Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

do you even understand what police were originally created for?
do you not understand what happened during the civil rights movement?
shut up fam.
handle one issue at a time, you over here talkin bout murders in chicago tryna down play a situation in which an unarmed teen was killed by someone that was suppose to protect them and uphold the law which has been known to be a scam for the longest

fam have several seats in the farthest corner please

Lol you don't even understand what it is you highlighted

and secondly... I didn't downplay anything. I said several times how ****** up it was. I'm trying to discuss SOLUTIONS to the ****** up problem but y'all ****** only want to hear what y'all want to hear...
If that's how you feel than more power to you, go start a new black upliftment thread

but when you piggyback that message onto people criticizing a police execution you make yourself look like an apologist.

I didn't make myself look like ****.. y'all just get rustled when self accountability is mentioned..

obviously this **** is wrong and disgusting.. we all agree on that.. the next step is what I'm trying to talk about.. but unless its kill ****** no one wants to hear it..
the best is ****** who listen to rap music about killing each other and "******* your girl" 

glorifying the murder of black men and the disrespect of black women...

then turn around and are heated over this..... 

AGAIN...we absolutely should be pissed off at this..... no question

but why are we putting money in the pockets of black people doing the same thing we're so mad about  --- getting a rush off killing black males 

makes no damn sense. 

black people shouldn't be afraid of the police in their neighborhood ... it's a shame we have to be 

black people shouldn't be afraid of other black people in their neighborhood .... it's a shame we have to be 

It's music. It's entertainment.

Comparing THIS situation to rap is ridiculous.

Yes, music that glorifies murder, sexism, drug addiction, crime isn't great. But that's literally on the bottom of the list of reasons that people do bad things or why they never get out of the hood.

That's exactly what they want you to do. Blame rap. Blame "black" music. Ignore the outrageously bad and underfunded school systems. Ignore the lack of minority role models. Ignore the system that doesn't rehabilitate. Ignore the police that don't do their jobs. Ignore the "war on drugs" that conveniently locks up mostly minorities. Ignore the "justice system" that becomes different depending on the amount of money you have. Ignore the rampant racism in our society. Keep blaming Rick Ross and Lil Wayne though.

You're the one that makes no sense. Bringing up something as irrelevant as rap music. SMH. :smh:
011781 011781

What are your solutions to stop police profiling/harassment/brutality? :nerd:

the first step is for black people to respect themselves and each other.. we can't just be unified when bad **** happens..

like 911, for example.. when that **** happened Americans started fronting and acting all unified and patriotic.. time passed and we was right back on that ********

after this tragedy, the neighborhood stands united, but more than likely once this blows over ****** in the hood gonna be right back going at each others throats..

gotta always have each others backs and stand united at all times.. do away with the foolishness and demand respect
011781 011781

What are your solutions to stop police profiling/harassment/brutality? :nerd:

the first step is for black people to respect themselves and each other.. we can't just be unified when bad **** happens..

like 911, for example.. when that **** happened Americans started fronting and acting all unified and patriotic.. time passed and we was right back on that ********

after this tragedy, the neighborhood stands united, but more than likely once this blows over ****** in the hood gonna be right back going at each others throats..

gotta always have each others backs and stand united at all times.. do away with the foolishness and demand respect

You really think racist cops care if Black people get along with each other or not?

Michael Brown wasn't in a gang, didn't sell drugs, and was going to start college soon. He didn't even live in the area where he was killed.
some of you dudes have selective reading 
It's music. It's entertainment.

Comparing THIS situation to rap is ridiculous.

Yes, music that glorifies murder, sexism, drug addiction, crime isn't great. But that's literally on the bottom of the list of reasons that people do bad things or why they never get out of the hood.

That's exactly what they want you to do. Blame rap. Blame "black" music. Ignore the outrageously bad and underfunded school systems. Ignore the lack of minority role models. Ignore the system that doesn't rehabilitate. Ignore the police that don't do their jobs. Ignore the "war on drugs" that conveniently locks up mostly minorities. Ignore the "justice system" that becomes different depending on the amount of money you have. Ignore the rampant racism in our society. Keep blaming Rick Ross and Lil Wayne though.

You're the one that makes no sense. Bringing up something as irrelevant as rap music. SMH. :smh:

its the message... regardless of how its being delivered

the message is being narrated by entertainers but the stories are playing out in real life.. the music doesn't make people do ****, the **** being done makes the music...

It was ONE scenario, not the sole basis of my feelings..
You really think racist cops care if Black people get along with each other or not?

Michael Brown wasn't in a gang, didn't sell drugs, and was going to start college soon. He didn't even live in the area where he was killed.
Where do you think the negative stereotypes of young black males comes from?  Do you honestly think that cops wake up every morning thinking to themselves, "Hmm, I wonder how many young black guys I can harass or kill today?"  While Michael Brown may have been innocent, the actions of the thugs who have been looting and destroying the property and livelihood of many hardworking residents of that town not only do nothing in the memory of Michael Brown, but instead perpetuate the negative stereotypes.

Sure there are bad police officers out there, but to make broad generalizations about the police in this country is no different from making broad generalizations about the entire black community based on the actions of those who reflect poorly on it.  Stereotypes go both ways.
You really think racist cops care if Black people get along with each other or not?

Michael Brown wasn't in a gang, didn't sell drugs, and was going to start college soon. He didn't even live in the area where he was killed.

eventually theyd have no choice... because we wouldn't be destroying ourselves from the inside -- helping them do their job
You really think racist cops care if Black people get along with each other or not?

Michael Brown wasn't in a gang, didn't sell drugs, and was going to start college soon. He didn't even live in the area where he was killed.

Where do you think the negative stereotypes of young black males comes from?  Do you honestly think that cops wake up every morning thinking to themselves, "Hmm, I wonder how many young black guys I can harass or kill today?"  While Michael Brown may have been innocent, the actions of the thugs who have been looting and destroying the property and livelihood of many hardworking residents of that town not only do nothing in the memory of Michael Brown, but instead perpetuate the negative stereotypes.

Sure there are bad police officers out there, but to make broad generalizations about the police in this country is no different from making broad generalizations about the entire black community based on the actions of those who reflect poorly on it.  Stereotypes go both ways.

Do you honestly believe stereotypes wouldn't be around if Black people didn't commit crimes? :nerd:
Where do you think the negative stereotypes of young black males comes from?  Do you honestly think that cops wake up every morning thinking to themselves, "Hmm, I wonder how many young black guys I can harass or kill today?"  While Michael Brown may have been innocent, the actions of the thugs who have been looting and destroying the property and livelihood of many hardworking residents of that town not only do nothing in the memory of Michael Brown, but instead perpetuate the negative stereotypes.

Sure there are bad police officers out there, but to make broad generalizations about the police in this country is no different from making broad generalizations about the entire black community based on the actions of those who reflect poorly on it.  Stereotypes go both ways.

the stereotypes come from other races, we do however perpetuate them, i'm pretty sure blacks didnt sit down together and make the stereotypes up themselves.
Where do you think the negative stereotypes of young black males comes from?  Do you honestly think that cops wake up every morning thinking to themselves, "Hmm, I wonder how many young black guys I can harass or kill today?"  While Michael Brown may have been innocent, the actions of the thugs who have been looting and destroying the property and livelihood of many hardworking residents of that town not only do nothing in the memory of Michael Brown, but instead perpetuate the negative stereotypes.

Sure there are bad police officers out there, but to make broad generalizations about the police in this country is no different from making broad generalizations about the entire black community based on the actions of those who reflect poorly on it.  Stereotypes go both ways.

The difference is generalizing about police at WORST hurts someone's feelings. In most cases, it does absolutely nothing.

Generalizing about the black community gets black people KILLED by cops, vigilantes, people that are fearful for their lives without reason. Generalizing takes jobs away from qualified black people. Generalizing leads to people seeing stories like this and thinking nothing of it - thus letting it happen in the future.

Don't say "stereotypes go both ways" when one of the stereotypes KILLS and hurts an entire race of people and the other hurts the feelings of the few good cops out there.
Do you honestly believe stereotypes wouldn't be around if Black people didn't commit crimes?
they were placing them on blacks before crimes aka.... check slavery times... folks werent calling blacks monkeys, racoons etc... because they swung from trees eating bananas or rummaging thru garbage
the first step is for black people to respect themselves and each other.. we can't just be unified when bad **** happens..

like 911, for example.. when that **** happened Americans started fronting and acting all unified and patriotic.. time passed and we was right back on that ********

after this tragedy, the neighborhood stands united, but more than likely once this blows over ****** in the hood gonna be right back going at each others throats..

gotta always have each others backs and stand united at all times.. do away with the foolishness and demand respect

if this was a racist situation, you think what we do will change these ppls minds? you can't change a racist person's mind, they don't care to understand the ppl they hate, what we say, wear, or do, is not gonna change a racist's mind
Where do you think the negative stereotypes of young black males comes from?  Do you honestly think that cops wake up every morning thinking to themselves, "Hmm, I wonder how many young black guys I can harass or kill today?"  While Michael Brown may have been innocent, the actions of the thugs who have been looting and destroying the property and livelihood of many hardworking residents of that town not only do nothing in the memory of Michael Brown, but instead perpetuate the negative stereotypes.

Sure there are bad police officers out there, but to make broad generalizations about the police in this country is no different from making broad generalizations about the entire black community based on the actions of those who reflect poorly on it.  Stereotypes go both ways.
whites as well as other races misrepresent stats and racist thoughts and use them to create stereotypes to justify the innate hate, evil and racist/prejudice feelings they harbor inside. 
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