Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

I'm not really arguing the fact that he's not the sole person in charge i'm arguing about dude acting as if he had no option in being a ***** for the governor and superiors above him. He deserves ALL criticism he gets because he's lying to the public and protecting two pieces of scum all in the name of keeping his job and being comfortable.

Dude said he sympathizes with them and feels sorry for him as if that man couldn't see how he's being played and set up for failure and decided that all of that was okay so he can get a higher ranking. He stand with them so it's **** him too.
A little of topic, but has anyone from Chicago heard about the 7 dead and 29 injured from weekend shootingS ? 


NVM, its blacks killing blacks can't be exploited in the same way as white on black..

Why do people keep repeating this over and over as if it's something original? Chicago is the only city in the country?

And if it's not reported and nobody cares, why is it continuously brought up?

Just like Al Sharpton has been there numerous times and even had a Town Hall meeting. Was that reported? Faux News didn't tell you that I'm sure.

Also go look at the murder rates for Chicago in the late 80's and early 90's in comparison to now. That warzone is overblown also. But not overblown enough for YOU not to exploit it.
A little of topic, but has anyone from Chicago heard about the 7 dead and 29 injured from weekend shootingS ? 


NVM, its blacks killing blacks can't be exploited in the same way as white on black..
This is the most asinine, idiotic crap and fools keep saying it and typing it like it's truth.
The prisons are full of black men that have killed other black men.
Our "justice" system has no problem prosecuting black men that kill other unarmed innocent black men.
But when it comes to prosecuting white people that kill innocent, unarmed, non-threatening black men, our "justice" system continues to fail us as a people.
If a community or a people feel like the governing powers are not standing up for them, then those people will feel the necessity to stand up for themselves.
DUDE is an obvious troll and anybody who's gonna use the what about black on black crime needs to be ignored anyway.
 Cool, thanks for this. I swear everyone has been saying the dude with the dreads was throwing back a tear gas canister but as far as I know tear gas canisters don't left off sparks right?
They do spark. The tear gas used to burn down the cabin Dorner was in, after it had been doused with gas, was incendiary. Police been dirty bruh.
Capt. Ron was set up to fail from the start. There was no way out and no scenario that he would be good. Y'all are in here arguing about him and what he could have done. Meanwhile, Chief Wiggum and the Gov are relaxing at home. Their plan worked
This. Ron had been set up from jump.
I'm not really arguing the fact that he's not the sole person in charge i'm arguing about dude acting as if he had no option in being a ***** for the governor and superiors above him. He deserves ALL criticism he gets because he's lying to the public and protecting two pieces of scum all in the name of keeping his job and being comfortable.

Dude said he sympathizes with them and feels sorry for him as if that man couldn't see how he's being played and set up for failure and decided that all of that was okay so he can get a higher ranking. He stand with them so it's **** him too.

Not his fault. Dude is Bunny Colvin on The Wire. Just following orders. That's why I never joined the military.

He has control over the state police, but do you think the local police are listening to him? They don't answer to him. He can't punish them. So he's not really running the show. They're protecting their own, and they know their way of life on that police force is in jeopardy. They know how they look to everyone and their house is going to be cleaned up. They're protecting themselves now.

Everybody in Ferguson's looking out for self preservation(police chief, police force, mayor, governor, district attorney), that's why they need to get that decision and trial out of there. All of them need to go.
Seems as if the streets have turned on Ron Johnson. Dude was in a very tough position and set up for failure from the beginning.  If he was going to be the "new face" of this situation, he should have only been seen during the day when the peaceful protests were going on and not out with the "military geared up" police officers at night when some of the violent protesters were out and about.  Can't play both sides of the fence, that will type of stuff will catch up to you.  As it has caught up to our brotha Ron Johnson. 
Most I personally haven't seen one Officer other than Ron talk to the media willingly.
I did see one Officer get cornered and was being asked questions, and he was trying everything to get away from the Reporter.

You know why, because nobody wants to talk to reporters, they try to trip you up, they ask you questions you're not comfortable asking.
They ask you questions that force you to tell the truth, whether it incriminates you or your fellow officers.

Ron hasn't ran, he's talked everyday, at length.
Some of you act like if you were out on the spot, and asked uncomfortable questions about one of your anybody, relative, co-worker, teammate, etc, your first response would be to protect that person.
Most in here are perfect examples of how people can stick together (right or wrong) because you share the same view, and those I see condemning Ron, I've personally seen in here, blatantly taking up and/or defending arguments that your fellow NT brothers are supporting, so I don't want to hear how bad of a guy Ron is, for being out on the spot and having a "natural" action to defend his co-workers. (You guys assume he's in every part of that rally, 4 sq miles, and knows everything that has happened)

It just baffles me, the reasoning and judging in here, because most are guilty of it as we speak
I surely understand that... with that said he as a Grown Man has made the decision to further along the lies, take his bow out and continue to lie all in the name of his career. I guess that's okay with some people but i'm not giving a guy sympathy for choosing his career over the well being of the community, but that's just me.

He could have easily went on that podium and Told the truth. Turned the heat up on that Governor & that POS commissioner, the world is watching and as a black man you are lying through your teeth to protect the perpetrators of that crime and also taking the criticism and blame that should be going too two guys who will probably climb higher in the ranks as a result of your actions.

He is the real life bunny Colvin and as colvin did in the wire Johnson should walk away.

Yeah, but Bunny thought he could get his years in for retirement and head out in to the sunset with his rank. Look how they did him and it messed up his retirement job. :lol:

Same situation.

I think he really intended for there to be no tear gas, but those county police don't care. They have their own orders and agenda.

You think they want to make the black guy who's the figurehead in charge look good?

Stopped reading after "even more worst".

With grammar that poor, I will confidently assume that the rest of that post was nonsense.
I don't see how it's a protest anymore. It's disorganized and pretty idiotic, not to mention chaotic. You have a bunch of 'free lancers' and media folks making it even more worst. Then you have those few that are there to instigate things. Guys just loitering around trying to bait the police. It's as if they have nothing better to do, than to get into some confrontation.

Funny thing is, all this talk about people losing their constitutional rights is BS, and how innocent the people are. If Brown had respected the 'laws' of society, he wouldn't have robbed the store, let a lone disregarded traffic laws in the first place. This is a total mess and tough to see, but please always look at both sides before carrying a presupposition. Outs.
agree with all of the first part.... people out there with no kind of plan or direction. they want justice and they want the police's abuse of power to stop but what's the plan to accomplish this? be out in the streets at 12am doing what exactly? and for why? 

you're on your own with the second part lol. 
I don't see how it's a protest anymore. It's disorganized and pretty idiotic, not to mention chaotic. You have a bunch of 'free lancers' and media folks making it even more worst. Then you have those few that are there to instigate things. Guys just loitering around trying to bait the police. It's as if they have nothing better to do, than to get into some confrontation.

Funny thing is, all this talk about people losing their constitutional rights is BS, and how innocent the people are. If Brown had respected the 'laws' of society, he wouldn't have robbed the store, let a lone disregarded traffic laws in the first place. This is a total mess and tough to see, but please always look at both sides before carrying a presupposition. Outs.
Shoplifting and Jay walking are reasonable crimes for death? Didn't know.

Why is the shoplifting situation being mention if it was totally unrelated and unknown to the officer? 
Capt. Ron is from Ferguson. His heart was in it, while everyone else from the chief of police, the govenor, regular cops have no heart in this. They took advantage of this and made him a pasty. If there's one person who knows they're being used as a pasty, it's him. I would secure me an agent and get a book deal or something and leave the police dept behind.
The KKK Headed To Freguson To Protect White People

Ku Klux Klan (KKK) members from three different states are reportedly traveling to Ohio to hold a two-day fundraiser for the officer who shot unarmed teen Michael Brown, and to “guard white businesses.

” The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) first reported last week that that the New Empire Knights of the Ku Klux Klan had begun raising money in support of the Ferguson police officer who killed Brown.

“With the police state in Ferguson, we will be holding our fundraiser in Sullivan City, MO,” the announcement said. “Donations of $10 and up. All money will go to the cop who did his job against the negro criminal.” And to anyone thinking of trying to get in the way, Murray warned, “we have guns (and more).”

“We are raising money for a cop who shot a n*gger criminal,” he explained. On Monday, the New Empire Knights issued a statement about plans to “guard white businesses near Ferguson.”

“With blacks out of control, we have our Missouri Realm going to areas near Ferguson,” the statement said. “We can’t have blacks robbing and murdering innocent whites. I am on my way down along with members from three different states and members from the Southern Mountain Knights.”

agree with all of the first part.... people out there with no kind of plan or direction. they want justice and they want the police's abuse of power to stop but what's the plan to accomplish this? be out in the streets at 12am doing what exactly? and for why? 

you're on your own with the second part lol. 

Do you think media attention would still be on this story at all if there wasn't an ongoing protest? If nothing else, the protest got the President to speak on it yesterday and the Department of Justice to investigate the shooting in question. Also Eric Holder should be in Ferguson today. You do realize that the protest has forced the Federal government's hand in this, right?
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Shoplifting and Jay walking are reasonable crimes for death? Didn't know.

Why is the shoplifting situation being mention if it was totally unrelated and unknown to the officer? 
I think his point was that on one hand you have people wanting the laws to be followed and respected -- the law of free speech, to be treated fairly, due process, etc

but on the other hand the law that was broken by the victim is only being looked at as character assasination and not that it was a law that was broken -- it gets a pass because of the end result ... 

I dont think he's saying those warrant being killed over --- unless I read it wrong. 
If Ron Johnson was going to be the new face of this situation, he should have had a one on one conversation with the Governor and even the local head of the Ferguson police department as to what he thinks the community would want and need as black man and as a someone who grew up in Ferguson. 

Basically Ron Johnson should have said he needs a date of when charges or an indictment was going to be handed down to Darren Wilson.  Ron Johnson should have played chess instead of playing checkers.  Put the onus back on the Governor since it's his state. 
Capt. Ron is from Ferguson. His heart was in it, while everyone else from the chief of police, the govenor, regular cops have no heart in this. They took advantage of this and made him a pasty. If there's one person who knows they're being used as a pasty, it's him. I would secure me an agent and get a book deal or something and leave the police dept behind.

Use this situation like the dude who headed up the DC Sniper investigation.

Use them just like they're using you.
Seems as if the streets have turned on Ron Johnson. Dude was in a very tough position and set up for failure from the beginning.  If he was going to be the "new face" of this situation, he should have only been seen during the day when the peaceful protests were going on and not out with the "military geared up" police officers at night when some of the violent protesters were out and about.  Can't play both sides of the fence, that will type of stuff will catch up to you.  As it has caught up to our brotha Ron Johnson. 

Man did it ever.
And you can tell dude wants to help, and that he cares.
If the guys on the Force shared the same compassion and or willingness he did to do the right thing, this incident would be over,
He's 1 good cop, in a sea of bad or I'll willed cops, and he's fading in with them,

He's not that "Super Negro" comic book hero most painted him as day 1.
The praise was real day 1.
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