Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

So instead of criticizing the white supremacist police officer who executed an unarmed teen you would rather bring up black on black crime? Nice deflection.

no, I'd rather address how black people will buy a Chiraq snapback and promote kids all over the city killing each other for no damn reason 

the deflection is people being so outraged over this and not giving a **** about what's going on from the inside 

the fact that you don't see that is exactly my point. 
He's obviously racist himself.

I'm black..... go away B 

My bad.

Self-hating or just plain idiotic.

A little bit lot of both :smh:
How about we get up in arms about this situation AND the Chiraq situation?

It doesn't have to be either/or.
thats the thing ive seen 99% of blk ppl say esp...black women... why everybody up in arms about this.... why confront white folks (aka we on the pet negro life and dare will not confront or upset master) be mad at black on black crime... protest all these deadbeat baby daddies. etc things of that nature.

I swear what it really is these kneegrows out here on that tuck your tail, yes massa life
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the really stupid ones are the ones who don't see what we're doing to ourselves... 

how the **** should we expect "THEM" to respect us and not treat us as an inferior race 

we need to start having respect for ourselves, each other, and our community FIRST 

we're at a disadvantage and have been our whole lives..... and instead of trying to make up some of the ground, we aid them in destroying ourselves 

****** working as double-agents and too stupid to realize it 
011781 011781

If you were so concerned you would bump the numerous threads that have been made. Instead of trying to derail this one.

But you really don't care you just like to derail/troll threads like you've done numerous times in the past.

If you were so concerned you would bump the numerous threads that have been made. Instead of trying to derail this one.

But you really don't care you just like to derail/troll threads like you've done numerous times in the past.
quote some of my troll posts.... 

and tell me what about them was said just for a reaction 
Always a ***** ready to jump to their defense.


show me where i defended "them"... 

please, i'll wait 

In a thread about a POLICE OFFICER (who is sworn to uphold and protect the law the system of white supremacy) EXECUTING an UNARMED citizen by shooting him MULTIPLE TIMES.....

you decided to criticize black people and refer to Chiraq snap backs.

Did you tell the white community they need to stop killing each other during the Sandy Hook shooting? How about the Mass shooting in Colorado? Or that virgin at the college campus?


Of course you didn't.
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the best is ****** who listen to rap music about killing each other and "******* your girl" 

glorifying the murder of black men and the disrespect of black women...

then turn around and are heated over this..... 

AGAIN...we absolutely should be pissed off at this..... no question

but why are we putting money in the pockets of black people doing the same thing we're so mad about  --- getting a rush off killing black males 

makes no damn sense. 

black people shouldn't be afraid of the police in their neighborhood ... it's a shame we have to be 

black people shouldn't be afraid of other black people in their neighborhood .... it's a shame we have to be 
the really stupid ones are the ones who don't see what we're doing to ourselves... 

how the **** should we expect "THEM" to respect us and not treat us as an inferior race 

we need to start having respect for ourselves, each other, and our community FIRST 

we're at a disadvantage and have been our whole lives..... and instead of trying to make up some of the ground, we aid them in destroying ourselves 

****** working as double-agents and too stupid to realize it 
and thats lies the problem... who cares or why do you need or want their validation... End of the day every black guy could be like barack.. and every black women could be oprah and the whole acceptance/respect still wouldnt be there for many. Instead of that folks need to one respect themselves.... and two, not stand for and stand up for injustices etc... and not brush them off as well, cant get mad at him cause if it wasnt them it wouldve been one of my on.

If you were so concerned you would bump the numerous threads that have been made. Instead of trying to derail this one.

But you really don't care you just like to derail/troll threads like you've done numerous times in the past.

quote some of my troll posts.... 

and tell me what about them was said just for a reaction 

I don't have to go through your post history when you are doing exactly what you've done in past threads in this thread right now.
if he really is black, that's cool. at least we know he's against us. let him march along side with other white supremacist who spew that same rhetoric. oh wait...

see how easy cats make it to spot out the Darthard Perry types? :lol:
In a thread about a POLICE OFFICER (who is sworn to uphold and protect the law the system of white supremacy) EXECUTING an UNARMED citizen by shooting him MULTIPLE TIMES.....

you decided to criticize black people and refer to Chiraq snap backs.

Did you tell the white community they need to stop killing each other during the Sandy Hook shooting? How about the Mass shooting in Colorado? Or that virgin at the college campus?


Of course you didn't.
you continue to miss the point.... 

no matter how many times I say I'm not defending anyone...

I'm simply questioning what matters to us... and our rationale for which battles we tend to pick and choose 

but #NT will #NT 
What's so funny???
It's the truth

Whats funny is the vendetta and the target he's putting every other race on. Like somehow wanting Black people to rise up in the future for some type of "payback".

I find that hilarious and ironically hypocritical. It's just as racist and hate filled as what the Europeans did to African slaves.

Move forward, be a better person and hopefully make influence your kids to be better people going forward. That's what life's about. Not all this "we're going to get you back, we'll seek revenge" it's dramatic and stupid. You'll die miserable.
I make post after post about wanting black people to treat each other better and make our communities better.... 

it gets put into the #NT TRANSLATOR and comes out as: 

"I hate black people. When's the next racial draft" 

my god... 

on one hand i'm not surprised, this is the internet after all..... but a part of me is literally shaking my head 
Whats funny is the vendetta and the target he's putting every other race on. Like somehow wanting Black people to rise up in the future for some type of "payback".

I find that hilarious and ironically hypocritical. It's just as racist and hate filled as what the Europeans did to African slaves.

Move forward, be a better person and hopefully make influence your kids to be better people going forward. That's what life's about. Not all this "we're going to get you back, we'll seek revenge" it's dramatic and stupid. You'll die miserable.
Name one I time I said anything about paying anyone back.

1) That's not in our DNA. 

2) It's funny how you mention "African slaves" as if that's the only group that they've tried to eliminate from the planet 
I make post after post about wanting black people to treat each other better and make our communities better.... 

it gets put into the #NT TRANSLATOR and comes out as: 

"I hate black people. When's the next racial draft" 

my god... 

on one hand i'm not surprised, this is the internet after all..... but a part of me is literally shaking my head 

If that's how you feel than more power to you, go start a new black upliftment thread

but when you piggyback that message onto people criticizing a police execution you make yourself look like an apologist.
Whats funny is the vendetta and the target he's putting every other race on. Like somehow wanting Black people to rise up in the future for some type of "payback".

I find that hilarious and ironically hypocritical. It's just as racist and hate filled as what the Europeans did to African slaves.

Move forward, be a better person and hopefully make influence your kids to be better people going forward. That's what life's about. Not all this "we're going to get you back, we'll seek revenge" it's dramatic and stupid. You'll die miserable.
Hey, if that's how you really feel then come out and say it.  Don't just post smileys and one word replies if you have something to express, it makes you look weak-minded.

It's not about getback.  It's about knowledge of self and realization of potential.  All we are looking for is justice, not whatever notion of complete dominance or vengeance you inferred from that post.   What's your background, by the way?
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the best is ****** who listen to rap music about killing each other and "******* your girl" 

glorifying the murder of black men and the disrespect of black women...

then turn around and are heated over this..... 

AGAIN...we absolutely should be pissed off at this..... no question

but why are we putting money in the pockets of black people doing the same thing we're so mad about  --- getting a rush off killing black males 

makes no damn sense. 

black people shouldn't be afraid of the police in their neighborhood ... it's a shame we have to be 

black people shouldn't be afraid of other black people in their neighborhood .... it's a shame we have to be 
do you even understand what police were originally created for?

do you not understand what happened during the civil rights movement?

shut up fam.

handle one issue at a time, you over here talkin bout murders in chicago tryna down play a situation in which an unarmed teen was killed by someone that was suppose to protect them and uphold the law which has been known to be a scam for the longest

fam have several seats in the farthest corner please
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