs to do a class action lawsuit against Centerpoint Energy, because you know they are about to charge us for this. Ain’t gonna be no free months or anything. Bill is probably going to be higher.
I am saving to buy a house, I’m rethinking that **** heavily. It’s panicked/poorly handled disaster after panicked/poorly handled disaster. That and the fact that a large portion of the city can go underwater with a good night’s rain. None of this stuff is new, but somehow, it’s the “first” time every time. By next summer people will be back to saying it doesn’t get cold in Texas.
now is probably the best time price wise tbh especially for a fixer upper
as effed up as it sounds, when all these ppl are getting effed over someone is coming up
I feel for anyone that has newborn/young children :frown: must be rough right now
I feel for anyone that has newborn/young children :frown: must be rough right now

Wifes coworker just brought her baby home last Wednesday...poor little guy was in an incubator too...they went to her sisters house Monday cause they didn't have any power..

We've luckily had power and water this whole time...pipe busted in my closet on Tuesday though. Neighbor and I cut a hole in the ceiling and patched it a couple of hours later. Ace hardware was a madhouse. Went to get water and gas yesterday 3 stations were sold out of gas. Grabbed some 4 dollar 1/2 gallon waters from sprouts....some of my neighbors havent had power since Monday morning..
Praying for everybody who’s had to go without power and water for extended periods of time. **** real out here. We were fortunate enough to only lose power for about 24 hours and we never lost water/hot water.

I do know this...as soon as it warms up I’m going to have all my doors and windows resealed and before hurricane season look at getting a Generac. Like y’all said we keep saying these are once in a lifetime events and we’ve had one year after year seems like ever since Harvey.
Didnt have power or cellular network from Monday 8AM-Tuesday 11 PM.
Went out again at 2AM Tuesday, back up at 9AM yesterday, out again at 1PM yesterday, then back up at 10PM & still up luckily. Hopefully that was the end of this ordeal for me. :angry:

My backwater flow preventer popped too. :smh:

Had to drive my mom to a family member house so she would be ok, but i had to stick it out.

Sitting next to the fireplace or sleeping a majority of the day, charging my phone in my car, and just not being able to execute basic functions or eat right due to the lack of water & power just sucked. :frown:

I planned on getting a Generac Generator later this year, even have the slab ready for it, but ill probably do it sometime sooner, because I won't be dealing with that ever again. I'm good.:smh:

bruh one time a f’ing bridge fell down here during rush hour with like 100 cars stopped on it. They all fell right in the Mississippi.

then they got the nerve to charge a 10% sales tax downtown for the stadium.

I hate mn government.
Reading up on this & I can’t believe I missed this when it happened. Took 3 weeks to recover all the bodies, jesus. RIP to those people
Didnt have Power or Cellular Network from Monday 8AM-Tuesday 11 PM.
Went Out Again at 2AM Tuesday, back up, out again at 1PM yesterday, then back up at 10PM & still up luckily. Hopefully that was the end of the ordeal for me.

My backwater flow preventer popped too.

Had to drive my mom to a family member house so she would be ok, but i had to stick it out.

Sitting next to the fireplace or sleeping a majority of the day, charging my phone in my car, and just not being able to execute basic functions or eat right due to the lack of water & power just sucked.

I planned on getting a Generac Generator later this year, even have the slab ready for it, but ill probably do it sometime sooner, because I won't be dealing with that ever again. I'm good.


my family in Florida has a generac. It’s a beast.

what’s going to power it? Didn’t they cut your gas off?
Reading up on this & I can’t believe I missed this when it happened. Took 3 weeks to recover all the bodies, jesus. RIP to those people

yeah it’s messed up. They knew about it being dangerous along with a bunch of other bridges.
I was thinking about that last night. The whole city needs to do a class action lawsuit against Centerpoint Energy, because you know they are about to charge us for this. Ain’t gonna be no free months or anything. Bill is probably going to be higher.

At the very least they need to cut out some checks for people who bought groceries before the storm hit to be prepared anticipating that stores would be closed once the snow started and had to throw all that stuff out since the power went out for days.
At the very least they need to cut out some checks for people who bought groceries before the storm hit to be prepared anticipating that stores would be closed once the snow started and had to throw all that stuff out since the power went out for days.

I wish they would do that because I'm sure almost everything in my house will have to be thrown away. :smh:

Anyone know how long food can remain good in the refrigerator or freezer after power goes out? :nerd:

I wish they would do that because I'm sure almost everything in my house will have to be thrown away. :smh:

Anyone know how long food can remain good in the refrigerator or freezer after power goes out? :nerd:


whatever I didn’t take with me, meat wise and perishable food wise that needs to be refrigerated. I dumped it all out. I got a 1 year old so I wasn’t even going to risk her potentially getting sick eating spoiled food. I’m going to contact oncor and reliant about getting some type of compensation though.
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