Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

the first step is for black people to respect themselves and each other.. we can't just be unified when bad **** happens..

like 911, for example.. when that **** happened Americans started fronting and acting all unified and patriotic.. time passed and we was right back on that ********

after this tragedy, the neighborhood stands united, but more than likely once this blows over ****** in the hood gonna be right back going at each others throats..

gotta always have each others backs and stand united at all times.. do away with the foolishness and demand respect

if this was a racist situation, you think what we do will change these ppls minds? you can't change a racist person's mind, they don't care to understand the ppl they hate, what we say, wear, or do, is not gonna change a racist's mind

When All Black people figure this out then and only then we will be better off. Dudes really think appeasing your oppressor is going to work.

They don't give a F about you! Wake Up!!!!
Do you honestly believe stereotypes wouldn't be around if Black people didn't commit crimes?
the stereotypes come from other races, we do however perpetuate them, i'm pretty sure blacks didnt sit down together and make the stereotypes up themselves.
That's exactly my point.  Racism is a learned behavior, either through ignorant upbringing, or through the development of negative stereotypes however  unjustified.

In an interview with Mike Wallace of CBS on September 27, 1966, Dr. Martin Luther King said "I will never change in my basic idea that non-violence is the most potent weapon available to the Negro in his struggle for freedom and justice. I think for the Negro to turn to violence would be both impractical and immoral."

Even Michael Brown's family denounced the rioting and looting that's been going on, recognizing that such actions only perpetuate the negative stereotypes of young black males. The people who are participating in the rioting and looting don't give a rat's ***** about Michael Brown or his family and are using this tragedy to justify their own criminal behavior.
The difference is generalizing about police at WORST hurts someone's feelings. In most cases, it does absolutely nothing.

Generalizing about the black community gets black people KILLED by cops, vigilantes, people that are fearful for their lives without reason. Generalizing takes jobs away from qualified black people. Generalizing leads to people seeing stories like this and thinking nothing of it - thus letting it happen in the future.

Don't say "stereotypes go both ways" when one of the stereotypes KILLS and hurts an entire race of people and the other hurts the feelings of the few good cops out there.
I disagree.  When black youth are taught to distrust the police based on a broad generalization that ALL police are racist and out to get them, that distrust leads to a lack of general respect for authority and defiance when encountering a police officer.  If that encounter just happens to involve a prejudiced or racist cop, which may be the case with Michael Brown, you end up with a tragedy such as this.  And the ensuing rioting and looting only perpetuate the negative stereotypes that these already racist cops may have of black youth.
Do you honestly believe stereotypes wouldn't be around if Black people didn't commit crimes? :nerd:

the stereotypes come from other races, we do however perpetuate them, i'm pretty sure blacks didnt sit down together and make the stereotypes up themselves.

That's exactly my point.  Racism is a learned behavior, either through ignorant upbringing, or through the development of negative stereotypes however  unjustified.

In an interview with Mike Wallace of CBS on September 27, 1966, Dr. Martin Luther King said "I will never change in my basic idea that non-violence is the most potent weapon available to the Negro in his struggle for freedom and justice. I think for the Negro to turn to violence would be both impractical and immoral."

Even Michael Brown's family denounced the rioting and looting that's been going on, recognizing that such actions only perpetuate the negative stereotypes of young black males. The people who are participating in the rioting and looting don't give a rat's ***** about Michael Brown or his family and are using this tragedy to justify their own criminal behavior.

You do know that the protest started out peacefully and the police showed up with assault rifles and attack dogs?
And what are your solutions to stop the senseless killing by cops and our own people?

I can honestly admit I have no solution to what would stop a bigot police officer

but one thing i do know as far as killing our own just stop it its that simple most of the time

we kill our own over senseless and petty ****

just as petty as this situation

such as gang violence 

robbing and killing each other ect 

just like the other guy stated we dont even value our own lives but expect someone else to

as if bigot police officers need any help

or if the KKK and all this white supremacist groups 

need any help taking us out as a race 

and im in no way giving this OFFICER or even OFFICERS a pass for there action    (highlighted and bold and even in color for those of you with selective reading)

just look at what this thread done turned into some dudes have more hate for other members that have an alternative view but want the same results then you do for the actual officer

nothing had been going on in this thread but a bunch of double standards

but yall aint trying to hear that thought 






When All Black people figure this out then and only then we will be better off. Dudes really think appeasing your oppressor is going to work.

They don't give a F about you! Wake Up!!!!

lol @ appeasing...

you came to this stupid assumption on your own..

not once did I insist we jump through hoops for anyone... wanting to better yourself and your community is for YOUR OWN people.. you keep focusing on them and not your own damn self.. mistaking self improvement for submission..
You do know that the protest started out peacefully and the police showed up with assault rifles and attack dogs?
The protest by Michael Brown's family and friends was peaceful - the subsequent rioting and looting had absolutely nothing to do with Michael Brown or his memory.   Did the police show up with assault rifles and attack dogs before or AFTER the rioting began?
You do know that the protest started out peacefully and the police showed up with assault rifles and attack dogs?
The protest by Michael Brown's family and friends was peaceful - the subsequent rioting and looting had absolutely nothing to do with Michael Brown or his memory.   Did the police show up with assault rifles and attack dogs before or AFTER the rioting began?

lol @ appeasing...

you came to this stupid assumption on your own..

not once did I insist we jump through hoops for anyone... wanting to better yourself and your community is for YOUR OWN people.. you keep focusing on them and not your own damn self.. mistaking self improvement for submission..
and thats the sad part 
I can honestly admit I have no solution to what would stop a bigot police officer

but one thing i do know as far as killing our own just stop it its that simple most of the time

we kill our own over senseless and petty ****

just as petty as this situation

such as gang violence 

robbing and killing each other ect 

just like the other guy stated we dont even value our own lives but expect someone else to

as if bigot police officers need any help

or if the KKK and all this white supremacist groups 

need any help taking us out as a race 

and im in no way giving this OFFICER or even OFFICERS a pass for there action    (highlighted and bold and even in color for those of you with selective reading)

just look at what this thread done turned into some dudes have more hate for other members that have an alternative view but want the same results then you do for the actual officer

nothing had been going on in this thread but a bunch of double standards

but yall aint trying to hear that thought 






well iuno if you seen the stats but the numbers for police basically pulling over someone just cause in terms of race is 9 to 1... so to suggest it isnt about color and its a everyone problem is disingenuous.... 

I hardly would call a black/spanish speaking person 9 times more likely to get pulled over for nothing then whites... a everyone problem.

and as far as this protected org etc... who do you think built, assembled, fund, and protect this organization....? it asnt asians etc... it wasnt hispanics etc.... and it damn sure wasnt black ppl so...
Listening to msnbc on xm radio
Man I swear al sharpton a leech
Don't ever hear him say ANYTHING unless something like this happens :smh:
He be loving the limelight too much IMO
I disagree.  When black youth are taught to distrust the police based on a broad generalization that ALL police are racist and out to get them, that distrust leads to a lack of general respect for authority and defiance when encountering a police officer.  If that encounter just happens to involve a prejudiced or racist cop, which may be the case with Michael Brown, you end up with a tragedy such as this.  And the ensuing rioting and looting only perpetuate the negative stereotypes that these already racist cops may have of black youth.

Lack of respect/defiance = hurt feelings. Like I said. Rarely will someone distrusting cops make them become violent with a cop or do something illegal in front of them. That distrust of the system includes a huge fear of what would happen if you touched a cop. If a cop decides to kill someone because he hurt his feelings, that's COMPLETELY on the cop. If you're saying that's a black youth problem, Idk what to say. If I hire a cop, I'd want to hire a cop that's not going to kill someone or badly beat for being disrespectful. They're here to uphold the law - not walk around the street like gang members merking anyone that disrespects them.
Lack of respect/defiance = hurt feelings. Like I said. Rarely will someone distrusting cops make them become violent with a cop or do something illegal in front of them. That distrust of the system includes a huge fear of what would happen if you touched a cop. If a cop decides to kill someone because he hurt his feelings, that's COMPLETELY on the cop. If you're saying that's a black youth problem, Idk what to say. If I hire a cop, I'd want to hire a cop that's not going to kill someone or badly beat for being disrespectful. They're here to uphold the law - not walk around the street like gang members merking anyone that disrespects them.
hell thats all police are.. a govt protected and funded uniformed gang
lol @ appeasing...

you came to this stupid assumption on your own..

not once did I insist we jump through hoops for anyone... wanting to better yourself and your community is for YOUR OWN people.. you keep focusing on them and not your own damn self.. mistaking self improvement for submission..

Why do you mistake someone wanting to fix the corrupt system with someone that is AGAINST self-improvement?

It's problematic to talk how you talk because you're taking away a majority of the blame from white people and the corrupt system and talking first about how much better black people should be doing. You're steering the discussion away from the abusers and talking about what the victims can do better. Think about that.

Yes, black people and minorities aren't perfect. But that's not the issue here. The issue is police brutality and the lack of accountability for it. Black people staying united or bettering themselves is a COMPLETELY separate issue. Do you really not see that?
hell thats all police are.. a govt protected and funded uniformed gang
Since people like yourself think so highly of the police, what do you think would happen if the police completely withdrew their presence from certain neighborhoods?  I'm sure without the racist cops there to harass the innocent black youth, everything would be fine and dandy with a sudden drop in crime against black youth right?
Ok and because there was a police presence there during a protest, that somehow justifies the subsequent looting and rioting?
the same can be said in return... because there was a peaceful protest does that justify cops and armed service members to set up for war...and be proactive for chaos.....
Since people like yourself think so highly of the police, what do you think would happen if the police completely withdrew their presence from certain neighborhoods?  I'm sure without the racist cops there to harass the innocent black youth, everything would be fine and dandy with a sudden drop in crime against black youth right?
how are cops different from a organize crime mob or a urban street gang? srs question
well iuno if you seen the stats but the numbers for police basically pulling over someone just cause in terms of race is 9 to 1... so to suggest it isnt about color and its a everyone problem is disingenuous.... 

I hardly would call a black/spanish speaking person 9 times more likely to get pulled over for nothing then whites... a everyone problem.

and as far as this protected org etc... who do you think built, assembled, fund, and protect this organization....? it asnt asians etc... it wasnt hispanics etc.... and it damn sure wasnt black ppl so...
now see im not even a big fan of stats or graphs or any of that because people only use it when its in there favor for the sake of the convo at hand

so i can only speak for myself and what i have seen first hand

and bruh around my way some cops are ******** and abuse their power no mater what color

Im sure in some cities and some communities this may be another story but

as far as my point of view and what I see where im from its different anybody can get it

whit black latino whatever whoever doesnt have a badge on 

and you say that the police force is built and founded by whites I guess there the only ones paying taxes out here 

so i guess this throws out that earlier theory about how these are the people our tax dollars pay to keep us safe because 

according to you it not founded by the asian hispanic or the blacks 
the same can be said in return... because there was a peaceful protest does that justify cops and armed service members to set up for war...and be proactive for chaos.....
All I'm hearing from you is that the rioting and looting is somehow justified.  Police always gather in large numbers during potentially volatile situations - believe me, I've seen a MUCH bigger police presence during the while Occupy Wall Street protests here in NYC.  Unless the police in that town actually attacked the protestors, there's absolutely no justification for the looting and rioting, which did absolutely NOTHING to express any points to the police there.  The only people the looting and rioting hurt was the innocent business owners there, and the community which is now without that particular business servicing them.
the best is ****** who listen to rap music about killing each other and "******* your girl" 

glorifying the murder of black men and the disrespect of black women...

then turn around and are heated over this..... 

AGAIN...we absolutely should be pissed off at this..... no question

but why are we putting money in the pockets of black people doing the same thing we're so mad about  --- getting a rush off killing black males 

makes no damn sense. 

black people shouldn't be afraid of the police in their neighborhood ... it's a shame we have to be 

black people shouldn't be afraid of other black people in their neighborhood .... it's a shame we have to be 

You make so much sense bruh!

Been trying to tell black people this!!





Cops and black people should get along.

:pimp: :pimp:
Since people like yourself think so highly of the police, what do you think would happen if the police completely withdrew their presence from certain neighborhoods?  I'm sure without the racist cops there to harass the innocent black youth, everything would be fine and dandy with a sudden drop in crime against black youth right?
the same as if they were present there... absolutely nothing... ? i mean lets see they arent protecting them... um they arent detering crime clearly... they damn sure aint preventing it so.... 

Lets see arrest ppl after a crime is committed.. um save ppl the time of filling police reports online...... harass all ppl both the good and the bad... which kinda null and voids things. 
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