Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

A 24-year-old man has died after being shot by police during an encounter in the Florence neighborhood of South Los Angeles, officials said Tuesday.

The incident began at 8:12 p.m. Monday when officers responded to a report of a shooting at the intersection of West 65th Street and South Broadway (map), said Lt. Ellis Imaizumi of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Eight minutes later, at 8:20 p.m., the officers stopped a man who was walking in the 200 block of 65th, authorities said.

“A struggle ensued” and police opened fire, according to a statement from the Police Department.

The man was transported to a hospital where he underwent surgery, according to Officer Sara Faden, spokeswoman for the LAPD. He later succumbed to his injuries. No officers were hurt in the incident.

It is unknown if the suspect has any gang affiliations, police said.

A woman who said she was the deceased man’s mother identified him as Ezell Ford.

Tritobia Ford said her son was lying on the ground and complying with the officers’ commands when he was shot.

In the aftermath of the shooting, she said, police refused to inform her of where Ezell Ford was hospitalized.

An LAPD supervisor at the scene of the shooting was unaware of anyone being denied that information, Faden said Tuesday.

An investigation into the shooting is underway. Anyone with information is asked to call the LAPD’s Force Investigation Division at 213-486-5230.

An FAA ban over the city? That's absurd. Wtf does the FAA think they have....friggin rocket launchers and surface to air missles and ****?
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Like I said before. I always give cops the benefit of the doubt for the most part but what's happening here is disgusting and makes me ashamed to say I want to be a cop. I just hope y'all don't view every officer in this way. Just like theres bad people of every race there's bad officers and one rotten apple shouldn't ruin the batch.
It's ****n disgusting how the police are treating the residents of their jurisdiction in their own neighborhood. How are the people supposed to return to normalcy when the Chief of Police is refusing to turn over the name of the offending officer, the police have turned the town into a war zone, n the media isn't allowed in? All the police has been successful at doing is proving they aren't to be trusted n alienating the people that live there. This is just the type of oppression the US seemingly loves to go prevent in other countries, however when it's done at home to minorities, it has no bearing on the minds of those in power. This type of hypocrisy is exactly why there is a huge disconnect between minorities, both living in poverty n in the middle class, n the law enforcement that is supposed to protect them. Judging from the images n videos on social media, the situation in Ferguson, MO could easily be mistaken for the South during the Civil Rights era. What's worse is the media doesn't seem to want to open up the discussion on the true problems: race relations, economics, n institutionalized racism in law enforcement n education. There won't be any resolution to the rising tensions until we open up the dialogue on these issues. Ferguson, MO is a microcosm of what the real problems are for minorities in this country.

I was speaking on the portion of your statement that said black cops "carrying out the same mindset their bosses would be proud of" and I find that to be UNIVERSALLY not true.  As you said, Dormer spoke up on certain injustices and he never at least openly carried any of them out.  Like I said, and what @Fontaine
gave actual numbers on, the Ferguson police force is going to have to add more black officers to the department going forward for quite some time to help with race relations regarding this matter and for the future. 
um that could end up making things worse then better. see lapd... 

I disagree completely champ. At the end of the day if WE truly want things to change in our community we had to get involved in All facets of the community. That means we need more home owners, more business owners, and more black individuals getting involved with law enforcement/criminal justice. WE have to get involved, bottomline. Sitting on the sidelines and not being involved in the process is no longer an option.
3 black officers...

67% of the population is black...

13k out of 20k people are black...

And 3 officers...

black people can't be the police... 

that's snitching. 
A 24-year-old man has died after being shot by police during an encounter in the Florence neighborhood of South Los Angeles, officials said Tuesday.

The incident began at 8:12 p.m. Monday when officers responded to a report of a shooting at the intersection of West 65th Street and South Broadway (map), said Lt. Ellis Imaizumi of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Eight minutes later, at 8:20 p.m., the officers stopped a man who was walking in the 200 block of 65th, authorities said.

“A struggle ensued” and police opened fire, according to a statement from the Police Department.

The man was transported to a hospital where he underwent surgery, according to Officer Sara Faden, spokeswoman for the LAPD. He later succumbed to his injuries. No officers were hurt in the incident.

It is unknown if the suspect has any gang affiliations, police said.

A woman who said she was the deceased man’s mother identified him as Ezell Ford.

Tritobia Ford said her son was lying on the ground and complying with the officers’ commands when he was shot.

In the aftermath of the shooting, she said, police refused to inform her of where Ezell Ford was hospitalized.

An LAPD supervisor at the scene of the shooting was unaware of anyone being denied that information, Faden said Tuesday.

An investigation into the shooting is underway. Anyone with information is asked to call the LAPD’s Force Investigation Division at 213-486-5230.

It's open season...
did the neighborhood get this crazy the last time a black person shot another unarmed black person? 

on the grounds of.... well, they just ain't like that *****. 

the police are way out of control, there's no doubt about that.... but ****** really need to cut the **** 

black shooter.... nothing to see here.... we reppin the murder cappy'

white shooter.... let's march 

by no means am I excusing this ****....it's disgusting they way people are treated by the ones they should feel secure with the most...

i'm just sick of people being selective over the loss of black lives  

When black people kill they get arrested, charged and prosecuted. They aren't given paid leave and shelter from the media. Nice try though.
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It's been open season in LA, the situation in Ferguson has just elevated our awareness.
Ithe police have turned the town into a war zone, n the media isn't allowed in?

this was a reaction to the rioting tho.
The escalation in show of force was a reaction to the protesting.
was that before or after people starting burning down and destroying businesses?

(srs question).
It was before.

Per KMOV.com:

"According to Stark, there are at least 100 police cars and numerous officers armed with M-16's in the area. Stark also says hundreds of people have gathered at the intersection of West Florissant Avenue and Canfield Drive to protest the incident. A large police force from 15 different departments responded, including riot-control officers."
Ithe police have turned the town into a war zone, n the media isn't allowed in?

this was a reaction to the rioting tho.

The escalation in show of force was a reaction to the protesting.

was that before or after people starting burning down and destroying businesses?

(srs question).

People were gathered for a peaceful candle light vigil and they showed up in military gear, with attack dogs, gas masks and assault rifles.

They did this two nights in a row.

Total disrespect and provocation.

View media item 1129099
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So instead of criticizing the white supremacist police officer who executed an unarmed teen you would rather bring up black on black crime? Nice deflection.
no, I'd rather address how black people will buy a Chiraq snapback and promote kids all over the city killing each other for no damn reason 

the deflection is people being so outraged over this and not giving a **** about what's going on from the inside 

the fact that you don't see that is exactly my point. 
He's obviously racist himself.
I'm black..... go away B 
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When black people kill they get arrested, charged and prosecuted. They aren't given paid leave and shelter from the media. Nice try though.
 point missed completely.... 

never fails.... 

So instead of criticizing the white supremacist police officer who executed an unarmed teen you would rather bring up black on black crime? Nice deflection.

He's obviously racist himself.

Yep dude pulls that same BS in every thread involving Black people. He been on my block list.
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