Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Never understood rioting.

If you want to make a statement go riot a government building or an upper-class establishment.

Why the **** are you breaking into stores that are owned by working class folks? The desperation and stupidity man, or just the need promote a despicable act out of a horrible situation :smh:
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YO that was a cop that did that drive-by racism at the gas station!

Anon just ran his plates and posted his info.
**** crazy out chea...seems like it aint never gonna end, its always gonna be like this
That's not how it has to be.  We are a race of Kings and Queens who have lost our way for the past handful of centuries,  after being on top and leading the way in mathematics, science, warfare, medicine, and countless other fields of study for thousands of years.  We are in dire straits because we have been tricked into thinking we are less-than and inferior, and thusly think being on the bottom is our lot in life.  But it's not true.  You've been all over the world and done great things everywhere.   The Greeks that everyone likes to brag about?  Learned all their **** from AFRICANS in Egypt. 

There's a reason you see other cultures copying everything about us - our dress, slang, music, mannerisms - it's because they've always copied us.  Don't sweat it, my negus.  They might take some of us out, but they'll never get all of us.  We will get justice and it starts with spending our money with each other like every other race does.
That's not how it has to be.  We are a race of Kings and Queens who have lost our way for the past handful of centuries,  after being on top and leading the way in mathematics, science, warfare, medicine, and countless other fields of study for thousands of years.  We are in dire straits because we have been tricked into thinking we are less-than and inferior, and thusly think being on the bottom is our lot in life.  But it's not true.  You've been all over the world and done great things everywhere.   The Greeks that everyone likes to brag about?  Learned all their **** from AFRICANS in Egypt. 

There's a reason you see other cultures copying everything about us - our dress, slang, music, mannerisms - it's because they've always copied us.  Don't sweat it, my negus.  They might take some of us out, but they'll never get all of us.  We will get justice and it starts with spending our money with each other like every other race does.

Young Robin Williams in there too
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Originally Posted by SFthe blackypocriteSome inbred trash on USA Today wrote the following comment

"Lets start with the sweet innocent photo of him throwing up a gang sign. All red "get up" to identify his affiliation with the bloods. Being arrested in the first place then assaulting the officer before attempting to run. Lets start there Brian. Wonder if he was on the honor role or had a job. A job that he paid taxes on. It's ok to have compassion for another human being but don't be an idiot."

Wearing a red shirt and throwing up a peace sign=he's in a gang and is illiterate

Look at our illiterate black president promoting gang activty
Red tie and peace sign, he must be a blood!

Lol get em!!!  

My question is where is all the black officers

whats this guy doing
clearly he's advancing toward those peaceful cops in an aggressive manner.

He is so concerned about trying to hurt the cops, and everyone is outraged... But I mean...

Look at the black on black crime...

And hip hop videos.

That's what's making him advance on those cops...

We haven't heard the whole story...

/4 NTers that spit the same stuff in every thread
clearly he's advancing toward those peaceful cops in an aggressive manner.

He is so concerned about trying to hurt the cops, and everyone is outraged... But I mean...

Look at the black on black crime...

And hip hop videos.

That's what's making him advance on those cops...

We haven't heard the whole story...

/4 NTers that spit the same stuff in every thread

"Sit down. Don't you see he's throwing up gang signs while approaching the cops? He has dreads and has a blue shirt on. He's clearly a high school dropout affiliated with the crips and doesn't pay his taxes. All he wants is the death of cops"
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Lol get em!!!  

My question is where is all the black officers
In the streets going along with everything, tear gassing their own brothers driving tanks to cause chaos. "Yes sir chief" is the modern day "yessa massa" 
I believe they said the force only has a total of 3 black officers which means nothing because black officers often carryout that same mindset their bosses would be proud of
I believe they said the force only has a total of 3 black officers which means nothing because black officers often carryout that same mindset their bosses would be proud of
Maybe, maybe not.  Don't forget about Christopher Dorner champ.  However, I will say that if the white officer that shot Michael Brown had a black officer as his partner this killing and situation probably would have never happened. 
I believe they said the force only has a total of 3 black officers which means nothing because black officers often carryout that same mindset their bosses would be proud of
3 black officers...

67% of the population is black...

13k out of 20k people are black...

And 3 officers...

:smh: :smh:
Maybe, maybe not.  Don't forget about Christopher Dorner champ.  However, I will say that if the white officer that shot Michael Brown had a black officer as his partner this killing and situation probably would have never happened. 

With all due respect :rofl:. I can attest that minority cops are usually more aggressive than the white cops atleast in my encounters. Even in the case of Dorner he stated just how many times he had saw injustice and complained about it. It happened for YEARS before he finally snapped. The cops absolutely try and push the "Unity" and it's that mindset that keeps cops from telling someone about the mistreatment, in fear that they themselves will get reprehended
President Obama says:
“The death of Michael Brown is heartbreaking, and Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to his family and his community at this very difficult time.
I know the events of the past few days have prompted strong passions, but as details unfold, I urge everyone in Ferguson, Missouri, and across the country, to remember this young man through reflection and understanding. We should comfort each other and talk with one another in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds. Along with our prayers, that’s what Michael and his family, and our broader American community, deserve.”
President Obama also emphasized that Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice will be investigating the shooting as well as local police in St. Louis County, Missouri.

You guys satisfied now? A President statement change anything? :rolleyes
Maybe, maybe not.  Don't forget about Christopher Dorner champ.  However, I will say that if the white officer that shot Michael Brown had a black officer as his partner this killing and situation probably would have never happened. 
With all due respect
. I can attest that minority cops are usually more aggressive than the white cops atleast in my encounters. Even in the case of Dorner he stated just how many times he had saw injustice and complained about it. It happened for YEARS before he finally snapped. The cops absolutely try and push the "Unity" and it's that mindset that keeps cops from telling someone about the mistreatment, in fear that they themselves will get reprehended
I was speaking on the portion of your statement that said black cops "carrying out the same mindset their bosses would be proud of" and I find that to be UNIVERSALLY not true.  As you said, Dormer spoke up on certain injustices and he never at least openly carried any of them out.  Like I said, and what @Fontaine gave actual numbers on, the Ferguson police force is going to have to add more black officers to the department going forward for quite some time to help with race relations regarding this matter and for the future. 
This isn't black vs white this is people realizing and being sick of police abusing their power to harass and kill blacks. Nobody is claiming that whites aren't subject to abuse too. With that said it's silly to even remotely think that the harassment or violence is similar or happens as frequently between the two groups.

White supremacy has a clear role in police brutality against blacks and people are tired of holding their tongues and opinions on it. It's almost as if we are told to stop complaining because someone is clearly breaking the law and treating us differently from EVERYBODY else. We aren't making this black vs white... these police officers and system has made it black vs white.

That's clear in statistics, it's clear in personal experience, it's clear in media. I'm tired of this **** being ignored.

Itd just how it is, bad batches of apples csn ruin it all. But as some havr said, its the historu and stereptypicla society ee live in. what about the rap music and culture?
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