Post Something You Know That We Don't Because Of Your Job

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

We will never cure "cancer"

On a brighter and more specific note; Sickle cell anemia is one of many diseases that will be cured by genetically engineered stem cells.

im curious to know why you say this?
i have read that we HAVE found numerous cures for cancer and even HIV/AIDS but the gov. wont let it be released because were over populated...i know this is on some over the top +%$, doesn't mean i believe in it
A doublecheeseburger costs McDonalds 14 cents to make.

A Grilled Chicken Classic costs McDonalds 84 cents to make.
Originally Posted by supahoopa

once in a while there will be a bad hooters chick..
Ive only been a few times in my life, but from my experiences i feel like this should read: "once in a while there will be a GOOD LOOKING Hooters chick"
The talent seems to be extremely lacking every time ive ever been. (which admittedly, is very few)
When you develop pictures, all I'm really looking for is a couple of nudies of your gf.
anyone in new car sales, can school us on how to get the best price? my old soccer coach got his truck 500$ over MSRP.... i know they're makin more than that..
Old job: Costco food court.

-If you want your food fresh come in the morning, especially if you want a hot dog.  The same water cooking the hot dogs in the morning will be the same at the end of the day.

-Some of the employees were dirty as hell.  One employee would always wear his apron to the bathroom, not wash his hands and come back to work as if it were nothing!

-If you knew the amount of food we threw away at the end of the day you would be astounded.  I mean whole pizzas, dozens of hot dogs, chicken bakes, etc.  Managers try hard to sell them to the employees when the store closes because if they aren't sold they must be thrown away and cannot be taken home.  We could have easily donated the food to people who could have used it but understandably I presume costco does not want to get sued by any homeless people for getting sick off their food.

-In fact there is a placard on the wall that states "when in doubt throw it out". 

-It's amazing how some people did not really clean and wipe the place down at the end of the day.  I remember this one girl who hated washing dishes (I don't know why they put her there) who would only rinse and not use any soap, only because she wanted to get out quick.  That means the pizza you're eating could have been baked upon a pan that had old cheese that had been soaking in water the previous day and not scrubbed off properly.

-If you're an employee and you pick a quarter off the ground while on the job or if you use a cup from another place (say Burger King, Jack in the Box, etc) to fill up soda from costco's machine and a manager catches you, that is seen as stealing and they have the right to fire you.

There's probably more, well I know there's more, but that's all I have for now.
at robeks(im sure it applies to jamba too)-
be nice to the workers, we made +!$* money and didn't ever want to be there, if your a jerk they'll eff up your order or use the old fruit thats not even frozen anymore.

if you pick something popular off the menu add a little twist to it and i promise you the workers will try and make it taste better because we want to try it too

try and stay away from getting anything with orange juice, that juicer is a pain to clean and usually ended up going uncleaned most nights

real estate-

i worked on "staging" houses for my friends company, and a lot of the houses they buy, they buy from courthouse auctions in straight cash so its about 30% of what the market rate would be
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

We will never cure "cancer"

On a brighter and more specific note; Sickle cell anemia is one of many diseases that will be cured by genetically engineered stem cells.

im curious to know why you say this?
i have read that we HAVE found numerous cures for cancer and even HIV/AIDS but the gov. wont let it be released because were over populated...i know this is on some over the top +%$, doesn't mean i believe in it
Read below. Cancer is multi-factorial, there is no cure all, but we do have treatments that works for some sub-types. HIV/AIDS is very hard to cure because the virus is always mutating.

You need to stop listening to or going to where ever you are getting that info from. Bad source. lol we DO NOT have a cure for all cancer sub-types and we do not have a cure for all forms of HIV/AIDS.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

We will never cure "cancer"

On a brighter and more specific note; Sickle cell anemia is one of many diseases that will be cured by genetically engineered stem cells.

This is NOT true. You should know cancers are caused by a diversity of factors genetic, environmental, and viral. We already have "vaccines" for certain cancers. I believe with research in molecular bio/ immunology researchers can develop specific chemicals that help our immune system specifically target cancerous cells with minimal harm to our body.

Nothing is impossible in science, it just takes time.
Well, just as you said it's a multi-factorial disease. We do have cures for some and treatment to prevent some such as vaccines for HPV, but we will never cure "cancer" as in a one cure all drug because it's multi-factorial. Too many causes and too many differing abnormal genetic expression patterns to have a cure all.

That's what I meant, but just wanted to simplify it.

So, we might, but not in our lifetime.
T J maxx
-keep track of your credit cards, you would be surprised how many people buy stuff with other peoples money
-Lacoste costs more than ralph lauren even though it is of lesser quality
-We accept all returns no matter how used the item may be. These items are put out for another customer to buy

-When people call in and ask if we have a certain item, 99% we don't look and bs an answer.
-Attractive female employees get away with almost anything but a black or mexican male employee get reprimanded for the littlest reason
btn3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickThree)
function clickThree(event:MouseEvent):void
I'm a butcher.

I was never much of a fan of pork to begin with but unless you have a trusted Butcher, dont buy pork chops
. I've seen some butchers/managers do some effed up +!% to not lose money. And going to a restaurant to pay ridiculous amounts of money for a steak is ridiculous, because they purchase the meat for damn near nothing compared to what they sell it for...unless u got the money to blow....and Butchers def get bunz

1) We are forced to ask damn near every customer to reserve games, subscribe for the magazine and get the warranty. We don't like doing it but our jobs depend on it so just hit me with a No Thank You after the sales pitch and don't be a @#$^ and we'll be good.

2) Only trade in games during Trade In Events. You get anywhere from 25-50% back for a game which isn't too bad considering the $*@#%@ prices we buy back for.

3) You can return used game in 7 days for pretty much any reason but if the managers catch you doing this too much, the managers will cut you off.

4) Reserving games isn't that bad of an idea if you plan on getting the game eventually but if there isn't a reserve premium and you don't really know if you want the game, just hold off a few days. We'll get in a big shipment a few days later.

5) If you're a regular customer and don't act like a royal douchelord, the employees might hook you up by holding stuff aside for you, giving you a discount, etc.
Originally Posted by 13ROWNIE

if you've even been to a rite aid pharmacy before, and we have your name and date of birth....can see exactly what prescriptions you are one

some celebrities have security locks on theirs....some don't

Also, the very baddest birds are the ones burning. Of course, you can probably come to that conclusion on your own, but here is some soft confirmation. Not every one, but a good majority of the ones I thought of approaching are on the no touch list.

People have no clue how prescription, or medical in general, insurance works.
H.S. job at a grocery store:

- If someone is bagging groceries for you, please do them the favor of selecting paper over plastic. Paper is way easier to bag, better for the environment, and can hold a lot more. I'd say about three plastic bags hold as much as a paper one can... just please do us the favor of picking paper.
- Please thank anyone that is bagging groceries for you. I guaranteeyou that they hate their jobs and they hate every second of bagging.Saying a simple "thank you very much" goes a long way.
- Some people actually tip baggers that will walk their groceries out to their car. Even $2 makes a huge difference and makes that person's day.
- When you are buying bread in the aisle, pick the stuff behind everything. The oldest bread is pulled to the front so they can sell it faster. Same with cheese, milk, basically anything that can expire.

From my internship with

- The writers for Rivals are terrible. Their grammar is simply not acceptable and they are usually not trained at all in journalism.
- Larry Fitzgerald is one of the nicest celebrities you will ever meet. He treated me like a friend and equal.
- On the other side of things, Cris Carter (old Vikings WR) is a  complete douche and idiot. His son is spoiled and just as douchey.
- Kids will lie to you about their college recruitment all the time. I had a kid tell me that Louisville and Arkansas wanted him for basketball, and he ended up going to North Dakota State. Yeah, ok.
- AAU basketball is completely dirty and absolute recruiting wars take place when it comes to getting kids on certain teams.
- Some kids get profiles simply because their dad was a pro or has money. Other kids don't get star rankings because they play at small schools or don't play AAU. Take the rankings with a grain of salt; usually a 5-star kid will go pro, but beyond that it's real muddy. A lot of Rivals people decide star rankings after only watching a few games of a certain kid. How can you evaluate their talent off of that?

Anything else you want to know about Rivals I can tell you. It's pretty interesting but pretty dirty at the same time. It's a good experience, but it will be good to leave the recruiting scene for a while.
Originally Posted by Corcio713

5) If you're a regular customer and don't act like a royal douchelord, the employees might hook you up by holding stuff aside for you, giving you a discount, etc.

my little brother used to always buy games at this one store. So when everyone was trying to buy the wii that one christmas, we went to the store and the employee said they were sold out, so while i was walking back towards the car, he came out and told me if i knew this one boy (my bro) i said yeah. He told me all the wii's they received had been reserved for at least a month, but since my little bro buys games from there, he opened the box and sold me one. Feel sorry for the person who wii i took that holiday season.

my boring little story, but i just felt like typing.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

We will never cure "cancer"

On a brighter and more specific note; Sickle cell anemia is one of many diseases that will be cured by genetically engineered stem cells.

This is NOT true. You should know cancers are caused by a diversity of factors genetic, environmental, and viral. We already have "vaccines" for certain cancers. I believe with research in molecular bio/ immunology researchers can develop specific chemicals that help our immune system specifically target cancerous cells with minimal harm to our body.

Nothing is impossible in science, it just takes time.
Well, just as you said it's a multi-factorial disease. We do have cures for some and treatment to prevent some such as vaccines for HPV, but we will never cure "cancer" as in a one cure all drug because it's multi-factorial. Too many causes and too many differing abnormal genetic expression patterns to have a cure all.

That's what I meant, but just wanted to simplify it.

So, we might, but not in our lifetime.
There really is only one underlying root cause. The only role genetics play is that they determine how susceptible a person is to a certain type of cancer. Many people have cured cancer but mainstream western medicine wont have any of it because "alternative medicine" is not lucrative. 
I work Retail

-If customers are rude, be sure that they will never forget you and whatever you buy will get messed with on purpose.

-Certain electronics should not be bought because they have been dropped many times.

-Most of the items you purchase are extra dirty and filled with bateria from people doing all kinds of nasty stuff. Think about that the next time you grab those fruit snacks for your kid or that donut.

-Please don't pay for a 2 dollar poster board for your car wash with a 100 dollar bill. Thats a instant insult and you cause a lot of time to be wasted for me or whomever to get your 98 dollar change.

-When the store closes, its not really empty. There are a good 5-10 people inside organizing it at night so when it opens in the morning, it looks neat. Think about that next time you put a item in a random spot because you don't care.

-People who come to do a layaway at 9:55 when we close at 10 will get extra bad treatment. I will make faces, suck my teeth, or drop your items in boxes and toss them when they get upstairs. You will forever be on my pissed off list and you will not get good customer service.
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