Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

I think Ray Lewis was more concerned with the city of Baltimore that he played a football team for and wants the people to stop destroying the city. I can't believe there are people acting like they condone these riots that are going on. A CVS store got looted and destroyed, a store that supplies people with what they need, medications, etc, and now CVS wants to close all stores in Baltimore. I understand the Cop on Black crime, but this doesn't mean the more innocent civilians, other businesses and other cops that are cool deserve things like this. I can't believe how this is going down and I also feel bad for all the good blacks that are really cool, never commit crimes because now this riot situation makes it worst of an image for black people in general. Many people know these riots are just an excuse to cause havoc and do dumb things without getting caught. I know this because there were peaceful protesters that were never bothered to be shown on TV. The media only focused on the rioters.
A life got taken. **** CVS.

A life got taken, just like a life got taken in the shootings of the riots: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-ci-shooting-20150428-story.html everyday there are lives taken. Every day a typical cop puts himself in danger and risk just as much as firefighters, military, you and I in the streets have potential to get killed, etc etc etc. It's a way of life, you either get caught at the wrong place at the wrong time, or not, it's unfortunate his life was taken and I spread my condolences to him and his family, but you guys act like this man who's life was taken was of an importance to you and you knew him but yet I bet you're the type (hypothetical in general) to not trust anyone regardless. Please stop with that.

BTW CVS is a drug store, they help people with their health and technically save lives.
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A life got taken. **** CVS.

A life got taken, just like a life got taken in the shootings of the riots: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-ci-shooting-20150428-story.html everyday there are lives taken. Every day a typical cop puts himself in danger and risk just as much as firefighters, military, you and I in the streets have potential to get killed, etc etc etc. It's a way of life, you either get caught at the wrong place at the wrong time, or not, it's unfortunate his life was taken and I spread my condolences to him and his family, but you guys act like this man who's life was taken was of an importance to you and you knew him but yet I bet you're the type (hypothetical in general) to not trust anyone regardless. Please stop with that.

BTW CVS is a drug store, they help people with their health and technically save lives.

View media item 877584
The entire point of the protest seems completely lost on you
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Of all the things we can focus on in this situation, ...CVS. C...V... ************...S.

Part of the problem? I'll be that. I didn't personally loot ****, but if it'll get the thread back on track, I'll take full responsibility for being part of the problem.

That said, **** CVS.

It's collateral damage.
Of all the things we can focus on in this situation, ...CVS. C...V... ************...S.

Part of the problem? I'll be that. I didn't personally loot ****, but if it'll get the thread back on track, I'll take full responsibility for being part of the problem.

That said, **** CVS.

It's collateral damage.

CVS is not the focal point here, you're making it the focal point. In reality it was just a sample out of the other businesses destroyed. I used CVS because it's a familiar store for a good example. Please state a different point than just bashing for bringing up CVS. Because the point is, is some parts of the major city of Baltimore is being destroyed, and those parts were never the reason why this man had passed away.
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Of all the things we can focus on in this situation, ...CVS. C...V... ************...S.

Part of the problem? I'll be that. I didn't personally loot ****, but if it'll get the thread back on track, I'll take full responsibility for being part of the problem.

That said, **** CVS.

It's collateral damage.
CVS is not the focal point here, you're making it the focal point. In reality it was just a sample out of the other businesses destroyed. I used CVS because it's a familiar store for a good example. Please state a different point than just bashing for bringing up CVS. Because the point is, is some parts of the major city of Baltimore is being destroyed, and those parts were never the reason why this man had passed away.
Think you made a mistake, they aren't being destoyed, it's been destroyed.

That's why the police didn't step in until stuff was destroyed, they don't care. While CVS was being burned cops was protecting the baseball field. The assests that they want and enjoy will not be tampered with, that is why a State of Emergency was placed after they didn't want the madness to spread to their parts.
M mr highness

Is a clown and has been trolling in here, so pay him no mind.

Dude more worried about a business than the life of a Black man.


So when someone does not defend the black victim they're automatically a troll? A clown? It doesn't make any sense. You might as well label me as one of your new nicknames the "SWS" or somesthin even though I'm just as colored. I'm just reasonable. So is Ray Lewis a clown and a troll even though he speak some truth?

Also if you weren't so illiterate, I implied I was defending the whole city of Baltimore which has a big African-American population, and I also defended the good Black citizens who aren't categorized as one of these rioting criminals. It just doesn't make any damn sense man I wonder how old you guys are sometimes. This thread is about "Cop on unarmed Teen crime", not "Sympathy for Black Victims Only" like y'all are treating it to be. You bashing me is just a sign that I make the more logical points and you got nothing else to say but be a "Super Keyboard Warrior" and use your dirty little finger tips to try to bring me down.

According to the link above me, there are people getting shot, and some dying, so I guess this justifies the death of one man?
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The "good blacks" argument. :rolleyes :smh:

We're all the same to the system and those in support of it. A "good black" is just someone who doesn't speak up or act out in response to it in a SWS eyes. A "good black" still isn't an equal in their opinion.

This dude is a piece of work.

Damn cops even shoot these innocent buffalos, it's probably because they black too :smh:

Trolling or not? Hmmm

Like I said CLOWN!!!!

You can be Black and support white supremacy. It's called ******* or tap dancin'

This thread was dead, I wanted to put something random, maybe a bit of humor of Cops actions only, by no means was I serious with that. But right now with this current situation, it's serious. Keep trying man.

The "good blacks" argument. :rolleyes :smh:

We're all the same to the system and those in support of it. A "good black" is just someone who doesn't speak up or act out in response to it in a SWS eyes. A "good black" still isn't an equal in their opinion.

This dude is a piece of work.


What? I tried to say something good and helpful, and they want to turn it around and make it try to backfire. There's no convincing at all here. Once people believe one thing, they will believe it forever. They can never admit that someone has a point.
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M mr highness

Yeah it's so serious to you but you haven't even posted in the Freddie Gray thread.

Seems like you are more concerned with looting and rioting than the police abuse.

You was trolling in here 4 days ago, the Freddie Gray thread has been up for a week and 2 days but now you're being serious ITT.

These are citizens of Baltimore that are standing up WITH police and protecting them. They want an end to the chaos and destruction of their city, aka their own home. I guess some of y'all (not all) want to label these guys trolls, "SWS", Uncle Toms, "clowns" too?

View media item 1512424
this thread maybe dead...but this happened yesterday during the protest in ferguson...

ICYMI: Gunshots were heard several times around the #Ferguson protest last night. One young man was shot in his neck

2 people shot last night in Ferguson. Both near the protest, but seemingly not directly related. Around 1:30, 30 youth looted a gas station.

There were two distinct groups out there last night. One to protest. One to do damage and loot.

View media item 1512422

View media item 1512423
These are citizens of Baltimore that are standing up WITH police and protecting them. They want an end to the chaos and destruction of their city, aka their own home. I guess some of y'all (not all) want to label these guys trolls, "SWS", Uncle Toms, "clowns" too?

View media item 1512424


Because you know everything, and you're smart with a PH.D and have won the game of "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire" right? Because you know everything right? You're smarter than a 5th grader right? What else would that image look to be. They're trying to promote peace. I think you got some issues man.
this thread maybe dead...but this happened yesterday during the protest in ferguson...

ICYMI: Gunshots were heard several times around the #Ferguson protest last night. One young man was shot in his neck

2 people shot last night in Ferguson. Both near the protest, but seemingly not directly related. Around 1:30, 30 youth looted a gas station.

There were two distinct groups out there last night. One to protest. One to do damage and loot.

View media item 1512422

View media item 1512423

Wonder how long before the tanks make a comeback

These are citizens of Baltimore that are standing up WITH police and protecting them. They want an end to the chaos and destruction of their city, aka their own home. I guess some of y'all (not all) want to label these guys trolls, "SWS", Uncle Toms, "clowns" too?

View media item 1512424


Because you know everything, and you're smart with a PH.D and have won the game of "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire" right? Because you know everything right? You're smarter than a 5th grader right? What else would that image look to be. They're trying to promote peace. I think you got some issues man.

WTH are you even talking about? Not one person on NT or anywhere else has called peaceful protestors SWS, uncle toms, c_, or anything else.

If you actually ventured inside the thread about Freddie Gray/Baltimore you would know that.
^ Brother, that's why I'm staying relevant in this thread and TALKING ABOUT COPS and the destruction of rioters/criminals.

So when someone does not defend the black victim they're automatically a troll? A clown?
It doesn't make any sense. You might as well label me as one of your new nicknames the "SWS" or somesthin even though I'm just as colored. I'm just reasonable. So is Ray Lewis a clown and a troll even though he speak some truth?

Also if you weren't so illiterate, I implied I was defending the whole city of Baltimore which has a big African-American population, and I also defended the good Black citizens who aren't categorized as one of these rioting criminals. It just doesn't make any damn sense man I wonder how old you guys are sometimes. This thread is about "Cop on unarmed Teen crime", not "Sympathy for Black Victims Only" like y'all are treating it to be. You bashing me is just a sign that I make the more logical points and you got nothing else to say but be a "Super Keyboard Warrior" and use your dirty little finger tips to try to bring me down.

According to the link above me, there are people getting shot, and some dying, so I guess this justifies the death of one man?

Same question from every clown.


Thinking people are calling named instead of looking at the context and how you're communicating it
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