Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

To be honest, if I was wrongly and unjustly killed by the police, I'd be fine with Robin Williams getting coverage over my death. I've contributed a fraction of what Robin Williams has to society.

So civilians getting shot at with rubber bullets, riots, looting, reporters getting tear gassed, an online hacking group putting out information on high ranking people in the police department, malls being closed all in response to a unarmed teenager being shot dead by police and you're telling me Robin Williams death is more important news?

I live in Saint Louis. This is ridiculous. The cop suffered a broken jaw, fractured ribs, and a concussion. What the * hell was that kid doing to him? Why was he in the cop car? Why did he try to take the cop's gun? He made stupid decisions that cost him his life. 

Now of course the whole looting thing is another issue. They completely shut down the largest Mall in the area today because of riots. Firemen were told to wear their helmets and uniform shirts on every call as to not be mistaken for cops and murdered. People are scared around here that they will be hurt or robbed. What does destroying a QuikTrip have to do with justice? Nothing.

This whole thing is infuriating. If it were a white kid everyone, myself included, would be saying "dumb kid deserved it" but since he is black it's a racial conspiracy. I'm mad just typing this.

Source ?

I'm pretty sure you just made that up.
Did I say black people don't get profiled or did I say not every black person feels like the world is out to get them?
I'm foolish for saying not every black person lives their life like they are a target? Ok
I do
You're hurt about something from two weeks ago, let it go champ.

No your foolish for not following simple statistics that show that every black man is a target by the law despite whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. I mean the fact that a black man in Ferguson is 9X more likely to be stopped than a white man seems like a target to me but maybe i don't comprehend well. :rolleyes
Dude made a stupid comment... Lets just leave it there. 
I was talking about myself and my death. But I'm glad that you think highly of me that you think the media of my death should prevail over Robin Williams.
Has nothing to do with you as a person... Just wasn't really a relevant comment to the discussion.  People in here already catching feelings about the media coverage shifting to Robin.  No need to stir the pot.
Has nothing to do with you as a person... Just wasn't really a relevant comment to the discussion.  People in here already catching feelings about the media coverage shifting to Robin.  No need to stir the pot.

I think most of the comments in here are irrelevant. I'm just a Robin Williams fan.
Has nothing to do with you as a person... Just wasn't really a relevant comment to the discussion.  People in here already catching feelings about the media coverage shifting to Robin.  No need to stir the pot.
I think most of the comments in here are irrelevant. I'm just a Robin Williams fan.
So am I... And I'd expect coverage of Robin Williams suicide to get more media coverage than my death too. 
  I'm saying that stating that insinuates that its cool that media coverage prefers to cover RW rather than this situation in STL.  People in here not trying to hear that and really its only gonna cause problems.
Did I say black people don't get profiled or did I say not every black person feels like the world is out to get them?
I'm foolish for saying not every black person lives their life like they are a target? Ok
I do
You're hurt about something from two weeks ago, let it go champ.

No your foolish for not following simple statistics that show that every black man is a target by the law despite whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. I mean the fact that a black man in Ferguson is 9X more likely to be stopped than a white man seems like a target to me but maybe i don't comprehend well. :rolleyes

No you can't comprehend what "not every black person feels like the the world is out to get them so this doesn't impact their livelihood" means so it's foolish to expect every black person to give a damn about what is taking place right now.
America's police force is clearly prejudice and racist. This crap won't cease to end either. We just live in a depressing time, y'all. Stay safe out in the streets, NT family!
@ the Robin Williams slander in here.

To keep it funky, major news outlets were barely covering the Ferguson situation prior to the news of dude's death yesterday afternoon. And if they did, it was a little 2 minute blurb about it. It isn't like they abandoned all Ferguson coverage for Robin.
Its not slander on Williams its slander on society. No one is saying Robin Williams death asked for media attention, we are saying that look at what people value. Look how much white people care about an actors death than confronting the reality of racism in america. I am 99% sure those who do the research for the major media networks know about this they simply dont care. This is the 2nd instance of police killing an unarmed man in the last couple of weeks.
So what's on the news is what all white people value now?  

Or is it what those who run the media value (and in turn, want us to value)?

Like I said, blame the media.  They weren't covering much of this story in the 2 days prior to Williams' death.  I too feel like there NEEDS to be more coverage of the Ferguson situation, but I'm not going to say stupid **** like "this is what white people care about because it's on the news".  That's laughable because like I said, there was barely any coverage prior to dude's death yesterday.  
View media item 1128393
This is a picture of the HOME of the current Police chief in Ferguson..... but yea don't worry black people despite all statistics showing that you are a target, and having clear racist at the tops of these forces.... it's okay your paranoid their clearly not out to **** with black people.

dudes are scared to speak up about injustices on their own people... be the first ones ready to jump in line and wish death & jail on someone from their culture doing wrong.
America's police force is clearly prejudice and racist. This crap won't cease to end either. We just live in a depressing time, y'all. Stay safe out in the streets, NT family!
Even the black, asian, and latino cops? They racist too or just Uncle Toms?
@ the Robin Williams slander in here.

To keep it funky, major news outlets were barely covering the Ferguson situation prior to the news of dude's death yesterday afternoon. And if they did, it was a little 2 minute blurb about it. It isn't like they abandoned all Ferguson coverage for Robin.
Okay let's put it plne and simple

Does a celbrities death warrant more information and coverage than a US town currently on the heels of a police force going to war with it's own citizens & a possible full out racial divide?

Answer that honestly....
I think you completely missed my point.

Nowhere did I insinuate that coverage of Robin's death is more important.

All I'm saying is that dudes are up in arms about Robin Williams, but the news wasn't covering a damn bit of this incident prior to the breaking news of his death.  
Take note how as soon as these posts came out, and the blame for R/WS (racism/white supremacy are one and the same) was placed exactly where it should be, how many racism apologists came out from the woodworks trying to derail the thread and calling for it to be locked.    damn the rioting.  We should be talking about how the system of R/WS enabled a teenager to be murdered in broad daylight and left to rot for four hours before anything else - that is the first and foremost injustice here. 

and miss me with the safe, scared ***** 'well both sides are at fault for all this anger' oatmeal responses.
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View media item 1128393
This is a picture of the HOME of the current Police chief in Ferguson..... but yea don't worry black people despite all statistics showing that you are a target, and having clear racist at the tops of these forces.... it's okay your paranoid their clearly not out to **** with black people.

dudes are scared to speak up about injustices on their own people... be the first ones ready to jump in line and wish death & jail on someone from their culture doing wrong.
Confederate flag in the background :nerd:
When did this go from police abusing their power to black vs white?

This isn't black vs white this is people realizing and being sick of police abusing their power to harass and kill blacks. Nobody is claiming that whites aren't subject to abuse too. With that said it's silly to even remotely think that the harassment or violence is similar or happens as frequently between the two groups.

White supremacy has a clear role in police brutality against blacks and people are tired of holding their tongues and opinions on it. It's almost as if we are told to stop complaining because someone is clearly breaking the law and treating us differently from EVERYBODY else. We aren't making this black vs white... these police officers and system has made it black vs white.

That's clear in statistics, it's clear in personal experience, it's clear in media. I'm tired of this **** being ignored.
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I live in Saint Louis. This is ridiculous. The cop suffered a broken jaw, fractured ribs, and a concussion. What the * hell was that kid doing to him? Why was he in the cop car? Why did he try to take the cop's gun? He made stupid decisions that cost him his life. 

Now of course the whole looting thing is another issue. They completely shut down the largest Mall in the area today because of riots. Firemen were told to wear their helmets and uniform shirts on every call as to not be mistaken for cops and murdered. People are scared around here that they will be hurt or robbed. What does destroying a QuikTrip have to do with justice? Nothing.

This whole thing is infuriating. If it were a white kid everyone, myself included, would be saying "dumb kid deserved it" but since he is black it's a racial conspiracy. I'm mad just typing this.
View media item 1128463
Someone find the dude who broke into the Rim Shop and stole one big *** chrome rim. This dude was really running away with one huge chrome rim. Like what the hell is he supposed to do with that? :lol:
Someone find the dude who broke into the Rim Shop and stole one big *** chrome rim. This dude was really running away with one huge chrome rim. Like what the hell is he supposed to do with that? :lol:
Did he come back for the other 3???
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