\\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

All of you guys don't know anything....

Twin turbo V6 w/ 6 speed > anything ever made in the history of the universe...

And I can prove... I'll show you... I promise...
its not all about being on the track

its about wanting total control

sure dct will outperform manual but we talking about preference.

on a track dct will win every time but we not always on the track.
only lames call other ppl lames. grow up fam

But that's not the point, I'm taking what one person says about only "drivers" preferring manuals, which is obviously a really bloated comment.

Preference is one thing but again, my friend's experience comes from only owning manual M's and being a total gearhead 24/7 the fact that he tracks is just a bonus. Not once did he ever mention "wow, i'll get it cause it's better on the track but it's less fun" he finds it more fun and thrilling. I should also add that both his e92's were supercharged, full ohlins suspension, you name it, he had it....just wondering here not trying to push buttons.
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But that's not the point, I'm taking what one person says about only "drivers" preferring manuals, which is obviously a really bloated comment.

Preference is one thing but again, my friend's experience comes from only owning manual M's and being a total gearhead 24/7 the fact that he tracks is just a bonus. Not once did he ever mention "wow, i'll get it cause it's better on the track but it's less fun" he finds it more fun and thrilling. I should also add that both his e92's were supercharged, full ohlins suspension, you name it, he had it....just wondering here not trying to push buttons.

Im not saying only real "drivers" drive manuals, im saying real drivers regardless of what they drive (6sp, dct, whatever) will understand the feeling of driving a stickshift car and rowing through gears and they can/should appreciate that so called "ancient" technology. More than someone who doesnt/has never drive a 6speed.
Oh god, dont even start fam. No need to sound like an idiot calling someone lame when im giving a more than valid (and not far-fetched) opinion.
Because you know all about performance when your opinion is based on driving a manual civic? 

What the hell is a real driver? Do you wear gloves when you drive? lol

Its not that serious. Some cars should only be in manual to fully enjoy them and get the best performance and others are different like the E9X.
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Real driver is a very loose term. Theres drivers and theres people who enjoy driving. I enjoy driving, whether it be a Civic or a Benz. If I had a more performance oriented car, im sure id like it even more.

Ive been into cars my whole life, id like to say im an enthusiast even if I havent had experiences in higher end performance cars.

You on roids papa? Got that e-roid rage going on. :lol:
lol nahh bro natty for lyfe dog

Its all love, not eem that serious but driving manual can get old very fast if its your DD.
No lie, NYC traffic and stick sucks. That feeling when traffic ends and you downshift to get going again...fuego.
My coworker said it best, he hates driving it in the morning but loves it when he gets off at night 
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Dudes is touchy today, I like sticks but Im not gonna get on that, no ayo?

Anywho, any of yall interested in the Civic Type R
finally hitting the states? Been reading they're about
to release some info on the 3rd to coincide with the
Focus RS release info. Will be very interesting if true.
Thats horrible mpg for a new 4cyl car. :lol: new suvs get better mpgs you hooligans must be having too much fun and not be driving speed limit :x

Not srs
Speaking of toyotas

I now work at a foundry where the make aluminum parts and such for Toyota

The discounts I'm able to get brand new spanking fully load toyotas (and Lexus's) is :x :pimp:

Just too bad I don't like them toyotas and Lexus's with those dam v6's and auto transmissions :lol:
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I got a question.
say i get pulled over and i have go pros on and dash cams. Can the officer take one off and see them? Say he says someone reported street racing or side show activity does he have right too look at them?
I got a question.
say i get pulled over and i have go pros on and dash cams. Can the officer take one off and see them? Say he says someone reported street racing or side show activity does he have right too look at them?

I dont think so but if you say i was just passing by i think they will call bull if u have a go pro on your car.

Also unless you have a LCD screen or the 4 silver they cant see anything unless they look into your phone app
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